In the desert, after the last part of the filming, the rivalry between Chen Chengjing and Gu Qin is very exciting!

  The two stood shoulder to shoulder, on the city wall, and looked at this great Prosperous Loulan hand in hand! Watching the business results brought about by the Silk Road, just at this time snowflakes were floating in the sky, and the two looked at each other slightly...

   "Okay." Director Lu looked at him, clapping his legs and applauded.

  This is the best TV series he has ever filmed. The script is good, the actors are strong, and the whole process of filming is passed at one time. This is a surprise to the director.

   "Shen Chengjing, I have an appointment, next time the heroine will be you." Director Lu stepped forward, excited, and hugged Shen Chengjing with his hands.

   "Thank you, Director Lu." Shen Chengjing was held by him, and she gave him a friendly hug.

   "And you!" Director Lu said, also holding Gu Qin's hand. The two were communicating.

   Shen Chengjing can’t wait after finishing the filming. She has packed her things in the morning. When the filming is over, she rushes back to City A, missing the old man.

   "Guide Lu, I'm leaving now!"

   "Okay, okay, don't let Mo Shao wait in a hurry." Director Lu heard that she was leaving, and mentioned Mo Yanchen from time to time.

  You must know that he and Mo Yanchen had a deep friendship. Although I don't know what the relationship between these two people is, it can be seen from Mo Yanchen's petting eyes that this woman is very important to him.

   "Hmm." She didn't explain, Ouyang still had something to deal with, and couldn't go away temporarily, she and Aze left first.

   Back to the city, and flew straight back to City A. It was already in the afternoon. City A at dusk was like a palace shrouded by the setting sun. She stood in front of the airport, looking up at the front.

  Aze drove out Chencheng (At that time, she also drove Chencheng out before going to shoot! Before boarding the plane, I put Chencheng aside, and now I’m here to pick up the car).

   "Bell." At this time, Azze's cell phone rang, and he was on his way back to Mo Garden.

  After receiving the call, she noticed that Aze’s face was not very good!

"Aze, do you have something? If there is something, deal with it first. I want to buy something and then go back. Remember! Don't tell you Brother Chen, I'm back." Shen Chengjing wanted to sell it and surprise the man. .

   "Okay, madam, pay attention to your own safety." Aze listened, opened the door and got out of the car, not forgetting to tell.

   "Okay." She said, got out of the car and walked around, driving away humming a song.

  Back to City A, I am in a great mood! No matter how beautiful it was outside, it couldn't be as beautiful as a city with men. Back here, she couldn't wait to rush into his arms to act like a baby!

  "Chen Orange" drove slowly on the highway, heading towards Moyuan. She was about to turn to the direction of a commercial street in the city, when she suddenly saw a foot exposed on the grass in front of her.

  The point is, the mark on the shoe worn on that foot.

   "What's the matter?" She parked the car on the side of the road and got off quickly! Because she remembered, Aze, Mo Qiu, Mo Wen, although their shoes are imported, but everyone's shoes also have this mark.

  After she got out of the car, she trot forward, only to see one person fell to the ground! The blood kept dripping on her arm, she reached out and pushed him, only to see him motionless, as if dead.

   "Hey, are you okay? Would you like to help?" She said, but unfortunately, the man was silent.

  Shen Chengjing walked around his body, reached out his hand to turn his body over, and it was the deep scar that was printed on the eyelid!

   "Qiming?" Shen Chengjing whispered, thinking that she had read it wrong.

Qiming's skills are very good. Not only did she save her, she also saw his skills, and heard them talk about Qiming and Aze. They had a good fight. When they were in the army, the two of them fought three times. Tian Sanye did not admit defeat.

  Now, how did he make it like this...

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