A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1063: Promising power


Mu Yu and others were shocked by the sword of confession. This sword of confession was almost unbelievable. It was so fast that even the court attendant of another Mahayana period did not have time to react!

"You... how are you possible?"

Dian Wei was frightened, and the rampant look on his face had long since disappeared. He never expected that the promise would actually kill Dian Shi in front of him! Flint shot in front of a majestic master of his majesty, but he simply couldn't react!

"You have to die too."

The accusation just lifted the sword in his hand lightly, the net eclipse sword was solid and steady, and instantly formed a vortex in the sky, communicating the whole world!


The third Tianjian's sword intentions poured down from the sky of thousands of miles, which was a hundred times stronger than the joint of Muyu and Tianran. The sky seemed to be shaken slightly by this sword. This sword is extremely horrible, and Huang Huangtianwei is invincible. The breath passed down and the entire casino was shocked, as if the entire world could not bear this sword.

Not only Dian Wei, but even Mu Yu and others felt horrified.

It is said that it is so powerful?

"Soul Fa Luo Yin: Fu Tian Ba ​​Yin!"

Dian Wei has changed his face. A white soul bead has appeared around him. The soul bead radiates a sacred light, and the white awn spreads out, as if to put a layer of sacred armor on the whole sky, the white awn in the air Shining, wanting to destroy the sky sword that promises.

Dian Wei's domain: Fu Tian Ba ​​Yin!

But the proclaimed Sky Sword was inflexible, and the mighty and steady sword slashed down, and even tore apart the strong field exerted by Dian Wei directly, breaking it into thousands of fragments, all the fragments were sorted by a strange All the strengths were regrouped together, condensed into a white-mang giant sword, and in turn bombarded towards the court officer!


As soon as Dian Wei gritted her teeth, she turned directly, tearing the void and turning it into a white awn into the void.

Just a face-to-face, Dian Wei actually had to run away!

As the dignity of the Mahayana period, Dian Wei felt extremely stumped. He thought he was guided by the envoy, and when he arrived here, it was enough to capture Mu Yu and others from the bow of the crossbow, but he never expected it. Will kill a Mahayana period of admonishment, and the cultivation of the admonishment is even stronger than him, killing the temple messenger in front of him!

At the moment when the envoy was killed, Dian Wei knew that he was not the opponent of the confession at all. If he did not escape the battle, he would die next time!

He has no courage to face up!

He must escape!

However, the sword's meaning of the promise has penetrated into it, slashing towards Baimang in the void!


There was a scream from Dian Wei in Bai Mang. An arm flashed out from Bai Mang. White light glowed on the arm. Then the white light gradually dissipated and became extremely ugly, just like the dirty claws of the beast. The air exploded violently and turned into powder!

Everything returned to tranquility, the sky sword in the sky has also disappeared, and the promise slowly converged his breath.

"It's a pity that he broke his wrist and fled, and the people in the Mie Palace have a great ability to escape." Cheng Yan said with regret.

Muyu looked at the place where Dian Wei escaped, and there was another field fluctuation. He already knew what it was, just like the four demon kings such as Qinglong who had sealed their domain abilities in something and gave it to Muyu. , Dian Wei only used the domain abilities given by others to escape, otherwise it is said that this sword is enough to kill it completely!

Unfortunately, Ximen and Wanwan and others smiled bitterly. The confession has been so strong that even though the lord did not kill the prince, the celestial sword of the confession gave the prince even the courage to face the battle, enough to seduce the world!

"Sky Sword, really powerful."

Gu Yitian looked at the three heavenly giant swords silently. He knew that it was impossible to compete with Tianjian by his broad sword alone, but his eyes revealed a more powerful fighting intention.

As a person with physical training, he will never stop because of the strength in front of him. He will try to improve himself and challenge Tianjian!

Mu Yu and Tian Ran have recovered their Sky Swords. Both of them are a little tired. It is still too reluctant to deal with a Mahayana period. However, it is worth the cost of the big envoy to be killed.

The giant snake dissipated, the dark clouds in the sky also dispersed, and the sun reappeared, shining on the whole earth.

"Brother, it's time you came." Mu Yu looked at the speech and said in a mixed mood.

In Qingshuicheng, the brothers and sisters chose their own way, but it was said that they still assumed the responsibility of the masters and brothers, and their cultivation became stronger, looking for brothers and masters. Now when we meet again, the confession has reached the Mahayana period, and Grand Master will always be Grand Master.

Confession looked at Mu Yu gently, and Brother Shi’s eyes met in an instant, so familiar, without any obstacles, as if he had returned to the worry-free time of Luochen Mountain. At that time, Confession was still a responsible master, And Mu Yu is a little teacher who quarrels every day.

The admonition asked: "There is a promise between you and me, do you remember?"

That commitment is on Dandingpai's road, a promise to help Muyu!

Muyu knew what the promise was saying. At the beginning, Chengyan had been waiting for Muyu's three brothers to come home. He shot Muyu to help him. In return, he just wanted Muyu to return to the golden grass.

When a person does not lose himself, Tianxin turns around and the grass will show golden light.

Mu Yu stretched out his hand, and there was a golden heart-turning grass in his palm, and said softly, "Brother, this is what you want."

The leaves of Tianxin's turned grass swayed in the sunlight, so pure, just like the golden sun, it made people warm.

It is said that he took the golden Tianxin turning back grass, and the golden Tianxin turning back grass shone in his hands, just like carrying a heavy duty, held in his hands.

"At least, you are the first to go home."

The smiling smile is gentle.


The gamblers of the casino are still reveling, but there are several people floating above the casino. They used the repairs during the robbery to deal with the maid of the mahayana period, but they also spent a lot of energy. And thanks to the final arrival of the promise, the ambassador was beheaded, otherwise the ambassador would have to escape from this place.

Mu Yu looked at the prophecy and said that Master Brother will always be so gentle and indifferent. Even if he hasn't seen him for such a long time, Master Brother is still that mature and stable character.

"You are strong."

Gu Yitian looked at the promise, and his eyes were still full of powerful fighting intent.

From the beginning of the Moyun Mountains to Fulong Mountain to find the Yumeng Demon, Gu Yitian has always wanted to deal with the promise, but the promise did not give Gu Yitian a chance, because at that time Gu Yitian was only equivalent to the strength of the foundation period. And the admonishment is the cultivation of Jin Dan period.

Now meeting again, the confession is still stronger than them.

"We shouldn't be opponents." Cheng Yan laughed.

Their opponents are not each other, but the triple palace.

Gu Yitian's fighting will continue: "I will challenge you in the future."

"Wait for the triple palace to be eliminated, if we were still alive at that time, I will give you a chance." Cheng Yan nodded.

Gu Yitian looked at Muyu again and said, "I want to challenge you too."

In Gu Yitian's eyes, there will always be only opponents.


Mu Yu nodded, he respected opponents such as Gu Yitian, a person who could not practice, came here by physical training, perseverance was enough to make people amazing. Although Gu Yitian is still not Muyu's opponent, Muyu will never slack off, Guyitian will work harder, and he will not let Guyitian exceed it!

"It seems that today is the carnival day of the casino! I was thinking about whether or not to let Du Biying treat today as a commemorative day." Ximen unfortunately looked at the gamblers under his feet in the air, only these carnival gambles The apprentice gave them the strength to deal with the temple ambassador.

"Then I will take the name, I will take the name, I just shouted the loudest. Just called Xiaoshuaihao betting on the day!" Xiaoshuai was still pulling two small flags in his hand, waving very happy.

Mu Yu touched his forehead, and was quite helpless about Xiaoshuai's face.

Several people returned to the casino. The gamblers of the entire casino were influenced by the wooden feather formation method, and they were still relentlessly reveling. The Boyang Taoist greeted him towards the lonely sky, looking at Muyu and others with some awe.

"Senior Boyang." Mu Yu and Cheng Yan arched their hands.

Boyang Taoist quickly smiled and said: "This predecessor dare not be fooled. I didn't expect to see him for a few years. You are all such powerful people now. The old man is just a dust in the bottom of the realm, and he dare not bear the name of your predecessor."

"Senior laughed, Gu Yi Tian is our friend, you are the master of Gu Yi Tian, ​​naturally our senior." Mu Yu smiled.

"Yeah, when we set foot in the Moyun Mountains, our seniors helped our master many times. Even if we become stronger now, this generation can't be forgotten." Cheng Yan said.

Bo Yang Taoist was also very emotional. Only then did he see the battle in the air, which was impressive. He also understood what kind of powerful existence Muyu and Chengyan were, which was a height he could not reach in his life. .

But Bo Yang Taoist also has his own pride. He looked at the solitary sky with a firm look, and his heart was full of pride.

A large number of people in Boyang are now just a golden age~www.readwn.com~ but his apprentices can also be so genius. How did he ever think that he would train a student like Gu Yitian with extraordinary perseverance? Not to mention that in the 20 martial arts in the Moyun Mountains, the dusty faction at the bottom of the ranking actually hid a dragon and a tiger, and the students who came out were even more powerful.

"Master, I'm sorry to make you suffer." Gu Yitian said.

Bo Yang Taoist patted Gu Yitian's shoulder: "It is your burden to be your teacher."

Gu Yitian turned to Muyu and said, "If you help me protect Master, I will go with you to deal with the Triple Palace."

Muyu nodded and said: "Relax! Now there are two safest places in the cultivation realm. I will send Senior Boyang to our sect, where the people in the Sanchong Palace cannot enter."

"Thank you." Gu Yitian said.

Muyu glanced at the gambler who was still carnival, and the lines in his hand emerged, and immediately withdrew the illusion from all of them, waking them from the illusion. After they were sober, these people looked suspiciously one after another, and some people were still unwilling to wake up from the dream of making big money by gambling.

"What's going on? What about my money? Why is it a dream!"

"I just dreamed that I made ten million!"

"I just won every gambling, and I have a good luck!"

Many gamblers feel sorry for patting their thighs. It is a good dream, but it is just a good dream.

"So who won the competition just now?"

"By the way, what about the dirty and dirty Sannomiya?"

"Have you been defeated? They turned out to be so shameless. I first learned that someone had discredited the Triple Palace, and I still had a theory with that person. Now I know that the news is not groundless!"

All gamblers have set their sights on the ring, and even searched in the air, but Muyu has already left this place.

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