The sudden change of Yue Wenyang left Xuan Zhengtang and Xuan Sitong unresponsive, especially Yue Wenyang, who was in the fit period, would bow to Xuan Zhengtang, which Xuan Zhengtang never expected! &1t;/

That's the treasurer of Yuzuzhai! Even the master of the emperor's fit period, he would give himself a small Xuanshoufang shopkeeper bow? &1t;/

"Son, he..." Xuan Zhengtang looked at Yue Wenyang in amazement. &1t;/

"It's okay, Yue shopkeeper just made a joke, right?" Mu Yu smiled slightly. &1t;/

"Yes, I just made a joke with Xuan shopkeeper. Today I came here for some things." Yue Wenyang's smile looked very sincere, just like the evil spirits just now. &1t;/

"Master, he came here to grab the seventh-order demon spirit!" Xuan Sitong quickly reminded. &1t;/

However, Yue Wenyang waved his hand and smiled, "The girl laughed. I came here today to apologize to Xuanshoufang. A few days ago, we were doing too much at Yusuzhai. We should not let other merchants deliberately make things difficult for Xuanshoufang. Of."&1t;/

"Ah?" &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang thought that his ears were broken. Is this really what the shopkeeper Yuewen Yang of Beastmaster said? &1t;/

You have to know that Yue Wenyang is a master of the emperor's fitness period. His status is not comparable to that of Xuanzhengtang of Xuanshou Square. He is a figure in Dongsha City, although he is not as good as the genius of Yifeiying. But it is enough to make many integrators awe. &1t;/

However, it is such a person who plays a pivotal role in Dongsha City to apologize to himself? &1t;/

Xuanzhengtang is a bit incredible. &1t;/

"Xuan shopkeeper, you can rest assured! In the future, the monsters you purchased in Xuanshoufang can be sold to us at Yuyuzhai. Our Xuanshoufang will purchase the monsters in your Xuanshoufang at half the price higher than the market price. How do you like it?" Yue Wenyang smiled. &1t;/

"Half higher than the market price? Is this true?" &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang thought that Yue Wenyang was kidding. He runs the monster business all year round and is very familiar with the monster market. If a monster is sold to Yu Bezhai at a price higher than half of the market price, then it will be much more profitable than selling it after they have handled it by themselves! &1t;/

"Yes, I heard that you had dealt with two Tier 6 monsters a few days ago, but because of our faults, we could not sell them. Today, I specially came to pay apology, this is two million spirit stones, It’s like buying your two Tier 6 monsters.” Yue Wenyang said that he took out a million-dollar Lingshi Yupei from his arms and handed it to Xuan Zhengtang. &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang hesitated to take Yu Pei, after confirming Yu Pei's authenticity, his face showed ecstasy! Because he knows that even if he sells all of the two Tier 6 monsters, he can't sell it for less than two million, which is simply the matter of the pie in the sky! &1t;/

"Yue dispensers, are you serious?" &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang still feels a bit illusory, because Yi Feiying at the Emperor's Gate has already killed Huang Quan. Strictly speaking, he can't get rid of him. He knows the inside story about this matter. Wen Yang came to the door to get revenge. But Yue Wenyang suddenly apologized to him when he came to the door, and smiled very pleased. &1t;/

This is really unbelievable. The contrast between Yue Wenyang's back and forth is too obvious to make people wonder. &1t;/

"It's true, the shopkeeper Yue has already reached an agreement with me. He will cooperate with you Xuanshoufang in the future to buy your monsters at a high price, don't worry about anything." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

"Yes, Master Yufeng is right. I didn’t bring more spirit stones today. The proprietor declares that he can bring the remaining sixth-order monsters and seventh-order monsters to us, and I will immediately Arrange for someone to complete this transaction! Then let's leave first."&1t;/

Yue Wenyang did not stay any longer, but left the Xuanshou Square directly, leaving the father and daughter of Xuanzhengtang a bit messy in the wind. &1t;/

"Master, is this true?" Xuan Zhengtang couldn't help asking. &1t;/

He knew that Yue Wenyang had these unusual behaviors, and he certainly couldn't get rid of the relationship with the son he met by chance, and he was really shocked in his heart. This son really did a good job! &1t;/

"It's true, you can take those sixth-order monsters to Yuzhuzhai. Rest assured, they won't embarrass you." Mu Yu nodded. &1t;/

"But--" Xuan Zhengtang still didn't understand. &1t;/

"If you are still wasting time now, then your wife will have to suffer a little bit more. Now it is most important to put together those five million yuan, isn't it?" Mu Yu said. &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang remembered the embarrassment of lack of money, and finally just ran into doubt to pack the remaining sixth-order monsters and seventh-order monsters, and then hurriedly left the Xuanshou Square and ran towards Yujuzhai. . &1t;/

Controlling Yue Wenyang is the best way to solve the current dilemma of Xuanshoufang, so Mu Yu did not intend to kill Yue Wenyang, but asked Zheng Xiuming to urge him to make Yue Wenyang dog jump over the wall and control him directly. &1t;/

The reason why Yi Feiying was killed was that Yi Feiying was cultivated to have a five-fold fit. When Mu Yu didn’t borrow the killing power, he only had the triplet cultivation behavior of the fit period. Mu Yu could not guarantee that Yi Feiying would not Will get rid of the control of the Soul Array. &1t;/

Xuan Sitong pressed her lips tightly. She knew that Yue Wenyang's temperament changed suddenly today, and it must be because of Muyu, but she didn't know what Muyu used to do. &1t;/

"Master, thank you." &1t;/

Xuan Sitong didn't ask at the end. Although the "Yufeng Gongzi" she knew was full of mystery from head to toe, but since the other party did not want to reveal her identity, she chose not to ask. &1t;/

"Well, it's okay." &1t;/

Muyu knew that after helping the father and daughter of Xuanzheng Tang, he had to go to the mountain where the Yumon Demon infested him to check it out, so he had to resolve the matter as soon as possible. &1t;/

Shortly afterwards, Xuan Zhengtang returned with a happy face. He said with great excitement: "Son, I have sold all the high-level monsters to Yuzuzhai. According to the market purchase price, these monsters were originally It’s worth 15 million, but Yushou Zhai took it away at half the market price, which means that we sold 22.5 million this time."&1t;/

Originally according to Xuan Zhengtang's plan to buy these monsters at a purchase price of 15 million, and then sell them through various channels after processing, it can only sell up to 20 million spirit stones. &1t;/

But this time, according to the purchase price that was half the market price, it was sold to Yu Beuzhai, and it was sold to 22.5 million, eliminating the complicated procedures for dealing with monsters and beasts, and making 2.5 million more than originally expected. ! &1t;/

This is a very cost-effective business! &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang took the initiative to give Muyu the bills for the sale of those monsters, and handed over a huge amount of spirit stone jade to Muyu. He continued: "Son, this is 22 million, we have already agreed, I Take only half a million spirit stones."&1t;/

Although the price has been raised, Xuan Zhengtang still dare not be greedy, because he knows that he did not play any role in this matter, and he was very satisfied that he could get half a million. &1t;/

Muyu put away that huge amount of spirit stone and said, "Fortunately, you are suffering." &1t;/

He did not want to give Xuanzhengtang the spirit stone, but the more Xuanzhengtang, with Xuanzhengtang's temperament, he would give half of the stone to his sect, and he would be given by the vampire elders. Take away. &1t;/

"Uncle Xuan, how many spirit stones have you collected now?" Mu Yu asked for a moment. &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang replied: "Go back to my son, I have gathered enough 3.9 million spirit stones."&1t;/

Although it is still more than one million, the haze on his face has been wiped out for a few days, because he believes that with more effort, the remaining one million can be put together. &1t;/

"That's it! I lent you two million. You now go to Baicaotang to reserve Taishi Zitiandan. I have inquired. Baicaotang's Taishi Zitiandan will take ten days to deliver. You need to book in advance." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

"Really? Great, my son, I am planning to borrow money from you with a cheeky face. I didn't expect you to speak first, son. You can rest assured, I will try to return the money to you!" Xuan Zhengtang There is no escaping. In the face of saving his wife, he is already in debt, but he has not escaped anything. Right now, when he desperately needs money to save people, he will owe this son to find ways to return it. &1t;/

Xuanzhengtang hurriedly took Muyu's two million spirit stones and left Xuanshoufang again to the Baicaotang. &1t;/

Mu Yu threw away the spirit stone jade pendants in his hands. These jade pendants amounted to one million, two million, and five million. He handed over five million spirit stone jade pendants to Xuan Sitong, saying: " Stay with you and use it in an emergency, without letting your dad know."&1t;/

Xuan Sitong didn't pick it up, but shook his head: "I can't take it, you help us, my son, I'm very grateful. As for the money, we don't want to take it. My father taught us to be a principle when we are children."&1t;/

Mu Yu smiled and said, "We are in a relationship of mutual help. You take me to this city. Even if it is the labor service fee I paid to you, it is more or less unimportant. The important thing is -"&1t;/

Muyu paused and continued, "Importantly, I think the honest person deserves this price as compensation." &1t;/

Master saved the entire cultivation realm, but Mu Yu always felt that not everyone in the cultivation realm was worthy of being saved, so he wanted to find a reason to stand on the cultivation side. &1t;/

The killing power filled Mu Yu's heart with violence. Many times he was deeply involved. Although he kept his consciousness, he still wanted to destroy and kill. &1t;/

Helping the Xuanzhengtang family will give Muyu a measure of discipline. When the desire to kill is rampant in his heart, he will know that people like Cultivation Realm and Xuan Zheng Tang cannot be killed. &1t;/

Xiaoshuai said indifferently: "In fact, what is more important is that we have the willfulness of money, and treat money as dung!"&1t;/

"Don't talk nonsense!" &1t;/

Mu Yu knocked on Xiao Shuai's head. Lingshi was equivalent to Xiaoshuai's food. For Xiaoshuai, if Lingshi had a taste, he would bite it directly. Usually they don't lack money and don't use it much, but they haven't reached the point of seeing money as dung. Most of the time, when it is used, they hate less, like this time. &1t;/

Xuan Sitong glanced at Mu Yu gratefully and said excitedly: "Master, thank you, I will tell my mother immediately this news!" &1t;/

Muyu looked at Xuan Sitong's back and fell into contemplation. &1t;/

But at this moment, Chishan slowly came over and asked carefully, "Son, do you like my sister?" &1t;/

"What?" &1t;/

Faced with this headless problem, Mu Yu felt a little funny, he shook his head: "No, I have a girl I like." &1t;/

Chishan said anxiously: "But my sister and my sister like you very much!" &1t;/

Muyu looked at Chishan curiously, and then asked: "Your sister likes me, why do you look more anxious than her?"&1t;/

"I, I, I..." Chishan said suddenly, his face flushed. &1t;/

Muyu looked at Chishan's serious expression and suddenly understood what she said: "Do you like your sister?" &1t;/

"I don't have one," Chishan retorted in a low voice. "I just don't want Sister Sister... Sister Sister..." &1t;/

Then Chishan summoned the courage and said, "Son, I know I can't compare with you. I also hope that Sister can find someone more powerful than me to protect her, but your attitude towards her is always lukewarm. I always It’s for her to worry about her last wish..."&1t;/

Muyu seemed to remember something, smiled slightly, and shook her head: "You are wrong, Sitong, she didn't like me." &1t;/

"But she..." &1t;/

"Eyes. Do you like a person, you can tell from the eyes." Mu Yu smiled slightly. &1t;/

"Eyes?" Chishan puzzled. &1t;/

Muyu looked up at the sky, and there seemed to be a red glow in the sky, slowly turning into two figures, fleeting. &1t;/

He continued: "Like or dislike a person, it can be seen from her eyes that I am not a saint, but I know what it looks like to like a person." &1t;/

Qiao Xue and Tian Ran, their eyes looking at Mu Yu will always make Mu Yu very happy, it is an indescribable tenderness, natural and comfortable, without any flaws, as if everything is natural. &1t;/

"Sitong looked at me with gratitude and awe, and was curious. She kept peeking at me. She wanted to know who I was. That kind of look didn't like it." Mu Yu continued. &1t;/

There seemed to be a few gray shadows in the sky, the speed was extremely fast, and disappeared in the sky. &1t;/

A look of surprise gradually appeared on Chishan's face: "So...Sister Sister..."&1t;/

"She looks in your eyes." &1t;/

Mu Yu stared at the sky, at this time the sky once again crossed a few white shadows, and some yellow shadows, very strange. &1t;/

"Son, what you said is true?" Chi Shan asked excitedly. &1t;/

There were several shadows across the sky again, Mu Yu frowned, and he felt that the shadows were a little bit wrong, just like the red haze-like shadows just now. &1t;/

That is not the shadow of the self-cultivator! &1t;/

Suddenly, there was a feeling of uneasiness in Muyu's heart, as if a familiar breath was approaching. &1t;/

"Chishan, you go to the street to check the situation." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

" Is there something wrong?" Chishan asked quickly as she recovered. &1t;/

But at this moment! &1t;/

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! &1t;/

The sharp, long murmur came from somewhere, clearly echoed around, the sound was rapid and distant, making people's hearts rumble! &1t;/

"Not good!" &1t;/

Chishan's face suddenly changed suddenly! &1t;/...


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