A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 648: Sword spirit

   The battle between the white ape demon king and the meat-winged horned monster deeply shocked Muyu. Although Muyu knew that all of this was a phantom, it seemed so real.

  The magnificent spirit of the world of White Ape Demon King left him with a very deep impression. When the White Ape Demon King punched him out of trouble, it was enough to destroy a mountain, not to mention the heyday.

No wonder the white ape demon king became so serious when he heard Muyu talking about Chiyue, and left without any consideration, even giving no explanation. Now it seems that the white ape demon king also understands Chiyue's What kind of consequences will existence have for Mietian!

Muyu looked around the battlefield, the whole world had stalled after Xuanjizi lived away, and then slowly began to flow backwards. The time seemed to return to the time when the three races of the double sky united and the Yue clan fought each other. .

For the first time, the human race, the demon race, and the Youmen demon race stood on the same front. They struggled to fight with the meat-winged horned monster. The strength of the meat-winged horned monster is quite powerful. From time to time, there are self-cultivators or monsters. The horns on the chest of the horns penetrated the hole and were cut in half by their sharp wings.

   After the meat-winged horned monsters were killed, they did not leave any corpses, all turned into a pool of corpse water of different colors, exuding a disgusting rotten smell.

That war was very tragic, and finally the three races led by the White Ape Demon King defeated the meat-winged horned monster, but the White Ape Demon King's victory was temporary, because the Wanli Heaven has a stronger presence, although the latter things Muyu didn't see it, but it is conceivable how those powerful beings cleanse the three races of the Double Heaven and completely destroy the civilization of the Double Heaven.

   Muyu watched the war silently from beginning to end, feeling the consequences of the war, feeling very heavy, and having many questions in his mind.

   The destruction of the Double Heaven is because the White Ape Demon King wants to rebel against the powerful Moon Clan, but why does the White Ape Demon King rebel against the Moon Clan? What exactly did the Moon Clan do to the White Ape Demon King? It is not known to Muyu.

   Everything seemed so confusing, and then Mu Yu thought that he should look for the tower spirit. He carefully deduced the phantom array. Although he could not control the phantom array here, he still found the exit of the phantom array.

   Exit is the scary light that appeared in the sky.

   That terrifying light has the power to destroy the earth. Every point near it seems to indicate that something terrible will happen, as if it will be crushed in the next moment, the soul will be scattered, and the form will be destroyed.

   Muyu knew that it was just a false illusion, holding back the shock of his heart, and finally stepped into the light above the sky.

   He felt like he had jumped into the water, the air became thick, and then he returned to the battlefield.

   The battlefield here is no longer a double sky, but the desert forest that Muyu had been to!

  The sand eagle demon king stood on top of the ghost falcon, confronting his own demon and human comprehension. The yellow sand was fluttering gently, swirling non-stop, making a sharp roar.

   And the face of the Sand Eagle Demon King is really a real person!

   "You shouldn't help the White Ape Demon King, your demon clan's decision also put Mietian into danger." Xuan Jizi's real face was serious, but there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

The Sand Eagle Demon King silently looked at Xuanjizi's real person. His momentum was calm, but he carried a kind of free and easy, as if he was about to break free from the cage, willing to fight against the sky by his own blood, even if the blood stained the dusk It's also unabashed.

   "Rebellion is a common decision of our top ten demon kings. For freedom and truth, we die without regret." The shape of the Shaying demon king is like a javelin, and it is so strong that it wants to compare with Tiangong.

"The freedom and truth you want will disrupt the order of the world, and will push Mie Tian into the land of nowhere!" Xuan Jizi real person raised his voice, and at that instant, he seemed to be the spokesperson of the whole world. Earthly determined and awe-inspiring.

   "If you humans are with us, we will negotiate with the Yumon demons, and it is not hopeless to resist this matter!" said the Shaying demon king resentfully.

   "The three races of the Double Heaven have all perished, is it because of their teamwork, are we not enough to learn a lesson?" Xuan Jizi lively refuted severely.

  A thousand miles across the sky once again crossed a purple electricity, so incomparable, as if proclaiming the end of the end. The strength of the palpitation is much higher than that of Xuanjizi Real Man and Shaying Demon King, and they both looked towards the sky in unison.

   But a sword light crossed, as if coming through the vast time and space, with the momentum of the world, the sword was lifted up, the vast and powerful sword energy instantly covered the entire purple light.

   Xuanji Ziren and Shaying Yaowang glanced at each other, and they stood up and disappeared into the air of the sword.

   That sword spirit was so familiar that Muyu's figure was shocked!

   The white clothes flutter, the dust is out, the wind is light and the clouds are light, but the gentle and gentle atmosphere is as reliable as the mountains. It seems that as long as there is this person, there is no danger in the world.

   At that time, Jianying Chenfeng was young, but his eyes were so deep, as if he could see through the hearts of the world and see through the vicissitudes of the world.

   "Master." Mu Yu looked at Jianying Chenfeng silently and thought about it for a while.

   Once the sword shadow dust wind crowned the world, but now it is trapped in the Mie Palace, missing!

   Jianying Chenfeng stood hand in hand, looking at the mysterious real man and Shaying Demon King in front of him, his expression was very calm, neither angry nor not

Anger is just a complex look mixed indifferently.

   "I've seen an adult." Xuan Jizi bent over to salute respectfully.

The Sand Eagle Demon King didn’t move, just stared at Jianying Chenfeng: "Jianying Chenfeng, I always thought you were just a cultivator during the robbery period. I didn’t expect you to hide so deep! Even me I can't see what kind of person you are!"

Jianying Chenfeng smiled slightly and looked at the purple light in the distance: "Not only you, but I am afraid that the human race does not know what kind of person I am. To be honest, sometimes I even question myself. who is it."

   "Adult laughed, but the adult just didn't want to be exhausted by the world's name." Xuan Jizi's expression was full of awe.

Jianying Chenfeng shook his head: "I didn't want to interfere in this world, but I also didn't want to watch this world perish. Sand Eagle Demon King, you are also an eternal person, you must live, you can't die in the hands of the moon clan The only thing that can help you escape the murder is the seal."

   There is no change in the face of Sand Eagle King, he seems to have expected this result long ago: "Where do you want to seal me?"

   "Seal to the place where everyone can't find you." Jianying Chenfeng waved with his hand, and his arrogant sword gas even flowed in the air, evolved into a Taoist pattern, and instantly enveloped the Sand Eagle Demon King.

  The sand eagle demon king wanted to resist, but the breath completely suppressed him, and his resistance could not be exerted.

   "You obviously are so powerful, why don't you go against the Moon Clan?" Shaying Demon King snarled.

   "I'm just a hurried passerby in this world, watching this world continue to move forward, I can make evil invade the triple sky, which is enough." Jian Yingchen sighed.

   looks like a bright star in his eyes, standing at the end of the whole world, familiar with the rules of the whole world.

   Muyu walked slowly to his master. The atmosphere of "My Lord" gave Muyu a heart of worship.

   "Master." Mu Yu wanted to touch him, but his hand passed through the figure.

  The sword shadow dust wind protects the whole world, but he can't protect himself.

   But Mu Yu still didn’t understand that Master clearly had the ability to dominate the world, he could easily seal the demon king, then the five Yumeng masters were not his opponents at all, so why would he sacrifice himself to set up a trapped fairy prison?

  He wants to destroy the Yumon demons, which is more than enough. Why did he believe in the triple palace in the end? What happened in the meantime?

  Muha increasingly feels that the matter of Moyun Mountain is far less simple than it seems!

   Sword Shadow Dust Wind turned around, a strange golden seal appeared in the air, and it was Tian Yan's reincarnation!

   "Adult, this is--" Xuan Jizi was really surprised.

"This is a very dangerous thing, dangerous and powerful. Take this and seal the Kraken King! Remember, don't kill the Kraken King, you will have to be born in the future." The reincarnation seal was handed over to Xuanjizi.

   "Do demon kings have to be born?" Xuan Jizi said the words silently.

He took the Tianyan reincarnation seal, turned around and wanted to leave, but he stopped again: "Adult, you cultivated for the heavens, did so much for the human race, why don't you stand up and admit it, but choose to pretend to die What? In the beginning, the Shadow Man organization sent so many Shadow Killers to assassinate you, you can destroy the Shadow Man organization directly, right?"

   "I don't want to participate in the disputes in this world. Many things are not as simple as you think. Go ahead!" Jian Yingchen showed a trace of loneliness in her eyes.

   The sword in his hand was divided into nine, and then gradually transformed into a figure of Xiaoshuai, who fell on his shoulder and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

   Muyu's eyes widened. He turned his head to look at the Xiaoshuai on his shoulder and found that Xiaoshuai also looked at the other himself in confusion.

"Sword Spirit, we are interfering with this world. Do you think we are doing it right?" Jian Yingchen wind stroked Jian Ling's white hair with a trace of helplessness in his eyes~www.readwn.com~ I don't know, anyway in this world The food is delicious, I like it very much. "The sword spirit in Jianying Chen's hands said heartlessly.

   "Yeah! Once there is implication, it is difficult to sit on the sidelines." Jianying Chenfeng gradually disappeared with the sealed sand eagle demon king.

  The little handsome on Muyu's shoulders blinked at the departing self and flicked his tail: "How come I can't remember these things? It turns out that my name is Jian Ling, it's really unpleasant, it's not as good as Xiaoshuai."

   Muyu smiled. It turned out that the relationship between Xiaoshuai and Master was so close, but what happened would cause Xiaoshuai to become a stranger again, and become confused?

  He also touched Xiaoshuai's white hair, and suddenly had an unprecedented sense of closeness to Xiaoshuai. Xiaoshuai was so important to Master, but Master left Xiaoshuai to Muyu. Remembering that I was very rude to Xiaoshuai every time, I was a little bit sad.

   "Mu Yu, let's go find Sister Qiao Xue quickly, I want Sister Qiao Xue to hug me." Xiaoshuai said expectantly.

   Muyu's guilt towards Xiaoshuai finally disappeared, and the image of this guy as a good boy in his mind could not be maintained for half a quarter of an hour. He scolded: "What hug, Qiao Xue, only I can hold!"

"I can too!"

   "You hug Momo!"

   said Muyu once again stepped into the purple electricity in the sky.

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