A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 145: Fight again


Mu Yu's flashing body had been stopped in front of Mu Youmen Demon Clan, but he had just landed, and suddenly countless grasses and trees in the cracks on the ground bound Mu Yu. Muyu's toes shook and kicked away the vegetation. The vegetation on the ground was firmly controlled by Muyu, but now he dared not show his ability to control the wood, so he didn't fight back with the vegetation.

The Muyoumen Clan for a moment was deprived of their control of the plants and trees, froze for a moment, and soon reacted, turned and drilled into a willow tree next to them, and jumped into a courtyard. Where did Muyu let it go, immediately over the wall, and entered the courtyard. But Muyumen Demon Race had ran across the yard and turned over, Muyu followed suit. At this time, many residents had left the house and gathered on the street, fearing that their house would be burned by the fire Yumeng demon clan, so Muyu chased down the road and saw no one.

When Mu Yu chased into a courtyard, she could no longer see the traces of the Moyoumen. He hadn't stood on his toes yet, and the stones in the ground suddenly surged, and he was hitting Muyu by blocks! Muyu waved his shadow in his hand, and his sword gas was vertical and horizontal, instantly striking the stones away. More stones should be rushed over, and the soil on the ground even curled up a sharp thorn, trying to penetrate Muyu.

"Tu Youmen Demon Race!"

Mu Yu was awe-inspiring, he couldn't see where the Tuyumon Demon Clan was at the moment, but only the Tuyumon Demon Clan could control the stones, and there were several flames coming at the moment, it seems there are still Huomeng Demon. He was a little difficult to deal with these Yumon demons by himself, but it was helpless that Mu Yu didn't see where these Yumon demons were!

A sharp stone hit the Muyu sword, a great force came, and the sword in Muyu's hand was a few inches away, and at this moment the Muyoumen demon didn't know where to drill, use it by itself 'S body is firmly wrapped in Muyu.

"Human, you are not human."

Muyumon Mozu whispered in Muyu's ear, making Muyu a little horrified. A stone crossed Muyu's arm, and blood spattered out, staining Muyumon demon who wrapped around his body. At this moment, Mu Yu's heart moved, and an inexplicable feeling appeared in his brain, and the structure of all aspects of the Muyumen Demon's body that wrapped around him appeared in his perception at a glance.

He suddenly found that he could control the body of Muyumen Demon Race!


The Muyoumon Demon was also stunned. He didn't know why he was controlled by this guy who seemed to be human but not human. When he found that his movement was hindered by Muyu, he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Heart palpitations, from this human he also found a breath that made his soul tremble!

The ranks of the Yumen Demon Race are very strict. The more noble the blood, the stronger the power. The supreme Yumeng Spirit Master can control his own people at will, and at the moment Muyu’s blood is contaminated with the Muyoumen Demon Clan, The kind of majesty from the bloodline suddenly made the Muyoumenc in front of you have no room to resist!

Who is this human being? Why does he have the breath of the great Muyu in him?

The Muyoumen Mozu thought for a time that Lord Yumeng Ling controlled him, but he clearly saw a living human race. What's going on?

Mu Yu couldn't explain the situation, but he found that he could control the Muyumen Demon Clan, and at this time more stones screamed sharply. He moved his mind and the Muyumon Demon Clan suddenly appeared on his body. The crisscrossing branches sweep away all the stones!

Mu Yu didn't expect this to happen. The last time he played with the Muyumon Demon Clan, he couldn't even control the skill of the Muyumon Demon Clan, but this time he was in a muddle. , Really surprising!

He didn't realize how noble his blood was!


The beautiful piano sound suddenly sounded, and suddenly several sharp sonic booms were played in the air, and the surrounding soil and stones were all broken into powder. At the same time, a purple signal suddenly appeared in the air, flashing for a long time.

"court death!"

The sound of Huoyoumen Demon sounded, Muyu finally saw Huoyoumen Demon, and he flew quickly into the air. Muyu looked up and saw that it was a very beautiful woman. She held a guzheng in her hand, and her long fingers played between them. From time to time, there were blue sound blades slashing towards the Humomen Demon Clan, and the blue light flashed. At the same time the figure also flew up, intertwined with the Huoyoumen demons.

Mu Yu knew this woman. She was a person from Yaomen named Joanna. Just now Tianyunmen’s Tianyun had harassed her, but she seemed to have been kicked by her. She didn’t understand why she appeared here.

"Hurry up! The human package is coming!"

A Tuyoumeng clan poked his head from the room. He had seen more and more humans coming here. The Huyoumeng clan was no longer entangled with Joanna, and the monstrous flame rolled towards Joanna. Anna fluttered and pushed away, and the Fire Yumon Demon had rushed into the Tuyumon Demon's room, while the Muyumon Demon was still captured by Muyu.

"Let me go!" Muyoumen demon whispered.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Yu asked.

"Of course to tell you that the war has restarted." Muyoumen said angrily.

"Does this also mean the old tree leader? The old tree leader said he didn't like war." Mu Yu frowned.

"Do you know the old tree leader? We Muyoumen are also Yumeng. There are some things we can't stay out of." Muyoumens sneered. "The triple continent has been occupied by humans for so long. It’s time for us, the Yumon Demon Race.

"what happened?"

The master medicine master and the city master saw that the purple signal had rushed over, and both of them looked sober, paying great attention to the fact that the Yumeng demon were still in the city. Seeing Muyu caught in by a Muyoumen demon, the Master of Medicine had already shot and went towards the Muyoumen.

"Don't--" Muyu just wanted to stop it, but the Master of Medicine had already grasped the Muyoumon Demon Clan, and Muyu could only pull out and leave the Muyumon Demon Clan. The majestic spirit of the Master Master rolled out, and the Muyoumen Demon Clan had not yet had time to react, and had been shaken into debris.

"They entered that room!"

Joanna rushed towards the room, and at this moment, a ray of light flashed through the room, and huge waves of spiritual power swept through. She instantly flew Joanna out, just back to Muyu. Muyu reached out and hugged Joanna subconsciously. The other party's cultivation practice was also Jindan period, similar to Muyu, but Muyu still took a little effort to catch her.

"Let me go!" Joanna said angrily.

"What's so fierce..." Mu Yu lowered his head, only to find that his hand seemed to hug a place that shouldn't be held, where it was soft and bulging, like two small mountain peaks. He blinked, a little embarrassed, and quickly released his hand. Joanna stared at Muyu with an angry look, and saw Muyu's eyes burst into flames.

She is a noble fairy elder sister of Yaomen, but she was attacked by a **** who came out of nowhere!

However, the Master of Medicine and the City Master had entered the room, and Mu Yu pretended not to see Joanna's expression, and then walked in and followed.

The room was very bright, enveloped by the radiating light, which made people unable to open their eyes. After the light slowly dissipated, the scene in front of them made everyone's eyes widen.

Muyu is the most surprised person!

Ten thousand years of green wood, Xuanhai Chen Bing, ancient spirits from the fire, meteorite iron, Shenyan frozen soil.

These five things make up a small teleportation array. At the moment, the light is flashing in the center of the house, and the ground is engraved with Taoist mysterious patterns, which are complicated and complicated, which makes Muyu's heart startle. Go to the Yumon Demon Formation of the Triple Continent! Although it is much smaller than the five-element formation seen in the Moyun Mountains, how does this formation appear here?

"what is this?"

The city owner had never seen this teleportation array, he looked at it in surprise~www.readwn.com~ wanted to see something from it, but unfortunately he was so knowledgeable that he couldn’t see why, he used to Never seen these.

"I'm afraid this is the way for Yumen Mozu to enter the city." After a long time, Mu Yu said slowly.

Everyone's face changed a lot, they had never seen this teleportation array, and the master medicine stared, "Mu Yu, how do you know?"

"Because we just saw two Yumon demons enter this room and disappear." Joanna said.

"How did the Yumon demons destroy the moat formation, and how did you set up the teleportation array here? Don't you know it as the city master?" Master Yao yelled.

The city owner's face was flushed, and the Yumeng demons had not reappeared for decades. Where did he think that the Yumeng demons would appear for the first time in decades, and his city would become the first target of the Yumeng demons?

"The two of you hurried away? Don't you know that the Jindan monks are very dangerous to deal with the Yumon Demon Clan?" Master Yao looked at Muyu without blaming him, but waved them away. .

Muyu left here without a word, and Joanna followed.

Just when they had just turned a street, Joanna walked a few steps to Muyu's heels, and Guzheng had appeared in her hand, gritted her teeth and said: "You did something impolite to me just now, I want to chop your hand down !"


Mu Yu was still thinking about the Yumen Mozu teleportation. When she heard Joanna's words, she was stunned. She wondered why this man was so incomprehensible. She just caught her and helped her. , Not intentional, how can you be so careful?

Muyu was too lazy to care about her, and wanted to get up, but Joanna's sound blade was already split towards Muyu.

"Lying trough, come true? Have you made a mistake?" Mu Yu felt innocent, is this woman's brain wrong?

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