Ma Mingxun was controlled by Mo Ziming's Divine Soul Rune, which was like a Nudan, suppressing Ma Mingxun's consciousness. It's just that Nudan has his own consciousness except that he can't disobey the master's order, and the person under the control of the Divine Soul is only an unconscious puppet, and the action time is limited. Once the spirit of the Divine Soul runs out, it will lose its effectiveness. .

   But at this moment, Ma Mingxun, who can control the Qiao period at this moment, is enough. Ma Mingxun is also a cultivation practice during the Qiao period, not to mention there is Mo Ziming who is also taking Ling Ling.

  Returning Pill is a fifth-order elixir, which can quickly make up for the loss of spiritual power in the comprehension. This immortality medicine is quite precious. There is no less than one hundred thousand spirit stones or more. Wherever ordinary people can afford it, only the innate disciples of Fu Zong, such as Mo Ziming, can take a few.

  Of course, Muyu has more Rejuvenating Pills in his pocket than Mo Ziming, but at this moment, Rejuvenating Pills have no effect on Muyu. His spiritual power is still sufficient, but it is not the same for Mo Ziming. Mo Ziming used the teleport symbol just now and has exhausted his spiritual power. At this moment, taking Huanling Pill is equivalent to standing up and jumping around.

   Two out of the heyday period to Shangmuyu, Muyu at a disadvantage.

"What is the Divine Soul Rune? Why is it possible to control Ma Mingxun at the outburst period? Does it have anything to do with Nudan?" Mu Yu pondered in his heart. He had never been in contact with Nudan. He didn't know the composition of Nudan, but the slave Since both Dan and Soul Charm can control people, there must be similarities between them.

  As Muyu thought, the huge fire dragon threw again. This is the transfer of Ma Mingxun's sacrifice, called the Fire Dragon Seal. It has the form of a Fire Dragon and is very domineering. Countless flames hit Muyu like falling meteorites. Muyu didn't dare to make a hard connection. He didn't like flames and could only avoid them.

   "Damn, why is it a dragon again, I really hate this silly thing!" Xiaoshuai muttered.

   "Little mouse, who are you stupid!" Long Vine whispered, and then said, "This dragon has its own appearance, and there is no Longwei at all. Let Lao Tzu scare it!"

  Teng Teng Longwei rises from Muyu's arm and envelopes towards the Fire Dragon. The fire dragon in the air was stagnant, but it was still rushing towards Muyu at a constant speed.

   "Are you stupid caterpillar! That lifeless thing, how could you be intimidated by your prostitution?" Xiaoshuai sneered.

   "Oh, it doesn't matter to me." Long Teng said lazily.

   Muyu listened rather helplessly to these two idlers, and could not help at all. He had to deal with everything by himself. It was a real pain. He kept evading, but a huge purple spirit palm appeared above his head. Purple spirit palm and Wu Jin Langya pressed from different directions, completely blocking Mu Yu's retreat!

   "I know how to deal with this fire dragon, as long as the caterpillars let go of the magic charm on that Ma Mingxun, he should regain consciousness!" Xiaoshuai finally made a constructive suggestion.

   "Okay! Then I'm going to summon the Shenlong!" Needless to say, this thing is also done by Dragon Vine, and Dragon Vine itself is also a cultivation practice during the quirk period. If he joins the battlefield, Muyu's pressure will be much less. But Dragon Vine cannot appear casually, at least it must be disguised like Ma Mingxun to summon it with array.

   Muyu quickly appeared with seven second-hand congenital array bases. These innate array base wood feathers were not sacrificed, and they came out at this moment just to create power and pretend. The colorful light turned on, enclosing Mu Yu's whole body, and the glare almost blinded his own eyes, but he still casually said, "Everything can be arrayed, the dragon is coming!"

The pattern was wrapped around the dragon vine, and the dragon vine roared, and the body quickly became larger. The repair period suddenly broke out, suppressing the momentum caused by Mo Ziming and Ma Mingxun, and the dragon vine has turned into a blue light. Charge towards Ma Mingxun.

Mu Yu pulled out a sixth-order Yufeng Dan suit, and his body suddenly became very dexterous. Sixth-order Yufeng Dan could allow him to exert the speed of the distracting period, even if it was not comparable to the teleportation of the fit period. But Mo Ziming was more than enough to pay the trick.

   "Yufeng Pill? Do you even have this pill?"

  Mo Ziming saw Mu Yu's figure as a ghost in front of his eyes, far beyond the speed of the outing period. He suddenly understood that he took Yufeng Dan. However, Yufeng Pill is a sixth-order panacea. I am afraid that there is no one million spirit stones that can't be bought at all. Will Patriarch even pay a large price for this kid to prepare this panacea for escape?

  Mo Ziming's intention to kill has broken through the sky. The more optimistic Jinzong is, the more he wants Muyu to die!

   "Damn, you are allowed to take the Rejuvenating Pill, and you are not allowed to use Yufeng Pill? Lao Tzu is the ancestor of the Danding School!"

   Muyu scolded the sword and rushed behind Mo Ziming, but Mo Ziming had broken the teleporter and escaped, and at the same time Zi Lingzhang protected him again. With Yufeng Dan's help, Mu Yu almost caught up with Mo Ziming after the blink of an eye. His sword split in Zi Ling's palm and made a strong roar, which made Mo Ziming feel a tremor.

  Mo Ziming thought that Muyu had so many messy abilities and was caught off guard. He squinted to see the dragon shadow flashing blue light bypassing the sky-long fire dragon and drilled into Ma Mingxun's chest.

  Mo Ziming completely ignored the command of Ma Mingxun when he was evading, but was succeeded by the blue dragon! The charm of Ma Mingxun's chest has been torn off. He has lost control of Ma Mingxun and suddenly understands that he is gone!

   "I will recover this account!" Mo Ziming said resentfully. He pulled out a teleporter again, which was already his last teleporter. Take his

You can only use the teleportation symbol twice, and you can only use the spiritual power recovered by the spirit pill four times. He hadn't regained his magical powers, and now he fled by the last teleporter.

   Muyu's eyes have killed a strong killer, this kind of person must die!

Suddenly thought of something, Xiaoshuai quickly shouted: "You can't defeat him, let alone kill him! He is seventy-one extreme fairy, you are the eightyth extreme fairy, if you defeat him, you will replace him 'S ranking!"

   Muyu also has a super fairy symbol. If he defeats Mo Ziming, Mo Ziming's super fairy symbol will be attached to his hand. The thing of the dog skin plaster can't be stopped by Mu Yu, and the ranking on the Jixian list will change all the time. The Jixian monument records the ranking of everyone. Even if Muyu changes its appearance, the Jixian monument will still make him true. The ranking is displayed.

   When Fu Zong's people saw it, they knew who killed Mo Ziming.

   He was not afraid that Fu Zong's people would come to the door, but he was worried that his identity would be exposed. Before he saw Jin Tian Dao, Zhen Zong would expel him.

  Mo Ziming had broken away the teleporter, and strictly speaking, he was not defeated by Muyu, but retreated without a fight, so their rankings were not exchanged. However, Mu Yu was also thinking about a problem. The mark of Extreme Fairy was also a formation. This formation would bring him a lot of trouble. How to remove this formation?

   Ma Mingxun was caught in the hands of Longteng, and he had fallen into a coma after getting rid of the control of the Divine Soul Rune. Muyu wanted to find the Soul Rune that controlled Ma Mingxun, but Longteng told him that the Soul Rune had spontaneously burned when it was torn off.

   "Divine Soul Rune and Nudan are a little bit similar, I want to know how this Soul Rune works!" Mu Yu pondered for a long while, and then returned to Nanxing Taoist Temple with Ma Mingxun.

  Nanxing Taoist Temple has been basically wiped out at this moment. The repair of Yuanxing Jiutian, the master of Nanxing Temple, is more than enough to clean up his disciples, and even the disciples of the Yunhe School are trapped by Nanxing Guanzhu.

   The disciples of Nanxing Taoist Temple are controlled by countless gods and charms, which are natural after being removed by the master of Nanxing Temple, leaving no trace. Fu Zong's runes have their own protective measures, especially the venomous runes of the gods and soul runes. They naturally don't want outsiders to spy on them.

  Nan Xingguan saw Muyu returning with Ma Mingxun, and he immediately frowned and asked tentatively, "Master, that innate symbolist..."

"I was run away." Mu Yu glanced around, and all the disciples of the Southern Star Taoist Temple fell unconscious on the ground. This was because of the sequelae left behind after being controlled by the Divine Soul Rune, but Mu Yu investigated, Ma Mingxun should It will wake up in a few hours.

   "Thank you, my lord! Your kindness and virtues, Nanxing has no teeth to memorize!" The Southern Star Watcher plopped down and knelt in front of Muyu, and made a big gift toward Muyu.

   "Look at the Lord, please!" Mu Yu quickly lifted him up. He looked at a Taoist temple that had been ruined and could not bear to see it. He was ruined here because it was caused by him in the end. In order to assassinate him, Fu Zong's people could only be affected.

"If it weren't for the adults to show their power today, I'm afraid the villain's entire Taoism would cease to exist." Nan Xingdao sighed. At first, he thought that Muyu was only a golden pill, and he talked in the tone of the elders. Now think about it. Shame.

"Your disciples should be okay, people are still there, the foundation of the sect will not be destroyed. I will help you to arrange the Taoist mountain protection array now, and arrange a formation that can resist the attack of the outcry period. You don’t have to worry about similar things happening, you can help me look after my three brothers.” Mu Yu thought about doing something for Nanxing Taoist Temple to compensate, and it was also a meager effort.

   "The mountain guards who resisted the outburst period? Really..."

When the Southern Star Watcher heard that Mu Yu was going to lay a large mountain guard for him to resist the attack from the out of phase, he suddenly showed an excited look, but he soon thought of the horrific cost of this large mountain guard, and the old face became very embarrassed. He quickly said: "Adult, this, this... The Taoist temple is damaged like this. I am afraid that the damaged building will be repaired next, and the villain can't come up with those spirit stones..."

   "It doesn't matter, because you didn't kill me just now, this time I will give you free." Muyu said. When Mu Yu hadn't exposed his cultivation behavior just now, Mo Ziming asked Nan Xing Guan to kill him, but Nan Xing Guan Zhu intended to protect Mu Yu from leaving here. Mu Yu highly appreciated this spirit. Nan Xingguan is an upright person, he deserves Mu Yu to do so.

   "Really?" Nan Xingguan was stunned for a moment, fortunately what an important decision he had just made, if he was greedy and afraid of death in order to choose to kill Muyu, I am afraid that he would now lie on the ground like He Tianqiang.

  Nan Xingguan, such as Meng Daen, knelt down again and thanked, "Thank you, lord!"

Mu Yu lifted him up and walked to the body of He Tianqiang. The old guy didn’t know how stupid he had done until he died. He thought that it would also be beneficial to help Mo Ziming eliminate Nanxing Taoist. I do not know that I am just a tool for others, and I will be silenced when I run out.

   He Tianqiang assisted him not to regret the death, he crouched down and broke the Tiankun formation in He Tianqiang's sleeve, and took out all his belongings. I have to say that He Tianqiang, as the master of a martial art, has indeed a lot of wealth. However, the spirit feathers of these spirit stones were inconspicuous, and he finally found the soul charm he wanted in the spirit stones piled up on a hill.

   "I'm going to see what's in this rune paper!" Mu Yu mused.

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