A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 589: Gap in the world

   "Of course there is more than one! If I guess right, there should be eight colors! As for the number is countless, and it is very powerful!" Xiaoshuai said with certainty.

   "You guessed it?" Muyu squinted at Xiaoshuai.

   Xiaoshuai scratched his head embarrassedly, and he smiled: "Well, it's my feeling. Anyway, it's a very familiar feeling. The old man must have brought me to this place, and should have also been across the street."

   Xiaoshuai pointed to the other side of the pattern, that is, outside of the breach.

   "What is that opposite?" Mu Yu still didn't understand.

   Xiaoshuai said seriously: "It's a very annoying thing, in short, you should quickly repair this seal! The old man's things will definitely not be groundless."

   Muyu looked at the line in front of him and looked at the boundary of the line. The formation is a spherical shape, wrapped in the gravel just entered, and it looks at least one kilometer in diameter.

   The diameter of the current pattern is only one meter in diameter, which is insignificant for the entire array.

   But it was such an insignificant breach that instead let Chi Yue, the ugly meat-winged horn monster, run away and almost make a big deal.

   Muyu carefully inspected the structure of the pattern in front of her eyes, deduced it in her heart, and finally shook her head slightly.

   "It's a little difficult to fix this formation."

  Although he got all the inheritance of the Celestial Dao, and even learned many formations of the dead wood father, it does not mean that he knew all the formations under the sky. Even if he owns the array at the moment, it is impossible to control this array.

Although   Array Hall and Runestones are claimed to be able to control all formations and crack all formations under the sky, this is relative to some common formations.

   The complexity of the formation in front of him has exceeded Mu Yu's imagination, just like the nine-day Fengmo Formation in his body, not the existence he can control.

   What's more, this formation is still under the shadow of the wind, his formation is much higher than Muyu.

   Muyu was carefully approaching the breach of the formation, the closer to the breach, a feeling of palpitation came from him, and finally even made him feel a little short of breath.

   The breath outside the formation method is very strong. He feels that his heart is like pressing a stone. The closer the heart is, the heavier the stone.

   He moved to the breach of the pattern and carefully looked at the scene outside the pattern through the breach. All I saw was a darkness of nothingness. There seemed to be some shadows flowing quickly in the darkness, and even some white light was intermingled. The white light was very fast and flickered, and I could not see what it was. thing.

   When Muyu protruded towards the breach, a huge squeezing force surged towards him!

   "This is... the world barrier?"

Muyu looked at the terrible squeeze in surprise, remembering that when he returned from the double sky to the triple sky, he withdrew the squeeze from the two worlds through the wood spirit. The horrible feeling was only in Mu Yu still has a fresh memory.

   "The world barrier? Is that the mouse hole you talked about last time?" Longteng didn't go to the double sky last time, so it didn't know the scene.

   "What mouse hole, big earthworm, can you have a little culture?" Xiaoshuai scolded.

   "Don't you say you came back from drilling?"

   Dragon Vine stretched out his claw curiously, trying to get closer to the breakthrough, but Muyu quickly pulled it back.

   "Don't stretch out your hand! This will destroy your hand instantly" Muyu doesn't think that Longteng is as thick as Xiaoshuai.

   "Heaven and earth barriers! If I guess right, it should be another world!" Xiaoshuai said seriously.

   "Heaven and earth barriers? So is this also leading to the double heaven?" Mu Yu asked puzzledly.

   The existence of Reiki eyes is due to the imbalance in the concentration of Reiki between the triplet and doublet, resulting in a gap in the weakness of the two worlds, connecting the two worlds. When Mu Yu didn't send the jade pendant, she returned to Mie Tian by Mu Ling through the barriers of heaven and earth.

"It doesn’t have to lead to the double heaven, there are other worlds. Reiki eyes are just a form of passing through the world barrier, and there are other different ways to get through the world barrier. The world barrier is a kind of difficult What can be explained, it can be understood as the walls of the two worlds, some places are very weak, some places are very broad, so vast that you can't even imagine it."

   Xiaoshuai was confused when explaining this. It was like a confused bug that forgot many memories. Some things need to be recalled slowly.

It thought for a long time, and continued: "The weak place is as thin as a piece of paper, and it is easy to form the Reiki eye. The Reiki eye is a passage and will be able to pass quickly. And in the vast place, you don’t even know this vagueness. Where is the exit at the other end of the wall, it is even longer than across the entire world, if we venture in, we will definitely be lost in the barriers of the world, if we can’t find the exit, then it’s finished."

   The barrier between the world and the world was likened to a piece of paper by Xiaoshuai. This is an unacceptable statement. But even if it is the thickness of a piece of paper, in the explanation of Xiaoshuai, even the cultivator during the robbery period cannot break it!

   "Did the meat-winged horn monster come in here? It means that the barrier is not vast, shall we go to see the world it is in?" Longteng was very enthusiastic about this.

   "Don't go! Its world must be disgusting." Xiaoshuai shook his head.

   Muyu didn't have that idea either. Although he had Mu Ling to ensure that he would survive the barriers of the heavens and the earth, and might even reach the world where Chiyue was, he didn't come here to explore other worlds.

   And he was surprised that if Chiyue came in through the world and earth barriers, when did the Huangquan corpse water form? And why would the ghost gate people know that someone from another world is coming and send someone to respond?

Muyu's hand touched the surrounding formations, and carefully checked the aura in the formations. After comparing with other non-damaged formations, it was found that the breakage of this formation was not very long. But in the process of gradual expansion, it is clear that the breaking of one place will affect other places. Perhaps in a few years, this pattern will disappear.

   What will happen then?

Muyu conveyed this question to Xiaoshuai. Xiaoshuai thought about it for a long time and said, "If the pattern disappears, it won't actually happen. Didn't you find that the rock in the burial valley is very strong? We called. We didn’t break any rocks, only the rocks above the Burial Valley were broken by us."

   Muyu nodded, and the structure of Ranbu Valley was indeed quite hard.

"Langu Valley looks like a slit when looking down from high altitude. This slit is actually a gap in this world! Entering this crack is equivalent to entering the world barrier, but the world barrier here is not like communication. The eyes of the second and third heavens are so thin, so once we blindly enter, we will be lost in the barriers of the heaven and earth."

   paused, Xiaoshuai continued to say:

"Maybe the old man with a white beard wanted to hide this dangerous place, so he used the formation method to restrict the heaven and earth barriers to such a deep place. The gravel pile is also very hard. Although there are gaps between them, they are indestructible. It’s enough to withstand the squeeze of the world’s barriers, maybe the old man with a white beard has created it! After Chiyue blew up, he produced great power and inadvertently inspired some protective measures.

Mu Yu was surprised. The terrible destructive power of the world barrier, Mu Yu had seen it. He had experienced it once in the double sky. At that time, he felt that he was not as good as a dust in front of this ability. This is still the same idea.

   And Master could hardly limit the barriers of the world and earth to the following. What is the strength of Master in the past?

"But this formation is so complicated, how did the winged horned horn monster crack? It's a little pediatric formation that I didn't even notice when I set it up, how could it be able to crack Master's powerful formation?" Muyu still do not understand.

   And now even if he is allowed to crack this formation, he may not be able to make such a big hole. The pattern here is too mysterious to be pondered.

"I suspect that the meat-winged horned monster may want to come from another world, but it is blocked by this formation. Think of its disgusting guy and the dead. The Huangquan corpse water is just corrosive and can absorb spiritual power. , So it should be after a small hole was corroded by the corpse water of Huang Quan, and then the dead people above were controlled by the small hole, so as to get it out." Xiaoshuai speculated.

Mu Yu carefully calculated the distribution of the aura of the entire formation, and then calculated the corrosive ability of Huang Quan’s corpse water. He felt that with that corrosive ability, it would take at least a few hundred years to drill a small hole. This meat wing Horned monster has such a great patience!

   But this is not a time to praise others' patience. Since one guy ran over, it's hard to say whether he will be the second one. He must help Master repair this formation.

To repair a formation, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com must first learn this formation, and be familiar with the role of each spirit pattern in this formation, otherwise, if the spirit pattern described by yourself conflicts with the master’s formation, , It is likely to aggravate the damage of this formation, and even put yourself in.

   "Master, you don't teach me the formation, but I'm the one who came to help you repair the formation, and I don't know how you are doing now?" Muyu sighed.

   Master arranged this formation terror not only to hide the cleft of Mie Tian, ​​but also to prevent the monsters from other worlds such as Chiyue from invading Mie Tian. He paid so much for the tranquility of Mie Tian, ​​but now he is in trouble and disappeared.

   Xiaoshuai shook his tail: "Hope the old man with a white beard is all right! In short, let's plug this gap and talk about it!"

   The distant lines were shining non-stop, and the inscriptions were flowing quickly. But those bizarre streamers dimmed around the gap, and the entire formation continued to decline.

   Muyu doesn't understand this complex formation. He needs to calculate the general layout of the entire formation according to the distribution and formation of these inscriptions. This is a very arduous process and very difficult for Muyu.

But Muyu and Xiaoshuai wouldn't have thought that in the world barrier far away from the seal, a streamer quickly shuttled through the world barrier, it seemed that they didn't care about the coercion of the world barrier, just like taking a walk in it. general.

   This streamer faintly looks like a figure!

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