A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 531: Shadowless Clan (Part 2)

  After returning to Mufu, Mu Tianhe and others did not fall asleep, and were waiting for Mu Yu until they saw Mu Yu's figure before they were relieved.

   "Mu Yu, you're back, great! Xiaoxin came back after you left. We wanted to inform you, but we were worried that we couldn't help, so..." Mu Rongxuan said nervously.

At this moment, Mu Xin was sleeping peacefully in his arms. As soon as Mu Yu left, Mu Xin was lying alone at the gate and fell asleep. It was Mu Bo who heard someone knocking on the door and went out to find and find her and hugged her. Come in.

   "I'm fine, should Xiaoxin be fine?" Muyu asked.

   Mu Yu put his hand on Mu Xin's forehead. The spiritual power in his hand walked around Mu Xin's body and found Mu Xin safe and sound. He also barely believed Bai Yetian's words.

   "She just fell asleep, I have seen it, she should wake up tomorrow morning." Cai Lie said aside.

   "What the **** happened? Was it really killing Qingming?" Mu Tianhe asked eagerly.

  Everyone looked at Muyu. They had heard more or less of the killing of Qingming. They were very worried about Muyu's accident. Fortunately, Muyu came back unharmed, and the heart that everyone hung was also put down.

   Muyu shook his head: "It's not a shadow killing Qingming, but a young man. Have any of you heard of the Wuying tribe?"

  Mu Yu felt very puzzled by the shadowless clan that appeared at night, especially Bai Yetian said: some powerful forces are hidden in the cultivation realm. The eight gates do not represent the entire cultivation realm.

   It seems that Muyu still has too little knowledge of the realm.

   Mu Tianhe and others looked at each other, so it was unknown. Like Mu Yu, they had not heard of the so-called Wuying tribe, and even Cailie did not know.

   But Master Lu Xian suddenly lightly "huh", said: "Are you talking about no shadow clan?"

  Everyone turned their eyes to Master Lu Xian, Mu Yu nodded: "Master Lu Xian, do you know about the Wuying Clan?"

  Master Lu thought for a while, and said, "The Wuying tribe is a very strange organization. I once heard a member of the filmmaker organization accidentally mention it while helping Shunxintang to make a contact formation."

   "Lu Xianshi, who do you really do business with!" Mu Yu said helplessly.

Lu Xianshi not only helped the main factions deal with the formation of the formation, helped millions of businesses to do the sapphire that could reveal the whereabouts of the immortals, arranged the gambling betting formation for the evil faction casinos, but also helped the Shunxintang affiliated with the filmmakers Through the formation used to contact.

   These forces are not good birds in Muyu's eyes. A large part of Lu Xianshi's business is to help the abuse. However, Mu Yu would certainly not blame him, because the Zongzong originally made money by this, just like the film organization made money by eliminating disasters for people.

Lu Xianshi smiled embarrassedly: "The comers don't refuse! We just pay for the array and don't ask the patrons. But then again, I did hear them talk about the shadowless clan. The shadowless clan seems to be a shadow man The rivals of the organization are specialized in destroying the business of the filmmakers, especially the business of filming and killing.

Master Lu Xian pondered for a moment, and continued: "Last time I heard that they were killed by a person without a shadow clan, the senior man of the film organization was particularly angry. I think it's quite curious. It’s awesome, it’s actually going to get killed. It’s really amazing.”

   "Specially destroy the business of shadow killing, why? People without shadows don't like killing people?" Mu Yu felt a little new.

   "Unclear, I think maybe this shadowless tribe is specifically for the purpose of obtaining compensation. Once the assassination mission fails, is it not double compensation?" Lu Xianshi speculated.

  The organization of filmmakers has always collected money for disaster relief. In order to show their credibility in doing things, they set a rule that once the task is not completed within the specified time, they will double the deposit to the customer.

   The risk of killing is very high, and the higher the target of assassination, the more expensive the price, and the more deposits will be charged. If the mission fails, the loss of Shunxintang will be great!

  The Shadow People's Organization dared to set up compensation rules because the shadow kills they sent were very sure of the assassination.

   The most famous among the shadow killers is the 20 solar killers, but it does not mean that they are the 24 killers, and the filmmakers organize countless shadow killers. Just want to move the twenty-three solar killer, the price paid is quite expensive.

"Take compensation? It's interesting to make money in this respect. According to what you say, if a person without a shadow clan deliberately causes someone to kill, and then find a way to kill a certain shadow kill, you can indeed get compensation. But such a mysterious organization can’t be full enough to support this activity, right?” Mu Yu couldn’t help laughing.

"You are right, I remember what the senior organization of the film organization said at the time. The Wuying tribe is a very difficult bone to eat. I think even the film organization feels that the bone is difficult to eat. It is really impossible to just get compensation. Jin's organization? The strength of the Wuying tribe is at least not weaker than that of the Yingren organization." Lu Xianshi continued.

   "But I have never heard of a shadowless tribe!" Cailie said with a puzzled expression.

  Cai Lie, as the alchemist of the Danding School, had a little knowledge of many things in the cultivation realm. He knew a lot about the film organization, but he had never heard of the Wuying tribe. This is very strange. Not only him, Mu Yu had never heard of the mysterious power of Wuying tribe before!

  If a group of powers should be afraid, why would few people in the realm world know their existence?


Do any of you have information on the Jixian List? Do you know the ranking of Bai Yetian in Jixian? Muyu asked again.

  Bai Yetian is about twenty years old, and her cultivation base is also in the period of distraction. It must be a certain fairy in the fairy list.

   "This is what I have, this is a very fairy list I bought when I came to Qingshui City a while ago." Caiye took a long and narrow white paper from Qian Kun in his sleeve and handed it to Muyu.

The above information is excerpted from the Jixian Monument, but it only briefly introduces the ranking and origin of each Jixian. It is not as detailed as the sapphire that Wai Beiya gave to Muyu, so the price is not expensive. A dozen pieces of spirit stone, the signature above is the ranking of May 10.

  The ranking changes every day, so every copy will be marked with a date for reference, and the accuracy is not very high.

   Muyu looked closely at the name of Jixian. He saw that his current ranking remained at the 80th place without change, because when Caiye bought this list, he had not killed Tian Kaiyu.

  Ling Zheng, who had been dead for a few months, was still in the 67th place, because the forbidden field at that time destroyed the immortal logo. This situation is very rare, and the immortal monument cannot be changed.

   Then, he saw the words Bai Yetian, Bai Yetian ranked 93rd!

   "Strange." Muyu muttered.

The 93rd place immortal is quite abnormal. Bai Yetian has the power to divide his mind at this age, which is definitely within 60, but he is only ranked 93rd, obviously not very good That's right.

You should know that even Caiye, who is in the top five, is ranked 84th, and Bai Yetian must be much higher than Caiye. It cannot be as low as 93, unless he is also deliberately like Muyu For it! He even deliberately lost to others and lowered his ranking.

  'S introduction about Bai Yetian is only a simple two words "Sanxiu".

   "How come ninety-three dare to trouble you? I said it earlier, let me go and clean him up." Cai Lie rubbed his hands.

   "He has a divine period of cultivation, but he didn't make it." Mu Yu explained.

  Cai Lie's hand stopped in the air, and then pretended that he heard nothing: "Wait for me to pick him up later."

   "How did he not take you?" Mu Tianhe asked with concern. He knew that Mu Yu only had the cultivation method at the time of the twitching period, and it was too difficult to face a spiritualist.

   Muyu smiled slightly. His strength has not yet been fully displayed in front of Mujia. Mujia also knows nothing about Muyu.

   "Relax, grandpa, he didn't strike me."

   Muyu is more curious about how this sudden shadowless clan is more powerful than Sikong Qiwen's strong cultivation, and can make the filmmakers deflate.

   "That's good, it's so late, everyone go to rest first! Let's talk tomorrow."

   Mu Tianhe looked at the night, and found that the sky was already bright, so he changed his mouth and said: "Uh, I will talk about something later in the afternoon!"

   Everyone nodded and left.

   Muyu also returned to his room, lying on the bed, still thinking about many things in his mind.

   From the rise of Sikong Qiwen to the majestic desire to challenge the day in Qingshui City, the whole thing has become simple.

   First of all, who is standing behind Sikong Qiwen? If there is no background to dare to provoke the sky and wait so blatantly, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the wind. Does this mean Sikong Qiwen does not understand? Or did he swell to the point that he really can overcome all those who came to provoke himself?

You have to know that Sikong Qiwen is a man who has made rapid progress for a short period of time. This kind of person will surely be followed by many people. Everyone wants to get the secret of the cultivation of him from him. Sikong Qiwen really thinks he can keep Live the secret of becoming stronger?

Since Bai Yetian is a shadowless tribe who specializes in fighting against filmmakers, there should be no false words he said at night. The shadow killing Qingming came to Qingshui City is indeed not a matter of gambling to rob Sikong Qiwen or Tian. Don't wait, but the people at Stargate are specially sent to kill Muyu.

   These are not the key points. The key point is that Mu Yu found out that Bai Yetian was right.

  If Yingming Qingming and Bai Yetian took Mu family as hostages to force Mu Yu to follow, what should Mu Yu do then?

Mu Family does not walk out of this compound, and the guardian system set by Mu Yu can completely resist outsiders, including the shadow killing Qingming, and cannot sneak in silently~www.readwn.com~ But Mu Family cannot hide in a lifetime Here.

   Muyu carefully observed the "shadowless" token. What happened this time became more and more weird. The sudden emergence of the Wuying tribe made things more and more confusing.

  Qingshui City is well-known to the cultivation world because of the rise of Sikong Qiwen, and it also caused a storm in the cultivation world because Sikong Qiwen wanted to challenge the sky and the gods and apprentices. It attracted many people to watch the battle of these three geniuses.

   Nowadays, Qingshui City is full of various innocent people, and it has become one of the most prosperous cities on the Mie continent.

  Under this prosperous background, there are several undercurrents surging unsteadily, each plotting conspiracy.

   Short-term cultivation of skyrocketing Sikong Qiwen seems to have become the key to the entire event, and Muyu has become a stumbling block that others want to remove.

   Muyu is looking at the list of extreme fairy. The top 50 extreme fairy and the last 50 extreme fairy are two different concepts, which can be said to be a point


At the beginning, he remembered clearly that among his brothers and sisters, the 50th place was Brother Yanyan, Luo Luo was in the 39th place, south to the 76th place, and Lan Linger was in the Eighty-one.

   And now, the admonishment has been ranked 37th, Luo Shi is 36, Lan Ling'er is 81, and going south...

   Muyu sat up from the bed suddenly, how to go south to rank ninth?

how can that be! Ranked ninth to the south! ?

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