A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 402: Lock monster pool

  The yellow shadow fell on the gate of the Sand Eagle Kingdom, and raised his head to look at the flying Eagle Eagle relief. The man was wearing a yellow robe and a hood on his head, and he could not see who he was or what he did, but his sudden appearance attracted everyone's attention.

   Waiting for the day Although the sight was blocked by the dense corpses, they could also feel the breath of the yellow man. Judging by the surprised expression on their faces, Mu Yu could know that the man in yellow was not with them.

"Is it a demon clan?" Mu Yu pondered secretly. This is the king city of the sand eagle demon king. In addition to the two disgusting ghost gates and life and death gates, and the annoying star gate , There are only demon people.

   But this yellow man does not have the special breath of ghost gate and life and death gate, nor the kind of demon spirit of the demon clan. Where is this sacred?

   "No matter who you are, you can't lose sight of it anyway."

   Muyu did not hesitate to control some corpses to go towards the yellow man, trying to prevent the yellow man from entering the sand eagle king city. He did not intend to protect this never-seen sand eagle demon king. The main sand eagle demon king is also an eternal existence. The most important thing about the body of immortality is the triple palace. If the guardians of the triple palace get the body of the demon king of the sand eagle, then the guards of the triple palace will live forever in this world, and they will bring endless killing for the power of their rule. .

  Although there is no sacred white light like the Mie Palace on the Yellow Man, Muyu won't let him succeed. In contrast, he hopes that the sand eagle demon king will be sealed forever, don't be born again, save trouble and come one by one.

   Countless corpses rushed towards the Yellow Man, but a layer of spiritual shield appeared around the Yellow Man, surrounded himself, and bounced off all the corpses. Then he floated up into the air and reached out his hand, with a blood-red exquisite pagoda, very delicate.

   Waiting for the sky star spear to have swept away all the corpses, they also saw the pagoda in the hands of the yellow man.

   "The key to open the sand eagle king city is **** and exquisite, how could he have it?" God was very surprised.

   "What should I do? Do we want to stop him?" Tian Jiancheng asked.

   Waited for a moment to ponder: "No, since he has blood and exquisiteness, then we don't need us to enter the city by sacrifice, and save trouble."

   "Blood Linglong?" Mu Yu frowned, and he was not familiar with the situation of Shaying King City on this trip, and he didn't understand what Blood Linglong meant. However, the Linglong pagoda in the hands of the yellow man had already emitted two red-red rays, and shone into the eyes of the sand eagle relief in the city gate.

   A majestic eagle sounded through the sky. The relief statue was alive, and then flew out of the city gate with flapping wings, and rushed into the sky!

   cameo came alive!

   This sand eagle relief was soaring over the entire royal city, crowing constantly, as if to warn outsiders not to act lightly. And as soon as it left the city gate, the city gate automatically split a slit, and the yellow man had flashed through the slit of the city gate.

   "Come on, let's keep up!" The sky did not wait for the opportunity to make a decisive decision. The star spear turned into a sky of powerful murderousness and instantly crushed a large body of corpses. They followed this gap and suddenly followed the yellow man into the sand eagle king city.

   And those corpses couldn't move forward ten steps away from the gate, because there was the edge of the entire corpse, and the corpse could not leave the corpse.

   "No, we have to stop them!"

   Waiting for someone to wait until they have already entered the Sand Eagle King City, the corpse formation can no longer stop them, Muyu wants to stop the birth of the Sand Eagle Demon King must enter the Sand Eagle King City! Muyu eagerly looked at the entire underground cave. This is where the entire corpse gathers, but I don’t know if there is any place to directly enter the Sand Eagle King City.

  He controlled the whole crystal and made it shine dazzlingly, and then he saw an obscure passage in a corner. The passage has an upward ladder, and I don't know where it is going.

   Muyu stopped all the corpses, and even ignored Lu Xianshi, holding the spar and leaving the underground cave, looting towards the stairs. Xiaoshuai is still a little bit reluctant, he hasn't played enough with these corpses, but he was dragged by Muyu's tail and left.

"I also have to cover it up, in case I bump into them and find out that I am a sectarian. It's not good." Mu Yu stuffed Xiao Shuai into his pocket to let it out. Xiao Shuai's existence is actually known in the realm world There aren't many people, so it doesn't necessarily expose Mu Yu's identity. Even in Zhenzong Xiaoshuai, he only appeared in front of Cheng Zhuo's eyes. Even Lu Xianshi didn't know that there was a Xiaoshuai.

   But just in case, Muyu changed his face this time. He leaned on the bright light of the night pearl and hurried up the stairs. This ladder was very long. From time to time, there were one or two statues of demon people, and even some bones, but Muyu even got the corpse. Well, naturally don't care about these bones.

   His speed is very fast, but the front ladder suddenly has a fork, or three intersections!

   "Isn't it? Which way to go?" Mu Yu had a headache, who knew where these three roads would lead him.

   "Who the little corpse points to is who I am, I choose the right!" Xiaoshuai was very positive.

  Kiwa shook his head helplessly and turned to the ladder on the right. However, it didn't take long, but there was another bifurcation!

   "How about playing with me?" Muyu just wanted to yell, this underground ladder is like a labyrinth. Unfamiliar people can't go out at all, it's better to go back to the ground and enter from the city gate! He touched

Around, it was found that they were all hard stones, and it was a little impossible to go out with the wooden spirit sword at this moment. He continued to turn right, but in the end did not take a few steps to another fork.

He is like a headless fly. He has encountered seven or eight bifurcations along the road. He leaned on the little handsome "little corpse" to guide the road. wrong. Walking, he suddenly broke into a cave again!

   The top of the cave is all stalactites, there are some potholes on the ground, the water actually flashes some soft white light, and there are bursts of strong aura.

   "Wow! It's here when it's here." Xiaoshuai's saliva flowed down again.

   "What's here? Xiaoshuai, won't you deliberately lead me here?" Muyu froze for a moment.

   "Which is there, it's delicious to call the two of us." Xiaoshuai laughed.

   Muyu was really defeated by Xiaoshuai. It's the "little corpse" in this way. It turns out that it was not blindly pointed, everything is just for delicious. Muyu shook his head helplessly, approached the puddles, and looked at the things under the water in amazement. That was a monster! What surprised Mu Yu most was that the spirits of these demon spirits were very mellow, and the contained spirits were heart-wrenching.

"Oh my god! These are the sixth-order seventh-order monsters!" Xiaoshuai can't wait to jump down, trying to get them out of the water, but a slight invisible pattern pours out of the water Swing away.

   The sixth-order demon spirit is equivalent to the distraction period, and the seventh-order demon spirit is equivalent to the fit period. This is the demon of the higher-order monster beast, very rare!

   Why are so many Tier 6 and 7 monsters protected here?

You should know that the demon people are transformed from the monster and the spirit, but there are also monsters that cannot be turned on. They can practice to a high level of cultivation. The most common thing in the realm of cultivation is the low-level monster and the high-level. Monsters will hide themselves because they have basic wisdom, knowing that humans will do harm to them.

   Xiaoshuai was very annoyed, but he tried to break through those formations three times or five times but unfortunately he was bounced away, so that Xiaoshuai could only stare. Mu Yu squatted down to take a closer look at the formation, and found that it was a closed formation. The formation and the formation were in the formation, and it was impossible to enter without a special formation.

   "Here are demon scriptures, big earthworms, read and read quickly." Xiaoshuai was bombed on a stalactite for the fourth time and found the text engraved on the stalactite. Three texts are particularly large, and the rest are small texts.

   "Lock the demon pool. When the Shaying Demon King returns, it is the time for the demon to revitalize!" Longteng said lazily.

   "There are also texts over there, read it quickly." Xiaoshuai doesn't care who is going to return, it wants to know how to get these demon spirits.

   "I said, do we still want to destroy the plan of the Star Gate?" Long Teng reminded.

   Muyu thought for a long while. At this moment, he was completely lost. He didn't know where to go, and he froze around. As a result, Xiaoshuai still took him to such a place, and the treasure was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't get it.

"Anyway, they have been turned by the Xiaoshuai, and I don't know how to go back. Those people came here just to find the sand eagle demon king, but I think the sand eagle demon king cannot be found so easily, we first look for it There are clues around you, maybe you can find the trail of the Sand Eagle Demon King earlier than them." Mu Yu said.

All the stalactites are more or less engraved with some small characters. These words are strange and weird, but Dragon Vine easily translated them, which records the origin and role of these demon spirits~www.readwn.com ~ These demon spirits are high-level demon beasts that have not turned on their wits. They are killed alive after the sand eagle demon king is sealed. Their demon spirits are sealed in this demon spirit and protected by the formation method. As long as the Shaying Demon King breaks away from the seal, he can resurrect so many demon spirits with powerful black magic and rebuild a powerful monster monster army!

   "Xiaoshuai, how many sixth-order and seventh-order demon spirits are there?" Muyu asked.

   "One thousand ninety-two monsters of the sixth order, eight hundred and thirteen monsters of the seventh order." Xiaoshuai was unambiguous about what he ate.

   "My God! So many!"

Muyu took a breath of air and converted it, which is equivalent to more than a thousand demon beasts and 800 or so fit monsters. If it is really resurrected, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the strength of the eight gates. ! Coupled with some superb monsters, this terrible strength can subvert the entire triple continent!

  Although the monster is lower than the monster clan, the combat power of the high-level monster is not weaker than that of the monster clan, or even the inferior. If the sand eagle demon king really returns, then the realm of realm will really set off a storm.

   There will be death if there is war. The soul power generated by the dead is the source of the power of the triple continent ruled by the triple palace.

   This is not what Muyu would like to see.

   "It seems that we have to rob some here." Mu Yu touched his chin.

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