A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 159: Critical line

Muyu's arm has broken, and he can only hold the flying sword in his left hand. Normally, the sword can be divided into five, and the left hand and the right hand can actually be used. However, with the left hand, the sword is not as smooth as the right hand. Once the right hand is fractured, the strength he can exert is reduced by five layers.

The sound behind seemed to come from the water because of the sound of splashing water. Judging from the sound, the volume of this monster should not be very large, more like an agile monster. When something like a tentacle wrapped around Mu Yu, Mu Yu's heart burst into wailing. When it was over, it was an octopus monster.

But something was wrong. At the moment when the tentacles entangled Muyu, Muyu felt a familiar feeling in his heart. It was such a joy, so real, he did not feel the breath of death, but let him see a glimmer of hope. .

It's aquatic!

I never imagined that the attack on Muyu was actually moving grass! The other party will also be a plant, and it is a plant that can control the feathers. This aquatic grass is also unlucky, it just came to join in the excitement, but whoever wanted to kick the iron plate. As soon as the water grass touched Muyu, it knew that it had met the nemesis, and even if it had no chance of resistance, it was directly taken by Muyu.

"Save it!" Xiaoshuai said happily.

Mu Yu also squeezed a sweat, Shan Zhongshui replied no way, Liu Anhuaming another village. He immediately uprooted the aquatic plants from the water and estimated that the aquatic plant is a round body with **** thick, covered with barbs and about ten meters in length. This is a powerful killer. . If there are monsters with short eyes coming over to do things later, they will be directly integrated into the water plants, and there should be no surprises.

Mu Yu found that Lao Tan's fire had not been extinguished, but it was also suddenly bright and dark, and there was also a roar of Lao Tan. Lao Tan must now be fighting with a lot of monsters. He knew that he couldn't afford to delay, and hurried to the front. He was wrapped in water and grass, and his eyes looked at the darkness in front of him, always alert.

At this moment, Mu Yu's eyes lit up, and he saw the light in front! I was so happy that I stopped immediately. Lao Tan's fire really ran from behind Muyu to before Muyu, which meant Muyu had just crossed the border of this maze.

Muyu took a step back, the flame was still in front, and took another step back, the flame disappeared.

This is it!

Mu Yu squatted down, he could not see anything in the darkness, nor could he see the ground. Muyu took out the bones left by Xiaoshuai, put a cross here, and then moved a few pieces of cobblestone to make marks, and finally fumbled to the wall, and carved marks on the wall.

Everything was properly marked, Mu Yu stood up and just wanted to run in the direction of Lao Tan, and returned to the cave with Lao Tan to wait for the dawn, but Lao Tan roared.

"Mu Yu, if you solve the puzzle, you must take my body out, I don't want to stay here after death!"

Then the light flickered a few times, extinguished, and all around returned to darkness, only the roar of the demon beast one after another.

Mu Yu's heart sank, and Lao Tan was besieged by many monsters. Mu Yu wanted to run over to save him, but the black lights were blind, and he went to no avail. He didn't even know where Lao Tan was.

He felt a moment of sorrow. Lao Tan had an accident, and he felt very uncomfortable. Lao Tan was stuck here for half a year. If he died here in this way at last, it would be too unfair to him.

Mu Yu didn't dare to move. If he went on, he would definitely encounter more monsters. He must find a suitable place to rest now, and wait until dawn to make plans.

Muyu controls the aquatic plants, allowing the aquatic plants to firmly adhere to the wall, and then Muyu makes the aquatic plants make a hammock and lays on it. He raised his ears and listened to the movements around him cautiously. There were strange and strange sounds from time to time on the river bank below, like some monsters were crawling rapidly, and some monsters were rolling and playing.

"Shouldn't these monsters climb up?" Mu Yu silently prayed that Lao Tan shouldn't be in trouble. They also prayed that those monsters would go back to the river and go to bed. If there's nothing wrong, it's really fun to come out at night.

This night, Mu Yu must not be able to fall asleep. He was lying on the water grass. He felt a little bit distraught in his heart. From time to time he listened to see if Lao Tan's voice for help came from afar. He really wanted to hear Lao Tan's cry for help, but at the same time he was scared to hear it, because even if Lao Tan was calling for help, Mu Yu had no way to save Lao Tan, but would only add to his worries.

"Your fracture was picked up by me, and it should be fine tomorrow morning." Xiaoshuai flicked his big tail. Its high efficiency caused Muyu to breathe a sigh of relief. This was the only luck in Muyu's misfortune. At least, if there is another monster attack, he can barely cope with one or two.

The valley in the dark night is full of excitement. These monsters didn't dare to run out of the water during the day. At night, they were like parties, tearing and roaring each other, making a variety of sounds.

It was finally dawn, and Muyu saw the sound of water splashing in many places, and the running water began to rattle, presumably the monster was crawling back to his underwater nest. Muyu waited until there were no more sounds of monsters and beasts activity before jumping down carefully.

He did not put the water plants back into the river, thinking that if there was a single monster coming to attack, the water plants should still be used. But Shui Cao suddenly showed a sense of panic. As the sky got brighter, the urgency it conveyed to Mu Yu became stronger and stronger. It seemed that Shui Cao was afraid of the day.

"You mean that there is some kind of weird malaria in the valley during the day that makes you feel uncomfortable?" Mu Yu nodded thoughtfully, no wonder he couldn't see a monster during the day, it turned out that there was poison in the valley that scared the monster during the day Meas spread. Presumably these poisonous malaria are white fog, but Mu Yu is also very curious, because he and Lao Tan did not feel the same in this fog, and it was said that Lao Tan had been here for half a year and nothing happened.

The water plants had begun to tremble, and the white mist became more and more obvious. Muyu had to put the water plants back into the river. As soon as the water plants fell into the river, a circle of ripples like Meng Among disappeared.

"Old Tan!"

Mu Yu ran in the direction of Lao Tan, and at the same time began to shout Lao Tan loudly. His voice echoed in the valley for a long time, but he did not hear Lao Tan's response. He stopped in a **** place.

The red and blue blood scattered around the ground chaotically, and there were many mutilated amputations, which looked like monsters. This should be the place where Lao Tan wrestled with the monsters last night. Judging from the bloodiness of the scene, there was a fierce battle last night.

Muyu endured vomiting to look at the blood clots, silently thinking not to see blood clots similar to humans. Fortunately, he pulled the blood clot and found no signs of Lao Tan, which made him relieved. But soon he was worried again. Isn't Lao Tan already bitten by the monsters?

Muyu tried to get this idea out of his mind. He was unwilling to accept this fact and continued to look to the side.

But after searching for a long time, I didn't find anything about Lao Tan. Is he really buried in the belly of the monster? He walked up to the cliff wall and sat down, feeling guilty. He came up with this method and caused Lao Tan to die, not to mention how sad he was. Last night, Lao Tan also screamed in the last breath to let Mu Yu take Lao Tan's body out, and now there is not even a little **** left.


A drop of blood dropped on Muyu's arm, so shocking. Muyu stood up conditionedly and looked up. Thankfully, Lao Tan was actually on the cliff wall.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Mu Yu found that Lao Tan inserted two short blades into the cliff wall, he grabbed the two short blades and hung them on the stone wall, and insisted for one night.

"Great, you are fine."

Lao Tan opened his eyes weakly, and saw Muyu, finally relieved, and then his hands fell, and the whole person fell. Mu Yu stretched out his hand to pick it up, but his hand was still hurt, and he couldn't catch it. Finally, he could only regret to let Lao Tan fall heavily on the ground.

Lao Tan's injury was much more serious than Mu Yu's. He didn't have a good piece of meat all over his body, covered with claw marks of various monsters. There were blood on many parts of his body, **** flesh on his chest, and several scratches on his face. At this time, he was in a coma.

Mu Yu quickly entered Lao Tan's spiritual power to help him heal. When he wanted to use Lao Tan just now, he accidentally encountered a broken hand again, and now he started to feel pain again, and his back and legs were also covered with flesh. He borrowed a little bit of the vitality of aquatic plants to heal himself last night. Now, let's all enter the vitality of aquatic plants into Lao Tan's body.

"Xiaoshuai, move the aura quickly!" Mu Yu said.

"The aura here is too thin, but you can still try it." Xiaoshuai started to dance its big tail to make the aura around him thick. Muyu quickly absorbed these auras, and his arm hurt for one night, which finally felt good. Some more.

After a few hours, Lao Tan finally opened his eyes. After all, he was a cultivator of Yuan infantry period. With Xiaoshuai's control of spiritual power, his recovery ability was still very strong.

"Did you figure it out?" Lao Tan struggled to sit up and asked.

Mu Yu nodded, old Tan barely squeezed a smile, this injury did not suffer. Mu Yu asked Lao Tan to sit and rest. He was going to find the mark he made last night and picked up Danhuo Stone by the way. Last night, Muyu didn't know what monster he was killing. Muyu looked around and there was only a pool of blood. He thought that the big monster should be divided by the monster. He was a little sorry. Also want to see what a ghost his big-eyed monster is.

Finally, Muyu found the location where the mark was made yesterday. The mark made with bones has been trampled by monsters~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, Muyu also made a mark on the cliff wall. Muyu passed the cliff wall. The mark drew a line on the river bank.

"Here is the critical line that we ventured to determine?" Lao Tan walked over to look carefully at both sides of the line, and there was nothing unusual.

Muyu nodded, and any formation method has a limit, and the general method of solving the puzzle formation is at the critical line. Muyu carefully observed the line on the cliff wall, and finally found a strange place in one place.

There is a small engraving on the cliff wall next to the marking line from the wood feather. If you don't look closely, you can't see it. This engraving is painted with the same color as the cliff wall. Muyu knows this kind of pigment, which is a material specially used for carving.

Many formations are directly portrayed with spiritual power, but this is too spiritual. There is a special material grinded into powder, which can be used as a spiritual scribing line to describe the pattern. Muyu had seen it when he was looking for the old one.

Xiaoshuai likens this array to two mirrors. Put a mirror on each end of the line, put a mirror on one side, and have a mirror on the other side. If you go in from this mirror, you will come out from the other mirror. The reason why Muyu came back to the beginning.

The coverage of this mirror is very large, and it actually spans this valley. Fortunately, the distance between the two mirrors is not large, which shows that the array method is limited.

Mu Yu didn't have a way to break the formation. He wanted to destroy this engraving, but the people who set up the array were taller than him. He had no ability to destroy the engraving, and even Lao Tan didn't have that strength.

"So it's useless even if we find the critical line?" Lao Tan's complexion dimmed, and after so long a hard time to get such a result, he was somewhat unacceptable.

Muyu stood on the carving, stepped back a few steps, looked around, and looked up at the cliff. His eyes brightened: "It's not impossible."

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