A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 441: Sword array

   The shadow of the killing **** was instantly annihilated in Muyu's Jianhong, split into two halves by Muyu's sword gas, and turned into two black gas. However, these two black qi did not disappear, each black qi even re-aggregated into a black shadow, two identical killers appeared in the air instantly.

   The white sword qi of each killing god's hand was split again. The white sword was mixed with the thunder of the thunder. The two white swords were mixed with one dragon and one tiger and two virtual shadows, roaring in the air!

   "Is this the sword formation?"

   Muyu could not help paying attention, the white sword of the killing **** had a kind of energy and momentum that he could not understand, and it also had a bit of overbearing intention. The two white swords are all in the shape of a dragon and a tiger, competing for each other and rushing towards Muyu in various dexterous postures.

   The awe-inspiring sword spirit rose again into the sky, and walked towards the two dragon shadow tigers in the air. However, Muyu's sword spirit seemed to be empty, the dragons and tigers in the air seemed to have an autonomous consciousness, avoiding Muyu's sword shadow vigorously, and then bullied again!

   Muyu's falling shadow disillusionment is the nemesis of all phantoms, but after winning a blow here, it is no longer a coincidence, and the two mighty dragons and tigers have avoided his sword moves!

   Let your sword power become a conscious existence, it turns out that this is the essence of the sword array.

Compared with the two dragons and tigers that kill the gods, Mu Yu's sword power actually lacks a dexterous self-awareness, which is very stiff, and can't convert the battlefield into a situation that is beneficial to him in time. But you can adapt to it!

   "Let me see how flexible you are!"

   The shadow in his hand trembles slightly, Muyu holds the flying sword, and a rainbow awn has already split towards the front white dragon sword shape.

   Muyu's sword thunder flashed, and the direction was overwhelming. There were many sword shadows, and the momentum spread out. He broke in with a sword, and will surely defeat one of them! He is almost certain that the white dragon sword shape closest to him can't resist his sword at all!

However, the mutation suddenly appeared, and his sword eyes would shatter the white dragon in front of him, but the white dragon sword shape suddenly disappeared out of thin air, causing Mu Yu's sword to violently die, like a headless fly. The goal, the entire portrait hit the cotton in an instant, the feeling of power and nowhere makes Mu Yu feel uncomfortable.

   Muyu tightened his mind, and he noticed that there was a movement on the left, and the shadow sword was divided into two, which had invaded toward the left.


   The sound of Longyin resounded in the ears, and the sword power of the second flying sword could not be fully condensed between the wooden feathers, but the white dragon sword shape flew out! But it was at this moment that Mu Yu twisted around and already had his sword in his hand, cleaving towards the white dragon sword on the left.

   But his sword fell again, and the white dragon sword shape had disappeared, and then appeared farther away. However, the power of tiger roar came from the top of Muyu's head. The white tiger sword-shaped claw shot, as if it could break the entire void, and even the hot white mans appeared in the air.

   Muyu's heart was awkward, her feet falling and stepping out of her footsteps, her figure flashed obliquely, avoiding the sturdy tiger claw.

   But when he looked away again, the white tiger disappeared, but the white dragon appeared suddenly behind him again, a terrifying flick of the tail, slashed fiercely on Muyu and flew Muyu out.

   Muyu's body and blood rolled over, and there was a hot pain behind him, and the blood also soaked his clothes. After his body was tempered by the death of Ming Grass and Mu Ling's anger, it should have been very hard, but under the white dragon flicking, he was hit hard!

   How powerful is this combination of swordsmanship and formation?

   He never imagined how the white dragon sword shape appeared behind him, and how the white tiger disappeared.

These two sword shadows are like monsters with a tacit understanding. The white sword in the phantom disappears from one place and appears in another place. The place of appearance is unpredictable, but it is always just right. The ground can attack Muyu, making Muyu overwhelmed.

Muyu was traumatized, but one dragon and one tiger didn't stop. He still wandered around Muyu, disappeared, and became visible... From time to time, he approached Muyu, and then waved a strong sword shadow. Muyu could only be tired for a time. Can not cope with the dragon and tiger sword shape.

   "But how did they appear and how did they disappear?"

   Muyu's eyebrows were tightly locked, and he was puzzled. The place where the sword shadow of one dragon and one tiger appears is unpredictable, but it is very fast. It appears in a place and disappears quickly, but when it appears around Muyu, a powerful killing intention will suddenly erupt. Kill Muyu.

  Like luck, it crosses in different directions around Muyu. If it is not mysterious and agile, it might have been swallowed by this dragon and tiger sword shadow. But Rao is so, just ten rounds, Mu Yu has already painted five times!


  'S tremendous tiger palm was photographed on Muyu's chest again, almost making his eyes dark and blood flowing from his throat. He was like a sandbag and couldn't help being attacked by the dragon and tiger swords that were running around. He was trapped by the sword array of the killing **** and could not escape.

  The mystery of the sword array exceeded his imagination. Even with close competition, he could not use the Sky Sword Nine to take advantage of it. This was his swordsmanship was once restrained by the sword array of the killing god. His swordsmanship is superb, but in front of the sword array, he seems too passive to find any chance to fight back.

   "It disappears and appears again, and the hidden positions are so random. This is the characteristic of the Tiangang star array. How can this swordsmanship be integrated into the array like this? How is it done?"

   Muyu suddenly remembered the cat and mouse between Mu Chenghong and him

In the game, Mu Chenghong has been using Tiangang's star array to avoid Muyu's tracking.

At that time, Mu Chenghong used the Tiangang star array to disappear randomly within 50 meters of Muyu's radius, but just blindly escaped the defense, but now the killing **** is to use the Tiangang star array to randomly attack the wooden feathers in the array. The opposite is true, but array art is a truth!

  The location of the Tiangang star array is random. It is logically impossible to appear right next to Muyu. However, because the formation technique possessed by the killing **** comes from the formation of Heaven, it is already extraordinary, and this has led to the appearance and disappearance of the sword shadow to an incredible degree. Appeared in thousands of directions in an instant, and there will always be a position in a certain period of time next to Muyu, and may even appear in Muyu's position, knocking Muyu away.

   Tiangang Star Suspension has a limited range of action. It is a fixed area. As long as Muyu is trapped in this area, there will be the possibility of being killed by the sword array of the killing **** at any time!

   Mu Chenghong's Tiangang star array is only used for defense, and Mu Chenghong also agreed not to exceed Muyu's 50 meters, so Mu Chenghong's moving position can be easily calculated by Muyu. However, the god-killing Tiangang star array is actively attacking. There is not so much concern. The speed of transmutation is far behind Muyu. His deductive ability is suppressed by the supreme array of array of heaven in this killing array.

   "Stay in the Tiangang star array only passively beaten, must leave!"

   Muyu knew that if he wanted to get rid of the randomly appearing dragon shadow tiger shape, he only had to walk out of the Tiangang star array. He no longer hesitated, the wind was blowing at his feet, and the whole person had drifted to the distance. The Tiangang Xingsu array is a shifting array, centered on the array master who casts the array, and moves as the array master moves.

As in the contest between Mu Chenghong and Tian Chengxing, Mu Ganghong is the center of his star array, and his shift range is 50 meters, so his entire appearance and disappearance within the shift range will be controlled within five meters from Muyu. The distance within ten meters.

At that time, his solid wood feather was lost as long as he could exceed 50 meters. Mu Chenghong lost, but Mu Chenghong's strength is here. He was hiding in the phantom. Mu Yu didn't know where to go to be away from Mu Chenghong, so he did This method is not adopted.

   and the shadow of the killing **** never moved when he summoned the dragon and tiger sword shape. Since the Tiangang star formation is centered on the killing god, it only needs to leave the killing **** more than one hundred meters to get rid of his Tiangang star formation.

However, he miscalculated, no matter how he flew, the dragon, tiger, and white sword always followed him, and the position of disappearance and appearance never exceeded 100 meters away from him. It seemed that the center of the Tiangang star array of the killing **** was not the killing **** himself, but It is Muyu!

   "Tiangang star array can also determine the center of gravity of the array in this way?"

  Kiwa was shocked! Even if he was hit by a huge tiger body again, he still didn't care, because he discovered the incredible place where the Tiangang star array and sword power combined.

   He knows the characteristics of the normal Tiangang star array and how to restrain this array. The Tiangang Star array is centered on itself, and when the enemy is enemies, as long as the opponent is enveloped in, they can take the lead. However, the sword and Tiangang star array launched by the killing array were centered on Muyu, so Muyu could not escape the scope of Tiangang star array!

"how can that be?"

The array under the sky is far from the normal Tiangang star array~www.readwn.com~He put the center point of this shift on the wood feather, so this dragon and tiger sword-shaped sword spirit will always appear Around Muyu. This way of arranging the Tiangang star array has exceeded Mu Yu's imagination, and also violated his knowledge of shifting. When can the opponent be used as the center to perform the array?

   Such a formation, it is impossible for the opponent to get rid of it.


   The fierce sword spirit came from all directions again, and the dragon and tiger sword shape was still entangled with Muyu. Muyu feels like a prey in a cage, and can only dodge natural enemies from time to time in a limited space. But the enemy's attack method is too dexterous, so that sooner or later it will become the enemy's dish!

The killing **** put the shift of the Tiangang star array on Muyu, which put Muyu into a very difficult situation. He finally understood why so many disciples would die once in the killing array, because in this situation Next, if your formation and swordsmanship are not superb, you can't escape the Tiangang star array!

The white tiger's sword-shaped figure suddenly appeared directly in front of Mu Yu, only two feet away from his forehead. He could clearly see the white tiger's open mouth of the blood basin, and the horrible sword gas was intertwined in the tiger's mouth. Bit his head down!

   was bitten, it was the end of the dead head!

   Muyu's heart has already mentioned his throat.

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