A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 973: The old village head in deep hidden (Part 1)

The head of the old cloth village said his beard and said seriously: "If I were in the Triple Palace! At this time, my reputation would be attacked, and I would have to stabilize the military heart first. Dust? Fate? Literature ↘ Xue → Wang Anyway and Youmeng The clan is under their control, and they can play a play. I will first send the Yumon Demon to attack some cities, first break the cities, and let the eight gates enter the field when the instructors are extremely desperate. At this time, the Yumeng demons pretended to be defeated, and were killed by the Eight Gates. They invigorated the army and let the instructors put their hopes on the Eight Gates temporarily!"

The handsome asked in a puzzled way: "Why do you pin your hopes on the Eight Gates? Shouldn't you pin your hopes on the Mie Palace?"

"Little Huyou, why don’t you tell me why your Huyou skills didn’t get on fire? The Mie Palace didn’t dare to show their heads, they naturally couldn’t show up and lead themselves. The eight gates were aloof in the cultivation field, and the cultivation person originally believed them, this When they defeat Yumon demons, they will naturally attract the unanimous respect of the cultivation realm. The eight gates are the spokesmen of the Sannomiya. Is there any difference between the belief of the eight gates and the threefold palace? If there are still some people who do not believe in the Sannomiya If they do, they will believe at least eight gates at this time?"

In the past two months, in order to be a qualified comprehension composer, Mr. Laobu learned a lot of common sense in the comprehension realm. Mu Yu told him the basic situation. Unexpectedly, he just said that he just understood the situation of the comprehension realm and was able to say Come out with these insights.

Mu Yu asked quietly, "What will the Sanegu do next?"

The village chief of the old cloth pondered for a moment and continued to speak loudly: "Because the Yumon Demon and the Eight Gates both obey the orders of the Triple Palace, the Sangeong Palace can first let the Yumon Demon Race retreat and pretend to be inferior to the Eight Gates. The Eight Gates took everyone to gradually win, let the self-cultivator see hope. Let everyone know that the Yumon Demon Clan is not invincible, and then take advantage of the victory to chase away the few nests of the Yumon Demon Clan and consolidate the eight. The leading position of the door. In this way, the self-cultivation world will begin to believe in the strength of the eight doors and be willing to obey the mission of the eight doors."

The old village chief paused and said again: "When facing the Yumon Demon Clan, there are only two options, one is to sit still and the other is to fight bravely. When the Yumon Demon Clan is too powerful, the comprehension will be selfish. Li, Mingzhe protects himself, thinking of letting people die to protect himself. But once they find that the Eight Gates can take them to defeat the Yumon Demon Clan, then they will not choose to sit still and will follow the Eight Gates to fight!

When the Yumon Demon Clan is being beaten more and more vulnerable, the comprehension will understand that the Yumen Demon Clan is just like this, so more and more instructors will join the war to kill Yumeng Mozu, at this time the goal of the Triple Palace has been achieved. The war has already begun, and the soul will naturally come in. "

Laobu Village analyzed the pass in a lavish manner, and there was a discerning eye from beginning to end.

Then he turned his eyes and said: "These conspiracy theories, which I mentioned in Chapter 38 of Volume Two of Muyu Qixia Biography, belong to the theory of combat by throwing bricks and introducing jade, repairing the path through Chen Cang. The Triple Palace allows the practitioners to believe in the Eight Gates, which belongs to the plan to save Wei from Zhao, and to avoid a more serious loss of the majesty of the Triple Palace. This was how Xiao Muyu dealt with major events in Zhao and Wei."

Mu Yu's face was red and hot. He really hoped that the village head wouldn't say the last sentence, because Zhuge Xiaosheng was still present.

Xiaoshuai said: "But I feel that the self-cultivator's nature of being greedy for life and death is not so desperate."

The old village chief shook his head: "You are wrong, the world is bustling, all are profitable, and the world is full of profit, all are profitable. You told me that innocent people are actually very mortal, and they will have the essence of mortals. Eight doors Among them, there are so many cultivation resources. As long as some precious magical medicines are given out and rewards are given to the secrets of the exercises, many practitioners see the benefits and will fight for these things.

Most cultivators will not do unsuccessful things for peace in the world, but they will definitely take risks for these magical skills. The benefit of words is enough to drive thousands of horses and horses. Since the self-cultivators are not selfless fairy princes, then they will do anything for their benefit. "

Mu Yu really admires the village chief's words, because in the chaotic era, there is someone who can analyze and analyze the enemy's plan, so it is very necessary to deal with the giants such as the Mie Palace.

The village chief of Laobu saw a pot of tea on the chair next to it, brought it up, and drank the tea with the teapot mouth, and continued to say:

"According to the current situation, according to my analysis, in addition to the eight gates, there are two major schools in the cultivation realm that are not under the control of the Mie Palace. That is the Danding School and the Zongzong. These two are in cultivation. The status of the world is very important. They want to control these two schools, but they are both upset by the incomparable Muyu in my family. If I am a soldier of the Mie Palace, I can’t play the black hand in person, and I will start all the cultivation of the realm. The people came to the media to siege you, pushed you to the cusp of the storm, and became the object of everyone's crusade. I couldn't control it. I will let it be destroyed. Everyone is busy dealing with the Yumon Demon Clan, but you two martial arts are just sitting on the sidelines. You don’t have to do it in the Triple Palace, and the crusade by the Cultivator is enough to make you hard to move..."

The village chief of Laobu hurriedly covered his mouth because he remembered that Zhuge Xiaosheng in front of him was the patriarch of the patriarchate. He quickly smiled and said: "I'm sorry, sorry, I'm not saying that your patriarch is bad, I'm saying that if I'm in the triple palace If, if...you don’t blame!"

Zhuge Xiaosheng arched his hand and said: "The old gentleman is polite, and the old gentleman is like a god. He admires it. Don't hide the old gentleman. Some of the things you said just now happened. For example, the Star Gate has already taken them with them. After defeating the Yumon demons in Quanyanggang, the morality of the cultivation realm has soared. This is the news I just received. I haven’t had time to tell you. I didn’t expect it to be said by you."

"Luck, luck, I foolishly, foolishly." The village chief of the old cloth waved his hand quickly.

Zhuge Xiaosheng said with a smile: "Old Mr. Mo should be humble. Two months ago, the Zongzong and Danding factions closed the school at the same time and did not participate in the major events of the realm of cultivation. Nowadays, many practitioners of the cultivation are already quite lame. You have The overall situation in the world is definitely a predecessor, dare to ask the old gentleman the number?"

"Road number? No? No, I am an old man in the countryside who likes to tell stories to children. I knew nothing about the realm of truth two months ago!" The village chief said with a smile.

"Yes, I prove this point. I have forcibly instilled him with the knowledge of the realm of truth in the past two months!" said Xiao Shuai, who crawled over the shoulder of the old villager and said carelessly.

"Old man in the countryside?"

Zhuge Xiaosheng was shocked in his heart and took a closer look. Only then did he discover that there was no cultivation practice in the village chief of Laobu, and he could not even cultivate, just a mortal.

But how can the old man in the countryside have the ability to give such guidance? The chief of the village of Laobu only analyzed the next steps of the Sanchong Palace in order, and even several have been fulfilled.

"Mu Yu, the old gentleman you brought is really rural..." Zhuge Xiaosheng couldn't help asking.

Mu Yu looked at the village head with admiration and nodded: "That's right, he was the grandfather who raised me from a young age to a big one. Two months ago, he didn't know anything about the realm of truth, and he didn't know anything."

The old village chief smiled happily, looking a little embarrassed.

"After two months of understanding the whole cultivation realm, you can analyze things to this point? It really is a good person in the world!" Zhuge Xiaosheng could not help but exclaim.

The village chief of Laobu usually likes to tell stories, and compile various things about Muyu for the children in the village. Muyu didn't find that his grandfather, who likes the fooling people, had such a strategic vision, nestled in that The small mountain village was really buried.

If you want to come, why do people who like storytelling have no big picture?

"Grandpa, you just say, it doesn't matter, Zhuge Sect Master is his own and won't mind what you say." Mu Yu said.

"Yeah, Muyu is the master, they all have to listen to Muyu, so no need to worry about anything." Xiaoshuai said.

"Hey, yes, I have forgotten Muyu's skill." The village chief of Laobu proudly lifted his chest, and it seemed not to be so rigid.

Zhuge Xiaosheng asked: "That old gentleman thought we would deal with the triple palace in the next place?"

"The Mie Palace just wants to start a war, then we can make him unable to start this war." The village chief said.

"How do we stop all this?"

"Mu Yu, didn't you say you want to destroy the three martial arts? If you can destroy them and cut their arms, it's naturally the best." The village chief said.

Mu Yu pondered for a moment. He is now a cultivator during the robbery period. He is still surrounded by Tian Ran and Zhuge Xiaosheng. It is more than enough to destroy the Star Gate together.

Xiaoshuai said: "But there are still five martial arts that have been exterminated! Should we also exterminate them together?"

"The point is not to destroy the sect, the point is to crack down on the faith of the comprehension. The comprehension believes in the eight gates. Under the control of the triple palace, the eight gates are invincible, and the Yumon demons retreat, so the comprehension will The more involved in the fight, the more people who died in battle, the happier the Miyagi. But if three martial arts are destroyed, the innocent people will be deterred and they will start to palpitate." Hug into your arms~www.readwn.com~ pinched Xiaoshuai's face: "Xiaoyou, you follow me to learn, there must be a good future."

Xiaoshuai pouted: "The future will become old and foolish."

"And then?" Zhuge Xiaosheng asked.

"In the heart of the self-cultivators, it was discovered at this time that the eight gates had lost three, and the benefits they promised could not be realized, they would start to shrink, lose their desire to fight again, and choose to avoid war. So next, the Jixianbang would be Must be brought up!"

The head of the village of Laobu looked confident.

"Ji Xian Bang?" Mu Yu nodded slightly.

"Yes, Muyu, you said last time that Mie Gong deliberately procrastinated the battle of Xuan Xian. Although I don’t know why Mie Gong did this, the more they don’t want to face things, the more we have to force them to face them. Yes! In the eyes of the instructors, the Jixian Bangben exists to fight against the Yumeng demons, so when they see that the eight gates have fallen three and the army is in chaos, then they will naturally think of the top nine mysteries. Fairy! Turn your hope to the top nine Xuanxian."

The chief of the village, Laobu, came to the point.

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