At the end of the moment, Baizi occupies more eyes than Heizi. The formation surrounded by Baizi is well-organized and desperate, and the formation of Heizi is more like dismantling the east wall to make up the west wall, which is precarious.

   "Try here!"

   Muyu intends to launch an offensive, he has deduced in his mind for so long, at least have to try. As soon as his thoughts moved, the huge **** behind him had already risen into the air and moved towards his desired position. The black spots fell on the chessboard, splashing countless waves, but did not interfere with any of the pieces.

   Then a white man was forced to sink into the sea and disappeared.

  Che Soul smiled softly and shook his head: "You take away the white stones on my side, but I will destroy your subsequent formation."

   Baizi smashed the chessboard from behind the chess soul, set off a huge wave, and once again defeated Muyu's formation. Baizi came in fiercely, Muyu was still caught off guard by trying to break through from the side.

"Then, let's go here." Mu Yu was dry for a while. When he was playing chess, he really had no idea, because he was facing the spirit of chess, a Go master Alfa, and he was one. There are no chances for a rookie that only holds its feet.

   As soon as he dropped the sunspot, he discovered that something was wrong. This hand exposed his gap more clearly.

   Sure enough, it only took two rounds, and suddenly there was a strong wind on the sea. A brutal shark drilled from the bottom of the sea, biting the three black spots of Muyu and dragging it into the bottom of the sea!

   "Go on again, you will have no way to go." Chess Soul said lightly.

  The soul of chess is too powerful, so Muyu can't breathe. This is not the first time that he has used what he is not good at to compete with others. At the beginning of the Danding School, for the double-day quota, he would not even practice alchemy. He rushed to the duck and went to a lot of Danding School Alchemy. The genius disciples competed for the quota, and finally the shameless old man in the pavilion deliberately changed the rules for Han Chengdan to let him win.

   But here, he has no luck at all, win is to win, lose is to lose, one step is full of losses, there is no special aura.

   "Can I come back?" Muyu asked.

  The spirit of chess waved the hand, and the whole game returned to its place. But Mu Yu's whole body sank violently, and he found that the coral reef he was in had begun to fall two feet.

"When you sink to the bottom of the sea, you have no chance, you can only come again next time." Che Soul Road, and then reminded in good faith, "Sink to the bottom of the sea, those sharks will bite you, you will feel the pain of death of."

   Muyu shouted, shit! What the **** is it that you have to be bitten by a shark to get out?

   He pondered again for a long time, and finally fell off again! Want to break through from the other side, intercept and kill a white. But the spirit of chess shot again and defeated Mu Yu!

   The third time, the fourth time...

  Muyu finds that she has failed three more times and will sink into the seabed. Chess Soul seems to have calculated the position of his son long ago, and each time he defeated Mu Yu without any effort.

"Surely something is wrong! It would be nice if Master or Dry Wood Daddy taught me to play chess." Mu Yu became more and more irritable, he always wanted to keep the blacks out, but the more he did, the more failure.

  Playing chess is like placing an array. Feng Haochen has not taught him the knowledge of formation, but Drywood has taught him a lot of formation knowledge. The problem is that this formation is too difficult for Muyu to understand.

   Endgame is called endgame, there must be a ray of vitality. Where is this line of vitality?

   Muyu thought carefully, but his thoughts were brought into the once dead wood valley. At that time, withered wood just grabbed him from Fuxianyu, and then forbidden in the valley.


   "Senior man, you have killed so many people in your formation, won't you be at ease at night?" Muyu at that time was still very young, naively thinking that the dead wood looks like his appearance and looks very evil.

   The dead wood gave Muyu a glance, and Muyu angered him just now, hanging upside down in the air at the moment.

"Everything stays in the line, I have arranged the formation so simple, they still can not pass, then why should I ask me to do things? Why should I accept them as apprentices? What does their death have to do with me? Without skill, one should not be self-disciplined!" Drywood Road.

   "Leave a line on everything, I didn't see any hints you left!" Muyu was much more honest after being hanged by dead wood several times, knowing that she was struggling and useless, she simply hugged her chest with both hands and looked down.

"If I had not left a detoxifying grass on the edge of the poisonous fog, the others could come in? If I had not left the piece of live vine, do you think that with your little cleverness, you can get a mirror array? You think I am very Do you want others to die in my valley? What has I become here? Cemetery? Those who died are all because of my absence. If I were there, I saw that the overstretched guys threw them out. , So you don’t have to look ugly.” The dead wood said angrily.

   Muyu smashed his tongue, he really didn't know this, and he didn't come in by detoxification grass when he passed the poison mist. He understood that he was wrong with dead wood, but he asked, "What about the demon tree that day? You didn't give any hint to the demon tree!"

"You don't hurt the Sky Monster Tree, has it attacked you actively? Want to pass the angry Sky Monster Tree, you must learn to retreat to advance, not to hurt the Sky Monster Tree, in order to be able to pick up the Sky Monster Fruit. When everyone saw the Tianyao tree, they couldn't wait to pick the Tianyao fruit, and it was deserved to be eaten by the Tianyao fruit!" Withered tree snorted coldly.


   Retreat to advance? Retreat!

   Muyu had a flash of lightning in his head, and the chess game in his eyes suddenly became clear. When I saw the monster tree in the valley at that time, the monster tree was covered with fruits. Everyone came here to pick the monster fruit, so everyone would start directly, and because of this, the monster tree Frightened to flee.

  This is a kind of qualitative thinking, and you will act in accordance with the normal practice for what you want.

Just like this game of chess, when most people see the game, they will think: Blacks have been eaten by Whites, and if they want to win, they must never lose any more Blacks, so the first idea is to try to find Whites Launch an attack.

  But no matter where he started, he would be chased and blocked by Bai Ziwei.

   If you want to win, you must advance with retreat.

   Muyu overthrows all the cracks in the past few days and starts to examine the game again. Heizi's formation was like a piece of sand, surrounded by Baizi, breathless, and had reached a point of difficulty. Baizi seems to have a magnificent formation. In fact, because of the dispersion of blacks, the formation of Baizi is also indirectly divided.

  Baizi wants to destroy Heizi with one blow, but one blow is meant to be exhausted again, as long as Baizi is tempted to apply his momentum to an insignificant place, then it is a good time for Heizi to fight back!

   Muyu's gaze is no longer attached to the existing formation. He has always been thinking about expanding the formation, so he is reluctant to let Baizi have the possibility of eating Kuroko again. But no matter where he is, he will be broken by Bai Zi, which is also the place that bothers him. Originally, there are few sunspots. How can we let Baizi eat some more?

But often if you want to succeed, you need to go the other way. At this time, the best way should be to abandon some insignificant sunspots, starting from the overall situation and guiding Baizi's offensive momentum to the side. To the role of abandoning a car to keep handsome.

   When you are at a disadvantage, you still have to cut your arm. Very few people dare to try this way, but it is often impossible to kill the enemy without paying a price in the battle!

   Muyu's eyes quickly locked in a position, it can be said that this is the only place in this endgame.

   "Did you decide to finish the game?" Qiqi's eyes looked at Muyu calmly.

   Muyu suddenly thought, he suddenly thought that all the chess skills he learned came from the spirit of chess, how could the spirit of chess be superior, would he not expect this move? What if he is not fooled?

   "No, right, if I put the sunspot here, Baizi will inevitably choose to intercept it for his own benefit. If it does not go this way, it is equivalent to letting me take a step, and then I will not be able to limit my formation!"

   Muyu's eyes were fixed, he turned his head to look behind him, and a huge sunspot fell behind him. As soon as his thoughts moved, Kuroko had fallen towards Muyu's desired position. The sunspots landed on the sea, causing huge waves, but all the pieces remained intact.

   "It's your turn!" Muyu said nervously.

   He is not as advanced as the chess spirit. With the ability of the spirit of chess, he will certainly be able to promote the subsequent development. Muyu is equivalent to desperate practice!

  The soul of chess didn't fall, he looked at Muyu and said, "You play this game, it means that there will be three black spots taken away by me. With your current formation, I'm afraid I can't afford to lose anymore?"

   "Less nonsense, I want to give it a go!" Mu Yu clenched his fists, he is still a novice, at most will only follow the next few steps, he has no grasp on the development of this endgame.

   "Why are you taking this step?" Qiqiang continued to ask.

   "With retreat as the advance, if there is nothing to lose, I have no chance!" Mu Yu sighed, thinking that he could not overcome the spirit of chess anyway, so there was nothing to hide.

   "Then if I continue to encircle here, you will lose three more?" Che Soul smiled, but didn't fall. He just pointed a prescription, and a white light appeared on the board.

   Muyu had known the result long ago, and his mind moved, and another black light appeared at the other prescription.

   "If you go here, I will eat three more of you, and you take the next step, you will lose nearly half of the sunspots, can you really afford it?" Qishun laughed.

  Kiha sighed, is that not enough?

   But something was wrong, he deduced it carefully. If half of it was lost, his formation would become compact. At this time, Bai Zi had countless flaws. At that time, your sunspots will be like a fish, and regain the lost ground!

   "Yes! That's right! That's it, only then can I win!" Mu Yu shouted happily, "Quickly, quickly, I feel like I can win!"

   But the spirit of chess is still, he just looked at Muyu.

   "Hurry!" Muyu urged No more, when you choose to retreat, the endgame has been solved by you. How many people try this endgame will not let yourself lose, you are one of the few. "Chess Soul laughed," and, you are the fastest one to crack the chess array. What's even more commendable is that you are a person who has just learned how to play chess, and it is already quite good to do this. "

   a hearty laughter resounded throughout the sea, countless sharks suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea, swallowing all the chess pieces, and then Kou Yu's brain was shocked, and his consciousness had returned to the body.


Mu Yu suddenly opened her eyes and glanced at everyone in Jinjietang and found that everyone was already watching him. Muyu shrugged his shoulders, not caring about them.

   He secretly reviewed the way he broke the line just now, and found that the test of the battlefield is not how superb the formation is, but whether the way of thinking can break the routine and dare to try an unusual path.

  Innate disciples are not required to master how many formations, but must understand how to make changes and choices in a formation.

   Muyu's hand left the stele, and then slowly walked outside.

   "Is he successful?" Zhao Lianggong asked in surprise.

   "Of course it failed, the battle monument is not broken yet! Really thought that this innate disciple is so good?" Luo Feilong snorted.

  However, Luo Feilong's voice just fell, and the monument behind Mu Yu collapsed!

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