"Haha! I said that my Transformers are invincible!" Xiaoshuai excitedly controlled the bone soldiers to roll forward 720 degrees in the air.

"Damn, next time you contribute, I will control the bone warrior!" Muyu watched the territorial boundary line and moved one meter to the demon clan automatically, which controlled the bone warrior to walk outside the battlefield, and then jump Dismounted bone soldiers.

   "Good boy, I didn't expect you to have such a hand!" He Liankong had already floated excitedly, slapped again on Muyu's shoulder.

   Muyu felt his shoulder was smashed by a piece of ice again.

   "Senior, the leg bones are back to you, I didn't break your legs, okay, okay!" Muyu smiled.

  Heliankong did not retrieve his Horcrux, but asked mysteriously, "How is it? Is my Horcrux easy to use?"

   "Easy to use, to be honest, thanks to the soul power in your Horcrux!" Muyu nodded.

   "Easy to use, then let you use it first! You are responsible for helping us win a few more games." He Liankong said caressing his beard generously.

   Muyu rolled his eyes: "Senior, I will ask you, if we are going to the town demon tower, how many games shall we win at least?"

"I'm counting, it's about 60 kilometers away from the town demon tower, isn't it far away? Anyway, you can fly in two blinks with your cultivation base, and if you win a game, you will move one meter, so Need to win 60,000 long, according to the situation of winning two games a day and not losing, it seems that as long as it takes more than 80 years to win the territory of Zhenyao Tower!" He Liankong said lightly.

   Muyu gushed out old blood directly.

   "Eighty years? You want me to stay on the island for eighty years?" Mu Yu was going crazy.

   "We are sleepy for five thousand years, you are only eighty years, okay!" He Liankong thought Mu Yu was a little fussed.

   Muyu knocked on his head, he felt a little headache.

   "Is there any shortcuts to take? For example, to win a game can walk ten kilometers?" Muyu asked helplessly.

  He Liankong showed a strange smile: "Of course!"

   Muyu burst into his heart, because he looked at He Liankong's smile, he felt that the other party had deliberately set a trap for him.

   "Senior, let's just say it! What the **** do you want me to do?" Mu Yu spread his hands, and now he is trapped with a bunch of souls, unable to go out, he can only drill according to other people's routines.

  He Liankong came over and whispered, "Do you know why the demon people always want to push the dividing line over?"


   "Because the king city of Siren is occupied by our human race on this island." He Liankong laughed.

"So what? The Siren King is locked in the Zhen Yao Tower! Shouldn't they want to save the Siren King to find a way to enter the Zhen Yao Tower?" Mu Yu knew that every demon king has its own king city, but after a few During this expedition, he was not interested in the demon king city.

Although the demon king would send his own inner dandan, heart and other strange things back to the protected area by special demon to protect his strength before being sealed, but the sea monster is trapped in this island No need to do this for him.

"I will tell you something about the past. At that time, Xuan Jizi lived to lead us to a decisive battle with the demon clan. He and the Kraken King both defeated and suffered injuries. Although in the end, Xuan Jizi was even better, he used the Zhenya Tower to bring the Kraken King to life. , Wiped out all the demon clan, but we also suffered heavy losses here. In order to prevent the sea monster king from escaping, the whole demon island was blocked off, and all the souls who died in battle were trapped."

  Heliankong recalled the battle at that time, his face was awe-inspiring.

"He didn't choose to leave later, but he entered the Kraken King's city, and never came out. And the way to enter the town demon tower is not known to anyone other than Xuanjizi real person, so you only need to enter the Kraken King City In the way, find the method left by the mysterious Xuanjizi real person, and negotiate with the demon tribe, the demon tribe will definitely agree to give up the territory and let you enter the town demon tower."

   Heliankong's expression looked very serious. No wonder the demon clan always wanted to grab the Underlord's palace. Otherwise everyone is dead, in fact, they can get along in harmony.

   Muyu frowned: "Senior, why are you helping me?"

   "Because you are my descendant of Dan Dingpai!"

"Come on, you have been guarding the king city for so many years and fighting with the demon clan, just to take back the town demon tower and not let the demon king out of trouble. Now you let me go to the king city to find a way to open the town demon tower, you want to let Is the demon king born?" Mu Yu didn't believe Heliankong's words.

  He Liankong smiled embarrassingly, and a trace of confusion clearly flashed in his eyes: "Where, I just don't want our Danding to lose a good seedling."

   "Senior, let's not tell secret words, do you encourage me to go to the king city of Kraken?" Muyu asked directly.

  He Liankong expression struggled twice, and finally sighed heavily, said: "I want to be free."

   "Relief?" Mu Yu was surprised.

"I was trapped in this soul-like state for five thousand years, isolated from the rest of the world. I faced only other souls all day, and I had to fight with the demon people. For five thousand years, every day has come like this, really. It's too hard." Heliankong said bitterly.

  Long days, like a prison, got eternal life in the form of soul, but the price in return was trapped orphaned

No one cares about the island. In order to prevent the sea monster king from being born, they guarded the demon island for five thousand years, but no one in the realm world remembered them. They could only fight nonstop, fight...fight to numbness.

   Muyu pressed his lips tightly. He could understand this kind of bitterness, as if he was trapped in the flowing water at his fingertips. He could live forever, but he lost his freedom and was forgotten in a corner by time...

"Our soul can't enter the king city of the Kraken, so I hope you can find the mysterious Xuanjizi and get the way to open the town demon tower. Only then can you have the opportunity to enter the town demon tower. Find a way to break the demon tower. The island’s prohibition allows us to leave here, even if the soul is scattered, as long as it is no longer tortured by time, it is a relief." He Liankong sighed.

   "Does everyone else think so?" Muyu asked.

He Liankong shook his head: "The souls of our human race are divided into adherents and extricates. The adherents are headed by Gui Yuzi and Bo Hong. They insist that they should continue to fight for the protection of the demon island and **** the town demon tower back. The Liberation faction is me and Mumengfei. We feel that such a battle is meaningless, because no one knows what we did. However, the adherents occupy the vast majority, they all think that we need to guard the town demon. Tower and fight."

   Muyu was silent, he would not blame He Liankong for wanting to escape responsibility. In fact, guarding the demon tower in the town is not Heliankong’s responsibility at all, because they all gave their lives to defeat the demon clan before they died, and they were forcibly detained in this place after death, unable to be released, which is quite cruel. One thing.

They are here to fight with the demon people every day for the purpose of town demon tower, but the outsiders don’t know this at all, and their contributions have no return. If it’s not Muyu and other ghostmen and demon people who are coming, I am afraid they are all No anomalies on this island will be found.

   "You can't enter the Sea King of Siren, how can I get in?" Mu Yu asked.

   "Actually, the key to Sirius King's City is in my hand, or in your hands now." He Liankong laughed.

   Muyu shook the Horcrux in his hand and asked in surprise: "You mean your thigh bone?"

   He thought that Heliankong’s leg bones were just a very powerful Horcrux, but he didn’t expect to be the key to opening the Kraken King City! If this just interrupted Heliankong's leg in the battle, it would really be over.

"Yes, this is also the reason why Gui Yuzi wants my Horcrux, because he doesn’t want you to enter the Siren King’s Palace, he wants to guard the Demon Island, get my Horcrux, and keep the Kraken for me. The key to Wangcheng, I don't want Yaodao to fall into the hands of the demon." He Liankong said.

   Muyu thought it was unbelievable: He hadn't dealt with the Ghost Men for a day or two. The Ghost Men could kill the innocence by any means for their own purposes, and collect all kinds of solitary ghosts for their own use. How could they have a sense of racial responsibility to protect the town demon tower?

Considering the ghost Yeming and others who are about to come to Yaodao, Muyu always feels that Guimen is brewing a conspiracy~www.readwn.com~ Because of the existence of the town's demon tower, Guimen can't start the soul of Yaodao , So why did they come here?

   "Why is the key of the Siren King's royal city in your Horcrux?" Mu Yu asked puzzledly.

  The sea city of the sea monster is the thing of the demon clan. The demon clan did not get the key, but let Heliankong get the key. This is weird.

He Liankong said: "In fact, the king city of the Kraken has already been transformed by the Xuanjizi real person, and many magical techniques of the Xuanjizi real person have been imposed around it. The king city is just an empty shell for the demon people, and the real king city has already become a long time. Xuanjizi's real estate. He once sealed a strong breath in my Horcrux before entering the King City, and told me that if someone wants to release the Kraken King in the future, he can take my Horcrux to the King City ."

   Muyu asked strangely: "Release the Siren King? Why does Xuanjizi real person think that the human race wants to release the Siren King?"

  The human race does not hesitate to spend all costs, just to seal the demon king. For this reason, so many heroes died, including Heliankong, the eighth-ranking alchemist with a distinguished identity. So many people died in order to seal the demon king, but in the end, Xuanjizi real person wants to release the demon king?

He Liankong shook his head: "This is also my doubt, but Xuanjizi real person told me that the struggle between the human race and the demon race is not as simple as it seems. When the time is ripe, the demon king must be born. !"

   "The demon king must be born?" Mu Yu became more and more confused about this statement.

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