A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 314: What is sword

  Kiha defeated! As an apprentice of Jianying Chenfeng, he was defeated by the apprentice of evil old man!

   "Zhuang Yuan Lang, you have learned the old man's moves very thoroughly!" Wan Wan looked at Zhuang Yuan Lang with a smile, and his eyes were rippling, which made people intoxicated.

   Champion did not respond to Wanwan, but looked at Muyu who was surprised.

"You are not wrong. My master only wants to defeat one person in his life. That is the sword shadow dust wind. This page shadow is specially made to restrain your swordsmanship. I am learning how to do every move and every way. When I used the page shadow, I knew it well. My master later abandoned the page shadow, because he felt that the page shadow was not an opponent of Tianjian Jiuyin, but in today's view, my master still looks too high on your Tianjian Jiuyin. ."

The tactics of the evil sect come from evil immortality. Evil immortality has been studying how to defeat the falling dust sword technique, but every time he delves into a new set of coping tactics, he is always denied by himself. In the end, these tactics are thrown away. Those disciples who gave it to him.

   And these exercises have also created the evil name of the evil disciples, because they are relying on these exercises that are denied by evil immortals to practice the real world, so that many practitioners are afraid to provoke evil disciples.

   The only opponent identified in the minds of evil factions is the successor of Jianying Chenfeng.

   "Yingying could defeat Tianjian Jiuyin? Then should I consider learning too, so that I might be able to defeat Luo Shao's fellow." Simon on the side said sadly thoughtfully.

  Unfortunately, Ximen’s arrogance and arrogance are well-known in the realm of self-cultivation. The young disciples of other schools do not want to provoke him at will, because his strength is so unpredictable that he has not yet passed the defeat. However, only Simon unfortunately knew that he had only lost to one person so far. That was Luo Di, who had always been low-key in the realm of truth.

  Simon unfortunately dared to provoke everyone, but he didn't dare to provoke Luo Shi. He knew Luo Luo was also an apprentice of Jianying Chenfeng. In order to defeat Luo Luo, Simon unfortunately always approached Luo Luo intentionally or unintentionally, just to find a trace of flaws in Luo Luo.

   But Luo Luo has always stabilized him.

   Zhuang Yuanlang smiled slightly, the countless papers around him were still flying in the sky, and the shadow of the wind was gently moving, as if to declare its victory.

   Muyu remained in place, he could not accept this fact. If the other party suppressed him by virtue of cultivation, he would not say anything, even if the other party cheated him only as a skill. But his Heavenly Sword Nine was defeated and defeated so thoroughly that it was defeated by the apprentice of Master’s old enemy. If Master knew, what would he think?

   Master relied on Tianjian Jiu to lead the ride in the real world, and even defeated five Yumeng Lingzhus with this sword technique. Even if the cultivation is now damaged, the former glory is not there, but his swordsmanship still shocks the entire cultivation world.

  Sky Sword Jiu Yin has never been defeated, because it is majestic and powerful.

   But why did Heavenly Sword Jiuyin, who is the best in the world, lose to Zhuang Yuanlang in his own hands?

"Mu Yu, where is that bastard's Sky Sword Jiu Yin so easy to lose? You simply haven't fully exerted the true power of Sky Sword Jiu Yin." Withered Wood said, although he didn't like the sword shadow dust wind, but he I have to admit that the sword shadow dust wind is very high.

   Muyu was shocked, he was pulled into the memories of Luochen Mountain.


"Master, I think I already have the essence of the falling dust swordsmanship?" Mu Yu said triumphantly. At that time, he was able to practice the falling dust swordsmanship to the point where even Feng Haochen had to admire him, so did he I am quite complacent, and I feel that with this set of swordsmanship, I will definitely not lose out in the competition with others.

   Feng Haochen twisted his beard, and did not criticize his arrogance, but just smiled and said, "Where do you think the most powerful thing about falling dust swordsmanship is?"

   "Nine-nine-nine normalization. Combine the previous sword moves into one. This simplified sword is difficult to break." Mu Yu said.

   Feng Haochen nodded his head, he did not refute Muyu's view: "The Dajian Simplification is indeed the essence of the falling dust swordsmanship, and it is also the most powerful place. So what does Dadao Zhijian really mean?"

   Muyu thought about it for a while and said, "Go for simplicity?"

Feng Haochen nodded again: "The road is simple, it means that it has to abandon many complicated sword styles. One thing to remember is that the simpler sword style may be more powerful, but its requirements are also greater, it Need a kind of impetuous impulse, just use the sword to play that style, because simple, means that it has abandoned the characteristics that can be attacked and defended, and becomes only attacked and not defended.

However, the existence of the nine-style is not just for the last move, each of them takes into account different ways of adapting, and each move can resolve a different offensive. You think there are only nine moves, but in fact not only nine moves, you Knowing the power of the falling dust sword technique, then do you know where is the strength of the falling dust mind technique? "

  Falling Dust Sword Technique and Falling Dust Heart Method can perfectly display the true power of Sky Sword Nine Induction.

"The power of falling dust heart method? I don't know. I thought it was only used to allow me to control multiple flying swords at the same time. Didn't you say that you can control nine flying swords at the same time when I practice to a certain degree in the future? ?" Muyu replied.

"You thought it would allow you to control nine flying swords at the same time. In fact, if you control it, you will find that even if you can control nine flying swords, each flying sword's moves cannot be perfect. Waiting for you one day Comprehend what is the Dust Dust Mind, then you will understand what the Dust Dust Sword is, and you will understand that the most perfect place of the Dust Dust Sword is not only the ninth style, but also all the sword styles."

   At that time wood

Yu did not understand this passage, but Feng Haochen also told him that the sword move was based on comprehension. Even if he understood only one move, he would exert extremely powerful power. Realizing the situation has actually made Feng Haochen very satisfied.


   But Muyu still lost today. He always thought that his falling dust sword technique, that is, Tianjian Jiuyin had already practiced to the point of perfection. Now he understands that Tianjian Jiu cited him to have only learned a little bit of fur. Master has never failed, but he has failed.

"The most perfect place for falling dust swordsmanship is not only the nine and nine, but also the nine swords." Mu Yu murmured, starting the most primitive drill on the nine swords in his mind, he needed to know why he didn't The power of the falling dust swordsmanship is not the skill of the enemy, but the hidden meaning of the falling dust swordsmanship.

  Why can't the dusting mind method control the nine swords at the same time?

Mu Yu recalled that every time he used the falling dust mind method to control the falling dust sword method, even if nine flying swords were separated, he could handle the different situations brought about by the nine flying swords in time, but each move could not be used intently. He couldn't do it easily.

  Is it really only possible to do this?

   "Have you never realized the true way of falling dust?"

   Luo Xi's voice sounded behind Mu Yu, Mu Yu was slightly startled, and his second brother also appeared here. He was originally looking for Luo Jie on this trip, but he didn't expect to meet him here. However, when I think about it, Luo Luo is often miserable with Simon, who is here unfortunately, so it is not surprising that Luo Luo appears here.

   Luo Shi also learned Master's Tianjian Jiu Yin. Master said Luo Luo's comprehension of swordsmanship is the same as him. Both he and Luo Luo are suitable for cultivating the Tao. The practice of Dao Muyu has not been able to say a specific concept. Although Mu Yu didn't want to admit it, he knew Luo Luo was more powerful than him.

   Luo Shi was impressed by Mu Yu's way of dealing with the demon clan. He didn't even use the sword. With only one hand, he defeated the indestructible iron beetle demon, during which he certainly used his fire-controlling technique secretly, but he was able to apply the fire-controlling technique to a level that no one like Cangwanzi could perceive, It is enough to show how strong he is today.

   Muyu didn't look back to see Luo Shao, he was lost in contemplation, what is the real way of falling dust?

   The papers in the sky are still flying, each one looks so plain and unremarkable, but it also reveals a free and easy atmosphere. They seem to be showing off to the sword of dust and showing off their victory.

"Master said to me that your comprehension of sword moves is unmatched, but because of your character, your comprehension of sword intentions is not as good as it should be. In my opinion, you really buried the falling sword Dharma, which is the nine swords of the sky sword."

   Luo Shi did not know when he had come to Muyu, his voice was calm. Muyu caused a lot of trouble, every time he came to pick up the mess for Muyu. He didn't want to see this little teacher, but he was under the responsibility of his brother, and he didn't want to sit and watch.

   "Do you know where is the most powerful way to drop the dust?" Luo Di continued to ask.

   Muyu didn't speak, he just kept his head silently, the second brother he didn't like most in the dust school, and he was also the guy who saw the dragon and saw it all the time.

  Luo Luo stared closely at Mu Yu: "Master said you might even surpass me, but you didn't meet his expectations."

   Muyu didn't like it very much. Although he had seen Luo Jie many times, he still didn't understand what Luo Luo was like. Because of Lan Ling'er's relationship, he deliberately rejected Luo Jie. Luo Luo helped him many times, and he was not grateful at all. He just felt that it was taken for granted, because Luo Luo was his second brother.

"This matter had nothing to do with me. It's just that you used his sword technique, and I couldn't sit back and watch it." Luo Di said lightly, a red light flashed in his hand, and one of the nine Tianjian's burning swords After a blast of air, the air seemed to get a little hot.

  Luo Luo has the ability to control the flames.

   "Falling dust not only means the evolution of nine swords at the same time, but also means the ability to use nine swords at the same time." Luo's words echoed in Muyu's ears.

   "Look at me~www.readwn.com~ Luo Luo said.

   Muyu raised his head and looked directly at his gaze. Luo Di didn't do anything, but his vision was very clear, reflected in Muyu's eyes, but suddenly became agile.

Nine Luo Shao appeared in Muyu's eyes, and each Luo Shao was able to properly use the Burning Sky Sword to evolve the Tianjian Jiu Yin. His sword skill was a bit more sword and energy than Mu Yu, and nine Luo Shao used The nine swords that came out of the sky sword were intimidating. If you fight with him, it is tantamount to fighting against the nine Luos. What a terrifying place!

   Muyu suddenly understood, he suddenly understood what is the falling dust heart method, using the falling dust heart method to control the nine flying swords is not the most powerful place, when you can evolve nine yourself, that is the most terrible killing trick.

  Muyu can only evolve six swords and three avatars at most now, and he suddenly understands where he is from Luo Luo.

   "Can the two of you stare at Tianjian Jiuyin's defeat?"

   Zhuang Yuanlang and others did not see what Muyu saw. In their view, Muyu and Luo Shi only looked at each other quietly, seeming inexplicably.

   "Who said I lost?"

   Muyu suddenly smiled, Luo Luo had already walked aside,

He didn't take Zhuang Yuanlang in his eyes at all, he just replaced the master and told the younger brother where the real power of the Tianjian Jiu Yin is.

   If Muyu can't even beat a champion, it will really disappoint him.

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