A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 362: Deathly Hallows

Ju Mang said with a smile: "I was going to use your body as a medium to regain control of Mu Yumeng, but I have changed my mind now. I found that you are not an ordinary human, you have the characteristics of our Mu Yumeng, no I like killing, I like quiet life. Among the five elements Yumeng, only we Muyoumeng have the same temperament as you."

  Mu Youmen is different from other Yumen demons. They pursue a prosperous life and like to live peacefully in the woods, companion with plants. Just like Muyu, he didn't like killing, he felt uncomfortable whenever his life died. But there is killing in the Cultivation Realm every moment. If he does not kill, someone will come to kill him.

   This is the law of self-cultivation, no one can stay out of it.

Ju Mang continued: "In fact, all the wars are triggered by the Sannomiya. We just don't want to watch the Sannomiya keep using us as a tool. If someone can subvert the Sannomiya, this will definitely be you! And I just need to be a bystander."

   "You look at me too high." Mu Yu laughed at himself, if he had that ability, he would not be able to protect even the dead wood father. He is so small in front of the law enforcement officials of the Sannomiya, how to face the defenders of the Sannomiya?

Ju Mang smiled slightly: "I used to think that Jianying Chenfeng would stand up and subvert the triple palace. He is indeed the most likely, but I think it is too difficult for him to restore to cultivation. I now prefer to put hope on you. Because you have the power that sword shadow dust wind doesn't have."

   "If I had power, I would not be so helpless." Muyu shook his head.

Ju Mang ignored Muyu and said, "Did you not notice that the Wood Spirit Sword has changed abnormally? It is no longer pure vitality on its body, but is mixed with a constant flow of dead air, and the dead air of the green grass has changed. This is something I didn’t think of. It’s important to know that medusa is the law of the ethereal heavenly path used to monitor the balance of the world. Being contaminated by the madness of medusa, it means complete death, and there is no possibility of resurrection. "

   Wood Spirit Sword has indeed undergone a strange change. It is filled with endless life, but it is also a vital treasure. These two breaths make it different.

   But how could Muyu feel the concern about this now?

"Mu Ling was originally a five-element thing that existed when the heavens and the earth were formed. It is a symbol of life and vitality in our eyes, but it has become a mixed life and death. I don't even know what will happen in the future. If you transfer all the dead energy of the celestial grass to the wood spirit, then it will become a death holy. , Even the soul cannot escape, including soul power!"

  Jumang raised his voice a little, and even some inexplicable excitement: "That is to say, the killing you made will not provide soul power to the Sannomiya. Your killing is a meaningless killing for the Sannomiya."

   "I said, I don't want to kill." Mu Yu emphasized.

Ju Mang looked at Mu Yu and said, "You misunderstood me, killing or not killing is your own choice. Every time the Cultivation Realm dies, the power of the Triple Palace is stronger. You will inevitably kill people in the future, and Everyone you kill is providing soul power to the Mie Palace, but with the wooden spirit sword it is another matter!"

   Muyu's heart moved: "I use the wooden spirit sword to kill people. Will the Mieong Palace get soul power?"

   A wave of the mans hand waved, and the leaves in front of him began to flutter and was opened by him. Although he looks exactly the same as Muyu, the temperament of the two is completely different. Jumang has a bit more spicy and mature than the flounder. Because he has lived so long, he has seen countless wind and rain, and his experience Far from being comparable to Muyu.

"Yes, the wooden spirit sword in your hand is the nemesis of soul power, so you use the wooden spirit to fight against the people in the triple palace. Once they are injured, they will cause huge damage to them! Because all their power is to Based on the soul power, the soul power has no advantage in front of the wooden spirit sword contaminated by the dead air. Once you grow up in the future, you will become the person who restrains the triple palace! The triple palace has not yet known the wooden spirit in your hands The sword is different, so you still have the initiative."

   Soul power comes from life, and it also symbolizes death, and the death energy of Ghost Grass is the purest power of death. If Muyu controls this power, it is an uncontrollable factor for the Mie Palace.

   "I understand what you mean." Muyu nodded.

   The Mie Palace provokes wars and acts as a savior on the one hand, and the purpose behind it is only to consolidate their indestructible position on the Mie continent. Their power comes from the soul power generated after the passage of life, so they are happy to see that the instructors and the Yumeng demons are slaughtering each other, and there are more dead people, and their strength is stronger.

  But they wouldn't expect such a change as Muyu.

   "If I make a kill and break the Nine Heavens Seal Demon Array, if you don't want to occupy my body, what is your purpose?" Mu Yu asked again.

"Don’t forget, my power in you is only half of what I was originally, and the other half of my power is not in you. If you can destroy the triple palace and quell this war, then I don’t want to fight you It doesn't matter if this half of the forces coexist." Ju Mang's eyes became very deep.

   Muyu stared at Jumang. This man had exactly the same face as him, lazy, and seemed to have nothing to do with him, but he could see through everything, including Muyu's heart.

   But Muyu has not yet fully believed Jumang’s words, he is a sensible person and will not be washed by sorrow and hatred

Dizzy. Ju Mang seems to be taking care of every sentence, but in fact it may be discrediting the Mie Palace. Muyu needs to figure out the truth of this matter himself.

  However, regardless of whether Jumang is discrediting the Mie Palace, Muyu hates the Mie Palace because the old man withered wood told him that the person who would not let him live is the Mie Palace guard!

   "Where is your other half of the power?"

   "You don't have to worry about this. You want to save the dead wood and make your own decision!" Ju Mang sat down, and the fallen leaves around him were still flying in the sky.

   Muyu looked at Jumang and continued: "How much do you know about the trapped Xian prison?"

"Sleepy fairy prison? That was really a great formation. I was put into reincarnation before the formation of that formation, so I don't know who built it. But I can be sure that the dead wood said That’s right, he must have been involved in the construction of a trapped fairy prison. Such a huge formation cannot be established by sword shadow dust wind alone. This formation is the pinnacle of your human form, and has to admit that it surpassed us. Yumeng’s five-element array, I don’t know much about it.” Ju Mang didn’t hide anything.

   "Do you know everything about me?" Muyu asked.

"Yes, because I am you, we can't live apart." Ju Mang said with a smile, "I know what you want to do, and you want to learn the formation of the dead wood by yourself. As far as I know. In addition to killing, there may be other ways to crack the Nine Heavens Demon Array. I am also curious. But since we have a common enemy, I don’t need to occupy your body, because you will handle it for me, Isn't it?"

   "What is the limit of your ability to resurrect a person in the blink of an eye"? Mu Yu asked coldly.

"To resurrect a person, you need to find the soul of the person. After death, the soul will float in the world for six years and will not dissipate. Unless you have the means of the ghost door, you can’t hold their soul. You want to save the dead wood. Evergreen, you must find a way to lift the ban for nine days as soon as possible, and at the same time preserve the integrity of the dead wood Evergreen body. Then I will find the dead soul of the dead wood." Ju Mang said with a smile, he knew he had persuaded Muyu.

   "Okay! I will go to learn formation skills, unlock the nine-day magic circle, you help me resurrect the dead wood daddy." Mu Yu snorted, he had planned to leave this place.

  I don't know where it was blowing a gust of wind, and the leaves in the wood suddenly grew more and more, gradually swarming in front of Muyu's eyes, Muyu just felt the blink of an eye, and the whole person's consciousness returned to his body. He looked down at the pale face of the dead wood, and grief swept over again.

The dark and mottled wood spirit sword slowly floats in front of his eyes. This is a death holy weapon that specializes in the power of the triple palace. He does not know how to treat the wood spirit. The killing it does not enhance the triple palace. Power will also hit the triple palace.

   But do you really want to kill?

  If the killing is not to solve the problem, then everything seems meaningless.

  In any case, he must save the dead wood! Withered tree has been rushing around for others, and finally wants to live for himself once, he shouldn't die like this!

   "Daddy, let's go home."

   Muyu wiped away his tears. This may be the last time he shed tears. When he decided to avenge the dead wood, he knew he could no longer have a kind and cowardly mentality.

   The hatred between him and Tianxingmen will not stop, and at the same time, the evil of the Sannomiya is also known to him. He has no one to rely on now, only one person is facing two giant peaks alone, and one of them is the unreachable triple palace.

When he walks this path, it means that he will be opposed by many people, no matter whether it is a master, a brother or a sister, or a friend, they will not watch Muyu face these things alone, and more I wouldn't watch Mu Yu unravel the seal of the Nine Heavens Sealed Demon Array in order to avenge the dead wood.

   Deadwood will also oppose Muyu's approach, if he is still alive.

   Muyu, holding the dead body of the dead wood, walked one step at a time. He didn't know where he was going, but he never felt so calm in his heart.

   Chengyan leaned on Muyu's shadow sword, and finally found him with other people, but everyone was silent, because they knew they were still a little late.

   "Muyu, don't do stupid things." The accused accompanied him, saying heavily.

   Muyu smiled: "Can I do anything stupid?"

Yes! What silly things can he do? Going to heaven without waiting to die? It’s a must to find ~www.readwn.com~, but the real mastermind is the Miyagi. He is so weak now, if there is no power before. He didn't know how to explain the actions of the Mie Palace with his brothers. The Mie Palace was always very strict and would not leave any evidence. Even killing dead wood is a fair excuse!

   His power alone is too small.

   "I can understand your sorrow, but you have to understand that many things..." Luo Di said.

   "I know." Mu Yu briefly interrupted Luo's words.

   No one can understand his pain at the moment, others don't understand what the presence of dead wood means to Muyu. They don't understand dead wood, but only know that dead wood is a person who is good at playing poison. In the impression of everyone, dealing with poison will not be good for the heart. They even knew that Muyu's help was only for Feng Haochen to rescue Miao Yuyan. They always thought that Muyu was using Muyu.

   But only Muyu knows that dead wood has always been like a father

He cares about him so much, even though his way of expressing fatherhood is always so rude. But the father is such a character, he will not easily love you, but he is always silently waiting for you behind his back, as silent as a mountain. A rebellious child will always make his father angry, but his father will always forgive your disrespect in his anger.

   Luo Shi was not angry, but he didn't speak again.

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