A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 717: Meet in a narrow road

Stepping back into Luna Prison again, the gloomy breath rushed across the face again, making Mu Yu feel disgusted.

A dark prison, holding tens of thousands of meat-winged horn monsters who once wanted to invade the triple sky, all powerful, killing without blinking, it is ridiculous that the real world does not know the existence of these monsters.

If it weren't for the ghost door man who planned to release the horned monster with meat wings, Muyu didn't want to come here.

What we saw on the front was still the cages formed by the neatly arranged iron fences. Behind the iron fences were those ugly creatures that made people sick, hiding in the shadows and lingering, waiting for the first day. The prison is very large, with roads criss-crossing each other, with cages on both sides of each road. There are still some faint lights shining on the passageway in the prison, allowing people to see the route ahead.

Through the light from nowhere, Qiao Xue saw the appearance of these meat-winged horns for the first time. Although Mu Yu had already described the appearance of the meat-winged horns, she frowned in disgust.

These meat-winged horns are really ugly. No one likes them.

Several meat-winged horned monsters have squeezed in front of the iron fence, talking about all kinds of malicious threats.

"Why are you two humble races, why aren't ghost servants coming?" A blue flesh-winged horned monster's eyes flashed fiercely, staring fiercely at Muyu and Qiao Xue.

"This chick has fine skin and tender meat, and it should taste good." A green winged horned monster with long, dirty nails picking his sharp, small teeth grinned fiercely.

"I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, I really miss it!"

"Humble human race, don't you kneel when you see the great moon **** race?"

Every horned monster with flesh-winged horns grinned, looking up at Mu Yu and Qiao Xue.

These ugly creatures do not know where the superiority comes from. They always claim to be great, humble, and arrogant.

In the end, Xiaoshuai couldn't help but cursed, "What are you guys doing besides screaming? I'm curious what do you usually get trapped here to survive? Do you eat each other's shit? ?"

Both Mu Yu and Qiao Xue laughed in a whisper, but Xiaoshuai's words further angered the meat-winged horn horn monster, and they were also threatened by various vicious threats, which was unbearable.

"Fuck, a dirty little monster dare to insult our great moon god!"

"Must kill you!"

All kinds of threats were heard when Muyu came in last time, so he didn't care and just let it go as farts, but Xiaoshuai scolded him indifferently.

"Xiaoshuai, speak quietly, don't scold. Maybe the ghosts are desperate to be nearby, don't let them find us."

Muyu raised a pattern in his hands, invisible himself and Qiao Xue, and prevented these meat-winged horned monsters from seeing them, and at the same time connected everyone with the wind and heart array, so that what he wanted to communicate was just to think in his heart It’s okay.

"Where will they be?" Qiao Xue asked.

Mu Yu shook his head. He didn’t know how the ghost gate people burned the moon **** shadow on the moon **** stone, maybe it was some kind of special ritual. This point he had to figure out, if necessary, he had to break their plan. .

After using the invisible formation method, as long as Mu Yu does not use spiritual power at will, they will not emit a breath. The meat-winged horned monster lost the breath of Muyu and others, and no longer abused, and the entire huge prison fell into silence again.

It’s quiet, but it’s not quiet, because there are vaguely howling and shouting of various meat-winged horn monsters in the distance. It’s like holding a party. This sound makes Mu Yu feel a little strange, he I remember when I first came here, these meat-winged horned monsters were not so excited.

They carefully traversed the passage of the prison, carefully listening to the place where the loudest horns and horns of the whole prison were the most noisy, so as to find the trends of ghosts and lives. But the sound of the meat-winged horn monster is not concentrated in one place, but it is yelling in all directions, which is very strange.

"What the **** are they doing here?" Qiao Xue asked puzzled.

"I don't know, let's go to the next exit first, so that no matter what happens, we can escape from here as soon as possible!"

Although Muyu is a road idiot, he will remember the road as soon as he walks through it, so he knows where the other exit is.

Just when they wanted to go to the next corner, suddenly there was an extremely violent fluctuation in front, accompanied by the sharp roar of Dao Dao, and some kind of hard singing accompanied by the roar sound.

"They are still here, let's hurry and look over." Qiao Xue said.

"and many more!"

Muyu suddenly felt something was wrong, although this violent fluctuation was correct during the robbery period, but in Muyu's perception, there were two different breaths in the fluctuation, which meant that there seemed to be something in front Two people who cultivated during the robbery!

Qiao Xue heard Muyu's analysis and asked in surprise: "How could it be? Has the ghost gone through the robbery period?"

"No, this voice... This voice is not for ghosts to kill them, but for Gui Yeming and Gui Yuzi!" Mu Yu was very shocked to distinguish the voice chanting in front of him, he was very shocked, he listened carefully for a while, and determined that it was Gui Yu The voices of Zi and Gui Yeming are undoubtedly!

"Why? Isn't Gui Yeming blocked by Senior He Liankong? Besides, the town demon tower prohibits the soul of the demon island from coming in. How can the ghost domain come in?" Qiao Xue also vaguely distinguished The voice of these two.

Mu Yuxin has sunk to the bottom of the valley: "I'm afraid we just thought wrong, and Gui Xixing didn't even come directly to this level, he should have left the town demon tower directly with the blood demon soul. If I guess right, I'm afraid something has changed outside."

Mu Yu clenched his fists, and He Liankong's repair was able to deal with Ghost Yeming, so Ghost Yeming couldn't come in, and now Ghost Yeming appeared here, which meant that Senior Heliankong was probably in trouble!

"What about the ghost domain?"

"Did you forget what the Ghost Leopard said? The Blood Domain Demon Soul was originally prepared for the ghost domain son. I think Dragon Star should just return the body of the Kraken King and the Blood Domain Demon Soul to the original owner. How could he control his life and death?"

Mu Yu has no sympathy for the matter of Dragon Star Fall. This man is greedy for life and fears death. In order to live, he doesn't even care about his own family. He also succumbs to the hands of the ghost door people and becomes a tool for the ghost door people.

He is more worried about the situation of Heliankong and other souls, because the Siren has said that the Blood Domain Demon Soul can control all souls, then Heliankong and other souls can't block the Blood Domain Demon Soul!

"Then we now--"

"Go back and leave here."

Muyu was decisive, although he would like to know how the two ghost domain sons and ghost night Ming branded the moon **** stone with the phantom shadow of the meat-winged horn monster, but in this case, if two ghosts from the robbery period The doormen found that it would definitely die.

Qiao Xue did not object to anything. They immediately returned along the same path and wanted to go out from the entrance. However, the singing voices of Gui Yuzi and Gui Yeming seemed to be getting closer and closer. They were not staying in place, but moving. !

At this time, the chanting sound has reached the corner. If they want to fly away with spiritual force, they will leak the breath, then even if there is an invisible formation, they will be discovered! They were not sure to escape in the hands of two ghost gatemen during the robbery.

"Qiao Xue don't make a noise, don't integrate into the water spirit, there will be fluctuations." Mu Yu said in her heart.

They carefully retreated to a dark corner, and the other junction was twenty meters away, but before they approached, Gui Yeming and Gui Yuzi both appeared in their sight.

Both of them floated in the air and came to the front of a prison cage. The singing in their mouths didn't stop.

The moon **** stone in the hands of Gui Yuzi exudes white brilliance, just like a full moon, which forms a stark contrast to the ghost Yuzi and Gui Yeming who emit black gas all over the body.

Moonstone shone in the cage, dispelling the darkness in the cage, revealing dozens of winged horned monsters in detention.

After feeling the moonlight of the Moon God Stone, the meat-winged horn monster seemed to see what made them hungry, and showed a very fanatical look, rushing towards the cage.

Gui Yuzi and Gui Yeming kept producing black seals in their hands and merged into Moon God Stone. The white light of Moon God Stone was mixed with a trace of red brilliance, like a blood scarlet, and the red brilliance blended into each one. The flesh-horned horn horns in the body make every flesh-horned horn horn roar comfortably.

All meat-winged horned monsters stretched out their hands and wanted to grab the red brilliance among the white light. Those meat-winged horned monsters contaminated with the red brilliance seemed to have something sublimated in them, and a soul-like thing emerged from them. It came out and quickly integrated into the Moon God Stone.

If you look closely at the Moon God Stone, you will find that there are more ghost images in the Moon God Stone. The ghost shadows of the meat-winged horns occupy each corner in the Moon God Stone, every action and every expression They are exactly the same as the corresponding horned monsters in the prison.

Mu Yu and Qiao Xue retreated silently. They dared not retreat too fast, fearing to attract the attention of Gui Yuzi and Gui Yeming. However, the speed of the movement of Gui Yuzi and Gui Yeming is very fast, and they have gradually approached Muyu's position.

"What should I do?" Qiao Xue asked nervously.

"Don't panic, we now use the invisible array method, I shrink the invisible array method very small, I hope to be able to hide them."

Although Muyu is confident in his invisible formation, the two people he is facing are not fuel-efficient lamps, especially the ghost domain. This man has been trapped on the island for five thousand years, but he can understand the town demon tower. The general situation inside is certainly not new to the formation.

The brilliance of Moonstone is constantly dispersing the darkness. The darkness next to Muyu and Qiao Xue is gradually disappearing, and they will soon come to their feet.

Muyu held his breath and sweat beads also oozed out of his forehead. Once the pattern could not hide the ghost domain, then they would really plant it here today!

There are ten inches!

Five inches!

One inch!

The brilliance of Moonstone finally found Muyu's feet~www.readwn.com~ He worked hard to maintain the invisible formation, so that the invisible formation was not revealed.

"Hope not to be found."

Muyu's nerves have collapsed to the limit, and Qiao Xue dare not move anymore, even if Xiaoshuai and Longteng both clamped their tails and slowed their breathing to the limit.

Little by little, the brilliance of Moon God Stone had covered a quarter of Muyu's body, and the horned monster with meat wings was still roaring there, unable to wait to catch the ray of red brilliance in the Moon God Stone Zi is just singing, not communicating with the horned monster.


However, at this moment, Ghost Domain seemed to find something, and the chanting stopped suddenly, and the brilliance of Moon God Stone no longer moved. A strange expression appeared on his face, and his eyes fell on where Muyu was. position!

Was it found?

Mu Yu screamed badly in his heart, and his heart had already mentioned his throat!

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