Originally, Huimos was still undecided, although his subordinate, Soga, was very forceful when he planned the pits in secret, such as the matter of removing his uncle Earl, Soga worked hard. However, in the matter of how to pursue the beloved...

At the beginning, Huimos was pitted by him once, so this time Soga's suggestion that he should weigh the amount and decide.

Therefore, when Huimos came to the small court this time, he did not come to Galland, but had something else.

It was only when he passed the hall that he glanced at Garland from afar. At that time, he saw the Tusdar messenger standing in front of Garland, who had a familiar face.

He thought about it and immediately remembered who the man was.

Moving in his heart, he did not leave, but stood so far away. The tall column on the side that supported the palace covered his figure. He was hidden behind the column, and he listened carefully to the conversation between Garland and the messenger of Tasda.

He has a natural talent for hearing. Even if he is more than ten meters away, he can hear the dialogue over there.

When he heard that the gift from Opada was the blue jewel, Huimus tightened his lips and felt very unhappy.

It seems that the guy hasn't dispelled Garlan's thoughts yet.

Although the messenger said there was no additional meaning to this gem, Hyimus guessed that Opada was selfishly hoping that this gem with special meaning could be accompanied by Gallan instead of him.

With Garland's character, this gem will be properly kept.

Later, whenever Gallan saw the gem, he would remember Opada.

When thinking of this, Huimus's eyes dimmed a bit.

At this moment, a burst of fire suddenly ignited in his heart.

After the departure of the Tasdar messenger, his heart not only did not calm down, but as the young lady mentioned by Taal, the crown prince proposed by Xie Muer, etc. became more and more prosperous.

He pressed one hand against the cold stone pillar, his face sinking like water.

It’s okay for Elson’s little queen girl, after all, it’s just a child, but Xie Muer’s words... It’s hard to think about it.

Indeed, Gallan is about to become an adult. This time, after being established as the crown prince, the political power of the dynasty has changed. I am afraid that many people would like to take a slice of the soup from this change. The crown prince is the best. Breakthrough.

King Camos is not good for women, perhaps because he saw the mess of things in his father’s harem when he was a child, and even the beloved harem concubine caused chaos in the political affairs, so he has not yet established a princess. His harem was clean, there was no woman, only dozens of maids without background served him.

Over the years, none of the powerful ministers have succeeded in squeezing the women of their family into the harem of King Camos. In the end, they had to give up.

And now, there is a better candidate in front of them.

I am afraid that the powerful ministers have already begun to wonder in private how to put their charming daughter, niece or beautiful granddaughter into the harem of the crown prince. Within a few days, they would encourage King Camos to choose Garland for the concubine.

The huge sense of crisis made Huimus' throat dry for a moment.

He stood behind the column for a while, and he didn't recover until a passing attendant greeted him.

Looking up again, he saw Gallan hurriedly left the hall.

After hesitating, he followed.

Garland didn't seem to notice that someone was following him, walking in a hurry. It looked like he was afraid of someone catching up.

After leaving the small chamber completely, and coming to a small secluded palace, he saw Gallan stop and took a long breath, resting his hand on the stone pillar, his expression seemed depressed.

By the time he walked over, Gallan had changed from the posture of supporting the stone pillar in his hand to the position of turning around and leaning back on the pillar.

The teenager raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, his head pressed against the stone pillar, and was still muttering in his mouth, apparently talking to himself.

It was just that the few self-talking words were clearly heard by him.

[Prince Wang...]

Suddenly, Huimus only felt his heart tighten.

Perhaps it was because he grew up watching Galland grow up. He has always subconsciously thought that Galland was still small, and had never considered this matter at all.

He always felt that he did not have to worry, he still had a long time to slowly approach Gallan's heart, and let Gallan accept himself a little bit.

But now--

There was a chaos in my heart for a time. When he saw the golden eyes opened and reflected his shadow, Heimus had no time to think. He moved faster than his brain. He stretched his hand and grabbed Gal. Lan's hand.

As soon as he grabbed the wrist, Huimus felt that his heart had stabilized.

He looked deeply at the teenager in front of him confusedly, and made a decision in his heart.

Perhaps it was too early, for Garland.

But he was very uneasy, very uneasy, he needed a promise from Gallan's mouth.


It was already evening, bathed in the fiery sunset, and the huge white wall stood tall.

The green palm trees stood straight on the ground, and the large leaves shook slightly as the breeze blew by.

The water in the lotus pond made of white stones is clear and clear, but only the green lotus leaves are left on the surface of the water, and the light blue lotus withered away with the cooler weather.

The large white wall blocked the horizon, and the sun that was about to sink into the ground could not be seen, only the red light coming across the wall.

The garden in the setting sun is quiet, with only the occasional crisp bird chirping.

Heimus saw Garland walking forward, looking at the garden in front of him, and seemed a little lost.

His heart softened slightly and he was a little happy.

It seems that Garland still remembers this place.

This is the first time they met when they were very young.

"Gallan, do you remember where this is?"

Heimus said that he gazed softly at Gallan and lowered his voice.


He heard Gallan answer.

The young man's answer was very soft, but it was enough for him to show more joy in his heart.

Heimus remembered that at that time, the little child who had fallen to the ground in shock was staring at himself with wide round eyes.

The scenes he and Galland experienced together seemed to be yesterday.

He guarded the child, from a small group, until now like this.

He grew up watching Garland.

Perhaps even he did not know it, unconsciously, this child has become a part of his life and even his soul.

No one can strip Gallan from his life.

Not even the gods of Aaron Landis.

Huimus thought, reaching out and holding Gallan's hand.

When he started bringing Galland, he grabbed his left hand, and this time, he held Galland's right hand, and as soon as he lifted it up, he saw the thing held by Gallan in his palm.

A small box made of cedar wood, what the messenger of Tasda gave Galland.

At the moment of seeing this little wooden box, Heimus sank his heart, his lips were sharpened a bit, his eyes also sink, and the shadow of the scattered forehead fell on his pupils, making him look at the moment It looks gloomy.

He stared at the wooden box more like a wild wolf, showing a bit of cruelty.


Garland stood in front of the lotus pond, the water was clear and clear, and the wind blew the pool of water, causing the green round leaves to undulate in the water.

The delicate breeze with a little water vapor rushed over the boy's cheek, playfully pulling a strand of golden hair.

The sun hasn't completely set, the air is still warm, and even the light breeze will not make people feel cold.

But at this moment, Gallan felt cold in his back.

Scenes in his memory flashed through his mind quickly.

The snow-white lightning that ripped through the dark clouds.

Thunderous thunder that sounded in my ears.

Large and heavy raindrops like gravel hit the body, hitting life pain.

The overwhelming pouring rain.

Also, the tall figure dressed in silver-white armor and black boots stepping on the water step by step toward him along the poolside...

He turned back, and the figure that had just flashed from his memory was in front of him.

His pupils tightened slightly, and even his breathing began to pick up.

He felt his heart hurt by something invisible.

Garlan raised his hand unconsciously, trying to press on the prickling chest.

He tightened his shoulders nervously.

Huimus asked him if he remembered it, what did he mean?

Did Huimus think of something?

As soon as Galran raised his hand, he hadn't had time to press it on his chest, and Heimus grabbed it.

He looked up at Huimus.

He saw the gloomy eyes of Huimos covered in shadows, Huimos clasped his right wrist tightly, staring at his hand.

He clearly saw the ruthlessness in his golden eyes.

Garland's heart jumped.

At the moment, the silence of Huimos' face made him panic.

Indeed, Huimos of this life will not hurt him.

But... what if it was Huimus in previous generations?

Heimos of previous generations hated him.

If now Huimos has memories of previous generations...

This is not impossible.

Garland remembers that last time in Meniste, Heimus said that he suddenly felt out of control and wanted to kill Earl because he saw a terrible illusion.

Heimus thought it was an illusion, but Gallan knew that it was not an illusion, but something that had happened in previous generations.

If Huimus can see those, does that mean he can also see things about himself?

Heimus stared somberly at him without speaking, wondering whether Heimus had Gallan who had memories of previous generations and dared not speak first.

This silent atmosphere made his chest tight, and his breathing was a little quick.


The heart was beating faster, and Garlan felt that his hand holding the wooden box had begun to sweat. In order to avoid catching the wooden box, he could only hold it tighter.

I don't know why, Gallan felt a deep faint pain in his heart at this moment.

Over the years, Huimus has always treated him well.

He spoiled him, guarded him, and always put him first in the matter, and even preferred to protect him even if he was in prison.

He looked at him with gentle eyes.

And now, if Huimos has the memories of previous generations... then, what will be the intimate relationship between him and Huimos?


Heimus stared at Gallan's right hand.

He saw that the hand was tighter and tighter, and the finger was holding the wooden box in his hand, as if he was afraid of being robbed by himself, his face became more unsightly.

But he knew that if he really snatched it away, Garland would be angry.

So he took a deep breath and pressed down the flame of jealousy in his heart.

It's ok.

He told himself.

It was just a dead thing, no big deal.

He is now the person in front of Garland.


He whispered the teenager's name.

The boy stood quietly in front of him, his head hanging down, and his long, golden hair scattered on his slender shoulders.

Looking down from his sight, you can see the fine, light-colored eyelashes, like the wings of a dragonfly. When the wind blows, the tip of the eyelashes moves slightly.

The movement of it seemed to gently brush over the softest part of his heart, and instantly the unpleasantness of Heimus' heart disappeared completely.

He suddenly felt itchy fingertips and couldn't help trying to fiddle with the soft eyelashes.

He thought so and did it.

As soon as he raised his hand, he saw Gallan suddenly close his eyes tightly.

The teenager closed his eyes tightly and his lips tightened. Although he didn't avoid his hands, the expression looked very tense and his shoulders were obviously tight.

Heimus could even hear Gallan's breath a little faster than usual.

Is he nervous?


Heimus' fingers still stayed very close to the slender eyelashes.

He looked at Garlan's small face that was tense and tense, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

Could it be because Garland saw this place and guessed what he wanted to say to him, so he was so nervous?

Heimus's brain turned quickly.

Now that Garland had guessed what he wanted to say to him, he never turned around and left, neither spoke to stop him from speaking, but also showed this nervous look waiting for him to continue.

So, does this mean that Garland does not resent what he is about to say, and may even be waiting for himself to speak?

Just when Hyimus looked at Gallan in a confused, determined manner, Gallan's closed eyes suddenly opened a small slit and glanced up at him secretly.

In line with his eyes, Garland was caught secretly doing something bad, showing a panicked look, and suddenly closed his eyes again.

The teenager closed his eyes and tried to pretend that he didn't peek, but his tight lips revealed his panic.

That little look was like a little squirrel who secretly stolen fruit but was caught while leaning his head and trying to pretend to be innocent. It was so cute, so cute that Heimus' lips could not stop rising. .

It must be so.

Huimus thought.

Garland was waiting for him to speak.

Gallan was waiting for him to speak his mood.

Heimus thought so, only to feel a little bit of sweetness in his heart. Not long ago he heard the uneasiness when he was about to choose the crown prince, as well as the anger when he saw the wooden box in Gallan's hand. He threw it out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

He thought that he must convey his mood to Gallan.

He wanted to tell Gallan that he was an integral part of his life.

He wanted to tell him that he would stay by his side throughout his life.

These thoughts were hovering in the bottom of his heart. Heimus looked at Gallan, who was still with closed eyes, as if he was infected by Gallan's emotions. He felt inexplicably nervous.

He took a deep breath and wanted to calm himself down, but he heard his heart beating suddenly.

He jumped so violently, he even wondered if Gallan could hear his heartbeat.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But the words that had circled in my mind countless times suddenly stuck in my throat, and I couldn't spit it out when things were about to come.

He felt his palms began to sweat.

Not wanting Garland feel his own embarrassment, Huimos subconsciously let go of the hand holding Garland.

The breeze blowing from the water above the pool swept the palm, and it was cool.

Heimus found himself so nervous at the moment that he could not speak.

Even when he headed to the Northland for the first time, he rushed into the battlefield full of blood and bones, he had never been so nervous.

He was tighter than he was when he was fighting with the enemy, like a little green hair.

He opened his mouth diligently, but couldn't make a sound.

Garland was still standing in front of him, quietly, with his eyes closed, his long thin lashes falling on the pale cheeks.

The gust of wind blew through and lifted a strand of golden hair, gently brushing from the cheek of Huimus.

The soft touch of the hair made Huimos feel a sudden move.

He never had time to think about it, and without thinking about it, perhaps his body made his own decisions.

He reached out his hands and held Gallan's cheeks.

With a little pressure, Gallan raised his head.

He leaned down and kissed the teenager's light pink lips.

That sweet taste that hadn't been felt for a long time seemed to permeate his body through his lips, or even deep inside his heart.

… Different from the previous kiss.

This time, it was not that he forcibly kissed Garland.

This time, it was the first time he and Gallan's kiss blended together.

He felt like he was melted in this sweet kiss...


Heimus, who was indulging in this'heart-to-heart' kiss, closed his eyes, so he didn't see it. At the moment he kissed, Gallan, who was originally closed eyes, opened wide. eye.

Suddenly, the teenager who lifted his face opened his eyes and looked at Huimusi with a look of embarrassment.

He was clearly nervous and a little sadly waiting for Hyimus to ask him unkindly, why suddenly?

Garland was still in a daze, and suddenly his lips were soft, and there seemed to be something soft and moist that licked his lips gently, and then invaded his teeth when he hadn't responded.

The digging thing seemed to touch the tip of his tongue, and suddenly, his neck was numb for a moment.

Garlan, amazed by the unexpected scene, suddenly woke up in this hemp.

He blushed and clenched his teeth sharply, causing the tongue invading his lips to shrink back with pain.

The next second, he stretched his foot, hooked on Huimus's ankle, and pulled it out.

At the same time, his elbow hit heavily on Heimus' chest, knocking his whole person back backwards—

Even Hymos, who has the title of "Black Knight of Hell", is unable to withstand this sudden three-hit combo at the moment when he is so ecstatic that he is unguarded and has a wide open door.

He stumbled back a few steps.

It stands to reason that Garland's attack would make him regain his footing by staggering at most.

However, at the moment, both of them are standing on the bank of the lotus pond.

Especially for Huimos, just behind him is the pool water.

So, only to hear that puff, the water splashed, Huimus stepped backward one by one, and the whole person fell into the pool water at once.

Heimos sat all over the pool water with wet hair, and the black hair was affixed to his brown cheeks, and the water droplets on his hair fell like a broken pearl from his eyes.

He hadn't recovered yet, only felt a cold light passing by.

The end of the cold scabbard appeared in front of his eyes.

Heimus looked up and saw that the blonde boy standing on the shore was staring at him, his lips squeezed tightly, and his face stretched tightly.

The sword, which I didn't know was too late or hadn't been pulled out of the sheath for another reason, was held by Gallan, and the top of the sheath came hard against his chest.

Garland stood on the shore, looking down at him from a condescending position, clenching his teeth, slashing his face, and staring at Heimus's eyes, which should be fierce in Galland's own opinion.

However, falling on the red face, the teenager's eyes gave people a feeling of milk and milk.

The author has something to say:   Heimus' three major illusions in life:

He likes me too

He is waiting for my confession

He is waiting for me to kiss him


Three illusions of Gallan's life:




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