A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 378: Battle monument (below)

  The monument is still intact, but Ji Wenkai has fallen to the ground at this moment, and his breath is weak.

  Like Luo Feilong, he failed!

   "Failed? How is it possible!"

   Everyone's face was amazed. The reaction of the battlefield just now was clearly about to break! But why did it fail suddenly?

   Luo Feilong's face was relieved, as long as Ji Wenkai also failed, then everything is easy to say, at least not over him.

Before Lu Xianshi walked to the battlefield, he checked the battlefield and found that there was no sign of collapse. Then he walked to Ji Wenkai and put his hand behind Ji Wenkai, a pure spiritual input Into Ji Wenkai.

  Ji Wenkai slowly woke up and turned around, and he said sincerely, "The disciple disappointed the first teacher, please forgive the sin first."

  Master Lu said kindly: "You were about to succeed, why did you suddenly fail?"

  Ji Wenkai sighed: "The disciple was about to pass the test of this monument, but he was stuck at the last step, there was no way."

   "It's okay, did you find yourself stuck somewhere?" Master Lu Xian asked.

  Ji Wenkai's face appeared confident, and said: "I have found where I am stuck. Just give me a few more days. After I have been injured and raised, the disciples will be able to successfully break this monument."

"Okay! There should be such persevering ambition!" Lu Xianshi smiled with relief, and said, "In the past few days, you will take care of your wounds. If you need anything, please come to me, I will give you some advice. What are the needs of the formation? Even if you can become an innate disciple, the resources of the sect will be fully open to you."

  Ji Wenkai was overjoyed and quickly thanked. Master Lu Xian stood up, glanced at other Zhongtian disciples, and asked, "All of you have to learn from Ji Wenkai. He is close to success today, and the first piece of broken monument is just around the corner. Everyone must also work hard. In half a year later, in the battle of Fufu, we will rectify Fuzong well!"

   "Yes! Remember, disciples." All Zhongtian disciples paid respectfully to Lu Xian.

  Master Lu is specialized in teaching Zhongtian disciples. He is usually easy-going, but he has strict requirements for Zhongtian disciples. He just hopes that these Zhongtian disciples will have a talent who can support the mission in the future.

   "So who else will continue to try the test of the battle monument today?" Lu Xianshi saw everyone's mental outlook was good, he nodded slightly, and then asked.

   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, nobody dare to squeak. Luo Feilong failed, and although Ji Wenkai was about to succeed, he also failed. The two most promising Zhongtian disciples have failed, and they are even less likely to succeed.

Master Lu Xian said: "The time for getting closer to the rune competition is getting closer and closer. I will put these three monuments here. If any of you want to try it, go ahead and try, even if it fails, it doesn’t matter. As Ji Wenkai constantly sums up his experience in failure, he will one day succeed."

  Master Lu finished these words, looked at Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai with encouragement, and left the advanced stage hall. After he left, it burst into the pan in the advanced hall, and talked about the almost successful Ji Wenkai just now.

Ji Wenkai adjusted his body, then stood up and bowed to Luo Feilong: "Brother Luo, the younger brother just had a little luck today, otherwise it would really break the first monument. It seems that I have to find it tomorrow. Master Lu Xian exchanged his experience and Brother Luo is going to cheer."

   Luo Feilong's face was so blue that he could almost wring out the water. Today, Lu Xianshi is obviously more optimistic about Ji Wenkai, which really makes him feel angry. He barely squeezed out a smile: "That's really congratulations to Brother Ji, but let's not say that you haven't broken a monument, even if you broke the first one and the second one, the third one! I'll look at you How did you become an innate disciple."

   The dialogue between the two was very strong, and their supporters began to yell at each other. It was not until Ji Wenkai and Luo Feilong left that each other's arguments stopped. Ji Wenkai and Luo Feilong left with their respective attendants, leaving only Muyu in the entire advanced hall.

   "Array monument?"

   Muyu touched his chin and looked at the three ancient monuments. Just now Ji Wenkai and Luo Feilong both looked at his performance. Ji Wenkai was more likely to break the battle monument. As for Luo Feilong, it was clearly not yet at the point where Ji Wenkai had hit.

   "Do you want to try Muyu?" Long Fuji asked.

   "Is there anything to eat after the broken monument?" Xiaoshuai said heartily.

"Let me see."

   Muyu walked in front of the battle monument. Just now Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai chose different battle monuments. He chose the third battle monument that they hadn't touched.

   "What's so difficult about this array of monuments? Can it actually prevent Zhongtian disciples from becoming congenital disciples?" Mu Yu looked at the arrays on the array, and he was surprised to find that these arrays seemed familiar.

"Wait a minute, I seem to have seen these lines." Muyu's eyes lit up, and he remembered where they had seen these lines. When he was in the double sky, he trapped the white ape demon king. On the top of the mountain, these patterns are on the ground!

   Xiaoshuai also remembered it, shaking his tail, said: "Does this pattern have anything to do with the white ape demon king?"

"No, it should not be said that it has anything to do with the white ape demon king, but it should be that the human race that trapped the white ape demon king might have something to do with the lineup." Muyu could not read these patterns, He stretched out his fingers

Stroking the pattern of the monument, but his finger just touched the monument, and suddenly the monument emitted a white light, sucking him in!

   Strictly speaking, he was still standing in place, but his consciousness was sucked into it by the monument.

"What is this place?"

   Muyu stood in a wilderness, surrounded by not only low bushes, but also a few big trees, and a few terrifying breath hidden in the woods.


The deafening voice suddenly remembered from around Muyu's back, and then he felt like he had stabbed the monster's nest, countless monsters roared, or flew out or ran or jumped out, encircling Muyu live.

  The strength of these monsters varies from first to fifth order monsters. However, the only thing in common is that the monsters surrounding Muyu are all white in color. No matter what the true fur color of these monsters is in the realm, they are all white here, but their strength has not changed.

  He saw the second-order flame horse beast, the fourth-order breeze wolf, the fifth-order octopus...

   "What? Don't octopuses live in water? Has the time changed?" Muyu looked at the octopus floating in mid-air slowly squirming with tentacles. It really felt strange.

   These monster beasts stared at Mu Yu, staring at Mu Yu's heart straight and hairy. Could it be that the monument tested how he defeated these monsters?

   But at this moment, the monster suddenly withdrew, and a figure came out from behind the monster. Muyu took a closer look and turned out to be calm!

   "Who are you?" Mu Yu asked cautiously. After so many illusions, of course, he would not think that what he had in front was tranquility, and the person knew that it was false.

   "I am a stele, you need to be tested by the stele when you enter the stele." The stele looks calmly and calmly, no matter the tone or movement is the same as Muyu's knowing.

   "Then why do you appear in a calm image?" Mu Yu asked.

   "I don't have any form, so for the sake of convenience when communicating with people, I will appear as the person you like best in my heart, so that I don't feel abrupt." Bei Ling said innocently.

   Muyu shook his head helplessly, and wouldn’t be blamed if he didn’t make a sudden break! But he didn't want to refute anything, so he asked, "What is my test?"

"What you need to test in this period of stele is the ingenuity of battle formation. You can choose one hundred of these monsters at will, and then I will guide you to defeat the monsters in another place." The stele blinked Blinking, she appeared in a calm image, which really made Mu Yu feel happy, but Mu Yu always reminded herself that the stele was not peaceful.

   "Can I take a look at the opponent first?" Muyu looked at the monsters around him. These monsters had the strongest strength of him.

   "Yes, you come with me." He smiled lightly and led Muyu to fly up, over a large tree, and Muyu finally saw his opponent.

   What the **** is that **** densely?

   There are countless black monsters below, which are completely different from Muyu's white monsters. What makes Mu Yu speechless is that the strength of these monsters are all sixth-order monsters. Just stand up and roar, and it is estimated that the fourth-order fifth-order monsters on his side will be frightened!

"These are Tier 6 monsters. After you choose, a Tier 6 monster will also stand out among the black monsters. All you have to do is direct your monster to defeat the Tier 6 monster. By the way, your monster will obey your command and understand what you are saying. This is the only way for the weak party." Stele Ling said.

   "The highest-order fifth-order monsters on my side, how to defeat those sixth-order monsters? Is it possible that even a sixth-order monster can spit and drown my monsters together?"

Mu Yu thinks this difficulty is too great. The sixth-order monster is equivalent to the comprehension of the gods, and the monster on his side has the highest cultivation level, similar to him. Although he has a large number of monsters, even if he fights in wheels, Can't consume a sixth-order monster!

"This is the question you should think about. Become a congenital disciple. When learning a course, you must learn to use the current limited resources under the most vulnerable conditions to achieve the purpose of defeating the strong. The most important quality of the congenital disciple is not cultivation. Because, but the ability of resourcefulness and formation. In the hands of innate disciples, everything can be arrayed~www.readwn.com~True pioneers should learn to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, as long as you arrange the formation properly, even if the strength is weak, the victory The opponent is more than enough." Stele Ling said.

   can only show the true strength of a first teacher with a weak victory over a strong one!

   The stele seems to know that Muyu's cultivation is a period of awakening, so she turned Muyu's opponent into a sixth-order monster that is a realm better than Muyu, which is equivalent to the distraction period. And the monster monster that Mu Yu can command to be the highest is only a hacking period. This is entirely to hit the stone with eggs, and the possibility of winning is too slim.

"The time lapse here is different from the outside. A quarter of an hour is equivalent to a day here, but it is not suitable for cultivation, it is just a fictional world, so don’t expect to do anything here. After two days, whether you choose If you are good at your own monster, the opponent will have a sixth-order monster to attack you. You have to be careful. Here your cultivation will not be suppressed. There are only two ways to go out and defeat your opponent or all you control. The whole monster is wiped out!" Stele Ling finally looked at Mu Yu before disappearing.

Muyu remembered that when he was in the Drywood Valley, he was banned by the deadwood father, so he used the dragon's power to make the monsters of the valley obedient and obediently set up a beast array. No line

It comes in handy, but I didn't expect to use it here. Muyu thought of the dead wood father again. At the time, the dead wood specifically pointed to Muyu's beast formation, making his formation more perfect.

   "It seems that it's time to sacrifice my Beast Legion." The Beast Array is inherited from Daddy Drywood. Muyu doesn't want to weaken Daddy Drywood's name.

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