Sleepless all night.

  The moonlight shone on the Zhenyao Tower, which made the Zhenyao Tower radiate a turquoise light. The whole demon island was like a dream, with a little green light everywhere, peaceful and quiet.

   Muyu was lying on the rock on the seashore. He didn't believe in evil and tried to leave the demon island. Sure enough, a mysterious restraint force blocked him.

   The outer red mansions are guardian bans set by the Kraken King, while the island is covered by the town’s demon tower. It's not too hard when you come in, it's hard to go out.

   "Little handsome, do you have any way? As long as you can go out, sing and dance, I don't mind even naked swimming." Muyu said seriously.

   Xiaoshuai shook his head: "I can't do anything about this kind of thing in the field. Besides, I don't want to go out too much. Xiao Momo is still waiting for me outside!"

   "Don't worry about your little ink first! It's better to be a little handsome with Xiaomo Mosheng than a lifetime on the demon island!" Mu Yu said with a smile.

   "I don't like Xiao Momo, I blame you! I have to come to this broken island! Put yourself in without saying, and let Xiao Momo fall in love with me." Xiaoshuai said angrily.

   "Xiao Momo fell in love with you for what I did? Who asked you to seduce a seventh-order demon? I obviously asked you to seduce an ordinary one."

   "Don't you say! I'm so handsome, can anyone fall in love with me?"


  The night gradually passed, the sky was exposed with white fish belly, the green light of Zhenyao Tower also began to fade, and the towering Zhenyao Tower in the distance slowly disappeared. But Zhenyao Tower is only invisible, and its realm still exists.

   This island has completely become a dead island, Muyu is thinking about one thing. Why are the ghost gate people and the demon clan so many days have not come to the demon island, are they lost? The demon people are walking on the holy road. It should be very fast. Why can't they even be seen?

"Muyu, give you two choices. The first choice is to leave Yaodao, but you must be with Xiaomo Mosheng Xiaomuyu. The second choice is to be trapped on Yaodao forever." Longteng was not worried at all. Anyway, there are no worries about it.

Mu Yu turned up and said: "I choose the third! Damn! We have not dealt with the dead once or twice. Even the corpses have sang and danced obediently. I don’t believe these bones. Let’s go! Technology!"

   "So what do you think we should assemble one with bones?"

   Xiaoshuai's attention was quickly attracted in the past. When he was controlling the corpse formation, Xiaoshuai let the corpses do various operations. What are the masters of stacking arhats and jumping radio gymnastics! This time, I plan to show my strength.

   "Don't you like playing this kind of thing the most? You want to assemble what you want, I will use the pattern to help you achieve it!" Mu Yu said with a sad face.

   Anyway, things have reached this point, so there is nothing to complain about! It's a relief to teach a demon tribe first.

   "Great! I always wanted to assemble a Transformers!" Xiaoshuai said excitedly.

   "What is King Kong?"

   "I don't know, it seems to be a name for the gorilla."

   "Gorilla? Isn't Momo's upper body also a gorilla?"

   "Damn it! Don't mention small ink!"

   Muyu's figure flickered, and the pattern had taken him to the place where he disappeared, moving towards the boundary between the territories of the human race and the demon race.

   At this time, the demon clan had already called there, and the human clan had gathered many souls. Many people gathered together and were discussing what bone warrior to assemble today to fight.

   The expression on everyone's face is very serious. The battle has always been about the war of dignity between the human race and the demon race. Every war will be taken seriously by everyone.

  Human clan surpassed the demon clan during their lifetime, so they are not allowed to lose to the demon clan after death. The bones assembled by the helpless demon clan are too powerful. They were originally demon beasts to open their wits. The bones of the demon beast are much more malleable. The human race has fought for so many years and still wins or loses.

   "I said how many games do you plan to lose today? Don't you dare to fight?" A demon soul screamed over there.

   "Don't we dare to fight? You are less proud of me!" He Liankong said angrily.

   Faced with the provocation of the demon people, the human race can't help it. How to say that in the five thousand years of war, the human race is the last winner, how can we now tolerate the arrogance of the demon people?

   "Hurry up when you dare to fight, is it the girl who is tossing around?"

   "Haha! Your race is now at this point."

  The demon clan mocked one by one unscrupulously there, but the clan hasn't discussed the bones who played today.

   "Let's use a scorpion tail bone man, yesterday I assembled a pair of wings and lost, today I assembled a tail." Bo Hong suggested.

   "Scorpion tail is useless to them, learn their moves, use claws!" He Liankong said.

   "Neither of our soul soldiers have recovered in the past two days, so let's rest for two days!" Mu Mengfei said with a frown.

  Helian shook his head blankly: "No, if you should not fight, you will lose your territory, and the demon people will become more and more arrogant."

   The dividing line is set with a strong soul power. Once one side sends out a bone warrior, the other side should automatically decide to lose if it should not fight before dark.

   "No need to rest, let me

Come. "

   Muyu stepped forward and watched a group of souls fiddle with various hand bones and leg bones there, and several innocents were holding up a few hands and paws, and their faces were quite grim.

Every soul is very serious about this kind of battle, but Muyu always feels that this kind of scene is really weird. All souls have played with their own bones for five thousand years. It’s been strange for a long time, but Muyu is always inexplicable. Want to laugh.

   "Ignorant child, what can you do?" Gui Yuzi sneered coldly.

   "Hey, Ghost Domain, he is the only living person, and we can only hope to win the bone warriors with spiritual power!" He Liankong said dissatisfiedly.

  Gui Yuzi gave Mu Yu a cold look: "I don't want to put the territorial disputes of the human race into the hands of an unrespected person."

   Muyu really looked at Guiyuzi more and more disgusted, this guy is just looking for a curse type, a self-righteous look, made like how much money others owe him.

  Even if you owe money, you can't spend a soul!

   "So in your eyes, the honor of the human race is more important than your personal opinion? No wonder you will lose, it is strange that you arrogant guy can win!" Muyu sarcastically said.

   "Are you looking for death?" Ghost domain swiftly released a powerful soul power, but was blocked by Helian.

   "Gui Yuzi, he is a disciple of Dan Ding School, and it is not your turn to teach my younger generation!"

   Helian even exudes strong soul power. Although he is an alchemist in front of him, but his cultivation base is also in the robbery period. After his death, everyone is a pure soul, so there is not so much strength difference.

"You two are a little restless, and you can't hurt each other, why bother? Why do you get angry after Muyu, you just arrived, and you are not familiar with the situation of bone warriors? We have studied for five thousand years. For a complete system, you must learn to play again." Bo Hong said.

   Muyu's heart was funny for a while, and the system of assembling bones was still formed. It was really a wonderful thing!

  He shook his head: "Let me try it, anyway, you have lost so many games, not worse than me."

   "What is not bad for you? You lose one, we have to win one more to take back the territory, don't you understand?" Gui Yuzi said coldly.

   "If you think so, then you should truce the tortoise directly and permanently truce! This way the territory will not lose one meter, how good?" Muyu sarcastically said.

   "A truce? A truce is the most shameful way!" Gui Yuzi's eyes looked at Muyu very disgusted, and Muyu's eyes looked at Gui Yuzi quite disgusted.

  Heliankong pondered for a moment and said, "I want Muyu to try it!"

   "I object." Gui Yuzi said directly without thinking.

   "Gui Yuzi, it's my turn to command the bone warrior today, I have the final say!" He Liankong grunted.

  Gui Yuzi stared at Heliankong with death, according to the rules, they usually took turns in assembling bone warriors by four of them, he was not good to refute anything.

   "What if he loses?" Gui Yuzi asked contemptuously.

   "What if I win?" Muyu asked back.

   "It's your pleasure to win!" Gui Yuzi replied without thinking.

   "Since it's my honor to win, it's no big deal to lose, haven't you ever lost?" Muyu replied.

   "I have never lost at least! I have tried my best in every battle!"

   "Losing is losing, and it's amazing to be able to so reasonably find reasons!" Mu Yu smiled disdainfully.

   "I at least..."

"Okay! Give Muyu three chances, if he loses, then I will give you my Horcrux, okay?" He Liankong said in a Okay, I’m sure ! "Gui Yuzi showed a strange smile, and then glanced at Mu Yu coldly, and turned away.

   Muyu frowned slightly and asked, "What is the Horcrux?"

Heliankong gestured to Muyu, and then called Muyu aside, and said with a long heart: "The Horcrux is the container where our souls usually board, usually a certain bone, and my Horcrux is my previous leg bone. .Because of the nourishment of the soul all year round, coupled with the power of the town demon tower, the Horcrux has a powerful soul power, which can make the soul more powerful."

After a pause, Helianyi continued: "The main control part of each joint on the bone warrior is composed of the Horcrux. Using the Horcrux to control the bone warrior can make the bone warrior more flexible. The ghost domain has always been Remembering my Horcrux, because I have a special way to warm up Horcrux."

   "What will happen to the Horcrux?" Mu Yu asked.

He Liankong sighed: "Without the Horcrux, I need to find another one from the beginning, but the new Horcrux will make my soul very uncomfortable, and even make my soul power drop, and I will never be able to become One of the four leaders of the human race."

   "Since the Horcrux is so important, you just treated him like a bet?" Mu Yu asked in amazement.

   "You are my younger generation of Danding, I don't believe who you believe in?" He Liankong patted Mu Yu on the shoulder.

   Muyu felt that his shoulder seemed to be smashed by a piece of ice.

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