The author has something to say:    么么哒~~Thank you for throwing nutrients and thunder bombs~~~

The rain has never stopped, and the ground has been lingering.

In the evening, the sky became darker and darker. The whole sky was gray, and with the fine rain curtain, the entire city of Tozes seemed to be covered with a layer of black mist.

The fighting on the city walls has been temporarily suspended, and the pirates stopped the siege and returned to the ship.

The soldiers who fought with the pirates for an afternoon on the city wall got a breathing time. Under the command of the generals, they began to work shifts to rest and returned to the city to eat and rest.

Although the pirates temporarily gave up the offense, the situation is not optimistic.

Everyone knows that this is only a short breathing opportunity. When the sun rises again, they will face extremely harsh war conditions.

Flap pop.

Light-colored boots stepped on the rocky ground, and the water splashed away.

The cloak on the side shoulders was flying in the air, and the boy walked quickly on the stone road.

Soon, he entered the executive government.

The gate of the government hall on the ground floor of the ruling government was open, but the hall that used to be full of people seemed to be empty at the moment.

Only a few people stood in front of the huge oval white jade table in the middle of the hall, waiting for something.

Each of their faces is awe-inspiring, with a little heavy weight in their eyes.

At this moment, the empty hall was so quiet that it was almost impossible to hear the breath of these people. Everyone lowered their heads, as if thinking about something, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn for a while.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside.

The voice shattered the restless silence brewing in the hall at the moment.

Almost at the same moment, the silent heads of people who looked down silently looked up at the gate.

A figure appeared in the night, walk quickly.

The long blond hair is the brightest shade in the darkness at the moment.

In white.

The cloak flew behind in the night.

The light-colored boots stepped on the blue stone slab, and his face came with a somewhat childish Gallan from the gate to the crowd.

The people leaned over, pressed one hand to their chests, knelt on one knee, and lowered their heads deeply.

These people kneel with their heads down, their faces different.

Everyone who stays here is a general who leads his subordinates to resist when the pirates attack, but only a few people.

They all knew it well, and many of their colleagues obeyed the orders of the consul and the powerful big businessmen, guarding those people to break out of the city and escape from the city.

They alone, contrary to the order, took their subordinates and stood firm on the inner city wall of Tozes.

In any case, as soldiers, they cannot abandon these hundreds of thousands of unarmed citizens and run away.

So, even if they knew that they were in a car, even if they knew that the fall of Tozes was only sooner or later, they would definitely stay.

They will fight to the last moment of the city.

They are ready to coexist and die with Tozes.

Although they survived the first wave of pirates' attacks, none of the generals had any joy on their faces. They knew that if there were no accidents, tomorrow would be the moment when Tozes fell.

When the pirates came in, it was the moment when the city became hell.

Therefore, when they received the order to let them come to this hall, they were extremely stunned.

Because it was the person who gave them the order that they thought must be the person who had been tightly protected from Tozes the first time.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes at this moment, they couldn't believe it. This distinguished His Highness actually stayed in the city.

Prince of Aaron Landis, Galland.

The hurried footsteps sounded again, and someone hurriedly walked out from the outside. It was Seth who had just dealt with the slave riot in the Upper Town.

He leaned down and knelt to salute.

Then he looked up at Gallan, whose eyes were extremely complicated at this moment.


He said, "You should not stay in the city..."

Halfway through the words, he stopped abruptly, Seth's lips moved, and after all he could no longer speak, but only a long sigh.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tozes City has no hope.

Stay here, there will be no doubt.

As soldiers, they are all ready to die generously, but the prince is different from them, prince he...

Garland smiled at Seth.

As soon as he spoke, Seth and everyone showed a look of consternation.

Gallan said: "The consul is still in the city, and there are those in Betola."

"how come……"

Someone shook his head and said.

"Impossible! The consul has clearly left."

"And those people are--"

Garland looked back and glanced at the blonde knight behind him.

Kehuosi took notice and took a step forward.

"The city gate was closed before then, and no prince personally ordered it, no one should open it, and the offender would be cut."

Kehos stared at the others and said.

"Tozes's consuls, other officials, and generals who wanted to protect Betola and other businessmen from fleeing belonged to the pre-war escape. My personal guard has captured them and put them all in prison, the prince has done They decided that they would be tried by military law after the war."

Kehuos's words made everyone present look at each other.

And the last sentence made them smile bitterly.

After the war?

If they are still alive after the war.

Looking at the languishing crowd, Garland immediately spoke: "From now on, all the city guards and soldiers will be under your command, Seth, your fleet soldiers will continue to be led by you."

His eyes swept across the crowd.

"I want you to hold Tozes."

"Your Highness, if you can, we would also like to guard Tozes, but the naval fleet has been completely destroyed."

Seth smiled bitterly.

"Even if all the city guards, plus the soldiers under my command, there are only thousands of people, it is impossible to guard..."

"Four days."

Garland said, staring at them fixedly.

"Hold Tozes for four days and we will have reinforcements."

He said, "So, hold me for four days."

Garlan’s words made everyone instantly refreshed. According to the normal situation, the reinforcements would have to arrive at least ten days a week. In the current situation, it is impossible for Tozes to last so long, so they think that they have not I hope.

But for four days, if the prince said it was true, then if they struggled for four days, maybe...

"We understand."

Seth answered instead.

"Prince, please give orders."

Garland shook his head.

"I don't know anything about the military. If you give orders indiscriminately, it will only cause trouble. The same is true for Kehos. He is only good at riding combat, he does not understand naval battles, and he is not good at defending city battles.

He said, "Ceth, from now on, you will be responsible for everything, and I will give orders as a prince, and all the forces of Tozes City will be at your disposal."

The kneeling Seth took a breath, and his flushed face was slightly flushed at the moment.

All the troops are in his hands, what a trust.

For a time, his breath was a little bit quick. "His Royal Highness, Seth will certainly live up to your trust."

The clenched right fist pressed hard against his chest, and Seth's dark face was full of perseverance.

"Swear to Samash, swear to you that pirates want to climb over the city wall and can only walk on my body!"

He said, be decisive.

Then he got up, called several other generals, and started talking on the Tozes City plan that was spread out on the round table.

He seriously discussed with everyone, and began to discuss how to arrange troops on the city wall.

Garland didn't listen. He knew he couldn't give any advice. When he went, he would only let people bind his hands and feet, so he took Kehos and turned to a room on the side of the hall.

"Your Highness, is this really okay? Four days is impossible."

As soon as he entered the side room, Kehos said.

"It is true that Annu can fly back to the Wangcheng in more than a day. If it is both day and night, it will take about three days for the cavalry or the navy to arrive here from the Wangcheng. But..."

He repeated the word solemnly.

"However, the key is that King Camos is out of the country and is not in the royal city. Whether it is to mobilize the garrison or the navy of the royal city, he must obtain the approval of His Majesty and possess the trophies given by His Majesty."

"That is to say, Prince Huimos must first send someone to the Eastern Front to inform His Majesty and bring the talisman back to the royal city to mobilize the army-so I said that it would take at least seven days."

"The four days you said are absolutely impossible."

The knight frowned deeply.

"I know that you are inspiring their morale, so that they can persevere, but if there is no reinforcements after four days, they will think that what you said is a lie, and it is likely to collapse immediately or even resent you... "

When Kehuos spoke, Garland kept thinking down, as if thinking of something.

"Kejos, I have been thinking, are these things too coincidental?"

He pondered.

"Although this ** was because some selfish guys were keeping tigers, they were repulsed by pirates." He said, "But it was just so coincidental that the East Islam attacked Aaron Landis and the pirates At this time his face was torn; it was so coincidental that the unbearable slaves rioted before this pirate attack."

Garland's words wrinkled the knight's eyebrows more and more.

"It's not so much a coincidence, it's better to say that all this is like someone pulling behind the scenes..."

Just halfway through Kehos's words, there was a huge noise outside.

At the same time, the door of the room was slammed open, and one of the generals just stepped in.

"What happened?" Kehos asked. "Why is it so noisy outside?"

"His Royal Highness, Lord Kehos." The general's face was shocked and angry, and he was deeply disturbed. "The citizens of Tozes rushed over and surrounded the ruling government!"

He gritted his teeth and said, "They knew from nowhere that the ruling officer and other officials had left Tozes City to escape on their own, surrounded the ruling government together, and asked the ruling officer to appear in front of them, otherwise they would rush in."


A wave is unsettled, another wave is rising.

The pirate attack outside had just stopped, and Tozes City had a little peace.

At this moment, the city was in trouble again.

This time, it was the angry citizens.

They were always terrified, and they were completely ignited by this terrible rumor that they have been abandoned.

Under the instigation of intentional people, the citizens whose emotions were completely out of control rushed over and shouted, encircling the entire executive government.


It was already dark and the sky was completely dark.

Among the pirate ships moored on the coast, the pirates were in high spirits.

In the afternoon, they burned and raped wantonly on the shore. .

Seeing that it was late at night, I had to retreat temporarily, and the pirates were reluctant.

You know, most of the outer cities are only construction site docks, and not many residents are just appetizers. The real big head, the wealth of the city, stayed in the inner city.

At this moment, they are all fighting one by one, but they can only hope to attack the inner city of Tozes in one breath, and the considerable wealth accumulated by Tozes over the years has made them feel itchy.

"Boss, why don't we work harder."

"That's right, they can't stand it anymore, and we may continue to break through it at night."

"Boss, you say--"

Everyone said.

The man who looked like a dauntless man glanced lazily at his subordinates.

"No hurries."

He said, "Wait first."

As soon as he grinned, that dangling incisor was dazzling.

"Wait a minute, maybe something happened there, we can attack without much effort."

The pirate leader Bazaar said so, revealing a meaningful smile, and set his sights on the city of Tozes, which seemed to be quiet but chaotic at night.


A few hours ago.


The rain was still falling, and the fine raindrops wet the stone roads in the city.

When the citizens of Torzes shrank from their homes and were uneasy, while in the middle of the night, those who were lurking in the center of Torzes moved.

Through the hidden trails, through the shadows of the night to hide people's eyes and ears, probably dozens of people secretly gathered in a secret underground dark room from all sides of the city.

"Spread the news immediately."

Said the man who brought these people together by special means of communication.

The faint light illuminates the half of his cheek covered by the cloak. If the leader of the riot slave who was killed by Seth's army is here, he must be recognized that this person is one of the few people who instigated them. .

It was precisely because this person and his companions continuously instigated him for half a year, and promised many benefits in succession that only moved him.

But it is a pity that these people just regarded him and all the slaves as chess pieces. Once thrown out, they no longer care about the life and death of those slaves.

"Be more cautious and spread the news that the governor and the officials have secretly fled Tozes and tell everyone that the city of Tozes has been abandoned and all the citizens of Tozes have been abandoned."

"Let them know that the vast majority of the soldiers have protected the officials and escaped. Tozes has become an empty city. Pirates will be killed early tomorrow morning."

The man said,

"These poor people who were abandoned by officials and abandoned by the country will all die tragically under the sword of pirates."

After speaking, the crowd immediately left to complete the task assigned by the man.

The man who stayed in the room sat quietly, and half of his face was shrouded in shadow.

He looked at the city in the rainy night outside the window, and a sneer sneered from the corner of his mouth.

What a group of stupid guys.

Those slaves are, as are the stupid citizens who will be stirred up by rumors spread by him.

Only a few light words can make those guys move like marionettes according to his heart.

Ridiculously stupid guys think they are carrying out their will.

The ruling officials and officials who are afraid of life and death should have run out, but there are still a few generals who are not afraid of death.

In order to stabilize the overall situation, those people tried not to let the news spread, desperately trying to hold Tozes.

Speaking of which, he still admires those loyal guys.

Unfortunately, the efforts of those generals are destined to be in vain.

The panicked citizens will not think that this is their pain, they will only think that they have deceived themselves, so they are angry.

As soon as the news spread, Tozes City would be in chaos.

The generals who were dead in the city were not enough in status or status. None of them could suppress the rioting citizens and stabilize the situation in the city.

In this way, if the army is in chaos and morale collapses, the city will fall in an instant.

The man looked at the gloomy rain curtain comfortably, and inexplicable thrills filled his heart.

Oh, it’s such a pleasant thing to lurking in the dark like this, to play with everyone in applause, and to arbitrarily manipulate those stupid people.

The man thought so, raising his lips and drinking tea with satisfaction.

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