A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 188: Settle down

This incident made Mu Yu a little caught off guard. He didn't expect things to get so tricky. However, the dead wood did not feel surprised when he heard this on the side, but instead said in a pleasant tone: "Greedy, **** it."

Witherwood didn't have any guilt about the accidental killing of the disciples of Danding. At that time, Shi Yun was like everyone else killing Muyu. How could witherwood allow Muyu to have an accident?

Yundan Taoist asked displeasurely: "Even if it is the same door?"

Muyu grasped the words Tongmen, and he immediately said: "Since it's the same door, why didn't he stand up when I was besieged by other martial arts? I didn't think of me as a fellow."

"How does he know that you are the same door?" Yundan Taoist asked.

"Then how do I know he is in the same door as me?" Mu Yu asked.

Yun Dan Taoist sneered: "He was wearing my Dan Ding School clothes when he had an accident. I don't think you know the logo of my Dan Ding School?"

Mu Yu didn't really know this, at least I didn't care at the time. At that time the situation was so critical, how could he have the mood to pay attention to it, but he still argued reasonably:

"At that time, the old man had already spoken out to designate that the person who came out of the valley was his heir. I had not met the old man and had not really determined the relationship between the master and the apprentice. It was not clear that he came from the Danding school. Many people don’t know that he has graduated from Danding School, right?

However, Shi Yun, who was accidentally killed by me, knew this. Huai million broke my identity in front of so many people, he knew that I was determined to be the heir by the old man, and I knew I was Dan Ding. A member of the pie. And I only know that I am the heir to the grandfather, but I don’t know that I am a Danding. He chose to besiege me with others, why? "

Mu Yu's analysis is powerful and reasonable, but it actually makes Yundan Taoist not know how to refute.

From Muyu's point of view, he didn't know that the brother of the Danding School was his fellow disciple, but that brother knew that because the dead wood let the film organization help find Muyu's whereabouts, many people have heard about it. , Brother Shi Yun certainly knew it.

Yu Qing Yu Li is the brother who was accidentally killed by the dead wood. Mu Yu did not do anything wrong. What else do people tell him if they want to kill themselves?

Mu Yu continued, "I was just a little Jindan cultivator at that time, and that brother must have been a baby infant? Right in front of those people, I couldn't even keep my life, and it was good to be able to pull a cushion. Do you still have the mood to choose who should kill and who should not?

Besides, in the true sense, I only killed one person in the Jianjian Valley, and then I realized the true meaning of the infancy, and I was disturbed by them in the Tao, and I didn’t know how many people I killed. The old man appeared in time to pull me back from my madness, and I would not be able to stand here. "

Yun Dan Taoist has not experienced the scene at that time, but he can imagine how a Jin Dan period can face a siege of a few yuan infant period and still make a difficult breakthrough. This perseverance is also commendable to focus on the entire triple continent.

"You're so clever, you can say everything. You really can't blame you for this matter." Yundan Taoist nodded slightly, then said to the dead wood: "You're lucky to accept a good apprentice. But this thing won't It's such a good deal, and I don't decide whether you want to return to the quota. After two days, Brother Yao Wuji should go out. I will let Brother Pharmacist, Sister Leng, and Brother Shi discuss the matter together. You live here for the time being, and I will ask someone to repair the house for you."

Yundan Taoist turned and rose into the air after he said that he wanted to leave. But Mu Yu asked at the back: "Uncle Shi, you said that this matter will not give up, then do you want to punish me?"

Yun Dan Taoist gave Mu Yu a meaningful look: "I will not punish you, I just remind you that the disciple who was killed by you is named Shi Yun. I’m not a close relative, and your uncle doesn’t value him very much, but the relationship between your uncle and your master is not good.

The bitterness of Muyu's face is really bitter after another. Why is it so coincident that he has a grievance with his surname! Shi Dengtian and the dead wood have a bad relationship. Mu Yu knows that Mu Yu not only beat Shi Dengtian's grandson, but also killed his apprentice. He will definitely play by the time and make trouble.

Cai Lie wanted to stay, but Yundan Taoist sent him to inform Elder Leng Bingxue about it. Cai Lie was not happy when she heard the errand. Obviously, it was a sad thing for him. Elder Leng Bingxue is not that irritating. Although he just spreads a word, he doesn't want to face the cold woman.

Yundan Taoist and Cailie were sent away, leaving only the wood feather and dead wood in the whole mountain, and a thatched house that was demolished in half.

"You go, house."

Withered wood looked at the dilapidated house and motioned to Muyu to repair it, but withered wood himself found a large stone to sit down and rest. Mu Yu rolled her eyes and took the hard work all over her body. You can't let an old man with no cultivation practice do this with him! But this matter is not difficult for Muyu. The lumberjacks have cut down a lot of bamboo, which is enough for Muyu to build a simple house.

His greatest reliance is on the ability to control trees. He can adjust the length of each bamboo at will, and can make each bamboo be tightly fused together without any special adhesive paste. It took him an afternoon to build a bamboo hut exactly. As for the disciples sent by the Yundan Taoists to be sent away by Mu Yu, of course he could not do such things by them, but the bed board they brought Tables, chairs and other daily necessities were left behind.

The people of the Danding faction are mainly alchemists. They will refine Pigudan to keep themselves from starving. Yundan Taoists sent some of them, but these Pigudan foods are tasteless, like chewing wax, they are not at all. good to eat.

Withered wood mortals do not like to eat this, but fortunately Muyu prepared a lot of roast duck in advance, enough to fill his stomach. Xiaoshuai is naturally the guy who eats the most, and Dragon Vine only needs to absorb spiritual power. At night, Muyu sprinkled some medicine powder around to prevent snakes and worms from harassing. In fact, there are too many. There are dragon vines that do not need these at all, but it is still safe. After all, there is a precarious dead wood old man here.

Two people and two beasts spent a night in the newly built bamboo house.

Early in the morning the next morning, Cailie brought a lot of food to eat. Although these things were not needed by Muyu, Cailie also secretly brought wine. Mu Yu still doesn't like drinking, but Kumu quite likes drinking.

From Cailie, Muyu knew that Tianran would come this time. At that time, he could enter Tiantiantian with Tianran, as long as he got the quota. Withered Mu's expression slightly changed when he heard the Red Dust Gate, Muyu didn't notice it.

In the afternoon, Cailie went back to something. The dead wood asked Muyu to take him to another mountain. Withered wood understands the situation here, so Muyu does not object to where he wants to go. He took the withered wood and fell on the top of the mountain. The two of them walked down the mountain for a while, and then saw a small lake surrounded by lush trees.

The lake is crystal clear, there is a chic green hut by the lake, the roof is covered with green creepers, half of the hut stands on the lake, and the balcony is facing the lake.

The hut has no lock door, and the dead wood pushes the door in. This is a simple hut. The house only has simple furniture. There is a picture hanging on the wall. It is a beautiful woman, born fresh and bright, with long black hair and Waist, dressed in light gauze, is like a lotus. Withered wood walked over and stroked the picture, his eyes were a little confused.

Mu Yu looked around curiously. Apart from this picture, there was nothing else in the room. The room was fresh and tidy, as if someone had cleaned it regularly. The dead wood seemed to be caught in the memories of the past, Muyu didn't bother him, but just walked to the balcony and looked at the lake from the balcony. The scenery was pleasant, and the lake occasionally rippled, making people feel calm.

It took a long time for the dead wood to recover. He walked out alone, across the lake, and Mu Yu followed. Withered wood walked to a stone by the lake and stopped. The stone was engraved with a handsome "withered" character. Withered wood looked at the word and was lost in confusion. This place should carry many special memories of dead wood, making him so abnormal.

Mu Yu was bored, so he went around by himself. There are trees all around, which is a good place for Muyu. Occasionally, birds can be seen flying over the treetops. Muyu has the idea of ​​catching one or two animals to grill.

The bird is too small to fill the gap between Xiaoshuai's teeth, not to mention him. He wondered if there were any bigger animals. He turned for a long time and finally found a white rabbit on a tree. ~www.readwn.com~ Muyu looked at the fat and bunny rabbit, thinking that it must be oily when he roasted it, and it tasted even better. He didn’t even think about why he chose a target. The rabbit will climb the tree.

Muyu merged into the tree and quietly touched the rabbit under the branch where the rabbit lived, but the rabbit was very alert. It felt vigilantly that someone seemed to be approaching. At the moment when Muyu was just about to shoot, it jumped high. A flash jumped away.

"Huh? Still so alert? I still don't believe it, I won't catch you!"

Muyu chased the rabbit and continued to shuttle through the trees. However, Muyu underestimated the endurance of this rabbit. Although Muyu locked the rabbit's breath, the energy of the rabbit was very strong, and Muyu did not catch up with it for a quarter of an hour.

"Yeah, I'll fix you today!"

Muyu and the trees merged faster than his usual Yujian flight speed. He accelerated rapidly, and slowly reduced the distance from the rabbit. He estimated his impulse to rush out of the tree. He jumped and slammed his hands, and firmly grasped the hare jumping on the tree. .

"Look at you still running!"

Muyu skillfully took the rope from his pocket to tie the four feet of the rabbit, which was too simple for him. What makes Mu Yu strange is that this rabbit even makes a deep cry, but this can not let Mu Yu let go of this rabbit, how to say this rabbit is also the result of his labor, whether it will be called, Eat again.

However, at this moment, the roar of Longteng sounded, Mu Yu was shocked, this was a sign that Longteng was in danger. Dragon Vine protects him beside the dead wood. Here is the Danding School. Dragon Vine is like a sheep entering the wolf den. Many alchemists look at Dragon Vine. Withered wood is just a mortal now. Could someone hit his mind on Longteng?

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