He pressed her shoulder and whispered, "I just found an interesting thing."

   "What's the matter?" She asked curiously.

  I saw him pressing her aside, and simply took off his coat, spread it on the grass, and sat her down: "Sit down, wait for me."

  Liu Sijie looked at his coat and then at his actions. Unfortunately, the man got up and walked away quickly.

  In the dark night, the wind was a bit strong. She hugged her shoulders. Unfortunately, Wang Shenghao had been there for a long time and never came back.

  She opened her bag, took out her mobile phone, and suddenly looked at the sign on the collar of his coat. She felt that she was sitting on her butt. That was a lot of money.

  He actually put such an expensive suit on the floor and let her sit!

  Liu Sijie was a little messy in the wind, looking at the dark night, that person had long been missing.

   "Wang Shenghao?" She whispered, but she stood up without hearing a response.

   Suddenly the surroundings lit up, and not far in front, a group of green and yellow things flew over here! Looking closer, I saw a little...

  "Is it a firefly?" Liu Sijie was surprised! I saw that the black grass was illuminated by the fireflies spreading their wings!

  I saw these fireflies flying towards her, circling around her constantly.

   "Wang Shenghao, it's a firefly!? It's actually a firefly." Liu Sijie was shocked, stretched out his hand, and saw one land on her palm.

  She put her hands away and looked at the fireflies that kept flashing in her palms!

   "Do you like it?" The man's magnetic voice sounded behind her.

  Hearing the man’s voice, she turned her head back!

   "Look, look at it quickly." She stretched out her palm and handed it to him.

  Wang Shenghao pursed his mouth and smiled in a low voice: "It's very beautiful."

   "Yes! I remember seeing it once in the country when I was young. It seemed like dreaming at the time. Unfortunately, the environment is now severely damaged, and fireflies are becoming rarer, especially their lives..."

  She feels a little pity, after all, they are all lives, but they use the most beautiful life to light up the surroundings! After a few hours, they will all lose their lives...

  Someone once said that fireflies are the legendary night elves, and they use their lives to guide you!

  Of course, in every little girl’s heart, there is a little person living in it! In my heart, I long for one day, I can see the fireflies, and watch it with my beloved one! He can understand your heartfelt voice, and he can understand your words and laughter! It seems to be enough.

   "They won't die." He whispered.

   "Why?" She raised her head curiously. It was clear that the firefly's life was short, but he said with certainty, as if he knew it.


   "Wang Shenghao, are you begging for a fight?" Liu Sijie stepped forward and struck him with a punch.

  He didn't turn his hand back, Liu Sijie suddenly realized that he was acting, a bit like flirting with her boyfriend. She retracted her small hand and looked at him with ambition.

   "Oh, you brought me here, just look at this?"

  "Do you want to have anything else?" The deep voice seemed to have some smile.

  "Who said that?" Liu Sijie's ears became red, thinking of the message he sent that night, she actually clicked on the red envelope! In the end, he actually disappeared, as if he had acquiesced.

  "I was just passing by and accidentally found fireflies, so I would like to invite you to come and have a look. If no one witnessed this scene, they would be a shame."

  Hearing what he said, she was a little surprised! For some reason, the heart thumped and thumped a few times.

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