* Noarea Perspective

When the giant military horse who led the demons left, and we parted at the mercy of the unlucky adventurers who pulled the flock of demons twice, the sunset came near and we decided to camp.

And now the end of the horizon was slowly starting to bring brightness, and it was about time the night was about to dawn.

When I was replaced with Master Flick, who had been walking me until just now, I was about to begin my morning routine by adding firewood to the incendiary fire, where the momentum of the fire was waning.

"Ah, Master Flick is crazy about animals again."

At dinner yesterday, I remembered Master Flick talking fervently about military horses understanding humanities, leaking a grunt that could not even be called stupidity.

"Sounds like it. Please don't be that old..."

I was called from behind by Susana, who was about to put her dressed hair together in made-up clothes, and I was surprised that I was removing the firewood I had in my hand.

I'm still driving my carriage all day today, so I still thought I was asleep...

"Susana!?... have you been awake? I'll do the breakfast."

Susana was getting a good night's sleep on a suggestion from Master Flick because he would not fight and because he was buying me a wagon to drive using his concentration.

The Susana was waking up at a time when the sun was not yet up.

"As Master Flick finished his outpost until dawn, he put out his own sleeping bag and went into a hypnotic sleep. And I thought Noelia would be depressed again about yesterday, so I woke up early."

She seemed worried when I saw her face listening to Flickr's hot valve against the giant horse at the dinner table.

Was that a prospect for Susana, who has just been dating for a long time......

"Yes...... so what does Susana think?

She was not a maid of honor, a servant, but rather a sister she thought she could count on, who was disclosing without trying to hide the moaning feelings in her.

"Are you talking about Master Flick? Or are you talking about horses?

Nikoli laughed Susana returning a mean question.

Ugh, I'm embarrassed... I can't believe we're going to be talking about this as Susana...

Until then, I didn't expect the situation to change so much in just a few moments when I listened to Susana talking about the marriage she was going to recommend with a book in one hand.

"... it's about Master Flick"

He was answering Susana's mean questions, even as he felt his cheeks get hot.

"Will I not match him... Well, as a woman, I was aware it wasn't attractive enough."

I understood that I had no feminine attraction for men.

An unusual woman who has no breasts, can't say she's cute, and shows interest only if she does it magically.

That was who I am now.

I have been depressed since yesterday because I still don't feel like I'm the kind of person that Flick would be interested in without matching me.

"Lady Noelia has about enough breasts, and I was wondering if she was well equipped for her charm as a woman. That is guaranteed by this Susana. Noelia is a woman who is not ashamed of her daughter-in-law."

He held my hand so that Susana would encourage me to look depressed.

To her encouragement, I feel a little more depressed.

I'm really glad Susana came about with me...... If I were alone, I might not even have found an incentive to get back on my feet.

All this time I had myself thanking my father for forcing me to accompany her.

"I wonder if Mr. Flick's preferences are a little special for you."


"Normal lords, I'm a little interested in women now"

Master Flick is twenty years old, just like me.

If that's about the age, most nobles are married, and it shouldn't be strange to have a woman with them, even if they were common folk.

Yet as far as I could see nearby, I did not show that much interest in women.

If you really only show interest in animals......

Susana's story continued even as I pondered on her preferences.

"That's what you look like... Maybe something's happened in women's relationships in the past. - Ha!

There was a look on Susana's face that even said 'Shit'.

Though I was trying to divert my attention, I am still the cause that Master Flick does not show interest in women......

If so, favor from me is only a burden to him.

Again, Master Flick could not have liked himself like this......

I remembered my position in Susana's words.

"Really - because I'm deeply reflecting on what I've done"

It should only be a burden if I tell him how I feel doing terrible things.

So it's better to keep this feeling in your mind all the time, without breaking the relationship.

I should endure much longer as a punishment for doing terrible things.

Though I think so, I couldn't stop feeling bigger with the journey together.

I'm not sure if it's regret or despair. Emotions gush and my vision blurs with tears.

Susana, worried about me like that, was offering me a handkerchief.

"Rest assured. I'm not talking about Noelia, but I'm assuming Flick had a lot going on in women's relationships before that."

Susana, who offered me a handkerchief, was stroking my head to teach me gently as it was.

Ever since I was a child, Susana was always so gentle and comforting when things were hard on me without my mother.

"With that being said... Master Flick should have been told he was escorting a caravan before he became an adventurer. You mean something happened there?

In Susana's words, I had been made aware that I knew almost nothing about anyone I liked.

I polished my sword arm as an escort to the caravan, but all I've heard is that the caravan broke up and crashed into work and flowed into Yughannotes to become an adventurer.

I couldn't hear anything more from myself because I wasn't someone who wanted to talk about me.

I really don't know anything about Master Flick...

I know about magical talents and sword talents, but I don't even know where they were born and how they grew up...

I was swept away by the sentiment that I liked him, and a cold sweat came out that I wasn't trying to get to know him.

I only push my emotions and favor them after doing terrible things... the opposite sex I would never want to be involved with if I were like a flick......

I was made aware that my place now was secured by his extraordinary kindness.

It really sucks heterosexuality...... then there is no way Master Flick would be interested in me......

Being near him made me misunderstand.

Susana, who perceived my complexion like that, was pulling her cheek with the hand that was stroking my head.

"Dear Noelia, It's too early to despair. Today I used the Adventurer Alliance to find out a little bit about Master Flick. No criminal record, it was your own declaration to say that it was the escort of the caravan, and the place of birth was Algren, a big city in the north. However, there is also no Algren specific accent. I just found one thing that bothered me."

"I'm curious. Heh!?

When Susana pulled my cheek with her hand and forced me to smile, I was devouring the flick-like information brought to me by her.

"Yes, we make an anonymous donation to an orphanage in a village near Wangdu. It also seems to have donated quite a bit of the money I've made since I came to Yughannotes... maybe I don't feel like that's where Master Flick was born"

"Does Susana think Master Flick is faking his place of birth?

"It's not just the place of birth. There may be delusions besides where you were born, and possibly you are deluding everything. But as far as your personality is concerned, I was wondering if there were any or any unacceptable circumstances. Even though you can use so many swords and magic, your lords try to hide your own qualities. Does Master Noelia still like Master Flick?

There is a mystery Susana should not touch on Master Flick's past, but even if it did, I was asking him if he liked it.

I touched the information that Master Flick might not actually be Mr. Flick, and I thought I would be more shocked, but there was no outage shock.

Because no matter who he was in the past, he met himself in Yughannotes and still travels with him. Because I didn't think I'd see a lie or a lie in that character of his.

So the answer to Susana's question is' I like it '.

This solidifies as my feelings, no matter who Master Flick was.

"Whatever the past may have been, I like Master Flick…"

When Susana heard my answer, she took her hand off her cheek and laughed nicely.

"Then no problem. Flick-like attitudes should also be softened during the journey. You just have to earn trust without hurry."

I don't have any confidence in myself, but if Susana says so, I'll have to win his trust one by one.

I don't push my favor, I redeem him, I win trust.

I saw only a little light on the road that seemed closed thanks to Susana.

"Looks like I was in too much of a hurry. As Susana advised, we'll do our best in the tunnel."

"I think it seems like the privilege of a woman in love. Now let's take a look at the stomach, the first step in ensuring Mr. Flick's trust."

Having said that, Susana went back to the carriage to pick up the pots and ingredients in order to start preparing breakfast.

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