Tan Qingquan was silent for a moment, looked at He Jinglong on the side, and said, "Wu Soul Guixin can restore the dead wood soul, but Du Soul Guixin will turn the dead wood into the same as He Jinglong. I don’t think you would like this Done."&1t;/

He Jinglong moved aside, his eyes humble, respectful, and hesitant to speak, and finally he didn't say anything. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan continued: "Although I am a Mahayana instructor, it does not mean that I can change my life. I am not a true **** like Jianying Chenfeng. I am still looking for a way to repair my soul, but I can’t shoot at random in a crowded place. Once the shot leaves a trace, Baijie may find me. I’m not Baijie’s opponent.”&1t;/

Mu Yu shook his fist, looked at the old city lord, and said, "If I resurrect the old city lord in a blink of an eye, will he get rid of the control of the soul?"&1t;/

Tan Qingquan shook his head: "No, his soul is contaminated by the power of the soul resurrection. Even if you resurrected He Jinglong, he will only obey anyone who has the soul resurrection. That kind of connection cannot be cut off. The soul of crossing the soul is very harmful, it is not something in this world, and anything that is crossed by the soul will speed up consumption, and the soul will quickly dissipate."&1t;/

Mu Yu was terrible in his heart. After working so long, he finally got the soul of Dudu, but he was unexpectedly told that he could not use the soul of Dudu to save his dead father. This is really unacceptable. &1t;/

"Will the old city master do the same?" Mu Yu asked worriedly. The old city owner Muyu is very clear, he does not want the old city owner to have an accident. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan said: "If you want to make the soul of the soul to be a magical thing, it must be guaranteed that the soul of the soul is intact, so the white world has never dared to use half of the spirit of the soul to control people, controlled people He will die soon. He Jinglong's current soul could not last long, I forcibly helped him resist the soul crossing, he must now return to me regularly. You want to let He Jinglong's soul If you don’t dissipate, you have to restore the soul to the full point."&1t;/

Tan Qingquan put his eyes on the half-turned soul behind Mu Yu, who was wrapped in Mu Ling. &1t;/

Mu Yu looked at the old city lord's kneeling down. He couldn't accept it. The strong man of the old city lord wouldn't kneel to anyone, but the spirit of crossing the soul changed his will forcibly. &1t;/

"You shouldn't give orders to the old city master, he is not such a humble person." Mu Yu said in a deep voice. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan glanced at He Jinglong and said, "I never thought to give him an order. He said that he wanted to do something for you. It was also his body to be integrated into Tianjian Cheng by the soul Request, I have warned him of the risk."&1t;/

He Jinglong looked at Muyu and said respectfully: "Master Muyu, when I was in Dongsha City, my decision interfered with your judgment and caused you to lose your mind. I am very guilty, so as long as I can help you, I Do whatever you want, don’t worry about it, I volunteer to help you.”&1t;/

Mu Yu shook his head and said, "Old City Master, you don't need to blame yourself. I couldn't control myself at that time. If you didn't decide to save the people in Dongsha City, I would have been directly slaughtered by the killing forces. This matter It has nothing to do with you. If I kill them early, at least you and Xuanzhengtang will not have an accident."&1t;/

When he was in Dongsha City, the old city owner was a person he respected very much, and now it has become like this, he can hardly blame him. &1t;/

He Jinglong said with emotion in his heart, "As long as Master Muyu everything is fine." &1t;/

The old city owner was an upright person, willing to lay down his life to protect his city, but was killed by those who are greedy for life and fear of death in the city. Now he also understands many things, and hopes that Muyu will be safe and sound. &1t;/

"I also hope that Brother Ermao will be well." Xiao Qingfan said seriously. &1t;/

Muyu touched Xiaoqingfan’s head. Xiaoqingfan was a brave ordinary person in Dongsha City. Although he was young, he had the same iron bones as the old city master. What Muyu wants to protect now is the old city master and the small Qingfan these people only. &1t;/

Mu Yu said: "Isn't the old city master no longer eroded by the power of the soul-repairing heart as long as the soul-repairing heart becomes complete, nor does it need to return to you regularly, and you don't have to bow down to you?"&1t;/

Tan Qingquan nodded. &1t;/

Mu Yu sighed and sent the soul to Du Qingquan in front of him. &1t;/

It's in vain to endeavour to find the soul of soul for so long. However, the control of the soul through the soul will make people enslavement. This terrible thing Muyu will never be used on the father, so the spirit of the soul is no longer useful for Muyu. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan didn't expect Muyu to give him his soul so easily. Originally, he still wanted to persuade Muyu, but obviously he still didn't understand Muyu. Tan Qingquan's hands turned into a blue lightning, which wrapped Mu Yu's soul, and put away the soul, saying, "You really are a strange person." &1t;/

"I don’t know if it’s strange, but I’ll think of another way to save the dead father." &1t;

Mu Yu will never be discouraged, repairing his father's soul, and resurrecting the dead wood father, is what he has always been doing. This method of crossing the soul to the heart does not work, he will think of another way! &1t;/

Tan Qingquan stood up and said, "There are two pieces of the soul crossing the heart. If they are merged together, they will burst out with a strong and magical atmosphere, which is easy to be detected by the white world, so I will go to a safe place to let them merge. Then solve the problem of He Jinglong's soul. If you want to resurrect He Jinglong with life and death, I will let him find you at the right time."&1t;/

Tan Qingquan knew what Muyu wanted to do, and he paused and said, "In addition, the soul of Xuanzhengtang's family is also protected by me, and you can also resurrect them together at that time."&1t;/

"Thank you." Muyu said, whether it was for the head of Laobu village or Daddy Mu, or the family of Xuanzhengtang and He Jinglong, Muyu had no reason to complain about Qingquan. &1t;/

Xiao Qingfan said happily next to him: "Brother Ermao, my master is very good." &1t;/

Tan Qingquan touched Xiao Qingfan's head on one side and continued: "We are not enough now, and our strength cannot be concentrated together. The strength of the White World is too strong. We can't beat him alone. We can only find the scratches right now. To gather nine immortals to fight against the white world."&1t;/

"Even you don't know who is the scratch?" &1t;/

Mu Yu frowned, and found the real person of Lei Lei, which means that he has found eight immortals. If he can find the traces again, it is enough to deal with the white world without relying on the extremely immortal monument. &1t;/

But who the **** is, I don't even know the real person. &1t;/

In the broken valley, no one said anything, just looked at Tan Qingquan in Mahayana awe. Under such circumstances, the existence of Tanqingquan is their hope, and every word he said will be taken seriously. &1t;/

But among these people, only Mu Yu and Tan Qingquan knew the situation right now. &1t;/

"I thought you knew who the scratch was." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan suddenly remembered something, glanced at Zhuge Xiaosheng and Gujiangyou, and his eyes fell on Gujiangyou, saying: "Do you trust these people?" &1t;/

He knows the identities of Tian Ran and Zhu Ge Xiao Sheng, but he is not sure about Gu Jiangyou. &1t;/

Therefore Jiang You pursed her lips and left here without a word. &1t;/

However, Mu Yu said: "Gu Jiang You, you don't have to avoid it."&1t;/

Therefore, Jiang You stopped and said indifferently: "Eternal life, that's what Life and Death Gate and Ghost Gate have always wanted to pursue. Are you not afraid that I know it will be bad for you?"&1t;/

The people of Ghost Gate and Life and Death Gate have been playing the idea of ​​the demon king's body and soul, wanting to take the body of eternal life as their own, so Jiang You said this very well. &1t;/

Muyu replied calmly: "I said, trust you." &1t;/

"Sometimes your inexplicable trust will hurt yourself." So Jiang You said. &1t;/

Mu Yu smiled: "At least the people I trust have never harmed me. They will harm me. I will never trust them. I think people are accurate." &1t;/

So Jiang You took a deep breath and said, "Trust is really a superfluous thing." &1t;/

But Jiang You did not evade this time. &1t;/

Mu Yu trusts Gu Jiang You, and the Gu Jiang You who crosses the ninth heaven should not be underestimated. In the future, he has to rely on his cultivation behavior. Mu Yu has no reason not to trust him. Except for the head of the old cloth village, the nine immortal people are all very powerful and will not easily have trouble. Therefore, since Jiang You is going to go to battle, then sooner or later, he will guess the identity of the long-term village head of the old cloth. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan said: "This man who is scarred, at first, your master only told me his name, but nothing else was clear, even the Green Dragon Demon King. They didn't know. Heard that he left Mie Tian to do one This is a very important thing, which is related to the safety of Mie Tian, ​​so I have never had a chance to meet him. Jianying Chenfeng only let me protect the old village chief who raised you from childhood, and nine immortals are very important "Sword Shadow Dust Master hides this secret very deeply."&1t;/

"Did my master leave you any hints?" Mu Yu said. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan shook his head: "As apprentices of Sword Shadow Dust, I think Sword Shadow Dust should give you some hints."&1t;/

Mu Yu and Tian Ran looked at each other, and then Mu Yu said, "Master has never told us about the scratches." &1t;/

At that time, Master had an accident. Muyu and his brothers were not beside him, and Master did not confess anything to them. Even Muyu learned that the nine immortal people were told by the Blue Dragon Demon King, and Master never mentioned anything to them. &1t;/

"Then you should go and ask your brother, is it possible that he told the ruined news to whom?" &1t;/

"Promise!" Xiaoshuai said without hesitation, "Because Muyu is not reliable, it is more reliable to proclaim."&1t;/

"You talk too much!" &1t;/

Muyu rubbed the head of Xiaoshuai roughly~www.readwn.com~ but also agreed with Xiaoshuai, if Master would tell them to whom, then it must be a testimony. Because the admonition is the most reassuring person, whether it is Muyu or Luo Shao heading south, when they face the killing power, they do not have the control that the admittance is so handy. &1t;/

Since the nine immortal people are so important, the promise is definitely the most trustworthy. &1t;/

Tan Qingquan nodded: "This requires you to figure it out, and I will try my best to find the whereabouts of the scratches. The Blue Dragon Demon King is still looking for the whereabouts of the Tiangan Demon King. At present, I want to fight against the White World. Nine immortal people are essential. None of us alone is an opponent of White Realm, because White Realm depends not only on himself, but also on the people behind him."&1t;/

"I know." Mu Yu knew who was behind the white world. &1t;/


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