A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 423: Formation and Rune (Part 1)

"So you concealed your strength? You underestimated you!" Fu Zong's young man's unexpected expression didn't flash, but when Mu Yu shot, he already found that Mu Yu's cultivation behavior was only in the period of hacking. He is always a blind eye to the instructor.

   "This person will kill him even if I don't kill him?" Muyu said coldly. The people of Fu Zong deliberately used the hand of He Tianqiang to kill Mu Yu. This was to create the illusion that Mu Yu died unexpectedly, so that the people of Zhenzong could not find Fu Zong on the head, then He Tianqiang would be killed after using it.

  He used to feel uncomfortable when he killed someone. The passing of that life made him very uncomfortable, but He Tianqiang's death made him have no fluctuations in his heart, and there was even a trace of joy. There seemed to be some unspeakable pleasure in his heart.

   This is Muyu's first murder after Mu Ling was contaminated by the dead grass. He found some changes in himself.

   "Thank you for killing him for me and saving me from doing it myself." Fu Zongqing glanced contemptuously at He Tianqiang's body without any sad expression.

  He Tianqiang is just a tool he used to assassinate Muyu. He wanted to use He Tianqiang to kill Muyu, so that Fu Zong could avoid conflicts with Jinzong in advance. Obviously, the information provided by Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai was wrong, and Mu Yu's revision was not at all a golden age.

   But this is nothing to the arrogant Fu Zong youth at all. He cultivated for the ninth heaven in the period of the awakening period, and he was on the extremely fairy list. Why would he fear an unknown kid?

   "Remember, my name is Mo Ziming, the 71st immortal, so you don't die unclearly!" Fu Zong's mouth showed a smirk.

   "I don't want to know the name of the dead."

Muyu's intention to kill was awe-inspiring. He felt a hate in his heart, whether it was for dead wood, or for the sky, but Fu Zong and Tianxingmen hooked together and wanted to kill him for their own purposes. From Muyu's perspective Both are raccoon dogs, he doesn't mind killing another one!

   "Zhang Mania!"

  Mo Ziming's feet stepped on the ground, and the layers of cracks immediately spread around him. Eight purple runes appeared around him. The purple runes were arranged in a gossip manner. The purple spiritual power connected them together, and the violent aura gathered toward the eight runes, and the terror was increasing. getting bigger.

   Without saying anything, Muyu directly rose to the sky and headed out of the South Star Taoist Temple. If we were to fight Mo Ziming here, and with the destructive power that erupted during their outburst, the entire Nanxing Taoist Temple would probably be destroyed once, and even the Nanxing Taoists would not survive. He glanced down at Nanxing Taoist Temple. At the moment, Nanxing Taoist Temple and many other disciples of the Yunhe School were waiting outside, not knowing that his master had already fallen.

   "The rest of you killed this old man for me!"

  The ultimate goal of Mo Ziming is to kill people and kill the mouth, so he will not allow the existence of a live mouth for all the people of Nanxing Taoist Temple. At this moment, he controlled many people of the Nanxing Taoist Temple with the Divine Soul Rune, and even wanted to instruct these people to kill their masters.

   And his goal was Muyu, worried about Muyu's escape, so his body chased toward Muyu. When he stopped, Muyu was waiting for him in the sky above.

"Zhenzong vs. Fuzong, right!" Mu Yu's eyes condensed, and four innate arrays emerged, and a momentum not weaker than Mo Ziming emanated. Ming shrouded in it.

"Your sect will never be able to beat our Fu Zong." Mo Ziming smiled evilly, eight purple charms flashed, his fingertips moved slightly, the purple spiritual force rushed out of the rune paper, and gradually gathered on his chest , Forming a purple gossip, a huge purple hand extended from the gossip, snapped towards Muyu!

   The majestic momentum strikes Muyu overwhelmingly. This palm locks Muyu's breath. Like the pressure of Taishan Mountain, it has reached the power of a heavy day of distraction! Mu Yu was a little shocked in his heart. With the help of rune paper, could Rune Master exert such terrifying power?

But Muyu didn't panic, the four formations touched each other, and her fingertips quickly pulled spiritual power, as if a sticky cobweb appeared in the air, the trend of the purple hand's falling was stagnate, but soon the cobweb was broken and continued toward Muyu Here.

   However, because the cobweb blocked it, he had won enough time for Muyu, and his entire person had disappeared in place, out of the scope of the giant hand. The giant hand fell in the woods below, all the trees were destroyed, and a hand-shaped pit appeared on the ground!

  Purple Soul Palm, Fu Zong's innate spell, is famous for its strong attack. This Mo Ziming almost held the mentality of killing one blow, but unfortunately Mu Yu escaped. The array's array technique is not weak, "Tian Luo Di Wang" can be used not only to catch opponents, but also to resist fierce attacks.

  Countless green swallows screamed and swept toward Mo Ziming in different directions. Qingyan seizes the sound, Mu Yu has just learned the formation technique, these green swallows only leave Taodao phantoms, and can't see the specific shadow at all, but each green swallow is like a shuttle, as if it can penetrate people.

   Muyu never really used Qingyan to capture sound in front of Lu Xianshi. At this moment, all the spiritual power was distributed unreservedly. Qingyan's capture of sound reached one hundred horrors, densely interlaced in the air. Mo Ziming returned his index finger with his left hand, and Zi Ling's palm turned out again. This time, instead of shooting, he held himself. Countless Qingyan went forward and rushed to the giant palm one after another. These Qingyan do not have any powerful power, their role will only shield the enemy's hearing, but unfortunately Mo Ziming knows a lot about Zhenzong's array technique, this Qingyan won't be able to kill him.

   Muyu's fingers flicked, and the remaining Qingyan stopped diving, but hovered around, waiting for the opportunity to move. However, the sky suddenly flashed a blue electric spark, together

Lightning appeared out of thin air, and countless blue thunder snakes blasted out of the lightning.

   "Thunder and Thunder Snake!"

   Thunder Snake really interpreted what is called lightning, and his body is almost unbelievable, with fast speed and stronger strength. They are not as attacking as Qingyan, but with powerful tearing power, it seems that they can drill countless holes in the sky!

   Thunder Snake blasted on Zi Ling's palm, and Zi Ling's palm exploded, and countless electric sparks spread. Mo Ziming was shocked, and he clearly felt that there was a crack in Zi Ling Palm. However, more Razer seemed to fly endlessly from the lightning in the sky, so his purple spirit palm would be washed away sooner or later.

This shocking thunder snake snake Mo Ziming vaguely heard from his master Zhou Jinglin, but it was Lu Xianshi’s most proud attack. Even Zhou Jinglin did not dare to make a hard connection. I didn’t expect this kid to be so terrible. Learned the skill of the formation.

  Mo Ziming understands that he still underestimates Mu Yu, but he is a congenital disciple of Fu Zong, how powerful is his ability to adapt to changes! He raised his hand, and a black rune flew out. The rune appeared with a heavy and solid atmosphere, and then the rune flashed a mysterious rune pattern, and a black overlord gun rushed out of the rune.

This gun is named "Wu Jin Langya", it is made of precious black gold, its value is immeasurable, it is a magic gift given by his master, and he is usually sealed in black charms to raise interest, and once the power is shot, even he cannot Complete control!

   Precious magic can be used as a formation, can absorb the aura between heaven and earth, more effective than the formation. After all, when the spiritual power contained in the formation is exhausted, the formation of the aura will be exhausted, and the precious magic weapon does not have this limitation.

  Wu Jin Langya came out, the magnificence of Huanghuang Tianwei was revealed, one shot stabbed, the world and the world began to change color, and the lightning summoned by Muyu was actually pulled by this thick gun. Lightning spread all over Wujin Langya's body. Mo Ziming once again transfigured a purple spirit to hold this Wujin Langya. Wu Jinlangya waved the purple lightning to the vast earth under the waving of Zi Ling's palm.

   Lightning submerged into the ground, splitting on the trees below, countless trees were scorched, and actually ignited a raging flame. The lightning was extinguished, and all the thunder snakes disappeared.

   "What a powerful gun." Mu Yu found out that her thunder and thunder snake shadow was broken by the Wujin Langya. She suddenly understood that Wujin Langya was a rare magic weapon. Otherwise, the ordinary gun could not withstand the baptism of lightning.

   "My Wujin Langya is even more powerful!" Mo Ziming snorted, Zi Ling's palm waved again, Wujin Langya broke into the sky with an immortal momentum, and pierced towards Muyu.

   Muyu's hands were connected, and his fingertips pulled Dao Aura, and the four formations suddenly turned into a huge shield to protect them. However, it was at this time that the mutation was suddenly rising! A slight "sizzle" sound came from an array, and then he suddenly found a crack in his innate array!

   "Not good!" Mu Yu whispered, a piece of innate array base spiritual power seems to have run out, Mu Yu's illusion of the shield suddenly weakened by three points, and now Ujin Langya has stabbed!


   Muyu's illusory shield was broken by Wujin Langya, exploded into Dao spiritual fragments and exploded. Although Muyu had tried his best to avoid it, he was still scattered on the chest by the aftermath, and the huge tremor made his chest stuffy.

   "Xiaoshuai! Are you okay?" Muyu pulled back and sipped. The Xiaoshuai was in his arms, and the aftermath of Wu Jinlangya was swept over the Xiaoshuai body. If the Xiaoshuai did not block him for a while, I am afraid his chest would be pierced with a big hole!

"Damn, it hurts me, who stabbed me in the chrysanthemum?" Xiaoshuai groaned while touching his ass, and he burst out of his head to see the black gold Langya, and was immediately angry. Shit!"

   Muyu was relieved, and Xiaoshuai's skin thickness was reflected again. This guy sleeps in Muyu's arms every day, and can be used as a body armor at a critical time. It's really hard for it.

   But a serious problem came. He had just cultivated these four congenital formations in recent days. Unexpectedly, one of the congenital formations turned out to be wrong, so what should we do in the next battle?

The innate array base is called the innate array base because the spiritual power contained in them is very pure and quite domineering. It can be described as inexhaustible, but this piece of innate array base of Muyu seems to be second-hand goods, Most likely it was used by Master Lu Xian.

   This piece of innate array was indeed used by Master Lu Xian, and he can no longer satisfy his attack with a fit period, so he gave it to Muyu. Lu Xianshi thought that Muyu only had the Jindan period. The formation technique used in the Jindan period was insignificant. Even if this congenital aura was about to be exhausted, it would be used thousands of times for a person in the Jindan period. No problem~www.readwn.com~ However, Master Lu Xian never thought that the true strength of Muyu is the out-of-focus period. The array technique used in out-of-trick period has surpassed the Jindan period. I don’t know. The formation has been completely exhausted after only two uses!

"My God! Master Lu Xian, you pit me!" Mu Yu didn't hit one spot, when he portrayed the array on the foundation of the innate array in the face of Master Lu Xian, naturally he could not use the dead wood father The innate matrix obtained. He thought that the innate array foundation presented by Master Lu should not be a problem. Who can think of it as a defective product!

Each formation needs to be sacrificed before it is used, which takes time. Although Muyu still has many innate formations, the only congenital formations he actually sacrificed are only these four, and others want to replace it. It is impossible to complete immediately.

Although    is very strong, the short board was immediately exposed. Once the formations are exhausted, they will need to face their opponents like a storm

Blow. And Mo Ziming is a congenital disciple of Fu Zong, and the innate fu paper in his hands must be full of aura! It can't be second-hand goods like Muyu. I'm afraid Muyu's attempt to win today is impossible.

  But he can't use his swordsmanship blatantly, because once he uses the swordsmanship, he will be suspected by Mo Ziming. If Mo Ziming could not let him escape today, his identity would most likely be revealed. The relationship between Fu Zong and Tian Xing Men might even be noticed by Tian!

   Muyu didn't expect to suffer a big loss for the first time when he used Array and Fu Zong's runes!

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