It was late at night, and tonight was a crescent moon, perhaps because in winter, the moonlight was not as clear as the previous few days, and the night seemed much deeper.

At night, at the moment, the bustling temple of hunting gods surrounded by the people of the royal city in the daytime also became quiet.

The blue top of the temple reflected a little brilliance, and the moonlight slanted through the skylight to the stone statue of the hunted **** in the temple.

Ten heads of prey lay on the altar below, with a faint **** breath.

Further inside, in a room deep inside the temple, the young prince lay in bed and fell asleep quietly.

The long flowing golden hair spreads out on the bed like melted gold. Even in the dark, it gives a bright feeling.

Suddenly, a dark figure came in from the skylight.

He landed on the ground lightly, acting like a ghost, and his breathing was inaudible.

The figure was quietly approaching Gallan in the dark, until he stood by the bed, Gallan remained motionless, and seemed to be sleeping deeply, unaware of his presence.

The man reached out and the dagger hidden in his sleeve slipped into his hand.

He raised his dagger and slashed fiercely into the throat of the teenager lying on the bed—


There was a crunch of metal impact.

The long sword that suddenly came from the oblique ground blocked the tip of the dagger.

The man's pupil shrank sharply, and he immediately withdrew his dagger and turned to escape.

However, he hadn't had time to retract the dagger and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

The man opened his eyes wide and was surprised to see that Prince Wang, who was still asleep just now, did not know when he was lifted up, and the short sword in his hand stabbed deep into his abdomen.

Garland pulled out his dagger and avoided the splashing blood sideways.

The blade of his dagger was dyed blood red all over, and the tip of the sword pointing to the ground was still dripping with blood.

The man staggered back two steps, he also tried to escape, but the severe abdominal injury made his body obsolete.

He took a step back, and the long sword in the hands of the one-eyed knight who came out of nowhere in the room had reached his throat, making him unable to move anymore.

The spring of blood in the abdomen gushed out. He clutched his abdominal wound that couldn't stop the blood. When he gritted his teeth, he suddenly opened his mouth and blew a whistle.

It was a signal to his companion that the action failed and evacuated quickly.

However, as soon as he finished blowing, he heard the one-eyed knight with the sword against his throat sneered and yelled.

The next second, the room was opened.

The two men **** by the five-flowered giant were pushed in by the guard who opened the door, and they suddenly stood unsteady and fell to the ground in awkwardness.

The man's breathing was stagnant.

It was his two companions who were bound.

"Say, who sent you here?"

Kehuos inserted the long sword in his hand into the scabbard around his waist.

He said, "Speak your master, I promise you to keep your life."

There was silence in the room, and only a few people breathed heavily.

The man didn't move, but his gaze staring at Kehuosi was fierce.

His fingers were covering his abdomen, and his entire hand was stained with blood. Although Prince Wang's sword didn't stab him, he almost lost his ability to act, and if hemostatic treatment was not performed as soon as possible, he would still die because of excessive blood loss.

Feeling the passing of blood in his abdomen, his breath became rapid and heavy.

"If you don't get treatment again, you're not far from death."

Kehos spoke again.

After listening, the man suddenly smiled queerly at Kehos, and then gritted his teeth hard.

Kehuo Si was shocked and stepped forward, trying to pinch his throat.

But before it was too late, Kehos's hand touched the assassin's throat, and the assassin suddenly made a weird noise, and fell to the ground, with black and red blood marks on the corners of his mouth.

The man's eyes opened wide, his pupils spread apart, and he soon lost his breath.

Not just him, the other two assassins bite the poison hidden in the back molar at almost the same time, and the poison was instantly killed, making it too late to stop.

Kehos leaned down on his knees and touched the tip of the poisoned dead assassin. After confirming that there was no breath, he looked up and shook his head at Galland.

Gallan looked dignified.

The sword he stabbed purposely avoided the other party's key point, just to stay alive and find clues.

But now it seems that these assassins are the existence of the dead, once caught, they will devour themselves.

Garran raised his hand and pressed it on his left shoulder.

The wound on his left arm still hurts, reminding him of the assassination that happened not long ago.

That is probably just the beginning.

Obviously, those who insist on the so-called noble lineage will never stop there.

In order for Huimos to return to the royal city and take the throne, those people will find every way to get rid of themselves.



Meditating on the name, Garland turned his head.

Through the open skylight, he looked at the thin crescent moon in the night sky.

The moonlight of this night is so weak that it seems to melt in the darkness.

On this night, Huimus in the north should be asleep.

With the ability of Heimus, I am afraid that he has already received news of his assassination and injury.

But these days, he did not have any message from Huimus, even if it was just a letter...

The teenager lowered his eyes, and the shadow of his slender eyelashes shrouded in his eye sockets, making it impossible for him to see the look of his eyes.



Although the weather is very cold, the first snow has stopped. The thin meniscus hangs high in the night sky, looming in the thick clouds. Almost all the light cast on the earth is covered by the clouds, leaving the whole earth covered with darkness. With.

In a room deep in the Northland Fortress, the lamp on the stone wall was still burning, and the faint firelight was reflected on the cheek of the young man on the bed.

Huimus lay sideways on the bed, sleeping quietly.

Suddenly, for some reason, he opened his eyes, and a pale red light flickered through his golden red eyes.

He sat up and turned his head.

The windows were tightly closed, and the cold wind was whistling outside, shaking the wooden windows and making noises.

He got out of bed, pushed open the window, and a cold wind rushed into the room, instantly lowering the temperature in the room several degrees.

Heimus, who was wearing a single coat, didn't seem to feel the coldness brought by the cold wind. He looked up and looked at the sky. In the thick clouds, a thin meniscus could be seen vaguely.

His pupil reflected the looming meniscus, and his golden-red eyes stood out in the darkness.

Even he himself didn't know why he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and inexplicably did such a thing.

He just suddenly thought that in the far south, Garland would also be watching this meniscus.

...He might think too much.

At this late night, Garland should have fallen asleep long ago.

Probably still the same as before, like curling up in bed.

As soon as he thought of the teenager's appearance of falling asleep, Huimus felt that his heart was a little soft and warm, and even the cold wind blowing into the room would not make him feel cold.

Raising his hand and gently stroking the rough lapis lazuli earrings on his ears, he closed his eyes, all in his mind.

Before that, he had been away from the royal city for several years, and Gallan had separate years. At that time, although he missed the kid in the royal city very much, he just missed it.

But now this time, for some reason, it was only separated by more than a dozen days, but the time was so unbearable, making him unbearable, as unbearable.

Sudden knocking on the door suddenly sounded outside, Huimus opened his eyes, and his tranced eyes disappeared instantly, and his sharp eyes turned to the door panel that kept making noises.


He asked.

Why is someone knocking on the door at this late hour?

A familiar voice came from outside the door. It was one of his bodyguards. It was his turn tonight.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Heya asked you to go to the Chamber as soon as possible, saying there is an emergency!"

Heimus stared.

Hea is one of the few riders in Aaron Landis.

When he was recalled to the royal city by King Camos at the beginning of the year, King Camos sent this rider to take over the Northern Army.

Now he returns to the Northern Army. Although his status is higher than that of Heya, according to the rules of the army, Heia is the supreme commander of the Northern Army.

This Heya rider has always acted steadily, but when the other party suddenly called him to the Chamber at such a late night, there must be something very urgent happening.

Heimos quickly put on his coat, put on a battle costume, and stepped out.

He walked quickly to the meeting room while asking questions.

"What is it?"

The attendant immediately followed him, and whispered.

"In an emergency, the army described has moved and is coming to the border!"



The northwestern part of the Kanal state is the country of Xida, meaning the kingdom on the plateau.

Because it is located on the plateau, there is not much arable land, it is not fertile, and the climate is arid, most of the people of the Xida country live on grazing a kind of plateau sheep with many hairs and tender meat.

Because the living environment is relatively harsh, most of the Hida people have a rough temperament, a strong body, and a strong fighting force in the army. They often go to other countries to grab food when the food is harvested, so they mostly commit evil with neighboring countries.

The surrounding countries are disgusted and afraid of it.

At the moment, this country, which scares the surrounding small countries a bit, is engaged in a tragic war.

When they were unprepared, those from the north who they called barbarians suddenly invaded their country.

Those barbarians from the ice and snow possessed stronger physical strength, terrible power and sharper weapons, and attacked their royal city in a few days with a swift momentum.

The war spread all the way, and cities after city fell.

The barbarian army is like an ice and snow beast that has swallowed all its mouth, swallowing their cities all the way, absorbing the nutrients of their sinking cities and growing stronger.

Now, all the troops of the kingdom of Hida have gathered in their royal city.

If the king city falls, it means the destruction of the kingdom of Xida, they can only fight hard.

The flames of war ignited in the kingdom of Xida.

The originally peaceful city has become a battlefield of iron and blood, and the shouts of killing, roaring, and screaming are echoing across the city.

The Hida soldiers who had flaunted their power in other countries were so fragile in front of what they called the warriors of the Northern Barbarians. With just one face-to-face, the array of Hida troops was destroyed.

It was like a fierce and terrible bear from the north rushing into a group of dogs and easily crushing the group of dogs.

The giant bear ruthlessly defeated the army of the Hida people with a destructive trend.

Wangcheng fell, and this tragic war is nearing its end.

King Hida, a middle-aged man of majestic shape, stands on the battlefield at the moment.

He gasped violently, and blood ran down his forehead.

The palace behind him had already ignited a blaze, and the firelight reflected from behind him, reflecting his figure.

Around him, there were corpses everywhere.

His rugged face showed a desperate look, his eyes were full of blood, and his hateful eyes fixed on the person opposite.

A young man with a beautiful face stood on the opposite side of King Hida. The wind whizzed past him, causing his snowy silver hair to flutter in the wind.

It was white armor, but it was almost stained blood red.

It was all blood splashed on him by the people he hacked.

His lilac pupils stared coldly at King Hida, with no emotion in his eyes.

With a bang, a tower of the royal palace burned by the fire collapsed.

At this moment, King Hida screamed with a tear in his throat, squeezed the spear in his hand, and stormed fiercely towards the prince of the northern barbarian.

He gritted his teeth and looked grim, vowing to die with the prince who led the army to destroy his kingdom!



He fired a gun and poured all his power on the iron gun in his hand. Unguarded, no matter what he did, he stabbed at the opponent.

Just before the two horses were about to cross

A silver-white giant sword, half full, was slashed down.

Cut the horse of King Hida into two halves together.

Blood flew in the air, splashed on the armor of the young man strangling the horse, and stained it with blood again.

He stood on the ground on horseback, staring blankly at the body of King Hida who was cut in half by him on the ground.

The great sword in his hand hung down, and blood dripped from the top onto the ground.

Behind him, the fire in the palace was burning, and the fire reflected the sky, like the blood of the entire sky.

That was the blood and death he brought.


The country of Xida, perish.

The author has something to say:    It’s getting cold, let the kingdom of Xida perish【No

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