A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 762: Wasteland Poison

Although Jiao Big Wolf and Jiao Guanwen were still suffering from the pain of the poison of the ruins at this time, they saw the excited look of Yu Jiaolong and suddenly understood that the antidote given by the old doctor would not be wrong. &1t;/

They are also very excited, because there are still a lot of reserves of celestial blood. If a bowl of celestial blood can remove the poison of the Yujiao Dragon for more than ten years, then they can both save! &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long has always been paying attention to the condition in his body, he has never dared to take it lightly, but as those barren ruins are gradually taken away by the blood of the celestial silkworm, he can already imagine his state after detoxification, and even he is sure to fix it for more further! &1t;/

"Must kill Muyu by then!" &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long clenched his fists! &1t;/

However, at this moment, the change is protruding! &1t;/

Suddenly, the ruins of Yujiao Dragon started to restlessly, the blood of the celestial worm was still flowing in his blood, but the herbal medicine wrapped in the blood of the worms began to fail, and the surplus of the ruins of the body could not be removed. Not only that, but the poisons of the deserted ruins that had just been neutralized were resurrected, and they started ramming in his body! &1t;/

Immediately afterwards, the blood of the celestial silkworm also began to be squeezed out by the poison of the ruins, and was forced to squeeze out the blood of the jade dragon dragon. &1t;/

"Poof!" &1t;/

The jade dragon didn't come back in a single breath, and the blood from his depressed chest was sprayed out directly and spilled on the ground! &1t;/

"Bloody!" &1t;/

Jiao Dahu and Jiao Guanwen both showed a look of surprise, because they clearly remembered that the old doctor spouted black blood spitting out after detoxification! And the big wolf remembered that the two brothers of the nine-tailed cat were cured after the black blood was sprayed. &1t;/

But the situation does not seem right! &1t;/

Why is the blood ejected by the old doctor black, while the blood ejected by the jade dragon is white? &1t;/

"White blood? Isn't this the silkworm blood?" Jiao Guan exclaimed. &1t;/

The silkworm blood is white, and the jade dragon seems to spit out the blood of the silkworm just now. &1t;/

"Then, does that detoxify?" Jiao Big Wolf asked uncertainly. &1t;/

Jade Dragon Dragon has told them by action. At this time, Jade Dragon Dragon screamed loudly, and yellow markings began to appear on the whole body. The entire face had become waxy yellow, and even the breath began to be disordered. &1t;/

"This is not an antidote!" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong spit out blood again, still white celestial blood. His body had been suppressed for a long time as the ruins poison was like a volcanic explosion, began to bite every meridian on his body, this time the ruins poison Compared to the previous time, it will come violently! &1t;/

Not only did the poison in the jade dragon dragon not be relieved, but the poison of the desert ruins became more active! &1t;/

At the moment, it was like there were thousands of ants biting his meridians, and Rao Shi had a cultivation period and he could not endure this pain. &1t;/

He wailed grievously, grabbed the collar of Jiao Guanwen, and scolded: "Are you matching the wrong medicine?" &1t;/

Jiao Guanwen was frightened by Yu Jiaolong’s coercion, he tremblingly replied: "Adult, I made the medicine strictly according to the herbs and dosage added by the old thing, no more and no less!" &1t;/

"Then why the poison of the ruins has not been lifted, but it has become more serious?"&1t;/

Jade Dragon Dragon could not wait to tear the Jiao Guanwen, but the ruin poison in his body made him desperate. With a strong hand, he threw the Jiaoguan Wen out, and he roared into the body. A pale white Jiaolong rolled painfully in the air. The demon clan in the tens of thousands of squares were trembling, and they were shocked by the anger of Jade Dragon. &1t;/

"Mu Yu! I will kill you!" &1t;/

After Yu Jiaolong left this sentence unwillingly in the air, he rushed into the abyss. Only Longtan under the abyss could help him suppress the poison of the ruins! &1t;/

Jiao Great Wolf and Jiao Guanwen were already terrified, and at this time the poison of the ruins in their bodies had already begun, and the two were desperate. Jiao Guanwen originally wanted to configure the antidote again, but thinking of Yu Jiaolong's end, he finally dared not try again. &1t;/

But now the ruins poison has begun to erode his body, if you don't decide, the ruins poison will torture him to death, they do not have the jade dragon to suppress the ruins poison cultivation practice! &1t;/

"Master Wen, what should we do now?" Dao Jiao asked miserably. &1t;/

Jiao Guan heard the decision immediately, rushed into the prescription, and equipped with a pair of prescriptions, that is now the most effective and simplest way to relieve the poison of the ruins! &1t;/

Jiao Guanwen chewed the herbal medicine and took it directly. The herbal medicine entered the body and began to interact with the spiritual power in his body. All the poison of the ruins was forced into the left hand by him, and his entire hand had become like yellow mud. Cast like. &1t;/

"Broken arm revenge, Muyu I remember you!" &1t;/

Card wipe! &1t;/

With his hands up and down, Jiao Guanwen decisively cut off his left arm! &1t;/

"Ah--" &1t;/

Jiao Guan smelled the heart-wrenching howling, this sound and the broken arm also scared the Jiao Wolf on the side! &1t;/


In the dawn valley. &1t;/

The two little treasures of the old silkworm finally came awake. The little silkworm said everything that was born that night. It was the two big tigers and the big wolf who took them away while they were asleep. Brought them back to the North Shore Abyss. &1t;/

Jade Dragons have also drawn blood from them these days, making them very weak now. Fortunately, Yu Jiaolong believed that keeping the small silkworms would have endless antidote in the future, and he wouldn't need to fear the poison of the ruins in the future, so he didn't kill these two small silkworms. &1t;/

The truth is clear. The demon tribes of Chenxi Valley all understand that they blamed Muyu, especially the uncle Tianxian and the big lady Tianxian, and they felt very guilty about Muyu. &1t;/

"You don't need to be too guilty, I will protect you in the future until the Luanfeng demon king returns." Mu Yu said solemnly. &1t;/

Strictly speaking, Xiaotian silkworm died because of him. Both Jiao Taihu and Jiao Big Wolf killed Xiaotian silkworm in order to marry him. Mu Yu was also very guilty. He knew that Liang Zi of Yu Jiao Dragon was really forged now. Yu Jiao Long would not be willing to give up, and he would certainly try to come to revenge. &1t;/

And as today the silkworm family is known by the jade dragon because of the blood, the jade dragon will not let the silkworm family out in order to relieve the poison on their body. &1t;/

Now in the Morning Dawn Valley, the most virtuous is the old doctor, Mu Yu must find a way to discuss with the old doctor how to deal with the upcoming killing. &1t;/

"Old doctor, in fact, this incident happened because of me. Yujiao Long framed me because he thought that Dragon Star's death had something to do with me." Mu Yu did not hide anything, but decided to take this matter. Make it clear to the old doctor. &1t;/

The old doctor waved his hand and said seriously: "You don't have to blame yourself. Qiao Xue had told me about it at first, and it had nothing to do with you. Long Xingyu was even coveting the body of the sea monster king ancestor. Death, I almost missed a major event, and I deserve to die!"&1t;/

After a pause, the old doctor said again: "You saved the white ape ancestor and the sea monster king ancestor. With this, you are the benefactor of our demon clan. Yu Jiao Long dared to take revenge on you. This is obviously that he ate the bear heart leopard. Dare! When Lord Luan Fengyao comes back, he will certainly not spare him! Unfortunately, we were too angry because we were killed by the small silkworm, and for a moment we forgot this matter, and it was rude to you. It should be our apology." &1t;/

The old doctor's tone of voice was sincere, and Mu Yu was quite moved. There are also kind people among the demon tribes. Unlike Yu Jiaolong, they are hard-hearted, not to mention that the old doctors used to speak for Muyu. It was only because other demon people were instigated by Jiaohu that the old doctors could not help Got Muyu. &1t;/

"Since things have already happened, I won't just stand by. Jade Dragon will do everything possible to deal with me, and Chenxi Valley may also be implicated at that time, so I will help you guard Chenxi Valley together. Uncle Tianxian's home I also used the formation method to help them protect, and the demon people in the fit phase can be blocked and made a noise by my formation." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

Now that the silkworm family has become vital for the demon clan to fight against the poison of the ruins, this is also the old doctor's request to Muyu for help. Muyu will not refuse. &1t;/

Not only that, the entire Morning Dawn Valley has been set up by Muyu, and people will be noticed once outsiders come in. In the past, when the Luanfeng Demon King was there, there was no need to worry that the Dragon people dare to come here to make chaos, but since the situation is not optimistic, then all preparations must be made. &1t;/

"Speaking of Yu Jiao Long, I don't know how he is now! The detoxification formula has been obtained by them. It is unclear whether he will work out a suitable detoxification dose." The old physician said in a moment. &1t;/

Mu Yu laughed: "Relax! No one except you and me can help Yujiaolong detoxify. Although he has got a prescription for knowing the poison, but the powerful poison of Huangxu poison is not a prescription. Eliminated. The degree of poisoning is different, and the dosage of herbs required is different. He remembers that the dose of poisoning you is useless, because the degree of poisoning is different from his."&1t;/

This point Muyu can guarantee that the ruins of poisonous ruins are difficult because they have this characteristic. Before detoxification, you must accurately understand the degree of poisoning and then use an appropriate amount of herbs to detoxify. To be more uncontrollable. &1t;/

"I really hope that Huangxu poison will poison him this time!" the old doctor said in relief. &1t;/

Originally, it was the bounden duty of the old doctors to treat the disease. Usually the old doctors would not say this, but what Yu Jiaolong did was disgusting, and even the old doctors could not maintain their original intentions. &1t;/

The old doctor was silent for a long while, and suddenly asked, "Muyu, I heard Yu Jiaolong said that day, there was a real dragon beside you. I don't know if what he said was true?"&1t;/

Mu Yu frowned, and the reason why he didn't want to tell the story of Longteng was to protect Longteng from the coveted demon clan. Because the identity of the dragon and vine is extraordinary in the Qinglong dynasty, if all the demon kings are there, he will not care about anything, but now that the demon king is not there, he must ensure the safety of the dragon and vine. &1t;/

There are not many people among the demon who know that Longteng exists. Because at the time, Dragon Star and his party had all been killed, except for Qiao Xue and the Kraken King, there were only Long Yeli and Crocodile Wen Mao. &1t;/

Qiao Xue has already inquired everywhere. Apart from the Jade Dragon, the other three dragons are not yet aware of the existence of Dragon Vine. &1t;/

Jade Dragon is eager to seize the blood of Dragon Vine and become a real dragon. This kind of thing naturally happens in the background, so he certainly does not want the other three dragons to intervene, so he will not let the other three dragons know. . &1t;/

"Muyu~www.readwn.com~ has reached this level, there is nothing to hide."&1t;/

Longteng has been suffocating for a few days, seeing Jiao Big Tiger, Jiao Big Wolf and Yu Jiao Long, etc., have always wanted to rush out to the dragons to show their true dragon style, but Muyu will not let it To show his head. &1t;/

Now Muyu is still a little bit worried. If the other three dragons also know the existence of dragon and vine, then the four dragons are staring at dragon and vine at the same time, which means that Muyu has to face more than Jade Dragon. &1t;/

Mu Yu hesitated for a long while. He believed that the old doctor was a man, so he said: "Old doctor, this matter is very important, don't say anything." &1t;/

It was said that Dragon Vine had jumped out of his arm majesticly! &1t;/...


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