A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 303: Sword Studio

   Muyu left the Danding School in the strange eyes of everyone, without the trouble of the wood **** in the body, everyone seemed to be reborn, dare to block where they left.

  About these elixirs, the wood plume left a lot of seven or eight destiny bone emperors to the dead wood, and he also left five. Witherbark now needs these elixir more than he needs to protect himself, so most elixir is given to elixir.

   took half a day to return to the valley, find the dragon vine, and then take the dragon vine to the road.

   "Large earthworm, I thought you were refining medicine." Xiaoshuai said hummingly.

  Longteng snarled and hovered around the dead wood's wrist and said, "Little mouse, haven't you been cursed for not seeing you for so long!"

   Muyu smiled dumbly, and these two wonderful flowers scolded and stopped together as soon as they got together. His next purpose is very clear. First, go to the Fifty Mile Garden in the South to find Luo Luo and converge to see if Luo Luo has already found the master, and then deal with the matter of the nethergrass.

  Southern Fifty Mile Garden is no stranger to dead wood, but the distance is very far away, and Muyu, who is out of luck, has to fly for five or six days. The dead wood didn't want to rush on the road, so after three days of driving, Muyu found a city as a temporary stop.

   This city is named Sword Shadow City. It is said that after Sword Shadow Dust defeated five Yumengling Lords 100 years ago, he lived in this city after returning. In order to commemorate the contribution of Jianying Chenfeng, the people of Chengchi were named after "Sword Shadow", so Muyu wanted to come to see this intentionally or unintentionally.

   "Roll the calf, I won't go to that **** city. I warn you! If you dare to take me to that city, I will definitely turn your face!"

   Withered wood is very unhappy. He has always hated the opposition to come to this city, and released all kinds of harsh words to scold Muyu, and said that he would not go to death. It's a pity that Mu Yu laughed and said, "You can't go to death, you can go if you don't die", and then you just brought the dead wood here and there.

   Now the dead wood is not Muyu's opponent at all. He is extremely annoyed, and like a child, he has a temper. After entering the city, he didn't want to say a word to Muyu, feeling he was insulted.

   Almost every city of Mie Continent has statues of sword shadow and dust wind standing on the city gate, guarding the whole city elegantly and gracefully. The statue is the eye of the large moat formation, and someone is always waiting to avoid the invasion of the Yumon demons.

   Sword Cinema is a lively city with countless innocents gathered here. After Muyu came here, he accidentally discovered that the entire cultivation world was not only discussing the young heroes of the extremely immortal list today, but more about his apprentice of sword shadow dust wind!

   "Have you heard? Jianying Chen's apprentice is that Muyu."

   "Muha? Do you mean that the human traitor Muyu?"

"Don’t chew your tongue, he is now a hero of the human race. It is said that he is an apprentice of sword shadow dust wind on the extremely fairy list. The news of the Mie Palace is the most accurate. Now everyone thinks that Muyu released the demon king is sword shadow dust. Indication of the wind."

   "How could the true **** allow the demon king to be born?"

   "What do you know? The true **** has disappeared for a hundred years. There must be his reason for doing things. There are more than a dozen of the fairy in the Jixian list from the young generation of demon clan. This shows that the Mie Palace has assumed the existence of the demon clan."

  In the inn, Muyu and dead wood are eating, and the instructors at the table are discussing with each other. Mu Yu was stunned, but he didn't expect that because of the appearance of Jixianbang, he was an apprentice of Jianyingchenfeng, but he had written off the fact that he helped the demon king come out.

   "Senior man, you see everyone is talking about me!" Mu Yu said with a grin.

Withered Wood stared at Muyu, and finally said the first sentence after entering the city: "Hide the mark on his hand, now many people have only heard your name and have never seen your real person, you You can still be proud here. If someone knows that you are here, do you believe it or not, you will immediately pop up a lot of super fairy to trouble you?"

   Muyu rolled his eyes and said: "Please, my ranking is only 82, there are 81 people who are better than me. If you don't go to those people, please trouble me to do what?"

   "Because you are an apprentice of that bastard, and people are afraid of being famous pigs, they are afraid of being strong, many people want to slaughter your pig to prove that they are more powerful than the apprentices of Jianying Chen." Kugi said curtly.

   "Senior man, did you eat Bakudan?" Xiaoshuai said aside.

   "He hates sword shadow dust wind, just like I hate you." Long Fuji said.

   "It looks like I like your big earthworm very much!" Xiaoshuai snorted.

  Two wonderful flowers started squabbling again.

   Muyu was dumb and speechless by the dry wood. He was wondering whether to equip the dry wood with some fire-fighting herbs, so that he would always make his mouth contain a burst of flamboyant, full of fire.

A thin, middle-aged man next to him opened his mouth again: "Do you know another thing? The news from the Danding School said that Mu Yu is not only an apprentice of Jianying Chen, but also a poisonous king withered wood. The apprentice, the poison king Kumu Changqing was arrested by the Danding faction after Muyu's accident. That day Muyu ran back to rescue the poison king, and defeated one of the elders of the Danding faction's division with the repair of the Qiao period. !"

   "What? Are you kidding me?"

"It's true that the old man of my brother-in-law's third brother-in-law's neighbor and the brother-in-law of Dan Ding's brother who is a disciple are brothers, and the news is reliable." The thin man said vowedly. After so many layers, it is quite good to maintain the accuracy of the message.

   "I also heard about this, but I think Muyu won the distracted person, this

The thing should be that the Poison King secretly contributed, to know that the dead wood is an extremely terrible person, and his cultivation practice is said to have a fit period. Withered wood Evergreen was once a fierce figure in the realm of cultivation, Muyu must have learned all his skills. "Another blue monk echoed.

   Muyu patted the dead wood's shoulder, and said, "Senior man, look at them and praise you too!"

   Withered wood snorted, but his face calmed down, and the corners of his mouth also rose slightly. Obviously, it was very useful to be praised.

"If you want me to say, I think Mu Yu is using the sword sword dust wind's sky sword nine swordsmanship to take advantage. The stuttering dead wood in front of sword shadow dust wind is something! People are true gods, He is just a self-cultivator who can only use poison and not influx. The true **** can breathe away the dead wood and evergreen!" The thin middle-aged man disdain.

  The dry wood's face sank immediately, an angry flame was faintly burning, he snorted heavily, and the tone was very disdainful. Mu Yu's smile also solidified. He really wanted to beat the thin middle-aged man. The dead wood had been in a good mood for a long time, but this guy had to belittle the dead wood no matter which pot was not opened.

"Hum, huh! Don't you agree with me?" The thin middle-aged man turned his head in dissatisfaction. He himself was a monk in Yuanying period. When he saw the withering body of Jin Dan, he dared to finish his speech. Expressing it this way, I was suddenly unhappy.

   "What's so agreeable with fart?" Withered Wood replied coldly.

   "Are you looking for death?" The thin middle-aged man slapped the table fiercely, and was looked down upon by a Jindan period. Where did he put his face as a monk?

None of the people present knew the dead wood. The "Poison King" dead wood in the impression of all the cultivators is an old man with green hair and greasy personality and stuttering. The man in his forties who looks like this is obviously normal. , Where would he associate with dead wood and evergreen.

   The power of thin middle-aged man in infancy was flooded towards the dead wood, and he wanted to teach this golden man who did not know what to do. But his momentum spread like ice and snow when he met the dead wood, and the dead wood was not affected at all.

   "What's going on?" The thin middle-aged man looked around in surprise, only to see the young man across the dead wood who stretched chopsticks from time to time, and a small mouse on the table who couldn't nibble chicken legs. He didn't think that the young man was Muyu, who was out of luck, and Muyu's breath didn't look like a master in luck.

   "I don't believe it anymore." The thin middle-aged man slapped towards the dead wood with a slap. He didn't do his best, but it wasn't stopped by a Jindan monk.

   But a pair of chopsticks quickly caught the thin middle-aged man's hand.

   "If you dare to fight, your hand must also stay." Mu Yu said lightly.

   He held chopsticks in one hand and took a sip while holding a wine glass in his other hand. He looked content and contented, and his hands were elegant and relaxed, just like a handsome man, but he was quite masterful.

  Many of the people who are together are looking at Muyu in amazement. Such a skill at such a young age. The strength of his shot is obviously not the Yuan baby period. But such a young period is really rare.

"go away!"

  Longmu Changqing briefly glanced at the skinny middle-aged man. His eyes were like electric shocks, which made the skinny middle-aged man tremble inexplicably. Even if the dead wood is now gone, but in the past it is a master of fit, how can this guy in the infant period can despise it.

"My old man told you to roll, did you hear that?" Muyu's chopsticks in his hand increased his strength, and the other hand filled himself with a glass of wine leisurely~www.readwn.com~skinny middle-aged forehead Out of the cold sweat, he never expected that there was a young man with such a high level of protection next to the Jindan period man. It seemed that listening to the young people's tone still respected the Jindan period man. How could this be possible?

  A young talent who is out of the scam period actually listens to a man in the Jindan period? His first thought was that this golden man was a servant of young people!

   "All told you not to come to this smoky place, you have to do something!" Withered wood grabbed the wine glass in Muyu's hand and drank it, then stood up and glared at Muyu, "Don't go yet?"

   Everyone was in an uproar! How dare a man in the Jindan period dare to blame such a young man out of the period?

   Muyu whispered: "Can't you let me pretend to be handsome for three seconds?"

   "It's said that you are handsome for only three seconds, and only I can be handsome." Xiaoshuai felt a hiccup with a round belly.

   Muyu grabbed Xiaoshuai's tail, helplessly kept up with the dead wood, and shook his head: "I'll give him some gunpowder for a while, even if he doesn't let him be handsome, it's too much."

   However, at this moment, a sword suddenly traversed the front of the dead wood, and a cold voice slowly filled the entire inn.

   "You are the 82nd person on the Extreme Fairy List, I need to get your ranking."

  The 82nd place in the Extreme Immortal List, this sentence is clearly said to Muyu!


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