Muyu has seen too many non-humans who can talk, such as the Yumon Demon Clan and the Demon Clan, not to mention there is a little handsome guy who pops out in the eyes of Reiki. The legendary dragons don't speak human language, they have their own language, so when Muyu found out that she could understand Dragon Vine's Dragon Yin, she was still a little surprised.

But I was surprised that a golden rookie of the Golden Age stage would save such a behemoth in front of so many young infants? Stop it, you have problems with self-protection, and you want to run away?

He couldn't escape at all. These days, he didn't want to catch his first baby period any more than one or two. His breath will be locked by the monks of the first child's life, where he ran to chase where. Every time I got rid of Yuanying, I escaped by trees, so it would be strange to be able to escape with this behemoth.

When Longteng roared towards Muyu, he also brought the attention of several other infants. They saw it was just a kid in Jindan period who probed his brain next to him, and immediately said impatiently: "Boy, go away!"

Several people waved the magic weapon in their hands during the speech, and there were several more scars on Longteng's body. There was one scar that even split its tail, which was shocking.

"Be careful, you can't kill it!" A monk who was in her infancy saw that Longteng almost lost her tail, and quickly shouted at her companion.

"help me!"

Longteng shouted again, rushing towards Muyu's side, only Muyu could understand the sound, and maybe there was Xiaoshuai.

"Really save?" Xiaoshuai looked at Longteng with interest.

Longteng was hit by an axe of a bearded man just after he threw it, and he fell hard in the tree branch where Muyu was hiding, throwing Muyu to the side.

"Boy, leave here quickly without wanting to die!" Qiuxu Han said fiercely.

"Sorry! Passing by, passing by." Mu Yu scrambled and quickly laughed. He hated to find trouble most, often trouble came to him, but he really wanted to save this dragon and vine, but he didn't have the ability .

At this time, a more powerful breath was overshadowed, Mu Yu once felt this kind of breath from the master of medicine, this is the breath that the master of the out of the period has.

The reinforcements of Fuxianyu arrived!

"help me!"

Dragon Vine groaned, its eyelids drooped down, and it was clearly the bow of a strong crossbow.

Mu Yu clenched her fist, and this dragon and vine could feel its ability to control the wood, so it sent out a cry for help. How would you save it? It is very difficult in the Yuanying period, not to mention the cultivators who have come out of the period.

Can you save? Muyu is in a very difficult position. After all, this dragon vine is also spiritual. Muyu can't bear to be refined into a panacea by others. But he suddenly thought that the dragon vine is a kind of plant. All plants can be controlled by him. He can be assimilated with the dragon vine. The most important thing is that the dragon vine will be caught in Fuxianyu. There is no way to get in!

"Eat me!" Mu Yu whispered to Longteng.

"What?" Xiaoshuai thought he had misheard, he was still thinking about eating the dragon vine, but Muyu wanted to let dragon vine eat himself?

"Eat me!" Muyu repeated it again, a grunt in his mouth, similar to the yelling of the dragon, he didn't know what he learned the language of the dragon himself, several other infants He couldn't understand what Muyu was saying.

Longteng hesitated, and suddenly tried his best to pounce on Muyu, his mouth opened wide enough to swallow Muyu.

"Boy flash away!" Qiu Xuhan shouted.

But Muyu was swallowed into the stomach by Dragon Vine without resistance, and Dragon Vine whimpered, and finally fell to the ground.

As soon as Muyu entered Long Teng's stomach, he directly merged with Long Teng. Long Teng's body was shocked, and he found that his body would be controlled by Mu Yu at any time.

Muyu really wanted to save the dragon and vine, but he couldn't save it directly, so he chose to create the illusion of being swallowed by the dragon and wait for the opportunity to help the dragon and vine escape.

"Your method is too risky, what if this guy is taken directly to make medicine? Are we dead!" said Xiaoshuai with dissatisfaction.

"It should be taken for auction, we can just take this opportunity to mix in Fuxianyu!" Mu Yu said. Dragon Vine has fallen into a deep sleep, and it was seriously injured. At this moment, it is the fragile period of the rigidified dragon. It simply does not have any chance to escape alone.

The master who came out of the stage fell next to Longteng. This is an old man in his fifties, with a ruddy complexion and a beautiful face. He is followed by a cold and beautiful woman, who looks like she is in her twenties, dressed in pink and mature. In fact, the figure is uneven, and there are actually repairs for Yuan infants.

"Elder Ji, Miss Beya, this dragon vine devoured a kid from Jindan period before falling down," a guard from Yuanying period came over and said respectfully.

"Since this dragon and vine has turned into a dragon, its value will have to be re-estimated. This time you have done a good job and I will report it to the owner."

Elder Ji nodded in satisfaction, he was too lazy to mention the thing that a Jindan practitioner was eaten up. In their eyes, the dragon vine of the dragon is already of great value. A little golden pill died when it died. How can it be comparable to this dragon vine.

"Elder Ji, the dragon vine itself is a rare thing, and the dragon vine of the dragon is a rare sight for thousands of years! Since it has become a dragon, it has entered the ranks of spirit beasts, and we still use it as a medicinal material. Do you sell it?" Miss Beya's voice was pleasing and magnetic, and she twisted her body while speaking, and looked at the few big men with blushing ears.

"Wow, compared with this sister's double peak, Joanna's can only be regarded as plain!" Xiaoshuai has been whispering that her bulging front is much larger than Joanna, Muyu looked at her hand. But he has touched the plain.

"The owner has his own decision, we will take it back first. Tomorrow is the auction, it's time to see the situation!" Elder Ji waved his sleeves, a huge force firmly tied the dragon and vine, and then took the dragon Vine rose from the sky and flew towards Fuxianyu, followed by Miss Beya and others.

Muyu can now control Longteng's body. He intends to wait for Longteng to stay dead after entering Fuxianyu, let them relax their vigilance, and then find a chance to slip out.

Muyu could see everything outside when he was in Longteng's body. He looked down at Fuxianyu Island from high altitude.

It was a huge island with trees, forests, and birds and beasts coming and going from time to time. In the middle of the island is a huge palace, magnificent and magnificent, which should be the location of the auction. Various pavilions, towers and pavilions stand around the palace, like a starry ornament, hidden in the rockery woods, occasionally showing the corner of the eaves, don't have a charm.

What surprised Muyu most was that he saw that the rockery was actually intertwined with flowing water. This floating fairy island is also a large lake. The rockery trees are built on the small islands in the lake. All the buildings are also built on the water. Connected together by delicate winding stone fence bridges, these waters flow from one side of the island to the Poxian Lake below, forming a small waterfall.

"Great handwriting!" Mu Yu could not help sighing.

The structure of the lake in the lake does not know how much financial and manpower it wants to spend. The water is pumped from Poxian Lake to Fuxian Island with spiritual force, and then flows back to Poxian Lake. This artificial island itself is supported by huge spiritual power. Floating in mid-air, the spirit stone needed to maintain such a large island can only be achieved by the wealthy Huai million.

Mu Yu was taken by Elder Ji to an elegant attic with a huge courtyard in front of the attic, and a willow tree with green branches hanging in the middle of the courtyard. Three people have stood under the willow tree, headed by a middle-aged man in a golden brocade, with a big belly and a slick smile, a little blessed, but it looks very good, this person is a millionaire on the rich side.

"I've seen the house owner." Elder Ji nodded slightly, and placed Dragon Vine carefully in front of Huai million.

"This is the Dragon Vine that has become a dragon?"

With a million-faced surprise, he has lived for so long, no strange animal has ever seen it, and Dragon Vine has seen it a hundred times, but he is still the first to see the Dragon Vine of Hualong.

"Dad, are you so surprised?" Miss Beiya was Huai million's daughter. She frowned, and her reaction to Huai million was a little strange. It seems logical that the father who had seen the world could not be so gaffeous.

"Beya, you don't understand this. Do you know what is the most mysterious spirit beast under the sky? It is the dragon. The dragon is not a pure species, but the final form of the evolution of all spirit beasts. Dragon spirit beasts are few and far between. The conditions of this dragon and vine are very harsh. Even if it lives for 10,000 years, it is not meant to be called a dragon." Huai million said with a smile.

"Bah! The final form of my evolution is not a dragon. The dragon is a bird egg. This fat man really can't talk." Xiaoshuai scratched his paw dissatisfiedly.

"So what is the final form of your evolution?" Mu Yu asked curiously.

"Me! My final form of evolution is very handsome..."

"Little mouse." Long Teng's voice suddenly sounded.

"Bah! You are the little mouse, and your whole family is the little mouse!" The little handsome scrambled in the dragon's body in a hurry.

"Are you awake?" Muyu asked, and there was strong vitality in Longteng's body, which should be restored quickly.

"Save me." Long Teng said again.

"Do you only say this one?" Xiaoshuai asked.

"Little mouse." Long Teng's voice was mixed with a trace of disgust. It seemed to be like Xiao Shuai, and it didn't look good to the other party.

"I must have eaten you!" Xiaoshuai opened his mouth and bite it. Long Tong twitched in OK, OK. Don't quarrel, we have to recuperate and find a chance to escape! "Mu Yu opened Xiaoshuai's mouth."

The people outside only heard the dragon chanting of Dragon Vine, and did not know that Dragon Vine was arguing with a strange thing in his stomach. Everyone tweeted praise. They were also the first to hear Longyin, but they couldn't understand what Longteng was saying.

"Take care of it first, let the news go out, and Longteng will auction five days later." Huai million ordered to continue. After setting the time at five days, it is just to attract more people's attention. Presumably, this dragon dragon vine will make many innocent people crazy.

"Dad, such a rare spirit beast, are we really going to sell it?" Wai Beiya was a little puzzled.

"Beya! You don’t understand, dragons are spiritual, and the possibility of being tamed is very small, and even the people of the Emperor of the Earth cannot tame it. They are very proud and disdain to be with humans, and It is said that we will remember our vengeance. It’s useless for us to keep it. It’s a blessing to see this kind of thing. And we are merchants. It’s our style to take it to auction. I believe that the one-stop auction will be repaired There is a huge storm in the world. What we want is this reputation, which is more valuable to businessmen than a train."

Huai million is still a clever calculation. The most important thing for a businessman is his reputation. He is rich, but there are people who are as rich as him, and the business of the instructors is also competing with each other. If the realm realm knows that he has a legendary dragon in his hand that is about to be auctioned, then his reputation will surpass that of other businesses, which is what he wants.

"We need to make a good deployment to maximize the benefits." Huai Million fiddled with the finger of his hand and looked at Longteng with deep eyes.

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