A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 457: Play with 1 cut

   Muyu watched the contest between the disciples of the day after tomorrow, the match between the formation and the rune seemed to be brilliant, but he couldn't afford any interest from him. His attention was still on Situ Yangtian and Mu Chenghong, thinking a little.

   Mu Chenghong came over. He looked at the hard-working performance between two Fu Zong Hou Tian disciples and suddenly smiled: "Senior Brother, what is the probability that we will win Fu Zong this year?"

   "What do brothers think?"

   Muyu looked at Mu Chenghong and the two of them on the field, feeling a little funny in her heart. To some extent, the battle of the battles is already that Fu Zong is already entertaining himself. What is the chance of winning battles?

   "We have a younger brother in Zongzong, but I feel that Zongzong's winning rate is much higher." Mu Chenghong said slowly.

   "Senior Brother lifted it up, so is it that he is confident of defeating Fu Zong?" Mu Yu asked nonchalantly.

   Battle of Fu Fu, two of the acquired disciples are Fu Zong's spies, two of Zhong Tian's disciples are also Fu Zong's spies, and the innate disciples have Mu Chenghong, the most deeply hidden Fu Zong disciple. If the battle is to win, I am afraid that it is a fool's dream.

   "I will do my best." Mu Chenghong's face appeared a little confused, as if hesitating, then he asked, "Brother, did you go to the third monument?"

   "No, I'm not in a mood." Muyu shook his head and said.

   Mu Chenghong sighed softly: "I see."

   His expression was lonely, as if he heard the news he was least willing to hear, and then shook his head slightly, staring at the distance and stopped talking.

   The two acquired disciples are still struggling to perform, and all the people of Fu Zong are watching this good show that is already destined to the result, and there is endless ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

   All the disciples of the Battle Sect were still cheering for Sun Yingda at a distance, and even other uninformed innate array masters also set their sights on Sun Yingda, hoping that he could fight for the Battle Sect.

   But if you want to fight for the sect, where can you get a few words of refueling?

  However, all the disciples of the battle array suddenly burst into cheers, and even many innate array divisions could not help starting to show joy, because Sun Yingda actually won Fu Zong's Lin Hui!

   Muyu was surprised by the fact that Sun Yingda was Fu Zong's spy. This is certain, but why did Fu Zong choose not to win this competition?

He looked around for a while, and saw the euphoric expressions of the disciples around him, and found that the people of Fu Zong saw Lin Hui lost the contest without even frowning, but instead showed a mocking expression, he suddenly Want to understand what tricks Zong is playing.

  Be sure to inflate a person before destroying it.

Chang Tiancheng glanced a little bit at the performance of his disciples, with a vicious sneer in the corner of his mouth: "Cheer! Please cheer for your sad victory! When you think you want to win, I will drag you down from the sky, Let you fall hard, that's what I want to see!"

   Fu Zong has defeated the Sect for several years in a row, and the continuous victory makes them feel boring, and they want to play something new. Let all the factions see the hope of winning first, and then frustrate them fiercely, and finally reveal the truth, let all the factions fall to the bottom.

   This is to let the disciples of the Zongzong understand that their Fuzong people want you to win before you can win, and if you want to destroy you, you cannot hide!

   This is a game. Fu Zong’s people must not only control the victory of the game, but also play with the emotions of all the disciples! After playing enough, tell everyone the cruel truth, let the disciples of Zongzong know how invincible Fu Zong is!

   Muyu remembered that Mu Chenghong just said that the chance of winning the battle was very high. Is this the original one?

   A total of nine contests, I am afraid that if there is no accident, Fu Zong will let Zhenzong win four games, so that Jinzong disciples will see hope, and they can finally raise their eyebrows and exhale this year, and then crush their dreams!

   "What a ruthless means." Mu Yu stared at Fu Zong's man, his expression somewhat floating.

   This is no longer a simple battle test, but Fu Zong used to humiliate the battle.

   The second match was a contest between the disciples of Zhongtian, and Luo Feilong went up. Luo Feilong and another Zongtian disciple of Fu Zong self-reported their names on the stage, and then began their competition.

   The collision between formation and rune seemed so pale and weak. It was almost an instant. Luo Feilong's opponent had been struck out and landed outside the array of martial arts.

   The Battle Sect wins again!

   "Successful!" Luo Fei took a slight hook at the corner of his dragon's mouth and waved domineeringly towards all the disciples of the array.

   "Brother Luo won!"

   "Great! Brother Luo is amazing!"

   "Brother Luo is worthy of our pride!"

  The disciples of the array clan broke out again, and the cheers burst into Zhuge Xiaosheng's ears, but they seemed so harsh. There was an invisible anger burning in his heart. The happier all the disciples were, the louder they shouted, the more they humiliated him.

He sighed, but the anger in his heart turned to sadness. The disciples under his door performed according to other people's scripts. They were completely unknown even when they were being played as monkeys. But his master, who knew the truth of the matter, couldn't stop them from cheering foolishly. Sound, how sad this is!

   "I really don't deserve to be this suzerain, alas!"

   Zhuge Xiaosheng shook his head gently, everyone was drunk, I woke up alone, the cruel truth has been torturing him. He understands that the fact that the Patriarch came to such a random humiliation is completely the negligence of his patriarch.

   In the third game, only Song Qingyu, a talent of Zhongtian disciple, confronted Fu Zong's innate disciple, Jiang Xiangdi, and the 75th immortal.

  The third innate disciple of Zongzong came to participate in the competition, so Song Qingyu, who was a celestial division teacher, could only be substituted.

   "Zongzong, Song Qingyu."

  Song Qingyu's self-cultivation is in the fifth heaven, and there is no direct relationship between the talents of the opponent and his own cultivation. However, the higher the talent of the array, the stronger the strength, which is the characteristics of the array division. The same is the celestial array division and the innate array division of the five heavens, it must be the innate array division to stabilize the celestial array division!

   "You are not qualified to know my name." Jiang Xiangdi does not take Song Qingyu at all. They Fu Zong will let the Zong Zong win a few games this time, but they will definitely not let the Zong Zong people win any victory in this part of the innate disciples!

   Congenital disciple is the face of a sect, Fu Zong is to hit the face of all the innate array masters of Zongzong hard!

  Song Qingyu's face was flushed, and the fact that he was underestimated made him angry, but they did have proud capital. Jiang Xiangdi, as an innate disciple of Fu Zong, is also an extremely fairy, and indeed dumped him several streets. He understood that he was not an opponent of this woman at all, and the only thing he could do was try not to lose too ugly.

  The endless red light spread all over Jiang Xiangdi's body, and Tao Dao's shadow flashed in the meantime, and then her whole body floated lightly, turning into a virtual shadow and drifting towards Song Qingyu. Song Qingyu floated around the innate array base, the majestic momentum toward the river and flute away.

   For this battle comparison, Song Qingyu got a lot of congenital formations. With these congenital formations, he believes that even if he loses, he will never let his opponent win too easily!

  Seven billowing sky thunders appeared in the battlefield, arranged in the direction of the Big Dipper, each sky thunder shone with glory, like a thunder **** coming forever, as if it could purify the evil forces of the world.

   These seven sky thunders came out, and the wind suddenly raged on the martial field, and the black clouds were dense, covering Jiang Xiangdi's figure in it.

  Song Qingyu's best skill is called Qixing Tianlei. This is Zhongtian array technique, but with the blessing of innate array base, plus the guidance of Master Lu Xian, these seven-star sky thunder already has the power of innate array technique, even ordinary innate disciples dare not underestimate.

   "Song Qingyu can use Qixing Tianlei to this extent, this child's talent is also very good." Xia Xianshi couldn't help admiring.

"Yes! I feel that Jiang Xiangdi will have to spend at least some effort to deal with these sky thunders. Seven-star sky thunders, each sky thunder bombardment will definitely cause powerful lethality, and each one will be more powerful than one. The seventh one will be boosted, and the power will be strengthened more than ten times!" Chishui array division said.

   In his speech, the first Tianlei had been chopped down towards Jiang Xiangdi, Jiang Xiangdi's flickering figure suddenly stagnate, and then the whole person stepped back out. The first Sky Thunder didn't hit her, but blasted on the ground, causing the whole array to tremble. However, the array of martial arts itself is protected by an indestructible array, which is not powerful enough to cause damage to it.

   "There is a play!"

   Song Qingyu's face was overjoyed, because he found that his Qixing Tianlei was able to resist the pace of the opponent's advance, which showed that the opponent was also very afraid of his formation, and he dared not take it hard.

   The second Sky Thunder followed, and Chaojiang Xiangdi cracked again. Jiang Xiangdi looked at the incomparable sky thunder, but did not have any posture of evasion, but outlined a sneer sneer at the corner of her mouth, then she just stretched out her fingers at will and gently moved forward—

  Jiang Xiangdi's finger appeared Dao Dao's fast rune shadow, and flickered away, at the same time Tian Lei had split off, but when Tian Lei approached her, she suddenly disappeared!

"what happened?"

  Song Qingyu suddenly felt a panic. Qixing Tianlei was originally his formation technique and connected with his mind, but at the moment he suddenly lost one, as if he was taken away from him. Then he seemed to perceive something and turned suddenly, but it was too late!


   The second Sky Thunder didn't know when it had appeared behind him, so he cut himself right! The blue electric arc acted on Song Qingyu, causing him to be disgraced by electricity, and even a burnt smell came from him.

"Is Seven Stars Thunder? Such a pediatric array is also embarrassing to show up in front of my rune, which is really embarrassing!" Jiang Xiangdi chuckled, she extended her finger again, and Fu Ying quickly flew out, even towards The remaining five thunders left.

   As soon as Song Qingyu recovered, he was shocked to find that he had lost control of Qixing Tianlei! Jiang Xiangdi was deprived of his formation, and at this time the third Sky Thunder rolled down towards him.

   He tried hard to move half a step~www.readwn.com~ But after being bombarded by the second sky thunder, his body was very numb, slowed down a bit, and was again hit by his third sky thunder!

   "Pooh -" Song Qingyu spit out a blood spit, and the whole person flew out of the Yanwu field!

   "The test is not over yet!" Jiang Xiangdi smiled charmingly, disappeared into place, and appeared again behind Song Qingyu, kicking Song Qingyu back into the battlefield, and then the fourth sky thunder blasted again! Then comes the fifth sky thunder!

   "Boom!" Song Qingyu was already in a coma, the whole person was hacked and black, and there was no piece all over his body

Good meat.

   "Enough! We admit defeat this time!" Zhuge Xiaosheng rebuked.

"Acknowledge defeat? The rule of battle test is only lost if you go out of the battlefield or the skill of the person participating in the battle is lost. The disciple of your sect hasn't disappeared yet! Master Zhuge, I think you still don't want to break the rules. "" Chang Tiancheng laughed cruelly.

Everyone in   's face changed a lot! Jiang Xiangdi, a woman with a viper's heart, Song Qingyu is not her opponent at all, but she does not want to win so easily. She captured Song Qingyu's formation with a strange rune, and wanted to apply all the remaining Sky Thunder to Song Qingyu!

  Seven Star Tianlei is Song Qingyu's formation technique. According to the rules, the technique has not disappeared, and Song Qingyu will not be lost!

   One of the Seven Star Sky Thunders is more powerful than one. If these seven Sky Thunders are completely chopped on Song Qingyu, I am afraid Song Qingyu will also lose half of his life!

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