A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 430: Climbing stairs

   There are a total of thirty-six knots, each of which is of varying lengths and restlessness, and is slowly floating around various strange tracks. Some ladders only swayed from side to side, others were tirelessly circled around the array, and some disappeared without a sudden escape, and then appeared tremblingly again.

  The first ladder that Muyu stood around slowly moved around the zigzag, and there was also a nervous texture pumping in the middle, as if he was tripped, accelerated forward and rubbed two steps and then returned to normal.

   The high-altitude battle hall floated there quietly. These ladders were all around the battle hall, showing a tendency to spread downward. If you want to reach the battle hall, you have to find a way to climb up one by one. Many people were very surprised when they first saw these ladders. After the surprise, they were startled by the ladder under their feet. They felt like the ladder was broken. Then they were overwhelmed by the ladder.

   These ladders seem to have different trajectories of movement, and even there is no rule at all. Many people do not know how to climb the ladder. Can't fly or jump, I feel that I can only rock the left and right of the first ladder in the wind.

  Palace is in the sky, the ladder is about ten meters higher than the one. If you want to go up, you have to step on the ladder of every movement. It is impossible to climb up according to ordinary methods.

   But Muyu, as a man of great skill in formation, is really not capable of breaking two pieces of monument. He sat on the first section of the ladder and carefully looked at the ladder that was moving up and down, but within a moment he suddenly understood what the mystery of this ladder was.

"I said why it's so weird, because the original mystery is here." Mu Yu's tight eyebrows were quickly released. I thought that Zhendian was really a brilliant place. If I didn't know how to estimate the length of these ladders, I started from three. It is simply impossible to find a way to go up on the trajectory of the 16th ladder.

  Because the movement of these ladders is indeed unruly, they are only random movements, even if you just want to break your head, you can't see any regularity from it.

However, when you look closely at these ladders, you will find that it has a total of 36 ladders. The length of each ladder is different. It can be divided into long ladders and short ladders. These ladders are distributed up and down around the temple. The above is a messy gossip, and the array hall is the yin and yang fish in the center of the gossip.

   All the disciples of the Zongzong knew that there were eight sides of the gossip, and each side was composed of lines of different lengths, and there were 36 lines in total. At this moment there are exactly 36 ladders, and Muyu is on the second ladder. These ladders represent each line of gossip, but the height of the arrangement is different. Only when you stand in the center of the array and look down. It was discovered that at some point these ladders would just move into a gossip shape.

   This moment is extremely short, and only by seizing this short moment can we find a way to climb the ladder.

  Because many people could not fly up, they could only stand on the first ladder and stared at the irregular ladder in a daze. The most frustrating thing is that, for the purpose of covering the ears and stealing bells, when the temple moved to the shape of gossip, a few ladders would just go invisible, making people simply not think of gossip.

   Muyu was initially deceived by these cunning ladders, but soon he discovered that if he imagined the invisible ladder, he could form a complete gossip.

  Although he discovered the law of the ladder and gossip, there was still a problem to be solved, that is, another ladder was too far away from him. Even if he found this law, he could not go up. Since the Patriarchs designed the ladder as gossip and suppressed the ability of those who climbed the ladder, they will definitely leave a backward path. It's just that this road is too covert and needs to be deduced.

   The ladder where Muyu is now is located at the Kun position of the gossip position. The Kun position is composed of six lines, and the middle is empty. Muyu is standing on the first ladder on the left. But the second ladder above him does not belong to the Kun position, but belongs to the seismic position next to it, just because the height of each ladder in each direction is different, so they will walk from time to time, confusing people's judgments.

   He carefully observed the sky ladders of different heights, and carefully compared the orientation of the gossip. He remembered that there were more or less a break in the other directions of the gossip than the three ladders in the dry position. For example, there are three fractures in the Kun position, two fractures in the earthquake position, the ridge position, and the Gen position. There is only one fracture in the off position, the exchange position, and the Xun position, and there is no fracture in the dry position.

   "So it should be the way to climb the ladder."

   There was a ray of light in Muyu's brain, and he suddenly understood how to climb the ladder. Here everyone's abilities are suppressed. If you want to climb to another ladder, there is no drama at all. Then the only way is to use these fractures.

   So the way to go up is not so-called climbing stairs, but to take a break!

  However, this requires a strong deduction ability. Always remember in your mind to what extent these ladders have evolved, otherwise it will be very likely to fall empty. I don’t know if I fell, but I can’t go to the temple.

  Father Kumu used to force Muyu to learn the laws of gossip, so he was much more familiar with the way of deduction of gossip than ordinary people, and he could even figure it out in his mind. In this case, he was undoubtedly a big help.

   Muyu deduced gossip in his heart, and then saw the timing, stepped out into the void on the right!

This time, instead of stepping on the air, he stepped on something hard. He only felt that his eyes flickered, and there seemed to be some changes in his surroundings. When he came back, he had stood On another ladder.

   He looked down, and a ladder was under him. That was the ladder he was standing just now!


"I found the way to climb the ladder so quickly?" Zhuge Xiaosheng was a little surprised. He remembered that when he first started, he climbed the ladder for the first time. It took him a quarter of an hour to figure out the way up, but Muyu's The cracking speed is far faster than him!

   "I said he was a genius!" Master Lu Xian couldn't help sighing. It took him two hours to discover the way to climb the ladder.

   "Huh! Maybe it was just the blind cat who met the dead mouse! Not so lucky in the back." Situ Yangtian sarcastically said that he still looked down on the cultivation of Muyu Jindan period.

   Master Lu was unhappy, saying: "Situ Yangtian, I remember you thought it took two hours and a quarter of an hour, you just jealously said the talent of others."

"The direction of the ladder is changing all the time. If he doesn't know how to play in his brain, he will step into the air in the second step. When he falls, his nose will be swollen and his face will be ugly! It's like walking in the labyrinth. , But nine out of ten is a dead end. Although I spent two hours, but I only took fifteen steps to arrive, Lu Deyi, tell me how many steps did you take?" Situ Yangtian sneered. He and Lu Xianshi have always been dissatisfied with each other, so he does not like the people that Lu Xianshi fancy.

   Rud Yi is anxious! Choosing a different path to come up, the number of steps he took was different. He took seventeen steps at first. Although the time of each step was added, the overall speed of climbing the ladder was faster than that of Situ Yangtian, but he chose The way is not as convenient as the other side.

  When ascending the ladder, if the number of steps selected is less, it means that the person has a better understanding of the battle line! The ladder itself has been changing all the time, every time you take a step, all the trajectories of the ladder will change again.

   A total of thirty-six ladders means thirty-six heights. But everyone has different ways to go up. If you choose the right time, you can even skip several ladders in succession and use the least number of steps to board the battle hall.

   "So what? Fengmu took the first step!" Master Lu Xian hummed.

   "Why? Do you still expect Fengmu to take twelve steps like Brother Sect Master?" Situ Yangtian mocked.

   "Even if it's not twelve steps, maybe it's fifteen steps! You are less proud!" Lu Xianshi said angrily.

  In conclusion, Master Lu Xian needs to take seventeen steps every time he ascends to the sky. This is a very frustrating thing. He cannot achieve the level of twelve steps to the sky like Zhuge Xiaosheng. However, Muyu only climbed the fourth ladder in the second step, and there were thirty-two ladders above his head. It is a little difficult to reach twelve steps according to this way.

   "Damn, this step climbs step by step, every step has to be calculated, how tired!" Mu Yu complained. He came to the lowest ladder at the earthquake location, and the trajectory of the surrounding ladder quickly changed, which disrupted all the paths he had deduced.

   "No, right, here the arrangement of Reiki is very strange. The trajectories of these ladders are not completely disrupted, but exchanged between single and double." Xiaoshuai probe said inquiringly.

   "Single and double exchange?" After reminded by Xiaoshuai, Mu Yu looked closely and instantly understood.

   The so-called single and double exchange means that the trajectory of the singular ladder and the even ladder are exchanged. For example, the third ladder known to Muyu was rocking left and right, the fourth ladder was invisible. When he took the first step, the third ladder became invisible, and the fourth ladder became rocking left and right. of.

   "Single and double exchanges, single and double exchanges..." Mu Yu murmured in his mouth, but his heart quickly calculated that this way of ascending the sky required a few steps.

  He came to the fourth ladder in the second step, and there were thirty-two ladders on it. If you follow this way of climbing to the sky, I feel that you have to take at least another sixteen steps to reach the palace.

"Sixteen steps, too long, plus the need to wait for the ladder to get to the right place in the middle~www.readwn.com~ It takes at least one hour, shit! It will be a delay to meet me, it hurts! Let me let me see……"

   Muyu once again counted all the movements of the ladder. The thirty-six ladders around the entire temple were completely reflected in his mind, and every step of the change was taken into account by him!

   He flashed suddenly, because he found a shortcut!

   Muyu did not continue to climb the ladder, but jumped directly towards the second ladder!

   "Hey! What the **** are you doing? Why are you still going down!" Lu Xianshi stood up suddenly and really wanted to walk over and ask aloud. A good ladder does not climb, and actually went down, what the **** is this?

   "Huh! This is what you call a genius disciple who exceeds Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai? Climbing the ladder and going down? How stupid do you want to be!" Situ Yangtian laughed disdainfully.

   But Zhuge Xiaosheng's body suddenly stagnate and was surprised: "This is not--"

   "What's the matter?" Other people didn't understand it. They had never seen it before, and they didn't understand what the suzerain was surprised.

  However, Muyu has told everyone with his actions, what is the correct way to reach the sky!

(Today, these three chapters need someone who is familiar with gossip to understand it. Anyway, if you don’t understand it, you should join in the excitement, it will not affect anything, and it will not be so complicated in the future. I didn’t update it on time because of stomach pain and went to the hospital. , And finally made up three chapters at night.)

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