A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 753: Monster Clan's Strange Disease

Muyu has been in Chenxi Valley for four days. During these four days, Muyu has had a great time. Every day, Mrs. Spider and others will give Qiao Xue some delicious food. &1t;/

The demon tribes in Chenxi Valley are very kind to Qiao Xue, just like their own daughter-in-law, Mu Yu is also covered with light, delicious and drink a lot, of course, a lot of them have entered the belly of the handsome. &1t;/

Qiao Xue always locks the door to sleep at night, and does not give Mu Yu any chance, and Qiao Xue now runs out of Chenxi Valley every morning to practice, without giving Mu Yu any chance. &1t;/

"The lonely man and the widow are in the same room. It's normal to be dry and dry. It's normal to wipe the gun and fire!" Muyu murmured every time. &1t;/

Then Qiao Xue gave Muyu a hard look. &1t;/

"Mu Yu, do you say we should go to that deserted ruin? Staying here is boring and dead." Longteng yawned. &1t;/

"That's right! We have thick skin and won't be poisoned." Xiaoshuai eats the pork buns from the spider maid. It's a good meal for the demon clan. They can eat and drink for free here. &1t;/

"Don't go to the barren ruins. I can filter poison as much as you do, but there is more than just poisonous mist." Qiao Xue said seriously. &1t;/

"What else is there?" Mu Yu asked. &1t;/

"Last time I heard Grandpa Qinglong accidentally mentioned that there is an ancient battlefield, but it is a forbidden area of ​​the triple sky. The cultivation base can't bear the coercion there without reaching the Mahayana period." Qiao Xue said. &1t;/

"Ancient battlefield? For whom to fight?" Mu Yu was even more puzzled. &1t;/

"Only people in Mahayana can go, so do you still have to ask? It must have been a fight for people in Mahayana." Qiao Xue said. &1t;/

Mu Yu didn't think it was that simple, but he was too lazy to investigate. He himself still has a lot of troubles, there is time to manage what ancient battlefield. &1t;/

It is Muyu's purpose to stay honestly in the Valley of Morning Dawn and to be a good child who keeps himself safe and does not cause trouble or trouble. &1t;/

In fact, Muyu has always upheld this principle. From the moment he left Moyun Mountain, he had to be a quiet instructor, but often things were unexpected. &1t;/

For example, when he went to the Drywood Valley to find something to eat, he was duly selected by the deadwood to be his apprentice. &1t;/

When I went to Danding School, I just wanted to get a quota. As a result, I accidentally blackmailed all the alchemists, and I was vaguely given the identity of a pulse master. &1t;/

I just want to learn array art when I go to Battle Sect. As a result, I accidentally become the master of the battle gate. &1t;/

When I went to Qingshuicheng, I just wanted to kill the gods, and I was caught in a mess of controversy southward. &1t;/


So this time when you came to the demon clan, Muyu promised to be only an easy-going guest. &1t;/

However, Mu Yu knew that things were not that simple. Last time, he beat Jiao Xinghua all over the ground to find his teeth, and did not see the other party coming to disturb him. Obviously, it would be unreasonable. If the arrogance of the arrogant Dragon family is temperament! &1t;/

"Qiao Xue, the status of the four dragons is so great in the Qinglong Dynasty. How come they haven't come to trouble me yet?" Mu Yu asked. &1t;/

"They will not move their feet here at will." Qiao Xue said. &1t;/

"Why? I thought the demon people with real dragon bloodline looked down on demon people without real dragon bloodline. Isn't it normal to come here to make trouble?"&1t;/

"It used to be this way, but now here is Aunt Luanfeng's site. She protects these demon tribes and will throw them out mercilessly to those dragons who dare to find fault." Qiao Xue laughed. &1t;/

"Who is Luanfeng?" &1t;/

"Luan Phoenix Demon King!" &1t;/

"Wait! Do you have a demon king?" Mu Yu stunned. &1t;/

"Yes! Didn't I tell you? Aunt Luanfeng broke free from the seal ten years ago, that is, the demon talents who had no real dragon blood since that time really had their own status, and under the protection of Aunt Luanfeng The Dragon race is on equal footing." Qiao Xue also mentioned the Luan Feng Yao King very respectfully. &1t;/

"Why don't you tell me such an important thing?" &1t;/

Mu Yu never knew that they had found a demon king ten years ago. He always thought that the demon clan now only has the blue dragon demon king and the white ape demon king and the sea monster king who had just been rescued, and the Luan Feng demon suddenly appeared. Wang Zhen surprised Mu Yu. &1t;/

"Is this matter important? Does Aunt Luan Feng have anything to do with the seal?" Qiao Xue asked strangely. &1t;/

Muyu touched his nose, as if it did not matter. &1t;/

So far, Muyu has seen several demon kings, and they have strange and strange origins with them. First, he released the white ape demon king, contacted the sand eagle demon king, and then saved the sea demon king. , I feel that he and the demon king are very fate. &1t;/

The birth of the demon king is a top priority for the demon clan. They made all the news very secret. Although the human clan still noticed some clues, the fact that the Luanfeng demon king broke free from the seal actually concealed all the cultivation. It’s really amazing! &1t;/

"You didn't tell me so early about my close relationship with you, I suddenly felt a little sad." Mu Yu sighed. &1t;/

"I don't think it's necessary to say this kind of thing! And you didn't ask me!" Qiao Xue said indifferently. &1t;/

"Then there are no other demon kings now?" Mu Yu asked helplessly. &1t;/

"No, we are still looking for the seals of the other demon kings. The reason I took you to Chenxi Valley is because this is equivalent to becoming the site of Aunt Luanfeng, oh yes, now there is Uncle White Ape, Lord Siren should be Also want to live here." Qiao Xue said. &1t;/

"All three demon kings live here, aren't you too crowded?"&1t;/

"There are only a few areas where the demon people live. The other places are mixed with fish and dragons. The dragon people and the demon people live together. Aunt Luanfeng is very dissatisfied with the practice of Grandpa Qinglong. For respect, this is unfair to other demon people, so Aunt Luanfeng built the Chenxi Valley ten years ago, only allowing demon people with no real dragon blood, and Grandpa Qinglong can’t do it. After all, the priority of the demon clan is unity, so Aunt Luanfeng did so."&1t;/

"That Luanfeng demon king is really the gospel of other demon tribes." Mu Yu could not help admiring the Luanfeng demon king, who dared to do so in the Qinglong dynasty and was a decisive person. &1t;/

"Sister Qiao Xue, why do all the demon people take care of you so much? They also give you delicious food every day." Xiaoshuai asked with a grin. &1t;/

Qiao Xue's fingertips came out of Wang Qingquan: "Because of my ability to control water! The water in this barren area cannot be drunk. The big river we passed when we first came came from the ruins. It is weakly toxic. If I drink too much, it will be poisoned. Fortunately, I can filter the poison, so I can provide them with pure water and use water to help them grow crops, so they take good care of me."&1t; /

Qiao Xue's ability was hated during the human race, but here the demon clan regarded her as a treasure, which allowed Qiao Xue to find the value of her existence, so she liked the demon clan very much. &1t;/

"Brother Muyu, the old doctor asked you to go to him." Meihu twisted her waist and came to Qiao Xue's house again. She looked charming and threw a wink at Muyu. &1t;/

Mu Yu was really helpless to this woman who was born with charm. Every time she met her, she had to send Qiubo something to herself, and she was unscrupulous in the face of Qiao Xue. Sometimes she also made Mu Yu feel uncomfortable. &1t;/

"I know, you talk slowly." Mu Yu got up and left the house, flying towards the old doctor's hospital. &1t;/

Since Muyu configured a prescription to help the nine-tailed cats and two brothers solve the poison of the desert, and told the old doctor free of charge, the old doctor was already impressed by Muyu. From time to time, he consulted Muyu about some treatment issues. Mu Yu also knows everything. &1t;/

Living in this barren land, demon people get sick from time to time. Perhaps it has something to do with the ruins, many diseases are very difficult to deal with, and sometimes it is impossible to heal only by self-cultivation. Even the demon people in the fit period will be tortured by certain diseases. &1t;/

Everyone will come to an old doctor if they have a disease. The old doctor has rich experience in treating the disease, but there are many diseases that he is helpless. For example, even he has a stubborn disease that cannot be solved. &1t;/

"Yu Muyu, you are not afraid of jokes. I came to you today to help me see what is going on on my arm. It often hurts like a fire every three to five. This pain hurts the bone marrow. , Even spiritual force can't stop it, even if I use the painkiller grass." The old doctor rolled up his sleeves, and said with his face showing his upper arm. &1t;/

"Pain in the arm?" &1t;/

Mu Yu felt very strange. He carefully examined the old doctor's arm, but there were no abnormalities, no poisoning, no trauma, and nothing. &1t;/

"What are the specific symptoms, such as how they were made, when they were made, and under what circumstances it will hurt." Muyu asked. &1t;/

The old doctor said: "This is not necessarily, but the whole arm is like burning when it is made, and there will be some strange patterns on the arm. I can't explain this situation until now." &1t;/

"Well, it’s just a pattern. Not only me, but many demon people have this situation. It’s just that the parts you made are different. Some people are hands and some are legs. The patterns are not the same. We have always thought about this matter. Understand that even Qinglong's ancestors are not clear, so I wonder if you can help us solve this problem."&1t;/

The old doctor took a book from the desk and handed it to Mu Yu: "This is the pattern I recorded. The pattern that appears when everyone makes it is not the same. These patterns are irregular. We just wondered if we were in the middle. The ruins of poison, but the poison of ruins will make people die quickly, and we are still alive, so it may not be the poison of ruins."&1t;/

Mu Yu looked at the patterns recorded by the old doctor~www.readwn.com~ These patterns are indeed very strange, like graffiti, some are composed of several lines, and some are gray patches. Muyu has never heard of this when it hurts. &1t;/

"When did this disease probably begin?" Muyu asked, and Muyu was also familiar with the disease. Old Duke Mu often used to take him to cure mortals who had plagues. &1t;/

"It was probably a year ago! It was almost two years ago. At that time, many people started to have this situation. The timing of the work was not fixed. Some people did it once a month, some once every seven days, and some people did it once a day. Every time the duration is not long, just a short while, and then it returns to normal, so many people don’t care, but I have a strange pattern."&1t;/

"What law?" &1t;/...


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