A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 919: Superb swordsmanship

Fengxun Yixiantian is Muyu's own formation, which was perfected under the guidance of Daddy Drywood, so that all the trajectories of the spell were forcibly changed into a straight attack.

Mu Yu seldom uses this self-created array technique. In the past, when facing a person with similar or higher skills, the array technique could easily be freed. This formation is very necessary to grasp the timing, only when it is unexpected or when the opponent avoids inevitable is the most correct choice.

But when Qianshange and Wanshuiyao both launched Soul Art at the same time, they could not close their hands, and they gave Muyu the opportunity.

Although Qianshange and Wanshuiyao have discovered that the technique of Muyu is not right, they quickly realized that this technique did not allow Muyu to break free. On the contrary, Muyu's position was also in this array. On the straight line, it will also become one of the spearheads!

"Shut up!"

Qian Shange shouted, and the Soul Destruction Finger was limited to deformation by the formation technique, which could only be in a straight line, but the power was not reduced. His attention was firmly locked to Mu Yu. As long as Mu Yu changed shape, he would also Change the power of Soul Destruction.

The ten-party killing of Wanshuiyao was originally from all directions, but was forced into a straight line by the wind and the sun, all the blood was concentrated together, but the power was more powerful.

Mu Yu didn't move, and he didn't plan to use the Tiangang Star array to move to the back of any one person, so that the techniques of Qianshange and Wanshuiyao would collide together. These two people are not hay bales. The cultivation method has reached the point where they are used. The use of spells is already free, and even if they collide with each other, they will not cause harm to either side.

A flash of ripples lit up his body, invading into the chaotic yin and yang under his feet, and then the waves around him seemed to be cut off by the running water and became extremely mysterious. He faced Qian Shange, his hands intertwined on his chest, his left hand glowed with white light, and his right hand shone with a black awn, just like two groups of Taiji Yin and Yang, transformed into a Yin and Yang vortex.

At first, the vortex was black and white, but then the white brilliance suddenly disappeared. Only the black vortex was spinning. The vortex exuded a very strong suction, as if it could swallow everything around. Off.

At this time Mu Yu's eyes were fixed, Qian Shange's soul-destroying fingers were approaching, and the black vortex also greeted him instantly, but Mu Yu turned around, and the shadow sword in his hand had been raised, even in spite of Qian Shange's destruction. Soul finger, turned to face the ten-party killing of Wan Shuiyao.

The sword gas was awe-inspiring, a sword stabbed, the spiritual power and the pattern gathered at the tip of the sword at the same time, the violent breath swept out, forming a surging whirlwind on the blade edge of the fractal sword, and then the sword gas has been pierced and mixed With the wind and thunder, it seems that the void is broken, and it is greeted by the ten-party killing of Wanshuiyao!


The twilight formed by the twelve blood mansions and Mu Yu's sword qi at the same time made a shocking sound, the violent breath did not spread out from all around, but instead stalemate in mid-air, all wanted to take the other's The moves will be suppressed.

At this moment, Qianshange's Soul Destruction Finger also hit the black vortex, and the moment the black vortex greeted the Soul Destruction Finger, the speed of rotation suddenly accelerated, just like a bottomless hole, which would destroy Qianshange's Soul Destruction Refers to all absorbed.

Qian Shange was also taken aback. His soul technique would be completely absorbed by the other party’s black vortex, which he didn’t expect, but he felt it carefully and found something wrong, because the power of his soul destroying finger did not disappear, it still exists, What is going on now?

A white vortex appeared quietly from the pattern behind Wanshui Ruo. The white vortex was diametrically opposed to the black vortex. The black vortex was full of powerful suction, while the white vortex had an extremely powerful eruption. There is a terrifying and repressive breath flowing!

Then the Soul Destruction Finger has rushed out of the white vortex and headed towards the back of Wan Shuiyao——

Array, the wind and the sun will shift from flower to flower!

Wan Shuiyao put all his energy on the blood mansions that he killed in front of him, because Muyu’s wind and the sky limited the spread of spell fluctuations in all directions, which led to powerful fluctuations. Or back.

Both sides of this volatility naturally wanted to knock down their opponents, but the sudden appearance of the white vortex behind Wan Shui Yao really surprised him!

This is tantamount to enemies in his stomach!

There was a trace of confusion in Wan Shuiyao's eyes, Muyu's sword spirit was comparable to his tenth party. If the two sides were deadlocked, no one would be better, but I didn't expect that the soul-destroying finger that attacked Muyu would Behind himself inexplicably, if he responds to Qianshange's Soul Destruction Finger at this time, he will surely be killed by Muyu's sword gas!

"Qianshange, what are you doing!"

Wan Shuiyao shouted angrily, the power of the Soul Destroyer was almost instantaneous, and he had already reached his back in the blink of an eye. Qian Shange finally found something wrong with Muyu's technique. At the moment when Wan Shui Yao drank, he understood the situation of Wan Shui Yao and forcibly recovered the attack of the Soul Destruction Finger.

However, the white vortex was too close to Wanshuiyao. Qianshange had already removed his Soul Art, but the powerful aftermath of the Soul Destruction Finger was still shocked by the Wanshuiyao. The breath of the whole person was in chaos, and the ten-sided blood-staining mangoes maintained in front were directly crushed by Muyu's sword gas!


Wan Shuiyao's Soul Technique was broken by Jian Qi, and it was too late to use the Soul Technique to resist Jian Qi. He immediately wanted to leap high to avoid this sword from Muyu.

However, Feng Xunlian's heart array was connected with him, even if he flew to the end of the world, he was still within the envelope of Muyu's sword gas! In a hurry, he could only list twelve beads on his chest, and wanted to stop Muyu's sword spirit!


Mu Yu's sword qi was on the verge of attack, and there was a white pattern on the tip of the sword. The fractal sword was still swaying in the air, but when he looked closely, he found that the fractal sword had passed through the chest of Wanshuiyao. Twelve beads, continue to go towards the body of Wan Shuiyao——

Formation, the world is next to each other!

It was only for a moment that the shadow sword crossed the vast void and ignored the distance of the space.


Wan Shuiyao was frightened, but at this time he wanted to avoid it. It was too late. He looked at Muyu in the distance, then lowered his head, looked at the sword in his chest, and wringed his chest out of a shocking. Blood hole.

This blood hole is terrible, with a diameter of one foot, almost destroying his entire chest. Not only that, Jian Qi has invaded Wan Shuiyao's body, and the violent Jian Qi instantly destroyed his meridians and heart, making Wan Shuiyao's eyes involuntarily widen.

"how can that be--"

Wan Shuiyau spit out his doubts with difficulty. Even if Mu Yu had the help of Kaixu Ding, he and Qian Shange's joint effort to deal with Mu Yu was originally a matter of stability, but he didn't expect Mu Yu's formation Unexpectedly, he hit him, and even broke his chest with a sword!

The incessant sword qi entered the body as if accelerating the passage of vitality in Wanshuiyao. His skin all over the body became extremely dry and old. It used to look like a young man's image, but in a blink of an eye it has become The old man, who was still in the wind, was wrinkled and his eyes were dry.

"Kill one."

The sword gas in Muyu's hands throbbed, bang!

Wan Shuiyao's body quickly wilted, and then the skin began to peel off, and his body was instantly shocked by Jian Qi into a pile of powder!

Muyu never kills anyone who kills the Mie Palace.

"Two more."

Mu Yu turned around again, looking at Qian Shange and the distant sky like a lightning strike.

Qian Shange's eyelids jumped violently, and he still looked at Wan Shui Ruo destroyed by Mu Yu in disbelief. Although Wan Shui Ruo was weaker than him, he would not be weak wherever he went. When the two of them were killed by Muyu!

Even if Muyu used the power of Kaixu Ding, it was only similar to the strength of any one of them, but Wanshuiyao and Qianshange were careless. They were already connected when they were connected by the wind and sun. Forced to follow Muyu's fighting style. Muyu has no killing power, but he is still a superb swordsman!

Wan Shuiyao was not so much killed by Muyu's sword as much as Qianshange. Although Qianshange has recovered his soul technique in time, but the aftermath is beyond his control~www.readwn.com~ is replaced by ordinary, this fluctuation will not cause substantial damage to Wan Shuiyao, but When Wanshuiyao and Muyu are evenly matched, any one of the two parties will be affected by a little bit, which will cause irreversible and heavy consequences. Wanshuiyao can no longer catch Muyu's sword spirit.

"You dare to kill people in my triple palace, I will never let you go!"

Qian Shange's face was twisted violently. Wan Shuiyao and he were the companions who came out together to perform the task. At this time, the companion was killed. How could Qian Shange be willing to give up?

"It's nothing new for me to kill people in the Sanchong."

Mu Yu said coldly that when he was in the desert, he and Luo Luo jointly killed Gu Zhaofeng, and even killed Ye Fei'an with his own hands. Now he was killed again with one enemy and two. Wan Shuiyao made him very happy.

He will get back all the things that Mie Gong did to his master and Daddy Drywood, this is just the beginning!

"I originally wanted to capture you alive, but now it seems that killing you is the best way!"

Qian Shange became angrily angry. He understood that Muyu just used the dexterity of the array technique to deal with them. They looked at Muyu too little and were killed. But next, Qianshange will never let the same thing happen again!

He had a **** grin on his body, and he had escaped from the wind and the sky. The eleven blood beads were floating again, and the whole person's clothes were automatic without the wind, and they looked extremely crazy!

The immortal logo in the body of the dead Wanshui Ruo quickly emerged towards Muyu and wanted to be attached to Daoyu's body.

But Muyu grabbed the extremely fairy logo.

"I said I want to kill three people today!"

The immortal logo in Muyu's hands crashed into pieces, and turned into a stream of light and disappeared! (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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