A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 757: Kidnapping

The old doctor was still turning a thick pharmacopoeia under candlelight. He was holding a pen in his hand. He was using the demon script to record several prescriptions for treating diseases that Muyu had explained to him these days, and then bound it into a book. &1t;/

This is his habit. Every time he encounters any incurable diseases, he will record and analyze them in detail. Behind him is a tall bookshelf full of thick books, all of which have been recorded by him for so many years. Experience. &1t;/

"Treatment of the parasitic snail parasite requires Crescent Willow Vine. This Crescent Willow Vine cannot grow in this barren land, and there are hard sweat and shiitake. These two herbs are hard to find. What seems to be Time to leave the demon clan again."&1t;/

The old doctor shook his head, closed the pharmacopoeia, put down the pen in his hand, and sighed slightly. &1t;/

In this barren land, the survival of the demon clan has been severely challenged. Many parasites are terrible. Even the rough-skinned demon clan can't resist. &1t;/

Here is the top of the west, the end of the three major 6s, close to the mysterious ruins, and the harsh conditions mean that many healing herbs cannot be grown and need to be picked from the human race. &1t;/

The old doctor often left the demon clan and secretly came to the territories of the human clan to pick some herbs. Because he is a cultivation practice in the fit period, plus he is completely transformed, without the characteristics of demon people, so his own safety is not a big problem. &1t;/

The old doctor put the pharmacopoeia back on the shelf, then blown out the candles, and went to rest in the backyard. &1t;/

Soon after he left, the Great Tiger and the Great Wolf crept up from the shadows. The two of them came for the prescription of the old doctor, specifically for the prescription of Muyu. &1t;/

Dawn Valley does not welcome the Dragon Clan, but it is not forbidden to enter the Dragon Clan. After all, they are demon clan, as long as the dragon clan does not overdo things, everyone is safe. &1t;/

Since Chenxi Valley is a piece of pure land among the demon clan, there is usually Luanfeng demon king sitting in the town, there is no need to worry about the dragon clan coming here to do things, so there is no one to guard at night, this is also the two dragons and dragons. Reasons to mix in easily. &1t;/

The last time they had quietly touched the old man of the silkworm and stole three small silkworms. This time they mixed into the old doctor's hospital and prepared to steal the old doctor's prescription and take it back to cure the disease. &1t;/

"Be careful, don't make any noise, in case the other people are disturbed in Chenxi Valley, neither of us will be able to walk around!" Jiao Dahu whispered. &1t;/

Chenxigu still has several demon clan strengths in the fit period, among which the highly respected old doctors are one of them. Both Jiao Dahu and Jiao Big Wolf dare not underestimate, once they are discovered, maybe they can jointly subdue the old doctor, But it will definitely provoke other demon people in the fit period, which is not good. &1t;/

"It's okay, the residents here in Chenxi Valley are not very alert, they are not closed at night, and there are no protective measures. Haven't we all succeeded once?" The Great Wolf walked carefully towards the bookshelf. &1t;/

"Just because I succeeded once, I was worried that they would increase their vigilance."&1t;/

Jiao Taihu removed the pharmacopoeia from the bookshelf, and at the same time took out a night sacrifice spirit candle and lit it. &1t;/

This kind of candle is made of a monster fat called night sacrifice spirit. Night sacrifice spirit has a very special ability. They can illuminate in the dark night, but this kind of light can only be seen by themselves. &1t;/

Candles made from the fat of the night sacrifice spirit can only be seen by the person holding the candle, while others cannot see it. &1t;/

This kind of candle is the best companion for thieves. Theft at night can be done quietly, without blinding in the dark or worrying about the light being revealed. &1t;/

Ye Jiling shone in the hands of Jiao Taihu and Jiao Wolf. The two quickly looked at the pharmacopoeia recorded by Fang Cai's old doctor, and they were always searching for the words "Abandoned Poison". &1t;/

The pharmacopoeia records many of the experience of the old doctors about his treatment, and there are also many records of the solution to the "wild ruins". But these were all groped by the old doctors themselves, not what Jiao Dahu was looking for on their trip. &1t;/

Jiao Dahu turned the pharmacopoeia from end to end, but he didn't see the prescription about Muyu recorded by the old doctor! &1t;/

"What's going on? Didn't the old guy record the prescription?" &1t;/

Jiao Big Wolf frowned. He continued to take down several other pharmacopoeias from the shelf. Each one was carefully reviewed. It took almost an hour, but there was still no trace of the prescription! &1t;/

Jiao Dahu's face sank: "This old guy left his hand, he didn't even write down the prescription!"&1t;/

"Brother, what shall we do now? Would you like to take the old guy off when he is unprepared?" The big wolf showed a fierce look. &1t;/

"Can you use your mind? How could the two of us take him quietly?" Jiao Dahu snorted coldly and continued: "Go, leave here, this old guy often leaves the demon clan alone to go out Looking for herbs, we will always have a chance as long as we wait for the rabbits!"&1t;/

Jiao Great Tiger and Jiao Great Wolf both extinguished the candles and re-entered the darkness, leaving the Valley of Dawn. &1t;/


The next day, the old doctor got up early, and he was about to leave the demon clan to go to the territories to pick herbs. Many herbs are scarce, and they are not available in the demon clan. In addition, the living environment of herbs has their own habits. These require old doctors to explore for themselves. &1t;/

He left Chenxi Valley alone early in the morning. There was a medicine boy in the old doctor’s hospital, but he usually went to the human site to collect herbs. He didn’t like to take medicine boy. Go because the territories of the human race must be very cautious, and Yaotong still has the characteristics of a demon race, which is not easy to hide his identity. &1t;/

The old doctor passed by in the morning light, and flew to the Tianyao River familiarly. Flying across the Sky Demon River is the abyss, and after crossing the vast swamp is the territories of the human race. But at this time there is still a distance from the Tianyao River, he entered a forest. &1t;/

But the old doctor suddenly frowned, his figure stopped on the trunk. &1t;/

"Come out!" The old doctor looked at a big tree in front of him and noticed something. &1t;/

"The old doctor was so keenly aware that I really admire it!" Jiao Dahu clapped his hands and came out from behind a big tree. He looked at the old doctor with a smile, and at the same time, the big wolf also Appeared from behind the old doctor. &1t;/

"What are you two doing here!" the old doctor Shen Sheng asked. &1t;/

Jiao Dahu smiled: "Old Doctor, I heard that you already know how to detoxify the ruins, Master Yu Jiaolong specially asked our brothers to invite the old doctor to visit."&1t;/

The old physician snorted: "Do you not know my guidelines for practicing medicine? I don't heal any dragons in the North Abyss!" &1t;/

The old doctor wanted to leave here after talking, but Jiao Dahu stepped out and stopped again in front of the old doctor. &1t;/

"Old doctor, we are all demon tribes, why should we be so out of sight? Lord Jade Dragon Dragon is not an ordinary person. If you remove the poison from the ruins of him, Lord Jade Dragon Dragon will definitely reward you with the ability to and Lord Yu Jiaolong is in the relationship, which is also your honor." Big Tiger Jiao still smirked. &1t;/

"It's an honor? Ha ha! I'm not a rare gift. Don't forget who drove me out of Wangcheng!" The old doctor said angrily. &1t;/

More than ten years ago, the old doctor originally practiced medicine in Wangcheng. After Yu Jiao Long was framed by Qianlin Black Tiger and was poisoned by the ruins, Yu Jiao Long asked the old doctor to help him treat it, but the old doctor's plan was to force the poison to the left. When amputated, where did Yu Jiao Long agree? &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong denounced that the old doctor was a quack, and smashed the old doctor's hospital, drove him out of the Wangcheng, so that he would not be allowed to step into the Wangcheng again. &1t;/

But who would have thought that now the old doctor has got Muyu's prescription, and has become the only demon who can detoxify the ruins. At this time, Yu Jiaolong actually shamelessly wanted the old doctor to help detoxify. How could the old doctor agree? &1t;/

Jiao Dahu said: "Old doctor, what did he do in the past? The ruins of the ruins haunted all the demon clan, and from time to time there were deaths of the demon clan. You now have a prescription for curing the ruins of the ruin. All demon talents are not interested in hiding, what do you say?"&1t;/

"Any demon tribe come to me, I will help him detoxify, but I will not help him only with Jade Dragon! You should go back!" said the old doctor decisively. &1t;/

Jiao Dahu put away the smirk on his face, revealing a fierce look: "So you are toasting and not eating fine?" &1t;/

The two approached the old doctor slowly, step by step. The old doctor scolded: "What do you two want to do!" &1t;/

"Old doctor, if you don't walk with us obediently, then we have to come hard." Jiao Dahu said suddenly and suddenly stepped on the ground, a huge white net has appeared around him. The old doctor was trapped firmly. They had been prepared for a long time, and they set a trap here, waiting for the old doctor to get online. &1t;/

The old doctor's face slightly changed: "You two are too brave to dare to do it here!"&1t;/

"Old doctor, our brothers are just a routine matter. Please come to us as a guest!" Jiao Dahu stretched out his hand, and the large white net rushed back to recycle, binding the old doctor firmly. This large white net is a magic weapon personally sacrificed by the Jade Dragon, and it is simply not something the old doctor can break free of. &1t;/

"The two of you quickly let me go!" the old doctor said angrily. &1t;/

But the Great Tiger ignored him completely, and the large white net exuded a spiritual force, shielding the old doctor's voice, and then the two quickly disappeared into the woods with the old doctor. &1t;/

But Jiao Dahu and Jiao Dalang had just left, and Mu Yu had already appeared in their original place. &1t;/

"Sure enough, things can't be separated from these two hybrid dragons." Long Teng snorted. &1t;/

"Mu Yu, shall we not save the old doctor?" Mu Yu asked curiously. &1t;/

Muyu looked at the disappeared back of Jiao Dahu and said, "Our purpose is to find those two small silkworms. Jiao Dahu and Jiao Big Wolf abducted the old doctor, but they did not kidnap the big silkworm. This shows that One problem, the two small silkworms must be in their hands. We need the small silkworms to prove their innocence."&1t;/

Although the small silkworm has not turned on psychic intelligence, the uncle of the silkworm can communicate with the small silkworm. If the small silkworm is still alive, they will tell the uncle of the silkworm what happened, and who will manipulate it behind the scenes will reveal the truth. &1t;/

"We need to follow these two guys to the Beibin Abyss, and make sure that the two little silkworms haven't happened! But before I go to the Beibin Abyss, I need to go to a deserted ruin!" Mu Yu said. &1t;/

"What do you do to Huangxu?" Longteng asked puzzled. &1t;/

Mu Yu smiled slightly: "I think Yujiaolong poisoning is not deep enough~www.readwn.com~What do you say?"&1t;/

The old doctor once told Muyu Yujiao Dragon to drive him out of the king city, and also knew that the four dragons framed each other and caused the Yujiao Dragon to be poisoned by the desert ruins. So it seems that Yujiao Dragon is very poisonous to the desert ruins. Shocked, Mu Yu wanted to deal with Yu Jiao Long first, he had to figure out where the ruins were. &1t;/

"You are planning to--" Long Vine suddenly realized. &1t;/

Muyu nodded, and her figure disappeared into the woods. &1t;/



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