A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 447: Fingertips

  The dead leaves in the wood fell on Muyu, but Muyu's heart was burning with flames.

"Witherwood Evergreen didn't tell you Nudan is right, because Nudan's side was obtained by the guardians of the triple palace. The guardians of the triple palace are not good things. Used to punish those who do not obey discipline."

   The Heavenly Dao snorted coldly. There are not many people in the realm world who know these things. Everyone basically worships the Sannomiya as a god.

"However, Nudan has its drawbacks. Although its utility is stronger than the Divine Soul Rune, the Nudan contains the Soul Soul. The Soul Soul will gradually erode a person's body and seriously shorten the life of the person, so it is controlled by Nudan. People are not long-lived, ten years of good luck, a year or two of bad luck, this is not what they are willing to see." Jing Tiandao said contemptuously.

   Muyu remembered that God Soul Wood does have the effect of eroding the body. God Soul Wood originally grasped the prey by controlling its prey consciousness, and then devoured the prey to turn it into its own nutrients. If Nudan takes Shenhunmu as the main medicine, it will certainly be accompanied by this drawback.

  He remembered the Qingsong Taoist who was controlled by Nudan. Fortunately, Master had some way to dissolve the power of Nudan in Qingsong Taoist.

   Array of Heavenly Dao pondered for a long while, and continued: "Nudan has drawbacks, but Divine Soul Array does not have such restrictions. I believe you should understand what Divine Soul Array means now?"

   "Has Mie Gong hit his mind on the Soul Array?" Muyu Shen Sheng asked.

   If the Soul Array can really control all the people who entered the array, with the triple palace character, he will never let this go.

"Just like I peeped into some memories of the owner of Sannomiya, he also knew that I and Jianying Chenfeng created the Soul Array. The prototype of the Soul Array is the same as the Divine Soul Rune. There were always drawbacks. However, I secretly perfected it and became perfect. I didn’t say anything about it, but I knew it was still discovered by the guards of the Mie Palace. So he came not only to kill me, but also to My soul is coming."

Mu Yu took a deep breath, if the complete array of Soul Formation was known to the owner of the Triple Palace, then I am afraid that no one would be able to go against their wishes anymore, and they would not even use the corners to create humans and Yumon demons. War, you can directly control the human race to kill each other.

   "What do you plan to do with this formation?" Mu Yu suddenly regretted to propose this formation. This formation should not exist in the world. There is the existence of the wolf heart and lungs in the triple palace. The Soul Formation will become a tool to help the abuse.

"I won’t tell him the complete Soul Array, but I’ll teach you that the Miyanomiya guard is also a master of the formation. I don’t know how much my memory has been snooped by him, but if he relies on my memory to create If you come out of the Soul Array, you will use the Soul Array to control everyone. I hope you can use your own array to break the abacus of the Triple Palace and crack this array."

   Muyu nodded his head. The formation of Divine Soul Array is known to the outside world as the same as Divine Soul Rune and Nudan. Only Zhentian Dao knows the perfect Divine Soul Array, and may also have guards in the Triple Palace.

   "I won't let the Miyako conspiracy succeed." Mu Yu has never been a person who is afraid of things. Since he knew that the dead father was the deliberate killing of Mie Gong, he and Mie Gong have been endless.

"Your cultivation base is too low. Even if I teach you how to set up the Soul Array, you can't directly control the cultivation of people who are taller than you. You need at least the assistance of an innate array master. I will let Zhuge Xiaosheng help you. "

   "No, I just need Lu Xianshi's help, I trust Lu Xianshi." Mu Yu said.

"Yes, I will teach you the formation of the Soul Array. But you must now understand the formation of the formation. The formation of the formation is ever-changing, gathering the most complete formation in the world, you need to spend at least one It takes years to learn."

  The array palace is the root of the array sect, Muyu has already seen its magic. As long as the array is not broken, the array will not perish.

   "However, there are only twenty days away from the battle test. I don't have enough time. I don't know if I can learn the predecessors' fur."

   Muyu looked at the dead leaves flying all over the sky, and learned the formation technique that he could master in one year within twenty days. It was like gambling luck, but since the formation had reached the point of life and death, he could only try it.

   "Time is not a problem, I will teach you the time of the year personally, it depends on how much you have learned in a year." Zhen Tiandao asked for a long while.

   Muyu raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhentian with unknown reason: "One year? If I study for a year, I am afraid that Zongzong has already become Fuzong's territory."

   Fu Zong had been staring at Zong Zong, and started to lay out as early as ten years ago. It was only because of the existence of Zian Tian Dao that he had not been able to start. I chose to do it now because the guards of the Miyanomiya watched the secrets of Heavenly Dao while the dead wood died, and passed the news to Fu Zong.

  Although Zhentian Dao is not an eternal person, but his array technique also makes people in the Mie Palace feel terrified. If he does not know the current situation of Jintian Dao, he will not take the liberty to assist Fu Zong.

   "Do you know why this formation is called fingertip flowing water?" The eyes of Zhentian Dao once again shone with different light, as deep as the stars and the sea.


   "Running water at your fingertips means that the time here is tangible and can be controlled like running water." Zhentian Dao said meaningfully, "

Twenty-five days are left before the battle of the symbols, and I can convert these twenty-five days into a maximum of one year in the fingertips. "

   "This array of methods can actually change the passage of external time?" Mu Yu was very surprised. By extending the twenty-five days to one year with the array method, wouldn't it mean tens of times more practice time than others?

A look of pride appeared on the face of Jingtian Dao, saying: "Many cultivators are pursuing longevity. There are two ways to get longevity. One is to have the perfect five-element physique of your master. Unfortunately, you have this physique. There are too few people. There is another one, which is to use the supreme cultivation to rigidly modify the rules of time, so that I can detach myself from the time, so that the body will not be corroded by time. This point I spent my whole life, and finally used the The battle on the road freed me from the constraints of time."

   Cultivators have a much longer lifespan than mortals, but no matter who they are, the cultivation is higher, and the body is stronger, time will slowly erode the balance of the five elements in a person's body, let the death come to the body, and take away the life of the person. But if someone can control the time, let him be beyond the time, and not be corroded by the time, then you can get the real eternal body!

"But time is also one of the illusory heavenly ways. You want to cheat the heavenly way and you will pay the price. Just like me now, although I don’t have to suffer from the old, sick, dead, but can only become a stone-like existence, I can no longer walk, can not participate The game of time, once I leave here, time will corrode me in an instant." Zhen Tiandao showed endless regret.

   He communicated the illusory law of time with his supreme position, but time was too mysterious, he could not fully grasp the law of time, so he survived in another helpless way.

  Jian Tian Dao stretched out his finger and gently swept in the air, and small ripples appeared on his fingertips:

"My lifespan has come to an end many years ago, but I have been holding my last breath with a formation. This formation is called "Fingertip Water", but it was created by my whole life. Here I can delay my aging, modify the passage of time at will, and free from the shackles of death. But I cannot leave here, even if I was in Tianjiangang just now, it is just a ghost image I laid there, dragging you Come here."

"Removed from the shackles of death? What a powerful array!" Mu Yu was very curious about the formation of "fingertip water". Zhentian Dao even created such an anti-celestial formation to modify his own death and make himself reach a longevity. Purpose, array technique has such a powerful effect!

Jingtiandao shook his head: "You don't have to envy too much, in this formation, it's a state of life that is better than death, and it's more like a lingering pant. I can't do anything. I can only watch the prosperous world outside running, and I Can only be a bystander. No matter whether the Sect is destroyed or trampled, I can't do anything. This way of obtaining eternal life is too much torment."

   The "fingertip flowing water" formation method gave the endless life of the formation of heaven, but it also isolated him from the world. Unable to practice, unable to go out, he could only sigh aside, there is no way. He was trapped in the gap between life and death, unable to move.

   Muyu is silent, if he is given this way of eternal life, he doesn't want it either. This kind of living situation is more like dead. You don't experience the joy of life, you are always trapped in prison, and you face the same thing every day. That kind of life is too lonely.

"Now that the lineup has reached the point of life and death, it is impossible for Zhuge Xiaosheng and others to save the decline, and to keep the lineup only by the lineup. You will have one year longer than others in the air, I hope you can make good use of this Time for the year!" Zhentian Dao looked at Mu Yu and handed the fate of Jinzong to an outsider. This is also a helpless move.

   Muyu pondered for a long while and looked up: "Fingertips and running water are in your eyes. The real effect can only be reflected in you. If you spend your time on me, what will you do?"

   "Dead." Zhen Tiandao said lightly. The word "dead" appeared so insignificant from his mouth, as if it were a simple matter without any burden.

   Muyu was a little stunned, saying: "You created water at your fingertips to escape death, why are you willing to die?"

   He really didn't understand this. Xiantian Dao peeped into the rules of time and created an eternal formation for himself. This shows that Xian Tian Dao is afraid of death, but he is willing to die now. Why?

"I got eternal life by this method many years ago. Actually, it was just to wait for you and save you from the water and fire. After the battle is over, I will no longer deceive the heavenly path and can walk in with peace of mind. In the arms of death~www.readwn.com~ smiled.

   He was not afraid of death, but to wait for Muyu to arrive. In order to help Zongzong avoid the disaster of destroying the door, he hid in the fingertips of the water formation method and lived like a walking dead. This kind of living method is actually quite painful, but death is a relief.

"I can promise my senior's conditions, but can my senior help me unlock the Nine-day Sealing Demon Formation first? If my senior passes away, how can I get what I want?" Muyu's purpose in coming here will not be forgotten. The crisis is actually not related to him, he just came for the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Array in his body.

"Teaching people to fish is better than teaching them to fish. I will teach you all the life skills. If you can learn, you will know how to crack the Nine Heavens Demon Array. At that time, you can’t use me at all. I only have The upper body can move, this way can't help you at all." Zhentiandao shook his head, he avoided the death, he could no longer do anything, and his fingertips sealed all his cultivation.


  This is indeed the best way. They all need help from each other, and they must come in this way. For Muyu, even Baili is harmless.

   Muyu pondered for a while, and said: "Okay, I will do my best to help the formations escape this disaster."

  The Mie Palace wants the lineup to perish, and he wants the lineup to survive. The key to the lineup's survival is that Muyu can get the inheritance of the lineup, control the lineup, and defend the lineup of the lineup.

  Jian Tiandao smiled slightly, he had been waiting for Mu Yu's words.

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