In previous years, Heimus's uncle, the owner of the city of Menest, secretly provoked the incident, which led to the fire. Later, Huimos knew the truth, and at first he could not bear it. After growing up and accumulating enough strength, he ruthlessly retaliated against his uncle.

Because of the bitter hatred, at that time, he had become completely cold and violent, and he personally killed his uncle and his cousin.

This incident caused an uproar in Aaron Landis, and made the reputation of Heimus spread among those who did not know the truth.

Everyone said how brutal and terrifying a person could be even killed by his own blood relatives.

'The son of the Devil'.

Everyone called Huimus in this way.

In this life, because there was no serious burns to Heimus, Garland felt that this should not happen again, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But when Shulos suddenly mentioned Meniste, his chest tightened inexplicably, and a bad hunch rose from the bottom of his heart.

It stands to reason that the current Hymos is not the same as the previous generations. It is very sensible and calm when it comes to things. It is impossible to do such stupid things as killing blood relatives by hand. But for some reason, Gallan felt terrified as soon as Heimus went to the city.

He thought about it carefully, and found in a panic that the time when Rheimus killed his uncle in previous lives seemed to be about this time.

With such a thought, he was even more restless and could only rush to Muenister with Shulos overnight.


After leaving Garland, Huimus went to the city of Moneste alone.

He didn't worry that Gallan would steal away again after he left. He knew Gallan, and since he said he would go back, he would definitely go back.

And there is not far away from the king city. With Galland’s fairly good skill and the archery of a bard, he is not worried that they will be in danger on the road.

He drove along the banks of the Enki River and drove all the way up, and finally arrived near the city of Moneste in the morning two days later.

In a small town there, a team of knights wearing black and red leather armor was waiting for him.

Seeing his arrival, the leading knight was close to the horse and handed him a copper cylinder with a long palm. The opening of the copper cylinder was sealed with black wax and stamped.

After reading the contents of the letter in the copper tube, Huimus's eyes were slightly cold.

It was a handwriting written by King Camos.

"Is it clear?"

The knight nodded and whispered, "That royal knight has already confessed, and, according to the content of his confession, Lord Soga has found out a few nails buried in the palace by the "that man" and reported them all. To King Camos."

"Also, there is a lot of effort from the Chief Secretary there."

Huimus sneered.

After so many years, the guy finally couldn't help it.

Putting the hand of King Camos in his arms, Huimus took the team of knights out of the town and ran towards the city of Monest not far away.

As an important hub of the Aaron Landis Highway, the city of Moneste, which is also an important port on the Enki River, is still lively.

The wide moat that drains from the Enki River surrounds the city. A huge stone wall stands on the ground and protects the people in the city.

Standing before the gate of the horse, Huimus raised his head and looked up at the city of Monest.

His pupils reflected the familiar and strange city in front of him.

At this moment, his eyes were like inorganic golden-red glass beads, but under the sunlight, there was a cold luster.

City of munist.

Where he was born, where he grew up.

But this is never his home.

All his bad memories come from here.

Over the years, since that time, he has never made another step in the city.

But he has never forgotten here.

Because here, there is someone he will never forget.

Heimos stopped riding at the gate of the city, his face calm and motionless, as if waiting for something.

The team of knights behind him was also standing still, silently.

The curiosity of the people entering and leaving the city gate was aroused, and many people frequently looked to this side, whispering with their companions, guessing that the dozens of prominent knights were stationed here.

Soon, a group of soldiers hurried out of the gate and drove those who wanted to pass through the gate.

The group of soldiers lined up on both sides, blocking the crowd behind them, clearing a spacious road leading to the city gate. Immediately afterwards, a few people ran out of the city gate on horseback and drove all the way to the front of Huimos.

The leading middle-aged man with a tie behind him drove the horse, and quickly walked to the horse of Hiemos, pressing one hand on the chest to salute.

"His Royal Highness."

The general said in a deep voice, "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

After saluting, he turned his horse again.

He said: "Let me open the way for you."

Heimos walked slowly on his horse, and the one he walked straight to the sides of the avenue where the soldiers stood.

The crowd stopped by the soldiers on both sides of the road looked at him curiously, or whispered thoughtfully.

Actually, the soldiers of the city of Meniste can be used to open the way, drive away passers-by, and clear the road. This is a treatment that only the master of the city can have.

This dark-haired young knight can be greeted by such high specifications, and his identity must be extraordinary.

People stopped on the side could not help guessing.

After the dark-haired young man entered the city, the soldiers on both sides followed into the city, and the gates that had been sealed for a while restored traffic again. Many good deeds have followed, curious to know what kind of person this imposing young man is.

After a lapse of several years, Huimus stepped into the city again.

Last time, he was supported by the guard knight sent by King Camos.

This time, with his own strength, he returned to the city.

At this moment, he rode forward on the avenue without hurrying.

In front of him, the general was opening the way for him.

Behind him, his confidant knights followed.

Surrounded by countless soldiers surrounded him.

He walked straight in the direction of the castle in the center of the city.

He always thought that when he returned to this city with people who made him very disgusted, his emotions would be somewhat unstable.

But when he stood at the moment before this gorgeous castle where he had lived for several years, he had no heart.

He stared at the castle too calmly and terribly calmly.

Heimos stood motionless in front of the castle gate on horseback.

His knights also stood still.

The general who led him came back to the side, waiting quietly for his orders.

Not far away, those who followed came around and looked at it curiously.

It didn't take long for the gate of the castle to open slowly.

Appearing in the gate was a dark-haired middle-aged man who stood at the gate and looked over to Huimus.

The outline of his face was a bit similar to Huimus, but the gentle look on his face made his face a little more generous.

He watched a deep gloom through the bottom of Huimos' eyes.

Earl, the current owner of the city of Muenister.

The brother of the former city owner is also the uncle of Huimos.

The gloom of his eyes passed by, and the owner of Earl immediately smiled as soon as he saw Huimus, and he greeted him with a large number of followers behind him.

He smiled broadly, with a look of surprise on his face.

It was as if he had completely forgotten the breakup between him and the young boy, and he greeted him with open arms eagerly, as if to want to give him this long-lost nephew a warm hug.

However, when Earl City advocated to come to Huimos with open arms, Huimos was still sitting steadily on horseback, with no intention of coming down.

He immediately looked down at Earl and came down from the top.

Although the corner of the mouth also raised a little arc, but it was obviously a sneering arc.

The Lord Earl, who wanted to perform a touching reunion between his uncles and nephews, stood awkwardly. His hands remained open and his face stiffened.

Heimus's indifferent manner made him very angry, but he still had a gentle smile on his face and put his hands down without a trace.

"Lost for many years, Huimus."

He looked at Huimus with loving eyes.

"Uncle has been thinking about you all the time. I don't know how well you have lived these years. Since you went to Wangcheng, there has been no news."

He spoke with a little excitement, and looked at Huimus, revealing a look of relief.

"Now seeing you grow up, I heard that I still make a lot of warfare on the battlefield, and I am relieved, I think my brother can look down in the underground."

Riding on horseback, Heimus watched lazily the performance of Lord Earl without saying a word.

However, he did not speak, and the knight leader behind him spoke coldly.

"Lord Lord Earl, please pay attention to your etiquette. Now in front of you is the prince of Aaron Landis, His Royal Highness.

The words of Lord Earl paused.

He knew exactly what Huimos wanted him to do.

Originally, he wanted to preemptively, reveal his blood relationship with Heimus, and greet Heimus as an elder as an uncle.

However, Huimus obviously did not eat this set.

He must greet Heimus as a prince as his lord.

Without changing his face, the Lord of Earl refrained from the bitterness of his heart.

He must face reality.

The boy who let him rub the bully back then made him have to bow his head.

Earl paused a little, and then he lowered his head and forced himself to bow to the junior who he hated before the horse of Heymus.

"Ear, the owner of the city of Monest, welcomes you, His Royal Highness.

He said that his voice was calm.

But his eyes blocked by his forehead were full of gloom.

His face was full of forbearance and deep humiliation.

Why was that thing unsuccessful?

he thinks.

It should be successful.

That little **** should be burned to death that year!

Just burn it alive to death-

Heimus looked down coldly at his name and uncle in blood.

At this moment, for some reason, the scene in that year suddenly flashed in his mind.

Black liquid...

Charcoal fire falling from high altitude...

If at that time, the charcoal fire really fell on him...

Suddenly, a picture flashed through his head.

Blazing flames.

He was surrounded by crimson flames.

Burned alive by fire.

The burned pain tears the heart apart——

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