A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 871: ungrateful

"The shadow killer has never missed. How did you escape from his hand?" Guisan asked.

"Back to Master, I was originally responsible for transmitting intelligence. I happened to be carrying out intelligence missions outside that day. At that time, I was about to go back, and I saw the shadow of the winter solstice in the farthest and slaughtered all of us in the 12th group of Yan Luo. I was so scared at the time that I had to flee in a panic."

The ghost sheep said coldly: "Do you know what punishment will be imposed for the mission to escape?"

The ancient ghosts of the 12th group of Yan Luo were scared and pale. They knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy: "Adults are forgiving, I'm just doing it during the period of the Qiao period. It's simply not an opponent to kill the Winter Solstice. Master Mingjian!"

"Okay, get up." Guisan shouted.

The ghost and ancient side stood up tremblingly and quickly shrank into a dark corner, the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

Gui San narrowed his eyes and tapped his protruding fingers gently on the table, saying, "The Shadow Killing Winter Solstice has wiped out a total of five groups of our Yan Luo. It is impossible for the Shadow Killing Winter Solstice to take the initiative to start against us. He’s just a hired killer, so who will be so clear about our movements?"

"The five groups are all ambushing outside the city where the Yumon Demon will attack, waiting to collect the souls killed by the Yumon Demon. We are doing this very concealedly. Could it be that there was a traitor?"

Guiyang glanced at the other ghost gatemen, and all the ghost gatemen flinched when he swept over them, daring not to answer.

The wooden plume on the roof was deeply disgusted by the behavior of the ghost gate people. I did not expect that when the Yumen demons attacked the city of the repairer, the ghost door people did not think of how to assist the repairer against the Yumen demons. After the Mongols were slaughtered, they came to gather souls.

This kind of behavior is exactly the same as the Sangemiya. The Sangemiya is waiting to collect the soul power of the dead after waiting for the Yumen Demon Slaughter City, while the Ghostmen are waiting to collect the soul of the dead after the Yumen Demon Slaughter City.

This is a game developed by the Mie Palace. The ghost gate people are familiar with the rules of the Mie Palace. They are the deputies of the Mie Palace. Otherwise, they will not know when the Yumen Mozu will go to which city to slaughter, nor will they send the so-called Yan Luo. The members came to ambush in advance, waiting for the Yumen Mozu slaughter city.

"It's really annoying! Cultivators are also ignorant, and blindly believe in the triple palace, as if they were sold and paid for the number of people." Xiaoshuai muttered.

Muyu agreed with Xiaoshuai again.

But now it seems that there is still a person who is still tirelessly trying to save the instructor, doing something within his power, and spending a large price to kill the winter solstice and eliminate the ghost door people.

So who is this person?

"Mu Yu, Guimen people are the dog legs of the Mie Palace, you have to destroy them (Poxing Stone Academy https://)

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