"No, there is no girl you said, Lord Cavaliers."

The handsome man rubbed his hands disturbedly, bowed his head, and answered honestly.

Although he doesn't know the identity of the knight in front of him, he looked so stiff when he looked at the expensive armor, brown skin, and the appearance that it was not easy to look at.

The black-haired knight was silent for a while, and waved his hand. He was quickly left as if forgiven.

Standing in front of this knight lord, he really dare not take a breath.

Heimus looked up at the sky, the sun was bright in the sky, but no matter how bright the light was, it would not illuminate his gloomy eyes at the moment.

The breeze swept his ink-colored hair, and the shadow of his forehead shook in his eyes.

He glanced deeply at the sky, and then, turning his horse, pulling the reins, Cema walked towards the village entrance.

The civilians in the village are obviously afraid of him, and all are far away from him.

Moreover, because of yesterday’s ground motion, most of the earthen houses that were repaired in the previous ground motion were cracked again, and many houses were completely destroyed by earthquakes. Some of the houses were still crumbling although they did not collapse.

The only good news is that there were not many casualties.

At this moment, everyone was busy repairing the house and rescuing their leftover belongings. They were too busy to care about, and no one dared to bother about this no matter how busy they were.

At the sight of the dark-haired knight was leaving, many people were relieved.

Just when Heimus had just trot to the entrance of the village, there was a loud bang and a loud noise came from behind.

The warrior's keenness caused him to tighten his body reflectively, glanced back, and then relaxed.

It was the sound of a mud brick house not far away suddenly collapsed.

Immediately, a cry for saving people came from there, as if the person who was repairing the house was pressed down by the suddenly collapsed house.

Almost all the people in the village bowed their heads but didn't see them, and they all knew each other. When they heard someone was suppressed, they all put down their work and hurried to save people.

They moved the collapsed mud blocks, window fences, etc. out of hand, and after a second look, everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw a huge log just pressed against the man's body. The log was the top beam supporting the whole house. It was large and heavy, and it was difficult to lift it for a while. A few people tried to lift it. They just tried hard, but they didn’t have enough strength. The beam was shaken a few times, and the people who were pressed under it made a wailing, and they passed out instantly, and the few people did not dare to move again. Too.

If you don’t want to hurt the person underneath, unless you lift the post in one go, you need to be steady, but how can they have such a lot of strength?

As a result, they could only helplessly gather around and talked with each other, but the man had been whitened, and it might not work as he dragged on, and his wife and children were already there. Whine crying.

Heimus glanced lightly, turned his head back with no interest, and then continued to steer.

However, just after a few jogs, Galan suddenly flashed in his head.

...If Gallan is here, he will surely pull him over to help.

Heimus lowered his eyes and sighed slightly inaudibly.

Even just thinking about that figure would make him feel inexplicable.

Then he turned around and ran quickly.

When he got there, he jumped off the horse, pushed away the people around him, and walked in.

He took a step forward, grasping one end of the log with both hands, and with a strong effort, the shoulder and arm muscles swelled violently. In the eyes of everyone, the big and heavy roof beam was firmly held by him alone. He lifted it up without shaking.

He threw the log to the side and made a loud bang, which made those who were stunned awakened. Someone hurried forward and lifted the person who passed out.

Heimos patted the dust in his hands at random, too lazy to talk to the civilians who desperately thanked him, turned his horse straight, and left after turning his head.

It was just that when he had just sat firmly on horseback, he suddenly heard a few words and made him pause.

Kneeling and thanking the old lady who looked at him gratefully, he said, "You are a good person, and thanks to you, Lord Knight, you look just like the noble little master yesterday. , Heart or heart, they are all good people."

Suddenly in his heart, Huimus turned to look at the old woman.

"How old is the noble young master you mentioned? What does it look like? Looks good?"

"Uh, probably, maybe 16 or 7 years old." Suddenly Hyimos asked, and the old woman answered stutteringly, "It's beautiful, it's really beautiful, it's a blond young master, and a knight. You are all kindhearted adults, and thanks to him, my neighbor’s granddaughter was not taken away and sold."

Sixteen or seventeen year old blond noble boy.

Heimus held his reins tightly, his eyes suddenly sharpening.

"Tell me in detail."


As the horse galloped on the avenue, Huimus rushed back to Twilour City, which had just left.

His face was tight, obviously in a bad mood.

He and Kehuos both believed that Garland would pretend to be a girl for a long time in order to avoid being found. Unexpectedly, he restored his original appearance so quickly.

So they went in the wrong direction.

According to the old lady, since Gallan passed through the village last night, he is probably still in the city of Twirl.

Also, what bard has been following Garland... who is it!

With this in mind, Huimos increasingly accelerated towards the city.

Not far ahead is a three-way junction, one side leads to the Twirl Mountains and the other is the avenue to the city.

Heimus hadn't ran to the fork yet, and suddenly there was a clutter of horseshoes and a yelling sound on the road leading to the city, as if something troublesome had happened.

Anxious to return to the city and not wanting to cause trouble and delay time, he tightened the reins, slowed down, and listened.

auzw.com Suddenly, a familiar voice made him stunned.

Looking up again, the familiar figure in the distance had already rushed towards this side.

Somehow, Heimus subconsciously dragged the reins and rode into the trees beside him, avoiding each other's eyes.

He watched the Garland longitudinal horse pass by before the trees.

In the hot sunlight, the teenager raised his head, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were bright.

The wind roared around him, and long blond hair flew behind him.

Obviously, it was just a crude, undressed dress, but the young man seemed to be shining brightly, so that Huimos, who was watching him behind the trees, lost his mind in a flash.

The sound of the horseshoe is gone, and Garlan's figure is gone.

Heimos glanced back and smiled suddenly.

There was a little softness in the smile.

He thought that he would be angry when he found Galland without saying goodbye, he would be angry, he would ask you politely, and must get an answer from Gallan.

But at the moment when I saw the figure, all this seemed unimportant.

Even that answer is no longer important.

Garland is there.

He is where he can see.

This is the only way to make him smile from the heart.

Shortly after Gallan left, a group of soldiers chased on horseback and hurried past, also in the same direction, apparently chasing Gallan.

That's the road to the Twirl Mountains.

After everyone had passed, Huimus walked out of the bushes, he smiled softly again, and then he chased him behind him.


Gallan and Shuluos galloped on the avenue, and while Shuluos urged the horse to speed up, there was still a loud voice to Gallan.

"Are you too cruel this time? Tied a noble directly?"

Gallan also replied loudly: "I said it would be solved in the ranger's way. This method is the simplest and most convenient."

"Convenience is convenient, but civilians endangering the nobility is a capital crime, and this guy is still a big noble with a high status. If you come here for a while, he will never let you go."

"It's okay, I can't die. I have a higher status than him."

Shuluos snorted.

"Just blow you up, but you are white skin, can you compare with other people's brown skin nobles?"

As the two drove horses and screamed at each other, Mount Twirl arrived.

The chaser was still behind, and Garlan said nothing. One horse rushed directly into the mountain road, and Shulos followed.

It was just because of the earth movement yesterday that the otherwise smooth mountain road was much harder, and they had to slow down. In this way, the soldiers who had been thrown away by them were slowly caught up.

The leader is the gate guard who they saw yesterday.

But it must be the case too. Those who can lead the kind of gladiatorial meeting among the many nobles in the city must have a low status in the city. Gallan thought of this and decided to go on a beast fight and hijack this person.

He wanted to take the chief of the city gate to the blocked waterfall, so that he and all the soldiers under his command could see the place with his own eyes and see the crisis in the city of Twillor.

The most crude and direct, but also the most effective method.

Running halfway up the mountain, I couldn't ride a horse because the mountain roads were almost destroyed.

Gallan jumped off the horse altogether, and Shulos dragged the noble man and rudely carried him to the mountain in a coma.

Gallan looked at Shulos' behavior and ridiculed him.

"Why, treat noble adults like this, not afraid of death?"

"Eh, it's already done so. If you look forward and back, you'll be hypocritical, and I'm out—"

Shu Luosi has broken the jar.

A trance reappeared in the brain of the burned village a long time ago. At that time, he fled there in a panic.

This escape has escaped for so many years.

This escape, for so many years, made him a little bit like himself, not like himself.

So this time, he didn't want to run away.

The teenager smiled slightly.

"I can't die."

He said, "I am a prince, I keep you, you can't die."

The minstrel carried the noble man and walked **** the rugged mountain path while grunting at Gallan angrily.

"Are you a prince?"

He sneered unkindly.

"If you were a prince, then I would be King Camos!"

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