Just after noon, the sun was just empty, and the scorching sun set, letting the earth warm up.

The stone figure of the star goddess Isdal stepped on white jade, and the spring water scattered from her skirt gathered into the gurgling stream. The water vapor of the fountain splashed in the air, bringing a little coolness to the hot afternoon.

The tree-lined courtyard is very quiet, and only the melodious sound of the flute comes from the room and surrounds it.

After the song finished, the minstrel put down his flute.

He was sitting cross-legged on the light-colored carpet at the moment, and the flute turned around in his hand, inserted it back above his belt, and then looked up at his audience with a smile.

"If you listen happily, give me some reward?"

His tiny peach blossom eyes looked at the blond teenager sitting on the slightly higher platform with a smile on his face.

"My travel expenses for the next trip are not enough, His Royal Highness Prince Garland."

His act of asking directly to Garland frowned the chief Tupiti, who stood beside, frowned, but she said nothing.

Gallan, who had been listening to the melodious flute quietly with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at Shulos.

He asked, "Do you really plan to stay?"

"There are already a lot of excellent court musicians in the palace. My little bard would not **** them. After all, I am still young and I have to respect the seniors. If I stay, I will definitely **** them. Work, how embarrassing~"

Bards who have self-confidence in themselves and believe that they are capable of overwhelming the audience say so eloquently.

"Don't talk about it, at your level, I can order a court musician to come out and hit your face."

The teenager pierced someone's cowhide with impoliteness.

"That is to say, you can still use your arrow skills."

"...His Royal Highness, see if you can see it, if you don't see it, if you hit people, you don't have to hit your face. This is a good virtue. You, a wise prince, must learn this."

Shulos rubbed his forehead and said, then he looked up and smiled at Garland.

"His Royal Highness, I like you very much. To be honest, I don't like those arrogant nobles very much, but you are a strange prince, and they are nothing like those nobles. So, During this time with you, although I was out of luck and always encountered various troubles, I was still very happy."

He didn't notice that when he said the phrase "I'm out of luck", the teenager's eyebrows moved without a trace.

"But, Your Highness, a vulgar bard like me is really wild and unrestrained. You can't be the canary in the golden cage, but you can only be the sparrows in the forest. "

Shulos said quietly.

"Also, although you are different from the ordinary nobles, the people around you, including this beautiful woman officer, are very orthodox nobles. I stayed here, and I was out of step with everyone. Although there is your refuge under His Highness, it will always cause friction when it is long."

And this friction, whether he is dissatisfied or the people around Garland are dissatisfied with him, will cause Garland trouble.

Perhaps Gallan would not care, but he was unwilling.

The heart is complicated.

He can imagine that for a long time, when he has always been unhappy, he will slowly feel that he was wronged for Galland, so he demanded more from Galland, which led to Galland The people around him were even more dissatisfied with him... Such a vicious circle, in the end, he might even resent Garland.

Shulos did not want to go to that point with Gallan.

He is a believer in Aphrodite, he admires beauty.

Rather than letting each other's sincere affections breed irreparable flaws due to various frictions and troubles, he would rather part ways and keep the best impressions of each other in each other's memories and engrave his life.

This is not a beauty.

Hiding these thoughts in his heart, Shulos smiled at Gallan again.

"The reason why I have relied on the present is that I want to see the moment when you are crowned Prince Edward. That is a significant moment. Maybe it will be a strong stroke in history in the future. My future is going to be the most Of course, the great bards have to experience the scene for themselves-Gal, you are waiting and writing the poems that make you famous is all over me!"

Aaron Landis's greatest (future scheduled) bard patted his chest in such a way to ensure that he didn't notice the indifferent eyes of the female chief next to him.


Shulos raised his head and skillfully twitched his forehead, his face on one side, posing his most perfect and handsome angle.

The peach blossom eye picks, bends his eyes and smiles, all the amorous feelings are piled in the corner of his eyes.

"This handsome face will not be seen by more beautiful girls, isn't that a pity?"

The female chief looked at the flower peacock with feathers on her face, expressionless, without expression.

Garland really wanted to say, ‘It’s useless for more people to see it, you’re still everywhere...’ But thinking about it, he is really not qualified to say that.

So I didn't hurt each other with Shulos.

He turned his head and looked at the female chief.

"Tapti, give him something."

Taptin snorted and stepped forward, handing a small black velvet bag embroidered with gold to Shulos.

Shulos looked at the little bag with both eyes shining brightly, and could not wait to reach out and took it over, while holding it and shattering his thoughts.

"What? Is it a reward? Isn't that much? I tell you, you are now Prince Wang, be generous, too stingy to be laughed at..."

He stunned the little bag.

Although the weight is not light, but it is a square piece that feels like it is not a gold coin.

As soon as he opened the bag in wonder, the golden token appeared in front of him.

The token of gold is carved with lifelike reliefs of lion cubs, and the pattern of laurel branches and leaves is embedded with green malachite.

At the tip of the golden token, blue velvet tassels scattered from his fingers.

Shu Luosi looked at the gold token in his hand, and for a while did not recover.

"I've guessed that you don't want to stay in the palace, but, as the labor caught by me, even if I leave, I have to work for me."

Gallan said, "So, this is for you, my monitoring history, use it well."

"...Monitoring history?"

After a long while, Shu Luosi barely recovered his voice.

"Yeah, Shulos, you want to travel to the mainland, then, be my eyes, tell me everything you see between the people, let me not be blinded by my courtiers, let me always Remember the time when I was with you as a civilian."

"Most of my eyes can only see the prosperity in front of me, and see the people in the royal city live and work in peace and contentment, so I need to use your eyes to remind me all the time, on the land of Aaron Landis, also Many people are suffering."

"But, I... in my capacity..."

Shulos frowned and answered hesitantly.

Even if he vaguely feels that the grading between people is not right, the class concept is still deeply ingrained in his heart. The conflict between these two concepts makes him very contradictory.

On the one hand, he felt that this seemed good, on the other hand, he felt inappropriate. He was just a civilian, but now he suddenly has the authority to act as the crown prince. This seems...

"Identity? Well, yeah, but you were the first official to be appointed or removed after becoming Prince Wang, so you must not be ashamed of me."

Garland propped his chin in one hand and smiled with his head tilted.

Even if he was wearing Prince Aura's aura, he was still the boy with a clear and bright smile.

"The next time you encounter something unsightly, the token will be highlighted, which is useful to scare some unscrupulous guys."

He seemed to remember something, and urged him again.

"Remember, design a handsome bright token pose, it is best to use this pose every time, understand?"

Tapti: "..."

Shu Luosi: "............"

The bard's eyebrows stretched out, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Your Highness, are you not afraid of me doing bad things with this token?"

Garland spread his hands.

"The purpose of doing bad things is nothing more than glory and prosperity. You can easily get these things by staying with me. Are you stupid if you want to turn around like this?"

Shulos smiled.

Well, it's really stupid to think so.

He thought so and exhaled gently and long.

"As you wish."

auzw.com The bard leaned over.

Holding the golden token in his hand, he kneeled on the ground on one knee and bowed his head deeply to Gallan.

"I will be your eyes to see this piece of earth you are guarding, and your people."

Shu Luosi spoke very softly, but the tone was never astonishing.

"I swear by the glory of Aphrodite, I will use my piety to serve the goddess to control this gold token in my hands. Throughout my life, I will not let it be stained at all."

Speaking of which, he paused a little, raised his head, and looked at Gallan.

"The minstrel is a traveler who has no end in his life and will not stay anywhere in the world."

He says,

"However, my prince, no matter where I am, whenever I hear your call, I will return to your side."

He looked at Garlan with a smile.

"May Aphrodite always protect your beauty...whether it's appearance or soul..."


As the first person appointed by Garland, the minstrel and supervisor Schulos left.

After watching the attendants send Shulos away, Tapti, who had endured for a long time, finally spoke.

"His Royal Highness, King Camos' token is lapis lazuli, and it also allows you to use lapis lazuli to create tokens. Why do you have to use gold?"

The lapis lazuli is called the jewel of Shamash because of its color, and it is also the gem that symbolizes the emperor.

Generally nobles can use it as ornaments, but they can never use lapis lazuli as tokens, which is an act of provoking the king.

Rarely King Camos franchise, His Royal Highness Gallan can use lapis lazuli to create the crown prince’s token, but in the end His Royal Highness chose gold, and the female chief Tupiti was strange and sorry for this.

"Jade's token is too fragile. It is troublesome and costly to give them new ones again and again."

Garland shrugged and replied.


The female chief was ignorant.

"So, it is better to be gold, not broken, not broken, and durable."

Tapti: "........."



At the same time as the minstrel left, he was in a conversation with his loyal subordinate in the palace of Heimos.

"His Royal Highness, because of your unauthorized actions, it has caused such consequences today."

The priest of Nanna, the **** of the night, strongly disagreed with the behavior of Huimus.

"Today, His Highness Gallan has been established as the crown prince. You should know that this is very bad for you."

He rubbed his temples, frowning and thinking.

"I've told you many times that things like emotions are just overwhelming, they will disappear, it will do you no good, it will only hinder you..."


Heimos sat by the window with thick sheepskin books resting on his lap.

He propped his cheeks in one hand and turned the pages of the book at random, glancing at the corner of his eyes to his subordinates who persuaded him to instill the concept of "emotional uselessness".

"I will ask your lover to come over. Would you say these words to her again?"

Heimus glanced at Soga and said that his thin lips were slightly raised, and the bright sunlight in the afternoon shone on his brown skin, and the fine black hair was scattered on his cheeks, which slightly raised the corners of his eyes.

A handsome young man bathing in the sun and reading a book quietly sits by the window, forming a staggered light and shadow with the sunlight slanting in, creating a picturesque and beautiful scene.

However, Soga didn't feel the beauty of this scene at all.

He was like a **** goose who was suddenly strangled by his neck, his mouth opened for a long while without a sound.

He knew it well.

If he dares to say such things in front of him as a horsewoman who lover, will not be hit was three beds in the world.

...Maybe five days?

Soga struggled for a long while before reluctantly saying, "This is not the same, Your Highness. My personal affairs have no impact on the overall situation, nor do they hinder me. But Your Royal Highness is different. Your goal is the throne. Bit's feelings will definitely hinder you."

"His Royal Highness, you are different from me. You are the one who wants to become a big event. In the future, you will become the king who rules Aaron Landis."

"Wang doesn't need personal feelings, it will become Wang's weakness, and it will affect your judgment... No, it should be said that it is already influencing, and it is very serious."

Soga looked at his master deeply.

"The king sitting on the throne should be like a god, calm and merciless, as long as there is no emotion, he will not be influenced by emotion, and he will never make mistakes..."

Huimus interrupted Soga's words.

"Then why the gods who never make mistakes do not rule this kingdom by themselves?"

Suo Jia opened his mouth, but for a moment did not know how to answer.

As a priest of the God of Night, he naturally believed in the existence of God.

However, since the gods are wise and cannot make mistakes, why should humans who make mistakes because of feelings rule Aaron Landis?

"Because Aaron Landis is the kingdom of man, and the gods cannot rule the kingdom of man."

Heimus watched his subordinates.

"Soka, don't forget, even if the blood of the gods is passed down, but the king of Aaron Landis is a man, not a god."

"Only people can rule people's kingdom."

Feelings for Garland are already part of his soul.

It is part of the existence of Huimos in this world.

By digging out that part of the soul, he is no longer Huymus.

And if it's no longer Huimos, even if he is on the throne, it doesn't make any sense.


Soga lowered his eyes, he was meditating. He did not fully agree with His Highness, but these words did make him a little confused at the moment.

The idea about Wang that he has always insisted on is...

At this moment, Huimus suddenly asked him a sentence.

"When you courted your lover successfully, what place did you choose?"

Efforts were being made to clear the messy mind, and Soca could not think too much, and he answered in a pleasant manner.

"Where we first met."

"Why choose there?"

"The place of remembrance can maximize the memories of the two people when they first met, so it is easier to succeed."


Slender fingers stroked the pages of the book, and Huimos nodded thoughtfully.

Soga, who answered two sentences from His Highness, suddenly awakened and looked at Huimus in horror.

Wait, wait, wait.

Your Highness, what... do you plan to do?

The author has something to say:    failed to pose handsomely when he was a child and lifted up the token outfit b is the eternal pain in the little prince's heart...


And, Soga, the priest of the night **** who has been in love with the professional pit master for 10,000 years.

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