This time is the 65th floor!

   Muyu felt like he was aimlessly trying his luck. After going from the 39th floor to the 24th floor, he returned to the 65th floor when he returned.

   "So when can we go to the 81st floor?" Xiaoshuai asked.

   Muyu now only hopes that Gui Xixing didn't reach the 81st floor, otherwise, after Gui Xixing took control of Tianyan's reincarnation, he would be able to go back to the past and see the whereabouts of crossing souls.

To tell the truth, Mu Yu actually wants to know where the soul is passing, because Xuanjizi tells him that mind passing can repair the wounds on the dead wood father, so Mu Yu’s idea is that he intends to go back with the ghost In the past, the early ghost took a step to see the whereabouts of the soul.

   The 65th floor of Zhenyao Tower is a long corridor. Muyu is not interested in this corridor. He just wants to hurry to the 81st floor. So instead of exploring what the 65th floor is, he walked back to the passage.

   But he still miscalculated because he was surprised to find that he was still on the 24th floor when he walked back this time, that bright palace!

   "Strange? Didn't you send it randomly this time?" Long Fuji asked in surprise.

   Muyu pondered for a moment. After waiting for half an hour in the hall, he walked back to the passage, and this time he came to the 75th floor.

   The seventy-five floors are ordinary towers, empty, and obviously not everything exists on every floor.

   Muyu was thinking about the number of layers he had just walked over, and he suddenly felt that the layer to which the exit leads should be regular.

   "I understand that the exit of each floor will lead to different towers at different times."

Mu Yu sat down and began to figure it out in his mind. He roughly estimated the time he spent in the eighteenth floor. The battle with Long Xingmei probably took him an hour or so, and estimated it at 30. It takes about nine hours to check the meat-winged horn monster on the thirty-ninth floor. It took more than an hour in the palace of Fang Cai...

   It is not yet possible to figure out when and where each channel will lead, he waited for a quarter of an hour, then walked to the channel again, this time on the eleventh layer.

  In order to understand the law of transmission in this channel, Muyu spent another hour to shuttle through each layer, recording the time of each layer leading to where.

  The town demon tower has ninety-nine floors. In fact, which floor is connected to the exit of each floor at a certain time can actually be pushed out, but this calculation method is quite complicated.

  Xuanjizi Real Man is an array master. The Zhenyao Tower he designed is naturally carried out by deduction.

  The main body of the formation teacher is gossip. The calculation of the position of the gossip is very complicated, so if you want to become a powerful formation teacher, you must have extraordinary deductive thinking. Mu Yu once played the rules of the array of ladders and entered the array in eight steps. His deductive ability is second to none.

   "I know the law of this town demon tower."

  Kiyu analyzed a large pile and spent nearly seven or eight hours, finally understanding the main points.

   At the moment they are on the third floor, the third floor is a lush forest, worms and birds singing among the forest, and roar of monsters and beasts in the distance. Muyu saw at a glance that this forest was a phantom. Muyu was no longer interested in what was hidden in this forest.

   He stood at the entrance of a huge tree hole, watching the birds in the forest flapping his wings, estimating the time. He just came out of this tree hole just now, and he has to walk this tree hole when he wants to leave.

"In theory, after the eleventh hour and three quarters, the third floor will lead to the eighty-first floor, but we are waiting too long for the eleventh hour, so we change the way, and the third after an hour and a quarter The floor will lead to the seventy-third floor, and on the seventy-third floor wait half an hour to reach the sixteenth floor.

   The sixteenth floor only needs to pinpoint the time, because at that time the passage of the sixteenth floor began to change, so we just went in and ran out and we could reach the eighty-first floor! "

   Muyu has planned the next route. Although it will be a lot of trouble to go on, it will be able to reach the 81st floor in less than two hours.

   Xiaoshuai understands it. Longteng is confused, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, this kind of thing doesn't need to be tossed about it, it is Muyu who runs errands.

   After Muyu waited for an hour and a quarter outside the tree hole, he re-drilled back into the tree hole and came to the 73rd floor! This proves that Muyu's calculations are indeed correct.

   Next, if you wait half an hour on the 73rd floor, you can go to the 16th floor.

The seventy-third floor is a snowy place. The place where Muyu came out was just a log cabin. The log cabin was built at the foot of the mountain. There was heavy snow everywhere. The log cabin was still a snow mountain, and the front was A white plain.

   "I feel that we are going to travel all over the world in the mysterious town demon tower of Xuanjizi, is this a kind of tourism?" Longteng said leisurely.

   There are many phantom arrays on many levels of the town’s demon tower, forests, snow mountains, plains, everything, prisons and cult temples. It is indeed like traveling around. According to Muyu's idea, the exit of each floor is a teleportation array.

  The teleportation array will be connected to different layers at different times. Some layers have two exits, and some layers have only one exit. This is a certain rule, and they are all pondered by Muyu.


  "Anyway, we don't have too few places to go, this phantom array is no big deal." Mu Yu sat on the roof of the log cabin and looked at the snowy mountains behind him.

  However, Mu Yu hasn't had time to appreciate it for a while! Suddenly found that the snow mountains in the distance raised waves of snow, and there was a wave of aura, as if someone was fighting.

   "Are we going to join in the fun?"

   Xiaoshuai was gnawing a chicken leg, but the chicken leg froze in the ice and snow for a while, and it was very unhappy. At the moment, he was holding a Danhuo stone roasted chicken leg!

"Let's join in the excitement, we will leave as soon as the time is up. Those who can fight here must be the demon clan and the ghost gate. They fight with each other and they do what we do!" water.

Everyone was randomly transported to any floor after entering the town demon tower. Someone must have come to this floor, but they did not understand the secret of the town demon tower, so they ran everywhere on each floor, and Muyu came here It's just a transit station.

   However, to die undeadly, it was at this time that the distant snow-capped mountains above came the fluctuation of the fit period. The damage caused by the initiation of the integrators during the fit period should not be underestimated. They dealt with the snow mountain directly, and then the sound of "rumbling" sounded from the snow mountain. A large amount of snow fell down the mountain!

   "I wipe! Avalanche! Does your sister have a sense of virtue? Do you want to go out and get an avalanche? Don't you want to go out?"

   Muyu stood up, he wanted to try to protect this small wooden house, but the snow rolled too fast, Muyu couldn't stop it.

  Although it is a phantom array, everything in the phantom array is actually transformed by the real spiritual power. The menacing, Muyu can only lift the roasted chicken leg and jump towards the back.

   And while he was leaping, the cabin was already buried in heavy snow!

   People in the distance are still fighting with each other, Muyu is already angry at the foot of the snowy mountain!

   "You bastards, remember it for me, don't let me know who you are, or you will be beaten!"

   Muyu was shocked by the force of his body, pushing away the snow that had buried the log cabin, but after he cleared the snow from the buried log cabin, the log cabin had become a broken wooden board all over the ground.

  If the log cabin is a real wooden board, he can still control the wood and let them reorganize into a log cabin. Unfortunately, the wooden feather log cabin is also fake.

   Muyu looked dumbfounded at the broken wood floor, and the passage that came in seemed to be destroyed!

   "Don't you? This is just an illusion!"

   Muyu had just walked through the passage, and at the end was a door. When he opened the door, he walked out of the cabin. If he wanted to go back, he could enter the cabin directly. But the log cabin was destroyed, but Mu Yu could no longer find the exit.

   Muyu felt the formation of the cabin carefully, and he felt a quiver in his heart, he found that the exit of this place really disappeared!

"I'm a roast chicken with a roast chicken! Damn, I'm going to see which **** made an avalanche!" Muyu flew directly to the towering snowy mountains without saying a word, and then fell a little and fell into the confrontation. In front of both parties.

   Demon people, deer boss and dragon turtle.

   Guimen, Guihan and another Guimen woman.

   The woman beside Guihan is named Guidie. The black veil covered her face, her figure is graceful, revealing a strange and cold beauty, but Muyu cannot appreciate the beauty of Guimen people. However, this woman's cultivation practice is also a fit period, and none of the ghost gate people came to the demon island this time is a fuel-efficient lamp.

   Several of them also discovered the arrival of Muyu, which was suddenly lively on the desolate snowy mountain.

   "It's you!" Guihan gritted his teeth and looked at Muyu. He was almost killed by Gui Yeming because of Muyu's affairs. At this moment, Muyu was already burning with anger.

  Compared with the reaction of Guimen people, Deer Lu was relieved, because his relationship with Muyu was obviously better.

   "Which one did not have an eye that made an avalanche just now? Are you too annoying?" Muyu scolded.

   "It's good luck that the avalanche didn't bury you!" Ghanhan said owe it to you, right? Would you like to fight to fight somewhere else? Now an avalanche has occurred and the exit has been blocked, so no one needs to go out! "Mu Yu said.

   "The exit is blocked? We just came out of the log cabin. Shouldn't the exit be somewhere else?" Deer Lu asked in surprise.

   It seems that these people do not understand that the entrance is actually an exit. In fact, the town demon tower usually has two entrances, but there are only one exit on some floors. The ruined log cabin meant Muyu had to find another exit.

"You're really messing me up! Boss Deer, I'm busy now, take a step first, be careful yourself." If Muyu is now rushing to the 81st floor, he will definitely settle a deal with the ghost door people .

   Although the whole body is awe-inspiring to Muyu, he never thought of blocking Muyu. Even the ghost-giving life with six twins suffered a big loss in Muyu's hands, and he was not much better, so he endured to suppress his inner resentment.

  Ghost looked at Deer Boss coldly: "As for you demon clan, still obediently hand over Dinghai Qianchi!"

   Muyu just turned around and suddenly heard the four characters of Dinghai Qianchi. He immediately turned back and looked at Deer Boss in surprise: "Dinghai Qianchi? The magic weapon of the sea monster Wang Yujiang, in your hands?"

   Then the sea

Demon King Yujiang used Dinghai Qianzhi and Xuanjizi to fight Muyu, but he was seen in the Siren Palace and was also impressed with the treasures of the Siren King.

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