A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 139: Missing Virgin

"Holy Lady of Red Dust Gate? You said calmly?" Mu Yu nodded thoughtfully, and inherited the talents of the Triple God of the Continent, and cultivated and talented beyond ordinary people. It makes sense.

However, Cailie felt that Mu Yu's reaction was too light, and he looked angry at him.

"Don't pretend to be stupid and tell the truth, what is your intention to take away Tianran?" When Caiye saw Tianran, the wine had woke up more than half, and he drank very seriously. It seemed that he had a close relationship with Tianran.

"Do you also know Tianran? Then it's easy to deal with, and quickly help me see where Tianran has happened. She has been in a coma for a long time. I really can't do anything." Muyu dialed a fierce sword and sat on the edge of Tianran's bed. Touching Tianran's forehead, fortunately, Tianran did not have any fever except coma.

"Don't move her! What have you done to Tianran! Do you know that the person at Red Dust Gate has been looking for her? If the person at Red Dust Gate knows that Tian Ran appears in a strange man's room, you must be dead. ." Cai Lie is rarely cautious.

The Triple Continent respects the Eight Gates, including Yao Gate, Red Dust Gate, Star Gate, Gusha Gate, Life and Death Gate, Ghost Gate, Dihuang Gate, and Xuan Ling Gate. These eight martial arts are huge and deeply rooted, but they are the unshakable existence of the triple continent. Tianran, as the sage of the Red Dust Gate, has a very distinguished status, but she has been innocently missing for a year. Her disappearance caused a great uproar in the realm of truth!

In order to find the virgin, Hongchen Gate has made enough blood: anyone who finds the whereabouts of the virgin can enter the Red Dust Gate’s Red Dust Fairy Pool to practice for one year, and meet the conditions of a person within his power.

Not to mention, the tracing rewards from the Red Dust Gate alone are enough to make a large wave of innocent people crazy! The Red Dust Fairy Pool is said to be a holy place at the Red Dust Gate. Non-core disciples are not allowed to enter. The Red Dust Holy Land is said to be an ancient secret land, which contains countless precious magic weapons and exercises, which can be obtained by those who have great opportunities.

The origin of the Red Dust Gate is that thousands of years ago, the Red Dust Master, the founder of the Red Dust Gate, found the supreme power in the Red Dust Holy Land. The status of the mainland.

The Red Dust Holy Land is regarded as a forbidden place by the people of the Red Dust Gate, and only those with outstanding talents are not allowed to enter. There is no possibility for outsiders to enter. However, in order to find tranquility, the red dust door has opened such a rich condition. No wonder many people are crazy.

It is a pity that the realm world has been a sensation for a year, looking for tranquility, and there is still no news. Who can think that their saint is now in a teenager's room?

Muyu didn't care about this, he didn't know what Tianran meant to the Red Dust Gate, and now it's only the most important thing that makes Tianran sober.

"I'm not right about Tianran, please hurry and help me to see! Do you have any questions when she wakes up and ask yourself?" Muyu stood up and walked aside. He didn't know how to explain it to Cailie. He was stupidly charged with a crime of human trafficking, and it sounded like he had to escape if he was caught by the red dust door.

Cai Lie walked over the letter suspiciously, put her hand on the calm vein, then frowned, glanced at Mu Yu alertly, and then pulled out a delicate wooden box from her body. This wooden box is full of spirits, with engraved Taoist mysterious patterns on the body, some patterns flashed slightly, and they were also cast into a formation method, and the things inside must be very precious.

He opened the wooden box, which was divided into a number of small lattices, each of which contained a pill of the size of a finger. Cai Lie took out a brown elixir and gave it to Tian Ran, and then she used her spiritual power to help Tian Ran resolve the power of the elixir.

"Tanran is very unstable in the body. She was greatly shaken, which caused her body to be unable to gather spiritual power. It normally takes several days to recover. I gave her Suhuandan to make her recover faster. One point, she should wake up in a little while." Cai Lie put away the wooden box on her body, and her eyes still did not leave Mu Yu. Obviously she still didn't believe Mu Yu's words, fearing he would run away.

After about an hour, Tianran finally moved, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Tianran, are you awake? That's great!" Mu Yu let out a sigh of relief and walked over to support Tianran.

"Hello, don't touch her!" Cailie said.

"Brother Muyu, what's wrong with me? Where is this? Huh, Brother Cailie, why are you here?" Tian Ran touched her head, and she still had some discomfort, and her head was swollen.

"Tianran, where have you been running for more than a year? Do you know that your people at Red Dust Gate are in a hurry? You came to see me before you disappeared, and your sister and sister came to block my door every day. Not annoying!" Caiye asked eagerly.

Danding School is a place dedicated to cultivating alchemists. Other disciples will also go to Danding School to learn alchemy knowledge. This is also subject to the examination of Danding School. Tianran came from Hongchenmen and also studied at Danding School.

"I'm with Muyu, I'm fine." Tian shook his head quietly.

"He's with you, why are you like this, but he's okay?" Caire said.

"We have encountered some very troublesome things...not to mention, Brother Muyu is a good person, he helped me a lot!" Tianran barely squeezed a smile.

"Okay! I will trust him once for this matter, but you can't run away anymore. You told the people of the school to come to our Danding school to learn, but the results did not come again, and you are my master's outside disciple. You guys at the Red Dust Gate have made my Master a headache, and you have to see my Master." Zelie took a chair and sat down, returning to his lazy look.

Mu Yu and Tian Ran explained where they are now, and Tian Ran was also surprised. Switching to a normal hurry and trying to get here within a day is a fool's dream. Can the Yumeng Demon Teleport Array actually do this?

Tianran knew that the teleportation of Yumeng Demon Race was important. They had not yet figured out the origin of the teleportation array, and they did not discuss this matter in front of Caiye.

After a while, Xiaohua was heard shouting Caiye outside the door. It seemed that his master Master Yao was back. Cailie ran out, and when he came back, Master Yao hurried in. As soon as he came in, he saw the serenity sitting by the bed and walked quickly.

"Tranquil, Lier said that your spiritual power is unstable, how is it? Is it okay?" The master of medicine could not help but said grabbed the wrist of tranquility and gave her pulse.

"Mr. Yao Lao, I'm sorry to make you worry." said calmly and sincerely.

Master Yao yelled: "It's really nonsense! You talked to the people of Red Dust Gate to come here to study, but the people are gone. Your Red Dust Gate is about to break my threshold, and come to me to find someone who is missing, but you are missing. Your fellows are in a hurry."

But when he saw that Tianran didn't hurt, he was relieved, and then asked, "Where have you been this year?"

"I went out to play and accidentally got stuck in a valley. Later, Muyu's brother saved me." Tian Ran whispered.

"Valley? What valley will trap you? Don't you go to a place like Drywood Valley?" The Master of Medicine said helplessly.

"No, no, I dare to enter the Drywood Valley, it's another valley!" said with a smile.

Muyu hadn't heard of any deadwood valley, but looking at Tianran and Master Yao's tone, it seemed quite afraid of that place.

"No matter where you go, just come back. You are not allowed to go next. When Dan tests after the test, let me go back, and I will return you to the Red Dust Gate, so that the people of the Red Dust Gate will not bother me. "The Master of Medicine said undoubtedly.

"But—" Tianran remembered that he would accompany Mu Yu to the Fifty Mile Garden in the South.

"No, but Cailie will look at you step by step." The master of medicine said with a glance.

"Why is it Master?" Cai Lie is a very lazy guy. It is harder to let this kind of person to care for a person than to kill him.

"Do you want me to come?" Master Yao shouted.

Cailie threw out her tongue and whispered: "Do I have to look at her when I sleep peacefully? How bad is the lonely man and the widowed daughter? I have no opinion, so the sister Tianran is hard to say..."

"It's okay, Muyu and I slept with Sister Tianran last night!" Xiaoshuai didn't know where to get another bun, and he was biting right. As soon as it said this, the others stared at Muyu with a bad look.

Mu Yu's face was green, and he kicked over: "What are you talking about! I slept on the floor last night! You just shamelessly dig into someone's bed."

Tianran and Muyu got along for a year, and naturally knew Muyu was a man. Xiaoshuai likes to stick to her every day when she is at Chenchen, and she sleeps with her. She doesn't care, saying: "It's okay, I believe Brother Muyu."

"The Dan test will be held in three days. I am the person who presides over the Dan test. Xiaohua will help me deal with some things~www.readwn.com~ If you don’t get the qualification of the fourth-order alchemist this time, I Close your confinement," the master medicine warned of the sternness sitting in a chair.

Cailie rolled his eyes: "Master, I see."

The cultivation practice of Cailie Cai Jin Dan period, it is reasonable to say that with his spiritual power, it is impossible to refine the fourth-order elixir, but his master is an alchemist expert in the cultivation of the real world, and he has higher requirements for him. Although Cailie is an apprentice of Master Yao, Master Yao does not open a back door for Cailie.

Master Yao looked at Muyu, and then said with a smile: "Since Muyu is a person he knows comfortably, the old man will not pursue other things. Seeing you as a young man is also a top-notch talent. , I don’t know where the teacher is?

Muyu Gongte said: "Seniors have won the prize, the juniors come from the dust school, a small school with insufficient teeth."

Master Yao is a member of the triple continent. Naturally, he has never heard of the small school of Luochen School. There are three major mainland schools, thousands of them, with eight gates as the honor. The Danding school is also a big school with rich heritage, but many small schools are not necessarily heard of.

Master Yao nodded approvingly and said, "It's not easy for a small school to be able to get out of this kind of talent. It is not easy to know whether the little friend can come over with the old man. The old man is very interested in the little friend's words yesterday."

Muyu blinked. Master Yao still did not forget what happened yesterday. Presumably Xiaoshuai said his symptoms. He is now looking for Muyu to ask in detail. Mu Yu didn't know how to explain for Xiaoshuai. He didn't know the symptoms of Master Yao at all. If he put all this to Xiaoshuai, people wouldn't believe it.

Facing an invitation from an alchemy master, or an invitation from an old gentleman named Dan Dingpai, a famous drug master, how many hard-working people would Muyu refuse if he refused. So he nodded helplessly, taking one step at a time

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