A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 695: Zeni Higan (above)

Long Xingyue was worried about what happened to Qiao Xue and Mu Yu, so he couldn't calm down to practice, but kept guarding Mu Yu with Qiao Xue.

Long Xingmei felt more and more angry in his heart. If Qiao Xue was not there, he would have rushed to fight with Muyu.

Although he has lost once, he still thinks Muyu is just lucky.

Muyu woke up about half an hour before the passage changed. He stretched out a lazy waist comfortably. He didn’t care about Long Xingyu as if he would eat his own eyes, but laughed: "Qiao Xue, last time and After you practice together, cultivation is really fast, and now I feel that it may not be long before I can reach the fit period."

"Really?" Qiao Xue was surprised, then thought he seemed to overreact, and quickly concealed himself.

When Long Xingmei heard this, his lungs exploded!

The speaker was unintentional to the listener's intentions, Mu Yu's words fell in the ears of Dragon Star Meteor so harsh, as if to provoke him, but also said so straightforward, it is unforgivable!

"Qiao Xue, you are our little princess, how can you be with him..." Long Xingyuqiang suppressed his anger and tried his best to make his tone sound, without any strangeness.

"No matter what I do with anyone, it has nothing to do with you." Qiao Xue didn't want to explain in detail.

"Why does this have nothing to do with me? I promised Grandpa to take care of you!" Long Xingmei said anxiously.

"I can take care of myself, after all, I am alone on the sea." Qiao Xue watched Dragon Star fall meaningfully.

She was very dissatisfied with what Dragon Star Meteor did. Although Dragon Star Meteor didn't hurt her, she was still designed to trap her. If it weren't for her powerful water control ability, I'm afraid it is still in the dark.

Long Xingmei's complexion was red and white, and he was very guilty.

Muyu stood up, flicked the dust on her body, and said, "It's time to talk to the Kraken King."

"Boy, I warn you! You'd better give me a point, don't want to hit the Kraken King!" Long Xingyu also stood up, staring at Mu Yu fiercely.

"Do you have this qualification?" Mu Yu suddenly exhaled a strong breath, distracted from the ninth heaven as a violent wind and waves, but actually defeated Dragon Star by several steps!

Long Xingmei looked at Mu Yu in exasperation, and he was also distracted from the cultivation of the ninth heaven, but in front of Mu Yu, he felt a trace of insignificance, how could this be possible!

"It must have been injured by the **** dragon a few days ago, otherwise this would not happen!" Long Xingyu comforted himself.

But what he didn’t want to admit was that the injury suffered by Longteng against Longteng not long ago, Longye Li spent his own Long Yuan to help his dragon's supreme secrets to help him heal. The demon people's physical qualities are very strong, especially the dragon people with the blue dragon bloodline, the recovery ability is even stronger.

"Xingmei, don't doubt anyone else, Muyu is not malicious to Siren." Qiao Xue frowned.

"But he is a human race!" Long Xingmei said.

"Don't forget that Uncle Ape was the one he rescued!" Qiao Xue watched Dragon Star fall and raised his voice.

If the white ape demon king didn't have Muyu, he would have been caught by the ghost gatemen, and Dragon Star also knew about it.

Long Xing fell annoyed. Seeing Qiao Xue seemed a little angry, he stopped talking.

Half an hour soon passed, and the channel had changed quietly. Muyu gestured to Qiao Xue and took the lead into the passage, and the others followed him immediately.

This time, they came to a strange place, surrounded by white, endless, seemingly looked like they came into the clouds.

The clouds can be seen everywhere from the top of the peaks, and there are huge balls. Each pillar is of different lengths, some are so high that they can't see the top, and some are only one or two meters high. The thickness is also different, and some thin pillars Only the chopsticks are thin, and some thick ten people may not be able to hold it hand in hand.

These pillars of varying lengths and thicknesses are scattered irregularly, there are probably thousands of them, some are very close, some are very far apart.

In addition to the pillars, there are some large square stones and **** with different diameters, ranging from the size of the palm to a dozen meters high, floating in the air up and down.

"Is this the place where Master Siren is sealed? Where is Lord Siren?" Long Xing said out loudly.

"Is it sealed in these buildings?" Long Yeli said.

The two demon tribes flew directly towards the nearest pillar, but when they wanted to get closer to the pillar, those pillars moved away directly, in a random way, just like being blown away by the wind, and like Dragon Star Meteor and Long Yeli carried a certain repulsive force on them, and those pillars were reluctant to bring them close.

"what happened?"

Dragon Star fell unbelievable, and his body quickly approached another pillar, but the pillar always pulled away from him in a timely manner, and finally stabilized.

"Mu Yu, these pillars seem to be avoiding us, what do you think?" Qiao Xue wasn't as anxious as Dragon Star Falling, but asked Mu Yu.

Mu Yu touched his chin and thought for a moment: "These pillars and stones were cast with a very deep formation called "Zhe Dian Bi An". It was a formation specially used to protect things. Once something came close, It will automatically spread out and keep a certain distance from each other without touching each other."

The "Zhe Dian Bian" formation is actually similar to the "Jian Dian Tian Ya" to a certain extent, but "Zhe Dian Tian Ya" is more suitable for use in combat because it allows the caster to fight back at close range. "Once it is unfolded, it will be pushed away, and there is no practical use within reach.

Dragon Star stopped and stopped trying, yelling: "Why didn't you say it early?"

Mu Yu glanced at him lightly: "The demon clan only sent you like you. It's a joke to rescue the Kraken King. If you're ugly, you need to read more and ask more if you don't understand, not stupidly. Blind blindly."

"Dare you scold me!" Dragon Star blushed, but he didn't know how to refute.

"I'll kill you if you talk nonsense." Mu Yu said impatiently.

Long Xing has not seen the situation so far, and thought he was the little prince of the demon clan. He was arrogant and arrogant. At the beginning of the fit period, Long Yeli was defeated in Muyu's hands. What did Dragon Star Meteor count?

"Starfall, when will you learn to respect others?"

Qiao Xue scolded that she knew that Mu Yu was able to endure the mischief of Dragon Star's fall, which was completely seen in her face, but Dragon Star's appearance was extremely ridiculous.

Long Xingyu forcibly suppressed his resentment. He was reprimanded by Qiao Xue three times and five times, and he had succumbed to the extreme, and his resentment against Mu Yu reached an unreasonable point.

Qiao Xue asked: "Mu Yu, then is there any way to deal with this Zeidian formation?"

Mu Yu shook his head: "The person who performed this formation is higher than me. The ordinary method is useless. I have to look around."

Then he remembered something and said: "Strange, I remember I have given a way to Deer Boss and Dragon Turtle. They should have come to the 99th floor faster than us. Why didn't they see them here?"

"Let's look around first. There are too many pillars and **** here, blocking each other. Maybe they came long ago, just in places we can't see." Qiao Xue guessed.

Long Yeli glanced at Mu Yu and asked, "If the Kraken King is sealed in pillars and stones, how do we determine where he is sealed?"

"I don't know." Mu Yu answered simply.

Five thousand years ago, the real man Xuanjizi sealed the sea monster king in the town demon tower, but no one knows how to seal it except the real person Xuanjizi.

Long Yeli did not continue to ask, but took the Dragon Star Meteor between the pillars, looking for traces of Deer Boss and others.

Muyu stood in front of a pillar, thinking about the way to break through.

He knows how to lay out and crack the "Zhe Dian Bian" array, but this array is after all laid down by a real person of Xuan Jizi, which is very difficult to crack, especially the thousands of pillars and countless stones have been applied. If the "Ze Dian Pei'an" is broken, I don't know if it will be the year of the monkey.

"Xiaoshuai, Longteng, did the two of you notice any difference in these pillars?" Muyu asked.

"It's different, what exactly do you mean?" Ryuto didn't quite understand Muyu's words.

"For example, the breath of Siren King, and some pillars are different from others," Mu Yu said.

Xiaoshuai's nose is generally the most spiritual, it can often see some differences. The dragon vine is a dragon comparable to the demon king, and in some respects it has a better sense of smell than Muyu.

"Impossible, what is the other side of Zadei you don't know yourself? The formation used to protect things is naturally able to isolate the breath of things." Xiaoshuai shook his head.

Long Teng shook his head.

"Then it seems that only the most stupid way can be used, first try to crack the formation of a post," said Mu Yu.

"Which one should we start with?" Long Teng asked.

"That one, that one looks good." Xiaoshuai pointed to a pillar with a thick bowl.

"Good-looking? Little mouse, are you looking for carrots? That one is so small that it can fit the Kraken King?" Long Teng scolded.

"What if there is a space array in it? What do you know!"

"A man as strong as the Kraken, at least finds the thickest pillar pass to be worthy of his identity, which reflects the humanity of the prisoner. Righteousness."

"You are not a human again~www.readwn.com~Return to humanity. Yi!"

"But Xuanjizi is a real person!"

Xiaoshuai and Longteng started arguing about which one was most likely to hide the Kraken King. Their interest was high. Xiaoshuai insisted that the mini-pillar was most likely to hide the Kraken King, because Xuanjizi was a real person. I like to use the set of Qiankun in the sleeve, and Longteng thinks that the tallest one should be.

Mu Yu was not easy to judge. He had seen the Kraken King himself in the illusion of Xuanjizi Real Man. At least he played against the real man Xuan Jizi in human form, so he estimated the height of the Kraken King. I chose a pillar that looked slightly larger than the Kraken King, and I began to try to crack the Zedby on this pillar.

Muyu began to calculate the scope of Zedu's other shore. The larger the pillar, the stronger the Zede's array, and the more troublesome it was to crack it.

The pattern of the pillar evolved rapidly in his mind, and his eyes shone with light. The pillar became an individual composed of dense patterns in his eyes, rippling like flowing water.

Suddenly a surprised look appeared on his face, because he discovered the unusualness of these formations.

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