A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 929: Dazzling Heaven and Earth

The different elixirs invented by the same person will be connected by a line of pattern lines. These three elixirs are written "Sixth Order Elixir Yufeng Dan", "Sixth Order Elixir Destiny Bone Emperor Dan" "Eight "The meta-medicine is a paradise", the following is also a one-line introduction:

——Sixth-order imperial pill: You can make the users who are less than the distraction period reach the distraction period and take it directly. The Danish calendar 61,103 was created by the eighth-tier alchemist Wenge Taoist "formerly known as Heliankong".

——Tier 6 Destiny Bone Emperor Dan: After taking it, the body will produce a gangue, covering the surface of the human skin, which can make the body of the instructor below the distraction period become extremely strong and able to stick to the moment in the hand Zhong is not injured. The Danish calendar 61,11 was created by the eighth-rank alchemist Wenge Taoist "formerly known as Heliankong".

——Eighth-order elixirs rob the sky and make the huadan: This elixirs are very anti-natural, after taking it, their body will produce a very powerful force. If this force is attached to any one person, it will take all the other’s Cultivation for talents all draw on yourself! The Danli 61,134 was created by the eighth-rank alchemist Wenge Taoist "formerly known as Heliankong". Remarks: This medicine is forbidden, which is detrimental to numerology. Use with caution!

"Don't you want to prove my identity? Look!"

When He Liankong waved his hand, he didn't see any action. The three immortals had freed themselves from the blisters and flew in front of He Liankong. He Liankong's finger tapped the Elixir, and a **** light radiated from the Elixir, flowing around his fingertips.

"Do you have any other comments? You two little boys!"

He Liankong's fingers turned gently, and the three immortals were circling between his fingers, full of spirituality.

The people who invented the Elixir will inject the refined Elixir into their own breath, and then seal it with the formation method to commemorate the inventor. Even if He Liankong is now a soul, it is also closely related to the Elixir, so Dan The medicine recognized Heliankong.

"Are you really Senior Heliankong?"

The Yundan Taoist and Yuanhua Taoist were immediately excited, no matter how a person who died for more than 5,000 years appeared here, but Heliankong took out these three immortals, which is enough to prove his identity. Because they know the formation ban here more than anyone else, there is a breath of alchemist on the immortal medicine, it is impossible to fake!

"That’s right, you can think about how the predecessor died and resurrected. The people in the Sanchong Palace used poisonous methods to refine their souls into magic weapons. Like the ghost door people, I killed Qianshange and happened to kill Helian. The air is saved," Muyu explained.

The Yundan Taoist and the Yuanhua Taoist were the ghosts of the Mie Palace when they heard it, and their faces were full of anger. Soul, but also enough to have a deterrent effect, Yun Dan Taoist heart is also very happy.

"By the way, which **** wrote a detrimental numerology? I created such a panacea. You actually listed him as a banned pill?" He Liankong scolded the explanation of the sky and the pill, and immediately scolded. stand up.

Mu Yu was also shocked to see the introduction of this eighth-order panacea, which is really powerful. This panacea is indeed powerful. It is equivalent to forcibly transferring all of a person's talents to himself. It is terrible!

Imagine that if you capture a genius that is rare in a hundred years, this person has excellent talent, and cultivation is simply the kind that has no bottlenecks. Some people coveted the talent of this genius, they took the panacea to repair the talent of the genius to all deprivation, and became a genius, how terrible it is!

"Senior, this panacea you invented is a bit evil!" Mu Yu couldn't help saying, because he belongs to the kind of genius that has no bottleneck in cultivation so far, and promotes cultivation to be like a play, so he got up. Goose bumps, I feel very insecure in the face of this immortality.

Fortunately, this is an eighth-order panacea. For example, there are basically no people who can be refined by the Danding School. Otherwise, the cultivation world is full of artificial people who do not learn and do nothing.

"Xiemen what! I originally planned to define the efficacy of the Elixir as follows: taking this Elixir during battle, as long as you touch the opponent, you can take away the spiritual power of the opponent and let the opponent defeat without a fight! It was found that it would still have the function of capturing cultivation and talents, anyway, it may be an accident! It is not the same as my original intention." He Liankong said with regret.

Being able to be seen by the former Mie Palace and recruited by Xuan Jizi as a member of the Mie Palace, He Liankong was probably because he invented this anti-healing pill which looks very evil. Of course, the two elixirs of Destiny Bone Emperor Pill and Yufeng Pill are also quite against the sky. It can be said that He Liankong is indeed a figure of the alchemist level.

"Then do you take this immortality medicine for experiment, and who else..." Muyu looked at Heliankong. After the invention of the panacea, it naturally needs experiments.

Generally speaking, the experimental objects of the panacea are all alchemists themselves. After using the anti-celestial panacea, such as the dazzling and natural pill, they must definitely take other people's talents to experiment.

"Ah, this matter is a long story. When this potion was successfully refined, my apprentice volunteered to be the object of my experiment, because I told him that it would only take away all his spiritual power and let He may lie in bed for a day or two, but after I took the Elixir, the Elixir’s power not only took away all his cultivation, but even some of his talents were taken away..."

"What talent did your apprentice take away from you?"

Everyone is quite curious about this matter.

"The ability to understand Dan Dao?"


"Never forget?"

Mu Yu speculated that this Heliankong was also big-hearted and actually experimented on his apprentice.

"Actually, it's nothing, just taking away his talent for singing."

Heliankong rarely showed a embarrassed smile.

"Talent to sing and sing?"

Everyone is petrochemical!

He Liankong laughed and said, "Yeah! All my talents are better than my apprentice, except that my apprentice, He Liantai, sings better than me, and every time I come to a song to help and cheer, I often hum In the last sentence or two, if I didn’t think he sang well, he would have blocked his mouth long ago. After testing this latest elixir, I suddenly found that I also like to sing, and then that day I hummed a random song, but I didn’t expect, my God, what is that voice? Is it the sound of nature, ah! I am intoxicated myself..."

He Liankong's words once again gave everyone Leide to be speechless.

"Old man, are you serious? I think I sing very well, or should we come to Bibi?" Xiaoshuai jumped up and down excitedly.

There are three black lines on the forehead of Mu Yu and others. What everyone wants to capture is the talent of others to cultivate, the talent of alchemy, the talent of strong learning ability, etc., but Heliankong is the talent of singing his apprentice. Take away!

"Senior, are you sure that you really sing nicely, not narcissistic?" Muyu couldn't help asking.

He Liankong said with a frown, and then said: "Do not believe it? I still retain this talent, give you a song!"

"Don't don't..." Muyu immediately waved his hand, and he generally liked singing, which was not much better. For example, Xiaoshuai, this guy sang in the dark clouds and thunder and thunder, which was terrible.

But He Liankong has sang to himself: "Xiaoli, you know I love you, I would like to take you, fly to the sky..."

This "Xiaoli" Muyu naturally knows that when He Liankong mentioned his sad past on Yaodao, he once said that he had a deep affection for Xiaoli, confessed to it 18 times, was rejected 19 times, and finally found that Xiaoli liked It’s a woman...

In short, it is a love story that can be weeping, and of course there is a gentle and kind girl named Ruhua who likes him. If it is not a mustache that is longer than Helian empty chest hair, this should be a happy ending.

The Yundan Taoist and Yuanhua Taoist felt extremely embarrassed, and they were made a big head by this unscrupulous predecessor, and they did not know how to react. While Muyu was about to block his ears, he suddenly realized that Heliankong did sing really well.

Then Xiaoshuai, the shameless, began to sing along: "Xiaoshuai, you know that I love you too..."

He sings much harder than Heliankong, but he still sings very hard and happily hums.

"How do I sing?"

He Lian asked with pride in his face, he had expected the juniors to applaud something, to show respect for his singing voice.

"Good, good, half as good as me!"

Only Xiaoshuai clapped desperately.

"I am more concerned about your apprentice."

Mu Yu felt that having such a master and his apprentice would be out of luck.

"My apprentice! He’s okay, that is, he was completely out of his cultivation period. He lay on the bed for a month, and then he began to tune out of singing, like a ghost, and I warned him to do whatever he wants. If you sing, just beat him up."

He Liankong didn't seem to feel guilty at all.

"Senior, your apprentice Helian Taixiu is gone. Even your only singing talent has been taken away by you. You still threatened him not to let him sing. Where is your conscience?"

Mu Yu simply wanted to fight Heliantai's apprentice Heliantai.

He Lian gave up his hands and said helplessly: "What can I do then? He used to sing so nicely, and now he is like a ghost. You can't follow a person who likes to cry and howl every day? Anyway, then he I didn’t have any practice, and in the end it wasn’t I looking for various immortals to restore him to recovery? Isn’t it a variety of ways to train him into a sixth-order alchemist?"

The sixth-order alchemy master is the cultivation practice in the separation period, which is higher than the original cultivation period of Heliantai. Heliankong can be considered to be benevolent.

"Is this why you gave yourself the track number and heard the song?" Mu Yu asked.

"Yeah! Yeah!" He Liankong nodded proudly.

"Wait, senior, you said your apprentice is Heliantai? How come I seem to have heard of this name?" Yundan Taoist suddenly said.

Yuanhua Taoist patted his head: "Yes! That's right, Senior Heliantai is not only a sixth-order alchemist, but a seventh-order alchemist! Senior Heliantai later gave himself a track number named Jiuyang Taoist! Just a few years ago, I remember the panacea that made the whole Danding school."

"Pill medicine that sensation Danding sent? What is that?" He Liankong asked.

Mu Yu said, "Jiuyang Taoist, why are you so familiar?"

"Mu Yu, have you forgotten? Right here, come and see!"

The Yundan Taoist pointed to a blister not far from the edge. The strange thing is that there is no medicine in the blister, but there are still remarks below:

——The seventh-order panacea is the original panacea. This panacea can return a person who has been seriously injured or has impaired physical functions to the most perfect state. Originally a half-dense pill, no one has successfully merged for more than five thousand years, and later was merged by the sword shadow dust wind apprentice Muyu. The person taking this pill is another master of Muyu. , Completely cured the trauma and stuttering defects of the dead wood and evergreen, so that the dead wood and the dead tree can be rejuvenated. This panacea is close to the eighth-order panacea. The original inventor was Jiuyang Taoist "formerly known as Heliantai".

Guiyuan Dan! Nine Yang Taoist! Heliantai!

Not only Mu Yu, Lianyundan Taoist and Yuanhua Taoist were again speechless by Lei De.

"So the Jiuyang Taoists spent their entire life trying to invent the Guiyuan Dan, just to restore their talent for singing?" Mu Yu asked incredulously.

He remembered the suicide pen written by the Taoist Jiuyang when he got half of the original Guiyuan Dan:

——"Guiyuan Dan can bring people back to 20 years ago. The old man has spent his whole life and failed to integrate the last step~www.readwn.com~ is really unwilling! Wang Wangsheng can integrate the old man's Danfang, To comfort the old man's spirit in heaven!"

At that time, Mu Yu could still feel the deep unwillingness and resentment of the Jiuyang Taoist from the handwriting!

In this way, Jiuyang Zhenren is very worried about the talent of singing being taken away by his master, so he painstakingly studies and wants to develop Guiyuan Dan to restore his talent for singing. In the real heart of Jiuyang, singing is a hurdle in his heart!

"Should it be?" Taoist Yun Dan swallowed. How did he feel that his martial arts had made some wonderful works?

Master He Liankong, a wonderful master, created an eighth-order antidote to the heavens and made a chemical pill, and experimented on his own apprentices. What talent is not good to take away, but he took away the apprentice’s singing talent, and then gave himself a The track number is Wenge Taoren.

As a result, Heliankong cultivated Heliantai, a strange apprentice, and spent his whole life studying Guiyuandan, just to restore his body and regain his singing talent!

No one will believe such things!

But the achievements of these wonderful masters and apprentices are still too strong, a seventh-order alchemy master, an eighth-order alchemy master!

"Yeah! My little Taiwan is a seventh-order alchemist master? Also give yourself a nickname called Jiuyang Zhenren, good and good, so pleased for the master! When I left, I still did not want to worry, worrying that he would not take care of me , Being bullied by others."

He Liankong really showed a smile of comfort and sympathy, and showed the true nature of protecting the short, not feeling guilty at all!

Everyone stared at He Liankong, and he had the heart to want to hit him.


"Note: He Likong's Xiaoli, Chapter 654. Jiuyang Taoist, Chapter 193.") Download the free reader!!

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