A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1049: Shadowless

"Token? Is this one?" &1t;/

With a move in Muyu's heart, a black token had appeared in his hand. This token did not have any fancy patterns, only the words "no shadow" were depicted, thick and solid. &1t;/

"Yes, this is it, but Muyu, how do you have this token?" Zhuge Xiaosheng asked in surprise. &1t;/

Muyu replied: "The people without the shadow clan had come to me and asked me to cooperate with them, but I refused. But the white night sky left me with a token, he said to wait for my news." &1t;/

In Qingshuicheng, the shadowless people used some extreme methods in order to find Muyu. Mu Yu doesn't like Bai Yetian kidnapping his family, so he doesn't want to cooperate with the Wuying tribe, but now many things seem to point to Wuying tribe, he has to visit the house where Wuying tribe is located Qishuicheng. &1t;/

Mu Yu must also figure out whether Yingquan wanted to find a promise, because he knew some of the major secrets of the filmman organization. If the filmman organization has some relationship with the Wuying tribe, the testimony Will you also go to Qishuicheng to find the answer? &1t;/

There is also south. At the beginning, Bai Yetian and Bai Yechan wanted to let Mu Yu assist their shadowless people in Qingshui City, but Mu Yu refused. Will Bai Yetian and Bai Yechan turn to look south? &1t;/

To know that Nan's plan to destroy the Triple Palace in another way seems to coincide with the Wuying tribe to some extent. &1t;/

Muyu knows this possibility is very big! &1t;/

Zhuge Xiaosheng asked hesitantly: "Mu Yu, are you going to Qishui City? How about if I go with you?" &1t;/

Mu Yu shook his head: "No, this juncture requires a person to sit in the town, the master, you just deal with the sudden situation in Zongzong, and I and I will go there once."&1t;/

Things in the cultivation realm are now turbulent. Although the chief of the village of Laobu is strategizing, he is, after all, a person who does not practice, and Zhuge Xiaosheng will assist in commanding before he can guarantee that nothing will go wrong. &1t;/

Mu Yu and Tian Ran left the battle line and came to a mountain not far from the battle line. &1t;/

Tianran made a big stone and suggested: "Muyu, what shall we go there to find Bai Yetian now? Or shall we just find a river and throw the token in to try?"&1t;/

Xiaoshuai laughed: "If that doesn't work, wouldn't it be necessary to go get the token? Ask me to say, Qiao Xue should be found, the city surrounded by the Qishui River, Qiao Xue can definitely..." &1t;/

Tianran grabbed Xiao Shuai's ear: "Xiao Shuai, do you think I'm useless?" &1t;/

"No, I like Sister Tianran. Where is Sister Tianran so bad?" Xiao Shuai quickly plunged into Tianran's arms and said flatly. &1t;/

"Liar, you must say the same to Qiao Xue. Isn't Muyu?" Tian Ran nodded his forehead and turned to look at Muyu. &1t;/

Muyu stared at Xiaoshuai helplessly, and had to talk blindly. He solemnly said: "Xiaoshuai this guy likes to talk nonsense, ignore him. We don't need to go anywhere, we just need to inject spiritual power into this black token, the person named Bai Yetian will come by himself Find me, this is what he said last time."&1t;/

Muyu injects his spiritual power into the black token. After absorbing Muyu's spiritual power, the black token suddenly flashed a thick black awn, as if swallowing the surrounding light, a strange fluctuation It came from the black token. &1t;/

"I want to see what your shadowless tribe is!"&1t;/

Muyu suspended the token in the air, and the sun was shining on the black token. He only now found that there was no shadow after this token was exposed to sunlight! &1t;/

After the black token absorbed Muyu's spiritual power, the token lit up a rich black color, and then changed to cyan again, exuding a strange breath. The cyan token fluttered and began to fly towards the distance. . &1t;/

"Huh? Is this going to lead us?" &1t;/

Mu Yu froze for a moment, and immediately greeted Tian Ran with her. Token flight is very fast, but it is still far worse than Muyu, after all, Muyu is a cultivator during the robbery period. With the token galloping in the air, he swept across mountains and rivers. After flying for about an hour, Token turned a corner and galloped down. &1t;/

Muyu has been paying attention to where he passed on the way of the token flight. Although he is a road fan, he has a bad sense of direction for the first time, but once he walks the road again, he will not forget it again, so when he takes the route along the way After I had written down all of them, I began to wonder. &1t;/

"Isn't this the direction to Wuqiu City? Weird, is Wuqiu City the Qishui City?" Xiaoshuai asked curiously. &1t;/

Qishui City is a city surrounded by rivers, so Wuqiu City is unlikely to be related to Qishui City. However, the token did not go to Wuqiu City, but came to a mountain range outside Wuqiu City, and then rushed towards the mountain stream. &1t;/

But at this time, two extremely powerful breaths came from the mountain stream. The terror wave was coming from the mountain stream. The entire mountain stream was filled with smoke and had been destroyed. &1t;/

"This is the breath of the robbery period. Who is fighting here?"&1t;/

Muyu and Tianran glanced at each other, both of whom saw a puzzled expression in the other's eyes. Xiaoshuai quickly grabbed the token that was going to fly down, not let it continue, and then the powerful stealth line had wrapped them up, covering up their breath. &1t;/

In the mountain stream, the two figures are fiercely intertwined. The two men are a man and a woman. Both of them seem to be around 30 years old, and the cultivation period is for the period of robbery. The cultivation of men is more powerful, but Muyu has never seen them before. &1t;/

In addition, not far away from the mountain stream was another person with a restrained breath and a black robe. This person showed no skin all over his body and was covered by a hood, as if admiring the two. Fight. &1t;/

"Xi Hongyi, your triple palace is a good way, even our people can control it!"&1t;/

The man in the brown service stared indignantly at the figure in the distance covered in black robes, and then his eyes fell on the opposite woman in yellow, revealing a trace of worry. &1t;/

"Shangguan Lin, your shadowless people don't know what to do. Since participating in this game, then we have to have fun!" The black robe of the Mie Palace was originally in Moyun Mountains to capture the old village chief Xi Hongyi ranked eighth in the Jixian List. &1t;/

"Despicable!" The man called Shangguan Lin gave a sip, then flashed away from the shadow of the person opposite him. He said anxiously to the woman in yellow, "Sister Murong, what the **** happened to you?" &1t;/

Both Shangguan Lin and the woman in yellow were fighting against each other, and the entire mountain stream had already been destroyed. However, Shang Guanlin’s repair was obviously still above the woman in yellow, but he had always been sympathetic to the woman in yellow and obviously did not want to hurt. Woman in yellow. &1t;/

"Shangguan Lin, aren't we just going to find this guy? I didn't expect him to be a shadowless person too." Mu Yu said thoughtfully in the air as he watched the changes. &1t;/

Shangguan Lin ranked 41st on the Extreme Immortal List, but it showed loose cultivation, so it seems that the so-called loose cultivation on those Extreme Immortal Lists is not necessarily as simple as true loose cultivation. &1t;/

"Why? Don't you want to start with Murong Yun? It seems that I still have to do it myself."&1t;/

Xi Hongyi sneered, the black robe of the whole body shattered violently, and then the white soul power instantly emerged from him, like a sacred **** standing in the air, which was amazing. &1t;/

I have to admit that the Mie Palace used soul power to disguise itself. They seemed extremely persuasive to many innocents. &1t;/

"It is Shangguan Lin and Murong Yun, both of them are the targets we are looking for? Strangely, it turns out that Murong Yun has already fallen into the hands of the Triple Palace." Xiaoshuai said. &1t;/

Murong Yun, ranked 51st on the extremely fairy list. However, according to the calculation of the village chief of the old cloth, this Murong Yun is also extremely simple. At first, everyone was a little skeptical about the statement of the village chief of the old cloth, and only Mu Yu believed it. Now it seems that the head of the village of Laobu is really powerful. Murong Yun and Shangguan Lin are both people without shadows! &1t;/

It's just that Murong Yun has been controlled by Xi Hongyi, who is using Murong Yun to deal with Shangguan Lin in turn. &1t;/

"Soul Faroin, Demon Seal!" &1t;/

Nine **** soul beads have appeared on Xi Hongyi's chest, and they quickly merged together in the air, forming a large seal of thousands of feet, like a Qingtian Mountain, squeezing the surrounding space heavily, as if the entire space is to be Can't bear to collapse this mountain. &1t;/

Shangguan Lin snorted, and he wielded a spear in his hand. The spear flashed a little cold awn, and the cold awn flashed out. The lance had already greeted Xi Yin of Da Hongyi. The two collided with each other, making a deafening voice, Shangguan Lin took a step back, but Xi Hongyi remained motionless! &1t;/

Xi Hongyi's strength is still stronger than that of Shangguan Lin! &1t;/

"It's the maggots of the Mie Palace, are we going to teach them?" Xiaoshuai asked furiously. &1t;/

"Wait, let's take a look at how much strength this Shangguan Lin hides in the end." &1t;/

Mu Yu didn't rush, they were attracted here by the Wuying tribe's token, so it seems that the token should be used to find the Wuying tribe's own person. Xi Hongyi's strength Muyu had already seen it, at least there are eight heavy days of robbery, which is extremely powerful, but Shangguan Lin, who ranks only 41 in Jixian, only took a step back from Xi Hongyi, who ranked 8th in Jixian. The people of the tribe are really hiding dragons and lying tigers. &1t;/

"In front of our Soul Clan, you Shadowless Clan only have surrender!" Xi Hongyi shouted again, and the majestic Heavenly Demon Seal has been overwhelmingly facing Guan Lin. &1t;/

At this time, Murong Yun also rushed from another direction~ www.readwn.com~ Murong Yun itself has five major days to cross the robbery. Although it is not as good as the other two, it can become about 30 years old. The period of crossing the robbery has also been quite shocking. &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

Shangguan Lin flew out, he could barely tie Xi Hongyi, but when Murong Yun was added, it fell instantly. &1t;/

"You also help us to do things for the Soul Race!"&1t;/

Xi Hongyi has appeared behind Shangguan Lin, a soul mark lights up in his hand, and he suddenly grabs the back of Shangguan Lin! &1t;/


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