A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 737: 9 Xuan Xian

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Volume IX: Battlefront Sword Shadow Slayer&1t;/


Chapter 737 Chapter Nine Xuanxian&1t;/


The centuries-old yin of the burial valley has dissipated, and the sound of the ghost crying and howling has disappeared, but the nearby villagers still dare not approach the burial valley. The old grandpa Zhao scared everyone, and everyone changed the celestial burial to Buried. &1t;/

Although it is impossible to implement the sky burial now. &1t;/

Mu Yu and Qiao Xue stood on the burial valley, watching the ruined rocks in front. &1t;/

The mouth of the Valley of Chaos is closely covered by the floating gravel. The gravel is protected by a powerful formation. Even Muyu has no ability to break it. He can only rely on plants to enter. &1t;/

Now Mu Ling dare not use it at will, so he leaned down on the root grass to go directly to the bottom of the burial valley. Qiao Xue followed him in the water spirit. The two passed through the crack of the gravel and soon came to the space barrier separated by the seal. &1t;/

Muyu came to the gap that was eroded by Chiyue, but he was stunned when he was ready to use the force of nature to repair the gap! &1t;/

The gap has been repaired somehow! &1t;/

"Well? Who else will come here besides us?" Xiaoshuai said in surprise. &1t;/

Mu Yu was also very surprised by this situation. He didn't succeed when he wanted to repair this gap. He just set up some formations in the gap. However, these formations have been destroyed by others, but the gap has been restored. &1t;/

"Isn't it—" Dragon Vine exclaimed, it thought of a possibility: Jianying Chenfeng! &1t;/

Muyu quickly touched the repaired pattern, feeling the power and vastness of the pattern, then shook his head. &1t;/

"Not the breath of Master." &1t;/

Mu Yu's face dimmed. At first, he thought it was the master who came here to repair the seal gap, but the spiritual power on those new lines belonged to another stranger, which was inconsistent with the surrounding lines. &1t;/

If the breath of this new pattern comes from Master, Mu Yu can at least be sure that Master has been out of trouble, but this is not the case. &1t;/

"Who would it be? There should be few people in Cultivation Realm who now have better array skills than you. They are not seniors withered trees, they are not Heavenly Path, they are not Sword Shadow Dust Wind, are they evil or old, or the Triple Palace..." Qiao Xue hesitated Said. &1t;/

"Baijie will not be so kind." The killing intention in Muyu's eyes is fleeting, and he knows what is going on in the spirit of the Mie Palace. As for evil, he has a kind of evil energy that cannot be concealed by nature. It's easy to recognize. &1t;/

In this way, only Phantom Qingyu who has never met before can have this ability! &1t;/

"By the way, if we can find the phantom clear rain, then maybe things have changed!"&1t;/

Muyu has seen the phantom clear rain in the real person's image of Xuan Jizi, and Xiaoshuai also said that the phantom that he saw on the second day followed the phantom clear rain, and it will not be wrong because of the phantom And it is a very strange existence. &1t;/

Phantom Qingyu is an eternal person. After the sword shadow dust wind and evil immortal accident, Phantom Qingyu has become the most powerful person, he really has the ability to save the sword shadow dust wind! &1t;/

"Phantom Qingyu should have come to the triple sky, do you say he will rescue the white-bearded old man?" Xiaoshuai said hopefully. &1t;/

Mu Yu pondered for a while, and said: "No matter what the result is, we need to discuss this matter from the long. Since it's okay here for now, let's go to the demon king and see what they plan to do." &1t; /

After confirming that there was no problem with the entire seal again, he left the Valley of Chaos and followed Qiao Xue to leave the Moyun Mountains and head to the Qinglong Dynasty. &1t;/

They don't expect to be able to catch Shanghai Demon King in time. After all, Siren King is much faster than them. According to Qiao Xue's estimate, it will take at least ten days to reach the Qinglong Dynasty. &1t;/

Returning to the third major 6, Muyu delays for a while in Lanxi City. He needs to inquire about some situations. After all, Muyu is no longer in the realm world for about a year and a half, and many things will happen during this time. &1t;/

The old tree leader once said that the Yumen Mozu had secretly sought out five of them. Once one of them was found, the killing power of the last Yumeng Lingzhu was forcibly transferred, and the consequences would be unimaginable. &1t;/

Among the five, Xiang Nan is Muyu’s biggest worry, because Xiang Nan’s character has become very paranoid, and he wants to control the comprehension to fight against the Mie Palace. Tuyoumeng can use this to make Xiang Nan Occupied and killed. &1t;/

In contrast, Cheng Yan is the most reliable brother. Anyone can have an accident, but only Yan Yan will not. Luo Yu's current situation is unknown to Mu Yu, but Luo Tao knows which way he wants to choose. Before he had set up the Nine-day Sealing Demon Array, he was able to suppress the power of Yumeng Lingzhu better than Mu Yu. &1t;/

Qiao Xue has not had any accidents now, but Mu Yu must assist Qiao Xue to get her own killing power. Only then will Shui Yumeng have no chance to affect her. &1t;/

Lanxi City is still the same as before, and there hasn't been much change. Compilers still come and go, or trade with each other, or exchange information to discuss anecdotes in the comprehension world, without any exceptions. &1t;/

Above the watchtower of Lanxi City still stands the statue of Jianying Chenfeng Fengfeng Junlang. Under this statue is a burst of formation that protects the entire city. When Yumeng enters the city, he will leave. Strong siren. &1t;/

When Mu Yu walked into the city now, she could already feel the undulating pattern fluctuations. But he did not have any hope for this formation. After all, when he first came out of Moyun Mountains, he was attacked by Yumeng when he came to this city. At that time, it was unknown how Yumeng mixed into the city, but Muyu In fact, my heart has already guessed some. &1t;/

"Let's go to the inn for a break! There are many people there, and the news is relatively large." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

He and Qiao Xue walked on the road, deliberately depressing their cultivation practices. It seems that only the cultivation practices around the Yuan infant period are not much dazzling among the crowd. They can only be of a medium level. It's just that Qiao Xue was so charming and aquatic, like a hibiscus in the water, there were always two eyes on the street, intentionally or unintentionally. &1t;/

"I don't like crowded places." Qiao Xue pursed his lips. &1t;/

"It's okay, we just need to make sure that there is no major event in the realm of truth." Mu Yu took Qiao Xue into an inn where the business was relatively prosperous. The guests in the inn were busy and lively. &1t;/

Many innocents were talking about the new things they heard. Mu Yu and Qiao Xue sat in the corner and ordered a table of dishes and two large plates of chicken legs. The little handsome bubbled with joy. &1t;/

The voices of the Cultivators reached Muyu’s ears, but they were all irrelevant things, such as which small school has newly risen a super fairy, and the super fairy list has refreshed the ranking today, and the personnel have begun to change. And so on, which young master shines in the realm of comprehension and the like. &1t;/

After such a long time, Muyu almost forgot the existence of Jixianbang. He currently ranks 43rd in the Immortal Ranking. He was originally ranked after killing Qingming and killing Qingming. Later, he never appeared in the world's field of vision, and his ranking did not float. &1t;/

"I heard that the Sanxian School Western Immortal School has a pride of heaven named Chu Kuang. In just one year, it has reached the fit period of cultivation, and it has squeezed into the forty-sixth place. ! I remember that the head of the Xixian School, the Xixian Taoist, seems to have only the cultivation period of the Qiao period?"&1t;/

"No! I heard that Xixian Daoren was a master of Chu Kuang, and cultivated such talented and talented people as Chu Kuang. This was a matter of celebration, but Chu Kuang even forced Xixian Dao to give way to himself. Take over the entire Xixian School!"&1t;/

"People have the strength, and the cultivation level is a few grades higher than that of the Xixian Dao people. It is normal to be unwilling to condescend to others."

"Normal? Isn't it a good idea to forget the scriptures? Who would force his mentor to give way?"&1t;/

"Yes, but after all, since the original Sisong Qiwen in Qingshui City, there have been more and more dark horses in the realm!"&1t;/

"Yeah! Bei Huaili, Nan Shuda, Dong Renhua, and Xi Chu are crazy. These four people are collectively known as the four masters of the small school of cultivation. Although they are small schools, the famous hall has overshadowed the eight disciples! It’s said that the Chu madman seems to be going to challenge the Liuli Sword in the 45th place of Xijiangu Jixian tomorrow! The location is just outside the Lanxi City."&1t;/

"I really want to check it out at that time. The Jixian on the Jixian list is really getting more and more powerful. Think about the fact that most of the disciples on the Jixian list were all eight-door disciples. The splendid fairy of the small family is also emerging!"&1t;/

"The Mie Palace has been announced to the world, and eight months later will be the ultimate battle of the ultimate fairy! All the fairy will go to the center of Sanshi 6 at that time, where a final fairy will be set off. If you don’t go in the ranking battle, you will be deprived of your qualifications, and the top nine immortals will finally be settled!"&1t;/

"The top nine extreme immortals are called nine mysterious immortals! That must be an unprecedented battle! I really want to know who the final nine immortals of the human race will be!"&1t;/

"Now there are more and more dark horses in the realm of truth, and we can't make accurate predictions. However, it is said that the most popular voice is the apprentice of the true god, Muyu. After all, the apprentice of the true **** is the person who can most create miracles."&1t;/

"Many people want to challenge Muyu, but Muyu has been missing for more than a year." &1t;/

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, most of them were about the final battle of the Jiuxian List after eight months, that is, the screening of nine Xuanxian cents. In addition to Mu Yu, there are many people in the realm world that are also taken into consideration, including Yi Feixue of the Emperor Gate, the unfortunate misfortune of Ximen, and the four outstanding heroes of the small school, all of which are popular candidates for Jiuxuan Xian. . &1t;/

Everyone is looking forward to who Jiu Xuan Xian will eventually spend. &1t;/

"Is the final battle of the Extreme Fairy List, Jiu Xuan Xian?" &1t;/

Muyu shook his head slightly. Fortunately, he now used the phantom array to change his appearance, otherwise I would probably be recognized here. &1t;/

Today's Extreme Fairy List has changed for a long time, and a black horse will appear on the Extreme Fairy List from time to time. The outside world thinks that the rise of these people is accidental. Only Muyu knows the truth of the matter. &1t;/

Like Sikong Qiwen, these people are all possessed by demon souls, and they are controlled by the south! If Mu Yu guesses well, the so-called four masters of the Xiaomen School of Cultivation Realm should also be possessed by monsters. &1t;/

"Isn't this a good thing? If in the future Mie Gong is about to gather Jixian to fight Yumeng, will the existence of these Jixian become a variable?" Qiao Xue asked. &1t;/

Qiao Xue has heard Mu Yu talk about what was born in Qingshui City, a desert oasis. Mu Yu originally didn't want to tell others, but Qiao Xue also belongs to them, so Qiao Xue needs to know. &1t;/

"Everything is hard to tell. The nine commanders who really command the human race in the Jixian list are nine Xuanxian. In my opinion, the nine Xuanxian must have been controlled by the Mie Palace. Now he is still ranked ninth in the south, and he will become The eyes of the triple palace." Mu Yu said ~www.readwn.com~ Jiu Xuanxian has the supreme honor, even the master of the eight gates does not dare to offend the existence, since the purpose of the war in the triple palace is to kill, Then he naturally did not allow the leader of this war to have unstable factors. &1t;/

"Do we need to help south?" Qiao Xue asked. &1t;/

Muyu touched his chin and shook his head: "South does not need our help, I have a better idea." &1t;/

"Talk about it." &1t;/

"We must also become Jiu Xuan Xian!" &1t;/

Muyu's eyes exuded a strong fighting intention! The Mie Palace does not want the unstable factors of the top nine immortals, so how can Muyu make the Mie Palace succeed? &1t;/


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