A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 436: Broken Blood Jade Ink Crystal

Two months have passed since the ascent of the ladder. In the past two months, the reputation of "Fengmu" has spread to the disciples of Zhongtian. After all, Muyu broke the second monument in front of everyone's eyes, confirming him. The status of genius.

   Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai never came to trouble with Muyu again. If the horse's feet were exposed at this moment, it would naturally have a great impact on Fu Zong's plan, so they both knew to endure.

Mu Yu still followed Lu Xianshi to learn positions in the past two months. Lu Xianshi did not hesitate to teach all positions knowledge to Mu Yu. Mu Yu's performance did not disappoint him. He no longer simply mastered the basics. Beginners in formation.

  At the same time, Mu Yu was secretly practicing the "Xuan Zhen" left by the dead father, which surprised him that he could already understand some of the formations of "Xuan Zhen". Professor Lu Xianshi Mu Yu's basic points about congenital array technique, these basic points are very necessary for learning "Xuan array".

  In addition to cultivation, Mu Yu often dazed by the soul of Daddy Drywood in the blood jade ink crystal. He hoped that all his formations would be taught by Daddy Drywood himself, not from others. But today when he took the bleeding jade ink crystal, his face changed suddenly!

   A crack appeared on the blood jade ink crystal!

   "Xiaoshuai, why did the blood jade ink crystal have an accident?" Muyu eagerly woke the Xiaoshuai who was sleeping in his pocket.

  Blood jade ink crystal is a very precious congenital formation base, far better than other congenital formation bases in Muyu's hands! The aura contained in it is very majestic. Mu Yu must ensure that the aura of blood jade ink crystal does not dissipate every day, but yesterday it was fine, but today a crack appeared on the blood jade ink crystal!

  If the blood jade ink crystal is in trouble, then the sting soul array depicted in it will also dissipate, and the dead soul of the dead wood will be in danger!

  The handsome guy got out of his head and said, "I don't know, I didn't eat it."

"Of course it has nothing to do with you, but the appearance of cracks in the blood jade ink crystal indicates that the aura inside is already lacking. Xiaoshuai, can you inject aura into the blood jade ink crystal?" Muyu anxiously entered the blood jade ink crystal into the blood jade ink crystal , I was shocked to find that some of the formations originally depicted in the blood jade ink crystals had begun to collapse, and even the images left by the dead father had disappeared, and many formations had begun to dissipate, and they were about to spread to the Soul Array.

  If you don't stop it, the Soul Array will also be at risk!

Xiaoshuai took the blood jade ink crystal, touched it twice, felt the exhausted aura inside, shook his head and said: "The spirit energy required for Ding Soul Array is too huge. Blood jade ink crystal was used by the dead wood father a lot Second, I am afraid that the aura can no longer be maintained. We can only transfer the Soul Array to other innate array bases."

   array technique can be transferred from one innate array base to another innate array base. This is what Lu Xianshi told him, so as to ensure that the array base's aura will not be exhausted when fighting. However, the prerequisite for the transfer is to have a good understanding of the formation, in order to transfer it intact.

Blood Jade Mojing’s Soul Array was invented by Daddy Drywood himself. Its pattern is very complicated. There are no more than tens of thousands of lines on the spiritual force alone. Mu Yu can’t take over at all, let alone how to transfer it to Based on another innate array.

   Muyu forced himself to calm down. He rummaged in "Xuan Zhen", and soon found Daki Mu's record about Ding Soul Array.

There are a total of 29,372 spiritual scores for the Soul Array. There are another 81 small gossip arrays nested in the gossip formation. Everything is readily available, and Daddy Drywood has no records on many points, because he thinks these are too simple to point out.

   This is a disaster for Muyu, because he can't understand this point!

   usually follow Lu Xianshi to learn the congenital array of magical power lines only up to 2,000, but the soul line of Dingshen array has nearly 30,000, which is beyond the acceptable range of Mu Yu.

"What should I do? Do I have to re-create a soul-fixing array?" Mu Yu was extremely anxious. He didn't fully understand the way of setting up the soul-fixing array. The soul is completely preserved.

   "You can only try it, otherwise the dead soul of the dead wood might really happen." Long Teng also said aside.

   Muyu forced himself to calm down, but now he has no way to do it, he can only describe the soul formation by himself. The Soul Array has nearly 30,000 lines of spiritual power, which is too complicated. Muyu must take it hard to learn it.

  He began to study the characterization of the Soul Array in "Xuan Zhen" seriously. Xiaoshuai's learning ability is also very strong. He also looked at Muyu together.

   "The third gossip formation follows the method of wind and heart formation. Have you ever learned the wind and heart formation of Muyu?" Xiaoshuai asked.

   "I haven't learned."

   Muyu shook his head, and the wind and heart array was also a kind of high-deep formation method detailed by the withered father. This kind of formation method allows several people in the formation to communicate with each other and be familiar with what everyone is thinking. Even if this formation method needs to use three thousand spiritual power lines, it is beyond the range of Muyu's tolerance.

   "But I will definitely learn it." Muyu gritted his teeth.

  He began to study the characterization method of the Soul Array by sleeping and forgetting food. In many places, he did not understand it, so he learned very hard. On the portrayal of the wind and heart, he failed 30 times!

  Although Muyu is first-rate no matter if he breaks the formation or climbs the ladder, he is obviously still very weak on the basis of depicting the formation method, simple innate

Array technique is difficult for him, but the characterization methods used in Ding Soul Array are very complicated, and he can never learn it smoothly.

   spent three full days before Muyu finally learned the wind and the heart. However, the wind and heart array is only one of the eighty-one formations. According to this learning speed, Muyu has to learn eighty-one deep formations, it must take almost a year!

   The problem is that blood jade ink crystals cannot last for a year!

   "There must be other ways." What Muyu is missing now is time, and time will always be so precious to him.

   There are two cracks on the blood jade ink crystal, the less aura it contains.

   "What should I do?" Mu Yu's heart burst out of despair. If the soul formation disappeared, he did not know what would happen to the dead soul of the dead wood. If Feifei scattered, it could never be recovered!


   Muyu had no choice but to run to invite Lu Xianshi to find a way.

"Are you saying how to quickly make up for the loss of aura of the innate array base? I didn't give you so many innate array bases, you should be enough!" Lu Xianshi thought Mu Yu had exhausted the aura of the innate array base. .

   Muyu quickly said: "The disciple is mainly curious, because the aura of the innate array base is consumed too fast, and it feels that it will wait for too long before it can recover automatically."

   Innate Array will automatically absorb Aura to restore itself every moment, but the recovery speed of Blood Jade Mojing Aura can't make up for the speed it consumes, so this problem occurs.

Lu Xianshi thought for a moment and shook his head: "This is no way. If the innate array base can quickly replenish the lost aura, then our innate array division will have no disadvantages. Your idea is very good, but before you Many innate array divisions have already considered this, and have tried their best to avoid the disadvantages of array divisions, but unfortunately no one has succeeded."

   Muyu's face was ashamed, wasn't the dead father really saved?

Master Lu Xian didn't find Mu Yu's face. He slapped his head like he remembered something and said, "Oh, right, I almost forgot, I should have given it to you yesterday. The Sect Master said, because now you are already born. The disciple is here, so he gave this array to you deliberately. This is the identity of the innate disciple."

A white jade pendant appeared in the hands of Master Lu Xian. This jade pendant is as big as two fingers. The jade pendant is in the shape of a gossip, with the word "Xian" engraved in the middle. The whole body is very thick and aura. .

   In the lineup, only the innate array division and the innate disciples would assign this kind of jade to everyone. Having this piece of jade is equivalent to truly becoming the core member of the lineage.

   Muyu took Yu Pei and felt the magnificent spirit from Yu Pei, but she was not happy at all. It's normal to change it. If he gets this jade piece, he will be very excited, because the quality of this jade piece is in the first class. But now Lu Xianshi is giving 100 pieces of innate array base to Mu Yu, Mu Yu is not in any mood to be happy.

   If Blood Jade Mo Jing's aura is exhausted, and the dead soul of the withered wood dissipates, then it is useless to give more congenital formations.

Master Lu Xian patted Mu Yu on the shoulder, but there was an envious look on his face: "I said Fengmu, you should be glad, because the master said that this piece of jade was made for you by Master Tian Tian Dao! Think about it! None of us is so blessed to be favored by our ancestors. I didn’t expect that your new disciple would have shocked the ancestors of Heavenly Dao."

   "Zhentian Dao!" Mu Yu exclaimed in exclaimation, yes! He needs to find Zhentian Dao for help, and there must be a way.

   "It is Patriarch of Daotian Dao." Lu Xianshi had long guessed that Mu Yu would be shocked. In his opinion, whoever heard that his jade pendant was made by Patriarch of Dao Tian Dao would be flattered.

   Master Lu Xian said with a smile, "I know you are also taken aback, but I can't be more envious! Being able to get a gift from Patriarch Dao Tian Dao, it seems that Patriarch Dao Dao really takes you seriously!"

   But Muyu doesn't care about this silly jade at all. What he cares about is Zhentiandao himself! Zhen Tiandao's array technique and Dry Wood Daddy are at the same level. He must be able to read Ding Soul Array and also know how to transfer Ding Soul Array!

   Muyu asked anxiously: "Master Lu Xian, can I see the Patriarch of Heavenly Dao?"

   Master Lu Xian stroked his beard without hesitation and said, "No, the Patriarch of Heavenly Dao is usually in the forbidden forest. He will only see him when he wants to see someone."


"Don't be any more, hurry back and learn array technique. By the way, you can now take this piece of jade to the third floor of array pavilion, there are all innate array techniques, everything is there, remember to ask me again." Lu Xian The teacher smiled.

   Muyu left Lu Xianshi's residence in frustration. Lu Xianshi wouldn't lie to him. If Zhentiandao didn't want to see him, then it would be useless for him to plead with Lu Xianshi.

   This time came to Zongzong in order to determine whether or not Jintiandao had an accident. Since Jintiandao could make jade pen for Muyu himself, it means that the Miyanomiya guards have not started against Tiandao. But Zhentian Dao was all right, but Father Drywood had an accident again!

   "No, I have to find a way to see Zhentian Dao." Mu Yu clenched his fists. In order to wither the dead soul of the dead wood, he had to ask for help from Zhen Tian Dao!

   Muyu didn't return to his residence, where Duan Yang and Wu Wenxing had been around to obstruct. He found a quiet place, set Yu Pei aside at random, and took the bleeding jade

Mo Jing, looking at the cracks on the blood jade Mo Jing, his heart is like a knife!

  Because of his mistakes, Daddy Drywood fell into the sky and lost his life. Now, because of his short learning time for formation, he can't even keep Daddy Drywood's soul.

   "How do you enter the Forbidden Forest of Patriarch?" Muyu had already visited Patriarch when he came to Patriarch. He knew where the forbidden forest was. But there is a strong prohibition outside the forbidden forest, and he cannot enter at all.

   Cheng Zhuo told him that only the disciples who made great contributions to the Sect could see the Zhentian Dao. If anyone can defeat Fu Zong's disciples in the battle of battles, then www.readwn.com~ then this person is eligible to enter the forbidden forest and be received by the guardian of the battlefield.

   However, the battle for the battle of the symbols still began more than a month ago, and with the current situation of blood jade and ink crystals, I am afraid that it will not last at that time.


  The blood jade ink crystal cracked again at this time, and the extent of this cracking was almost to cut the whole blood jade ink crystal into two segments.

   "No! No!" Mu Yu looked at the Blood Jade Mojing in his hand in panic. He obviously felt that this crack had made the whole Blood Jade Mo Jing to the edge of collapse. Muyu held Xueyu Mojing tightly and desperately wanted to do something, but he was shocked to see that the Soul Array had begun to dissipate!

   "Don't!" Mu Yu felt deeply desperate, and the last thing he wanted to see happened. The formation of Ding Soul Array trembled slowly, and Blood Jade Mo Jing could no longer provide enough Aura to maintain Ding Soul Array.

"Dad, don't leave me again." Mu Yu stared at the soul of Daddy Drywood in the Soul Array. He thought he could save Daddy Drywood, but he was wrong. He couldn't save Daddy Drywood first. This time, I can't save Daddy Witherwood the second time!

   Daddy Drywood is the spiritual motivation for Muyu to learn the formation. Everything he came here was for Daddy Drywood, but he didn't wait for him to learn all the skills of the formation, but Daddy Drywood would leave him again.

   "No -" Mu Yu watched the formation of Dingshen Formation gradually collapse in front of his eyes. He never imagined that reality was so cruel!

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