A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 115: 9 Chinese League Core Guard

No one expected that Yicheng has now gathered six or seven golden monsters and ten old monsters. These people used to be famous people in the Moyun Mountains, but they gradually disappeared. Everyone thought that they had already laid into the coffin. They didn't expect that at the moment they heard Jiuhua's selection of the core guards of the league, they would personally help them clean their muscles and prolong their lives. They all climbed out of the coffin and came to take refuge.

Among the six or seven people of Jindan Nine Chongtian, there are a few people who want to start a mountain, and I am afraid they will never lose to the Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua real people who were still Jindan Nine Chongtian, but they may lack the Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua. Huazhen people's management ability also has a reason for being bland in nature, and it does not compete with Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua people.

There is a point in the middle of the Yicheng, which was built for the selection of core guards this time, which can accommodate hundreds of people standing. Today is the day when Jiuhua real people personally came to select the core guards. They were crowded early in the morning, and there were already more than 100 Jindan practitioners on the stage.

So many Jindan periods gathered together, and the huge coercion spread out uncontrollably, pressing on the practitioners in the foundation period and the Qi period, which made people feel terrified.

The onlookers are basically those who are in the foundation period, and most of them want to see the honor of Jiuhua. These more than 100 Jindan practitioners are standing there, it is already in the sky, and it is impossible to live forever, why have you seen more than 100 Jindan periods appearing at the same time?

"That's Chilong Gong? Why didn't Bishe Po come?"

"I heard that the day they came, the people in the tea break teahouse were killed by them!"

"I don't know why, Chilonggong doesn't look like a bad guy!"

"That's the crazy **** Liu Rutian? It is said that he battled the Qingsong Taoist with a mad knife for three days and nights 20 years ago, and finally ended in a draw. Twenty years later, how can it look so young? "

"On the appearance is young, the flower fairy is young?"

"The flower fairy is the oldest of these people?"

"The drunkard who is standing and snoring is the oldest."

The knowledgeable people are on the discussion platform, and some old monsters that are cultivated as horrors. The people who are not knowledgeable are listening carefully beside them. The Jiuhua real people in the Yuan infant period now echoed one after another, attracting so many older generations. If these people can be used by the Jiuhua real people, I am afraid that the strength of the Jiuhua alliance immediately exceeds the strength of the Qingsong alliance.

A majestic breath suddenly enveloped the entire Yicheng. This breath completely overshadowed the momentum of more than a hundred Jindan practitioners. It shrouded everyone and made everyone feel like a stone was attached. Are almost unstable. Everyone was a little surprised, and immediately understood that Jiuhua was here.

"Welcome Jiuhua Venerable!"

I don't know who shouted, and the people in the whole Yicheng kneel down respectfully as the tide recedes. The scene is extremely spectacular. The real people of Jiuhua are now the gods of the Jiuhua Union. The people of Yicheng are all subordinates of the Jiuhua Union, so they only do this gift.

More than a hundred Jindan practitioners also kneeled down on the ground without exception. Only seven old monsters of Jindan Nine Heavens did not kneel. They just bowed to salute. They are not part of the Jiuhua Alliance at this moment, unless Jiuhua real people deliberately give It’s not possible to make them kneel. But Jiuhua did not do this.

Jiuhua real people are dressed in magnificence and dignity, a red robe without wind and automatic, wearing a purple gold crown, with a faint flash of breath on the body, like the same god, sacred and inviolable. No one dared to look up at him, they dared not do that.

Jiuhua lived on the stage and nodded slightly: "Don't be courteous."

Everyone stood up one by one. Many people looked at Jiuhua's real person with full of enthusiasm. Yuanying Venerable's breath shone on everyone. The feeling of palpitations just now has disappeared. At this moment, everyone does not feel a little oppression. Instead, they feel that the body and mind are smooth, but they dare not have the slightest disrespectful thoughts. This is the momentum that their supreme king should have.

"Now You Meng is eager to move, so I set up the Jiuhua Alliance with the mission of self-cultivation and safety. But the Jiuhua Alliance wants to cultivate a strength that can compete with Youmeng. It is not enough for me alone. So I It was decided to cultivate forty-nine core guards first as the backbone of the alliance.

These forty-nine people must be cultivated in the Jindan period, and I will use my true infant's true yuan to personally cleanse the muscles of these forty-nine people, raise their talents to a higher level, and at the same time direct their cultivation to be more With further refinement, it is possible for people with few Shouyuan to live 20 years longer with my help! "

Wash the tendons and cut the marrow, cultivate for improvement, and live for another 20 years!

The words of the real people of Jiuhua just fell, and many people in the audience were breathing quickly. Becoming the core **** of the Jiuhua Alliance has such a generous treatment that has made many people saddled for Jiuhua. For those seniors who have reached the end of Shouyuan's life, they are willing to do their utmost to do their best even if they live one more year. It’s a year to say whether it’s long or not, if it’s short or not, maybe you will make another breakthrough within this year. Isn’t that more Shouyuan?

The real person of Jiuhua said that with his help, he could live for another 20 years! How is this not crazy!

Many people hate that they have not reached the Jindan period and cannot be one of these forty-nine darlings. Those who reached the Jindan period looked at Jiuhua Zhenren with their eyes, hoping that they would be lucky to be caught by Jiuhua Zhenren. When the words "more than 20 years of life" were spoken, even the old monsters of Jindan Yazhongtian and Jindan Jizhongtian were shocked!

You know, how much more can you expect to live for another 20 years! For the old monsters of Jindan Jiugongtian, they have been hoping to break through to the infancy. They don’t know the limitations of the trapped Xian prison. They only saw that the Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua Zhenren both broke through the Yuan infantile period. They thought that if they were guided by the Jiuhua Zhenren or Qingsong Taoist, they might become a Yuanying period. dream!

This is also the reason why those monsters from Jindan Nine Heavens came out together in the mountains.

"I am willing to spend my Yuanyingzhenyuan to wash the muscles for everyone, hoping that everyone can take the world as their own responsibility, while fighting for more life for themselves, help us eliminate the Yumon Demon Clan, and contribute to the peace of humanity. force!"

Jiuhua Zhenren's words are sincere, just like an emperor who cares about the people and worries about the country and many people, so that many stunned youths can hear the blood and blood, and wish to find Yumeng immediately, cut off Yumeng's head and invite Jiuhua real people Please reward.

"The real people of Jiuhua said so nicely, bluffing these people, what on earth did he want to do?"

In a guest room of a restaurant, Mu Yu and Tian Ran pierced the window paper and secretly looked at the scene below. They found several places to determine the best place to peep. As for the owner of the room, it is estimated that they went down to visit Jiuhuazhen.

"Let a person live for another 20 years, because he can tell! He can only cheat the frogs at the bottom of the well. If the Yuanying period really has this ability, then those who are above the Yuanying period will not have to die." Tian Ran pouted. Road.

"However, he has successfully attracted so many cultivators of Jindan Yazhongtian and Jindan Jizhongtian. As long as he uses this as a bait, he can direct these people to put pressure on the Qingsong Alliance, or even provoke wars and trigger two. A lot of people will die in the alliance's conflict. Will the ghost door people get what they want?" Muyu said.

"Don’t you guess that the young people in red clothes behind Qingsong Taoist are also ghosts? Since then, aren’t Qingsong Alliance and Jiuhua Alliance both of them? They want so much trouble to fight with them. They clashed, and no one dared to disobey the orders of the real people of Jiuhua and Qingsong?" said Tian Ran.

"The people of Moyun Mountain are not fools. If they do not intensify the contradiction between the two alliances and let them go to fight with each other for no reason, who will do their best? Now everyone is still thinking about the demise of their martial arts, but only frightened Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua Zhenren did not dare to say much, UU reading www.uukanshu.com had more or less resentment in their hearts. Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua Zhenren naturally bought the hearts of the people first and strengthened their alliance first Get up and let everyone be loyal to their alliance, so that in the future they will work harder to kill people for the alliance."

In fact, Muyu is not sure whether the people behind Qingsong Taoist and Jiuhua real people are really ghosts. Tianran only knew that the man behind Jiuhua Reality was a Yuan Yingxiu called Guixuanyue, but the young man in red known to Muyu didn't know.

"Every one of you can stand up one by one, and I will pick it myself. First of all, I do not look at how you cultivate, how old you are, how you were born, what I value is whether each of you is worth my expense Does Zhenyuan’s qualification to wash the tendons and cut the pith have the realm of ascension, so if you cultivate it even if it is a golden pill, I may accept it."

Jiuhua's words interrupted the discussion between Muyu and Tianran. Muyu looked at Jiuhua again to see how he chose people.

After the real people of Jiuhua finished, those who cultivated at the bottom of the Jindan period suddenly appeared happy. They thought that they had no drama compared to other Jindan Jiugongtian and Yazhongtian. Jiuhua Zhenren's words seemed to give them a peace of mind.

Since the selection of candidates is not cultivation, age and origin, does that mean that all of them have the same opportunities? Those seniors of Jindan Yazhongtianhe Jiuzhongtian will not dominate.

Every Jindan person raised his head and raised his chest, looking dignified, looking at the Jiuhua real people on the stage with respect, striving to show his best side to Jiuhua real people, and then forty-nine lucky people One of them was selected by Jiuhua.

At the same time, everyone is also thinking about a question. Jiuhua's real candidates do not look at Xiu as a senior, so what does he value?

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