Gasguard’s vanguard was defeated by King Camos, and then retreated to the border to settle down. It did not seem to mean to retreat.

It didn't take long for their follow-up troops to come to the border and join the vanguard.

Originally, after the vanguard was defeated by the army of King Camos, Aaron Landis's strength had already overpowered the Gasdards, but with the arrival of the follow-up army, the Gasdards once again overpowered them. After King Camos.

At the same time, the Aaron Landis also heard that the Gasdard Army had replaced its new commander.

King Camos regretted that this new commander was not the Gasdar prince, Tyre, who had risen to fame during this time.

The prince of Tyre, with his own strength, led the army of Gasdard to attack southeast all the way, killing several countries in one breath, including the great power of Canal.

The Gastads have never tasted defeat this way, although on the one hand it is because of the strong fighting power of the Gastads, on the other hand, the prince who made all the Gastads bow their heads certainly Not too small.

King Camos was also eager to try, trying to fight the newly-emerged strong enemy, and try the other party's weight. It is a pity that Prince Tyre did not personally come to the battlefield of Aaron Landis.

Now Aaron Landis is in a situation where the two armies confront each other on the western border.

The Gasdard wins over the troop strength and individual combat effectiveness.

The advantage of Aaron Landis is that there are more cavalry, flexibility and tactics are stronger, and there is a world-famous Lion King who is famous.

The two sides are evenly matched at first glance.

No, due to the suppression of forces, Aaron Landis is slightly inferior.

Although the wars of Aaron Landis's northern and eastern borders have come to an end, they are only temporary. Both must guard the border, and it is impossible to deploy troops to support the western border.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes on the mainland have gathered in the west.

Many people are waiting, many countries are also waiting, want to see the results of the battle between the old continental power Aaron Landis and the emerging power Gasdard.

It is the country of the lion that has long ruled the roost to evict the provocateur.

Or the white bear from the extreme north bites the male lion and replaces it as the conqueror of the mainland.

Garland was also nervous at this time.

Although Brother Camos was indeed strong, his opponent was the Gasdard, the country that destroyed Aaron Landis.

Therefore, before this war, King Camos, who was the master of the army, should eat and drink, a calm, stress-free appearance, but Gallan was so nervous that he had not slept for several nights. Good night, dark circles are out.

In such a nervous time, he dared not urge Brother Camos about the matter of Huimus.

However, Gallan's performance appeared to King Camos-that is, his own brother was clever and sensible, unwilling to disturb him with troubles, but secretly hurt himself at night, causing dark circles to come out.

The discovery was so angry that King Camos ate a large bowl for every meal.

He wants to regenerate his energy, accumulate more energy, and then vent all his anger on the Gstaad after the war-

He wants to fight ten!

After all, the stinky boy of Huimos was not in front of him, and his younger brother was reluctant to teach him, and he could only count those Gasdians who had hit him at this time.

Soon, this world-famous war broke out.

The bright sun illuminates the whole earth.

When the loud horn sounded through the sky, on the battlefield, countless soldiers surged like a torrent.

The human eye looks at the past from a distance, and can only see a piece of black pressure.

Standing down and looking down, you can see that the Gasdard warrior in white armor and the Aarlandis soldier in black and red leather armor are entangled.

The two armies of different colors collided heavily, like two beasts roaring, bumping head-on, exposing their fangs and teeth, and fighting fiercely together.

White flags and fiery red flags flew above their respective armies.

Garland rode on the hill, looking down at the endless battlefield below.

Blood splattered and flesh flew across.

Broken limbs abound, and the ground is full of dead bodies lying on the ground.

Bloody breath rushed head-on, and on the battlefield, life was dying at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The teenager clenched the reins in his hands.

He did not reveal his identity, and still followed King Camos as an ordinary general.

Although he has experienced naval battles in the city of Tozes and the war with the Islamist army not long ago, it was a relatively ordinary war with only tens of thousands of people.

At the moment, the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of troops was unfolding in front of him.

Not to mention seeing clearly the situation at the moment, he can't even see the edge of the battlefield.

At this moment, it seemed that something heavy was pressing on his shoulders, giving Gallan a feeling of difficulty breathing.

That is not fear.

It's... an indescribable...awe and heavy feeling for this huge battlefield and the war.

The great sense of oppression from the battlefield was almost suffocating, making him tight all over with tension.

Moreover, he is not alone.

Garlan's eyes swept past him.

He clearly saw that everyone's face had changed around him, and everyone's breathing had become heavy.

None of the people present could escape the invisible, trembling oppression on the battlefield.

The atmosphere became solemn for a while, and the surrounding air seemed to turn into a swamp at this moment, making it difficult for everyone to move.

It was very quiet all around, and I could only hear the sounds of long or short heavy breathing one after another.

Just when Gallan was infected by this heavy atmosphere and was unconsciously tense.

Suddenly, King Camos, who was standing in front of the horse, turned his head and glanced at him.

"No more thinking."

He said, raising an eyebrow at Garland.

"Follow me."

After saying this, King Camos turned back.

The majestic king stood at the forefront of everyone.

The pair of lion-like prestige brightly shining, the brown hair shining in the sun scattered on his cheeks.

The fiery cloak flew behind him, flying in front of everyone's eyes.

The sunlight fell on the body of Wei An, and everyone's eyes focused on his back.

He raised his arms high.

The lion flag with a gold pattern on a red background was rustled by the strong wind in the sky behind him.

Suddenly, the strong arm swung down heavily.

The king of Aaron Landis pointed his finger forward.

The direction of the enemy

"Aaron Landis!"

The mud-drenched air condensed in the crowd like a swamp shattered in this roar of the Lion King.

It was like that roar that broke the shackles that everyone on the battlefield gave.

"Aaron Landis--!!!"

Countless bright silver spearpoints pointed directly at the sky.

Countless horses lifted their front hooves high and gave a high-pitched hiss.

The roar of countless Aaron Landis people gathered together, as if to shake the world.

The horseshoes galloped, and everyone swooped down, following behind the king Camos who rushed to the front.

The gusty wind whizzed past, setting off King Camos' brown hair, revealing the rune of Shamash, whose flames were bright red in front of him.

His brown hair was flying like a lion's brown hair in the air.

The suffocating atmosphere was broken.

The heavy sense of oppression swept away.

The body's blood is boiling, like something is surging from the deepest part of the body, making people burst out with unparalleled power-

Gallan followed the crowd behind King Camos and rushed to the battlefield.

The burly back in front is like a banner that leads everything.

As long as he is present, the Aaron Landis will be fearless.

Galland suddenly understood why King Camos would be regarded as the faith of Aaron Landis.

This great king, he led the Aaron Landis out of the darkness.

He brought not only victory but also courage.

He brought courage to his people.

He brought hope and unyielding will back to the world of Aaron Landis once enveloped in despair.


The hero of Aaron Landis.

The gods of his people.


The war ended.

Aaron Landis won the final victory.

The army of Gasdard was completely defeated, and was driven out of the western border by King Camos and drove back to Canal's border.

The unstoppable reputation of the rampant Gastad ended in Aaron Landis.

The prestige of the Lion King once again resounded throughout the continent.

After the war, Alan Landis's auxiliary was cleaning the battlefield to rescue the wounded.

The generals are doing post-war statistics and finishing work, and the soldiers of the first battle are sitting exhausted at the moment, gorging on the food they have sent.

The result of the victory of driving the invaders out of the country made them smile, and they talked and laughed with their companions.

At this time, someone quickly walked into the largest camp in the depths of the camp.

"Uncle Yunas."

King Camos smiled, stretched out his hands and hugged the future man tightly, and patted the man's back affectionately.

He said, "You really came again."

It was an old man with white temples, a tough face, a deep nose and a high nose, and a sharp outline, similar to Camos.

The tall and sturdy body almost as tall as Camos was straight, and he walked vigorously and vigorously while walking. Although he was nearly fifty years old, there were only a few wrinkles on his forehead, but it looked more than forty.

Looking at his tall figure, he is obviously also used to marching to war.

Yunas, the cousin of the deceased king, although he has royal blood, but he was also a general in the battle under the king.

Later, he was given a large city and became the owner.

King Camos called him uncle.

The reason why Camos just said'Come again' was because he disregarded everyone's dissuasion when he led the army to the border to resist the multi-national coalition alone. Everyone was not optimistic about him, and many blood-born city owners were on the side Wait and see, but the uncle Yunas said nothing, the first to lead his own private army to the battlefield, and fight alongside him, until all the invaders were expelled.

The two established a deep relationship, and King Camos would call him uncle no matter what the occasion.

Embraced by King Camos, Yunas' thick thick eyebrows raised his right hand and patted Camos's back hard.

"Of course I have to."

He said, snorting heavily with his nose.

"Aaron Landis is not a place where outsiders can come in casually."

Hearing this from his uncle, King Camos smiled.

He remembered that in the war of more than ten years, he asked him why he wanted to come to the battlefield. The uncle also said like he is today-how could Aaron Landis just let outsiders go wild!

More than ten years later, this time, even if it was almost fifty, in order to drive the invaders, his uncle still came to the battlefield without hesitation.

It was precisely because the 20,000 elite cavalry brought by Uncle Yunas were ambushed on the side. When the Gasdad fought and the battlefield was in a stalemate, these ambushes suddenly attacked from one side, which made Gasdard People are defeated so quickly.

After so many years, Uncle Yunas is still the same.

King Camos deliberately talked to his uncle who hadn't seen for a long time, and then turned back to let the four riders in the camp account leave first.

The handsome riders bowed back.

He looked at them with a smile when the others passed by Yunus, but when Kehos passed him, he folded his smile and frowned.

"This is the guy who claims to be the Knight of the Sun?"

When someone left, Yunus frowned and said to King Camos.

"It's too arrogant."

King Camos smiled.

His uncle is really the same old, likes the down-to-earth and diligent people, the most unworthy of those young people who are desperately opening the screen like a flower peacock.

It can be seen that Uncle hates Kehos quite.

He was too lazy to argue, anyway, Uncle Yunas's likes and dislikes could not be changed for so many years.

So, Camos just smiled and poured a cup of tea to his uncle.

Because Yunas turned sideways, the tea cup handed over by King Camos was closer to his left hand, and most people would directly catch it with his left hand, but Yunus turned halfway and took the tea cup with his right hand.

Seeing this scene, the smile on King Camos's face narrowed, and his eyes fell on Yunas' left hand.

"Uncle Yunas, your left hand is still..."

On the battlefield more than ten years ago, in an extremely dangerous war, King Camos, who was ambushed, almost died. Uncle Yunas rushed in and blocked him to protect him.

But Yunas's left hand was discarded because of this. Although he was still able to move, he couldn't even take a cup.

Yunas waved his left hand carelessly.

"You don't need to mention the past events, anyway, so many years have passed, and it has no effect on me."

He took a sip of tea, and the square face somewhat similar to Camos smiled heartily.

"With my hand, Aaron Landis's stability for so many years is worth it."

His gaze swept over Camos, and suddenly he was quite emotional.

He said, "Your Majesty, if the King is still there, he will be proud of you."

"Of course, I am so good."

King Camos replied, taking his face for granted.

Yunas: "........."

In the camp, the conversation between the two who had not been seen for a long time continued until late at night.



At the end of the war, I stayed two more days in order to close it.

The night before the army was about to return to the royal city, King Camos called Gallan.

"Gallan, since you want Huimus to come back and wait for the situation in the northern border to stabilize, I will order him to be recalled to the royal city."

"Really, Brother Wang! Thank you!"

Garland, who was willing to get what he wanted, was over excited and rushed over to hug his prince.

Ahhh, finally solved this matter!

Garland was excited.

No more worrying about how dark Huimus is now blackened, and no need for him to use a beauty plan... yuck! There is no need to coax people.

The movement gently patted Gallan's back, hugged his cute little brother in his arms, bowed his nose into the soft hair, and King Camos was also very happy.

However, thinking of Gallan's eyes that suddenly lighted up when he had just finished speaking, he felt sour for a while in his heart.

Because he succeeded in preventing possible future infighting events of Aaron Landis, the greatly relieved teenager rubbed his chest in the arms of his prince, his eyes bent.


he thinks.

Finally, Huimus can be returned.

...Hyimos will not be so sad...

In addition to preventing infighting, this secret idea hidden deep in the heart flashed through Gallan's heart, and he was forced by some panic.

After letting go, he felt a little strange again.

"Brother Wang."


"Are you... not mad at me?"

"Why should I be angry with you?"

To be born is also angry with the stink boy of Heimos.

King Camos thought.

"I am Prince Wang, I must be married and have children, I thought you would be angry..."

When he said that, he was ready to fight with the elder brother for a period of time. Unexpectedly, the elder brother agreed to call Heymus back without saying anything.

"It doesn't matter."


"It's okay to have children without marriage, your brother and I haven't got married and have children, it's not the same as the crown prince, the same king."

Garland: "........."

After rubbing and staring at Garlan's head in amazement, King Camos smiled lightly.

"Gallan, let the reluctant you inherit the throne, this is my selfishness and demand, in addition, I will never force you to do anything."

He said softly.

Turning the black hair on the forehead of the young boy in his arms, King Camos lowered his head, and a soft kiss fell gently on his brother's forehead.

"I am your brother and your guardian, as long as it is your decision, what you want to do... no matter what kind of things, remember, Gallan, even if all the people in the world object, I will stand On your side."

Garlan looked up, his golden eyes reflecting the shadow of Camos.

He suddenly lowered his head and hugged Camos tightly again.

He buried his face in Camos' chest and rubbed it, like a spoiled child.

King Camos stroked his head pettingly.

Children have their own will and their own decisions.

As long as Gallan wanted to do it, he would not stop it.

Garland wanted Huimus to return, and he called him back.

... It's a big deal. When the kid comes back, he plays every day... No, it's training once a day.

Well, it seems to be missing.

Young people need more discipline.

The Lion King pondered in his heart.

Simply treat the kid's training as a post-meal exercise.

Beat three times a day.

Well, it was so happily decided.

The author has something to say: Everyday after the Lion King: Eat and sleep

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