A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1058: War Soul Race! (on)

"Your Mie Gong did not dare to show up in a crowded place, not only because of the prosperous life chance to show you the prototype, but also because the cheers of everyone will make your soul power greatly reduced. I can't understand this more clearly. "

   Muyu and Tianran's hands were held together, and they smiled at each other.

   is fighting side by side with his favorite person. This is a pleasant mood, and any joy is a lethal lethal spell for the triple palace!

The illusion used by Muyu made every gambler have an illusion and saw the most exciting illusion in his life. For gamblers, the most exciting moment is nothing more than tens of millions. The bets you make make yourself profitable.

   Tens of thousands of gamblers in the city, everyone is imagining the grand scene of their gambling win, everyone starts celebrating in their own unique way, the oppression of the temple messenger is not worth mentioning in front of them. The vitality of gamblers all over the city gathered into a powerful force, so that the soul began to dissipate.

   The temple ambassador and the remaining three soul tribes have looked ugly, the sacred coat has been ripped, revealing the ugly true face, sharp teeth and mouth, dry skin and wrinkles, like a bare monster.

   Even if the palace makes the momentum of the Mahayana period actually become shaky, they can no longer exert any oppression on Muyu, and they can't even exert their normal Mahayana strength.

   vitality is the biggest enemy of the soul race!

   "Kill me these ants gamblers!"

   The temple twitched the ugly and greasy face, and the raised green muscles made him look even more horrible.

Every time they kill people in a crowded place, they use force to suppress people, and it is forbidden to make everyone cheer, because the chance of cheering and condensing makes them feel weak. At present, as long as these gamblers who are addicted to fantasy are killed, that restriction The power will disappear and they will become strong again.

  How can Muyu and others make their wishful thinking start?

   The powerful momentum of the robbery period completely disperses from them. The vitality formed by the tens of thousands of gamblers in the city has no effect on them. A powerful coercion formed by the five of them is enough to compete with the four people of the Soul Race!

   "Muha, you two first blocked that mahayana period, we solved the remaining three and went to help you!"

   Gu Yitian had already rushed out for the first time, and the broad sword in his hand exuded a heavy sword gas completely. At this moment, he exhaled unreservedly and rushed towards the most powerful Wuyuzhou. Unfortunately, Ximen and Wanwan went towards abandoned Xiang Sheng and Lu Mingyuan respectively.

   Muyu and Tianran in Tianran's hands are extremely powerful. Their combination of heavenly swords is undoubtedly the most powerful at this moment. Even in the face of the imperial court with limited soul power, even if you can't beat it, it will be enough to drag on for a while!

   "Tianran, you know what I'm thinking."

   Muyu smiled slightly, the cyan wind and the heart array had shrouded in Tian Ran, the two people had an instantaneous communication, splitting the shadow and the fairy dew, the two heavenly swords were extremely powerful!

   "I know, I will never let go of the opportunity of the blade enemy."

  The light of perseverance is revealed in the calm and pure eyes, any monster of the Soul Race should be damn!

   "Kill! Destroy the little white ghost, everyone is responsible!" Xiaoshuai shouted excitedly on the shoulders of Boyang Taoist, his voice was very magnificent, heading straight to the sky.

  Boyang Taoist has stepped aside. He was not affected by Muyu's illusion array, and he still looked at it all in amazement. There was a strange momentum in Xiaoshuai who protected him.

   "Hey, old man, come and shout with me! The more cheering the little white ghost, the less power, and your apprentice will be more likely to win!" Xiaoshuai said excitedly.

   "Ah? Is that true?"

  Boyang Taoist was once the master of the faction, calm and decent, where would he shout at random?

Xiaoshuai was too lazy to explain anything to Boyang Taoist again. He became a child and rode on Boyang Taoist’s neck, holding two small flags in his hand, shaking with excitement: "Come on! Come on! Handsome to give I bought a delicious Muyu brother! Come on! Beautiful, kind and loving my sister, come on! Come on, silly, stupid, lonely, stupid! Come on, stupid, shameless Simon! Come on, grumpy sister Wanwan!"

   "Small point, you say I'm all over the country, I can fight harder!" Wan Wan Zhao Xiaoshuo blinked his eyes, and escaped the spirit of abandoning Xiang Sheng.

   "Okay! Sister Wan Wan who cheers on her face cheers!" Xiaoshuai replied.

   Wan Wan smiled: "This is also acceptable."

Bo Yang Taoist finally understood the meaning of Xiaoshuai who came to him just now and said to cheer. At first, he thought it was a joke. As a result, Xiaoshuai really showed a visible vitality. The soul people gathered together. Seeing Xiaoshuai's excitement, he is a hundred times more excited than those gamblers.

   "Yitian, be careful, you can!" Bo Yang Taoist was infected by Xiaoshuai, and finally shouted this sentence loudly.

   Gu Yitian's eyes became very firm, and the words of Bo Yang Taoist were like a stimulant, so that his broad sword momentum was another seven points: "I will, Master!"

Wu Yuzhou is very powerful, but he encounters the same powerful lonely sky. By relying on the cultivation of a strong flesh and sword energy, lonely sky's sword is simple and fierce, which makes Wuyuzhou feel great. Pressure, at this time, his soul cannot fully exert his power, and he is entangled in the sword of Gu Yitian, and he can’t kill those cheering gamblers. Exit.

Wan Wan’s goal was to be hit by the severely abandoned Jiu Sheng, which was created by the sword qi of Gu Yitian and Muyu. Now the soul power is suppressed by the powerful vigor of the casino, facing the evil cult Jade Wan Wan ,

No power to parry.

Unfortunately, Ximen is the most elegant person in the realm of cultivation, but cultivation is in no way inferior to anyone. He swayed a fan of evil spirits, and a strange white mang turned into a whirlwind, surrounding Lu Mingyuan and let Lu Ming Far from fully exerting his strength~www.readwn.com~The sky swords of Muyu and Tianran point to the sky, the monstrous momentum is magnificent and powerful, the soul power of the temple is severely limited, and the domain ability cannot make them powerful. Oppressed, when facing Tianjian, his gritty face was even more resentful, and he lost his spiritual strength, and his field could no longer threaten Muyu.

   Two heavenly swords are incomparable, like a pillar of celestial god, an overbearing sword qi, the sword qi descends from the two mysterious eyes in the air, merges the anger of the sky, and bombards the temple envoy.

The temple roared, and his soul turned into seven powerful giant snakes, blasting toward the sword of the sky. However, the two heavenly swords were so violent that they merged the vitality of the whole city and turned his seven giant snakes. Give it a fly!

The giant snakes he had summoned were everywhere everywhere, but at this time he was suppressed by the two sword qi, and his heart was very frustrated. The whole person hurried away into the air, he had to leave the casino, to The empty place can not be affected by the desperate gamblers of the casino!

   Only when he is outside can he exhibit the Mahayana period without reservation, and it will be enough to deal with Muyu and others!

The air was originally a soul enchantment, but this time it has been swallowed by a strange formation. When the temple messenger just reached the sky, a strong red awn was emitted from the two huge monster eyes. The temple came.

   These two red awns were mixed with the sword qi of the sky sword, which was unstoppable. The ambassador was chopped down at once, and the soul force on the body of the palace couldn't even stop the sword qi and the red awn, and the entire ring was broken into pieces!

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